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18035583 No.18035583 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best things to eat to feel full while on a calorie deficit to lose weight? Been on one for two months now and I'm always ravounously hungry even if I eat lots of protien

>> No.18035584

Milk and peanuts

>> No.18035590

Lots of non-starchy/sugary vegetables, you can pretty much eat as much as you want. Leafy greens cooked with a little bit of olive oil, garlic, and red pepper flakes/chili peppers can take up a huge amount of space in your stomach for only a couple hundred calories.
Fruits are good too, things like apples have a fair amount of sugar but they're very filling.
Spicy things for me tend to be pretty satisfying and make you feel like you add more than you did.

>> No.18035597


>> No.18035654

Entire diets are based off of eating nothing but Korean sweet potatos. I'd recommend it.

>> No.18035661

the only calorie deficit you should maintain is a 24 to 48 hour one once a week, not daily

your metabolism is slowing down, you're feeling hungry all the time and soon you will feel like shit too and then give up, and the best part, you're not really losing weight

>> No.18035678


>> No.18035699

Sugar free jello. They dont serve this at hospitals for nothing.

Besides that generally you want low calories high volume to trick your stomach. Low calorie soups like vegetable soup in clear chicken broth, coliflower/brocoli. Chicken breast / sardines / cottage cheese for proteins.

>> No.18035700

Drink a liter of water before every meal.
Also learn to live with what you think is hunger. It will go away in an hour or so.

>> No.18035773

get out fattie

>> No.18035821

Rice noodles dawg, add some low calorie sauce for flavor. Drink with fresh green tea.

>> No.18035858

potatos and eggs, trust me

>> No.18035954

Go on a fast, eat full fat greek yoghurt with some honey, eat more fruits, more food with fibres. Protein are suppossed to help supress hunger compared to carbs.aywvy

>> No.18035972


>> No.18035982

Overcome your hunger instead of giving in to temptation. It will pass and you'll learn to manage it better.

>> No.18036009

OP here... that's what I do.... I've been doing it every day for two months. I only eat roughly 1500 calories a day.

Still super hungry despite "overcoming" it daily.

>> No.18036016

If cost is no problem for you, shiritaki noodles.

>> No.18036025

>I only eat roughly 1500 calories a day
Of cause you are hungry, you should really fast to quench hunger, not to lower calories.

>> No.18036026

Apples suck, they always make me feel hungry and empty.

>> No.18036029

it's a good idea to introduce diet breaks every couple months to mitigate diet fatigue and metabolic adaptation.
i lost 20 lbs in 2 months and by the end of it i was eating 1800 calories a day, then i slowly reversed to maintanance and at the moment i',m having 2700-3000 calories a day and maintaining the weight lost.
in a few days i'll go down to 2300 and start going down in weight again.

watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLlX6_2Ris8&feature=emb_title

>> No.18036031

>hungry for two months
>dude just wait t out it will go away in a couple hours

>> No.18036038

How can you diet when all you've got to spend is $30 (20 for you americans) on food?

Apparently I eat too much carbs and not enough protein to lose weight. I try to maintain around 2000 calories daily and usually will only eat 2 meals per day.

>> No.18036037

eat anything you want, just smaller portions.

>> No.18036886

learn to enjoy eating hearts and livers and tough cuts

>> No.18036891

Protein. Drink some bone brooth or brooth powder with gelatine.

>> No.18036908

Meat, shirataki noodles, chocolate bars but eaten piece by piece, drink a lot of water, wait 20 minutes once done for hunger to go away.

>> No.18037179

Shirataki, chia seeds, cabbage/saurkraut, and leafy greens

>> No.18037301


>> No.18037823

The only liver I've ever enjoyed eating was foie gras and it's not exactly healthy.

>> No.18037845

How much weight have you lost?

>> No.18037870

fibrous vegetables are a great choice, they're low in calories but also make you feel full because of all that indigestible fiber taking up space in your stomach.
similarly, it may also help to take a fiber supplement (I recommend methylcellulose personally as it doesn't cause any excess feementation) before each meal, causing a similar effect of making you feel more full after eating.

>> No.18037952

Coleslaw (vinegar and low-fat yogurt dressing) with the cabbage all chiffonaded so it fluffs up.

>> No.18037997

1500 calories a day? A proper deficit will factor in the calories you burn as well. You're not just in a deficit anon you are literally starving yourself and wreaking havoc on your metabolism. Stop listening to dietary advice from clout chasing trainers on Instagram. Just lift some fucking weights and eat.
t.lost 60 pounds at 2500cal daily

>> No.18039215

if your body has fat stored up and you're getting all your essential acids and whatnot, you will NOT starve
this is completely retarded made up nonsense
1500 calories a day for someone living a sedentary lifestyle is perfectly fine

>> No.18039223

Soup can be very low calorie while making you feel full due to the amount of broth. Also, drink a lot of water on top of whatever you're eating so you'll feel fuller.

>> No.18039225

you'll build plenty of fat on 1500 calories a day of carb loaded seed oil soaked junk

>> No.18039386

that's not how calories work but yes, seed oils should be avoided for a number of reasons

>> No.18039594
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Milk, bananas, non-leafy vegetables, potatoes, eggs, oats
This is an odd one but zero calorie sports drinks/sports drink powder mixes. They make me feel full. I don't think they do much in the way of nutrition but they're worth it if you just need to feel full
These guys know what's up
1500 a day? How old are you and how much do you weigh? That's a crazy deficit. I'm trying to lose weight right now and I'm eating 2300 calories a day, since I'm 22 162 lb 6'0 and exercise over an hour every day
>leafy greens
These will not fill you up
This too. The nutrient-rich broth will make you full

>> No.18039649

you have zero understanding of metabolic systems

>> No.18039878

go eat nothing but 1500 calories worth of potato chips a day and see if you gain any weight

>> No.18040872

Classic ED food staples include rice cakes, oatmeal, apples, granola, and clementines.

>> No.18041020

Find something to do OP. I'm willing to bet you eat out of boredom.

>> No.18041346
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Semen. Only women and faggots go on diets.

>> No.18042536

If you want to lose weight you FAST. Reducing calories only drags out weight loss, you adapt to it and end up being a weak skinnyfat faggot who's always tired and hungry. Fasting will shut down hunger in 2-3 days. Just make sure to drink A FUCKTON of water and salt/BCAAs are NOT optional. Make sure to exercise and move a lot. If you need to "eat" something chew a handful of sugar free gum until your jaw is sore, that'll fix you.

>> No.18042554

soup broth.

>> No.18043480

I just eat smaller portions of what I eat as a fat ass but bulk the meal out with veggies. I also find doing OMAD easier than eating several small meals through the day, usually just drink black coffee for breakfast then nothing but water til supper.

>> No.18043636

Eat 2k calories a day and a live an active lifestyle, exercise multiple times a week if you don’t work a physically demanding job. You need to run a deficit that’s not extreme enough to make you super hungry all the time. Your appetite will adapt quickly

>> No.18043693

Eat a slice of wheat bread and a glass of water 15 minutes before every meal. Use lots of vegetables in every meal.

Everyone is different but I found that high protein, medium carb and low fat was the best way to stay satiated. Going too low on carbs and eating meat that wasn't very lean always made me get really hungry and I'd end up blowing my deficit at night.

>> No.18043696

Er.. eating fatty meat didn't make me hungry, it just meant I could consume less of other things because it was more calorie dense than lean meat.

>> No.18043706

2 litres of water

>> No.18043725

Give up breakfast and only eat fruit/veggies for lunch with a small protein portion. Then you can cook whatever the fuck you want for dinner and it'll be nearly impossible to go over your TDEE.

>> No.18043976

Hard boiled eggs. But eggs in general also, 3-4 scrambled eggs feels like a lot on the stomach for about 300 cals

>> No.18043990

I eat a lot of eggs. Always works for me.