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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 244 KB, 1280x852, Culinary_fruits_front_view.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18031777 No.18031777 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people act like fruit is good for you? It's literally just sugar. You might as well be eating candy.

>> No.18031814

yes fruit is bad for you, but its still better then candy.
and some stuff like strawberrys is actually good.

>> No.18031827

t. literally candy eater trying to rationalize habit

>> No.18031831

can someone take computers away from ketotards

>> No.18031841

A single apple can have 20g of sugar. 25g being what a human should max eat in one day. Fruits are natures (or better said human breed) candy.

>> No.18032158

Posts like this are why I think disinfo agent shills exist.
>There is literally some evil jackass trying to trick people into never eating fruit

>> No.18032168



>> No.18032169

>Fructose is as bad as processed sugar
Absolutely mongoloid tier take, throw yourself off a bridge retard

>> No.18032173
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>It's literally just sugar.

>> No.18032175
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>Tfw the sugar lobby tries to shill on 4chan boards for some reason
Fuck off sugarglowies

>> No.18032178


I think the keto shill that terrorizes /ck/ and /fit/ among other boards (the one that hates oats and beans and accuses anyone who disagrees with them of being a vegan) is now shitting on fruits as their new low scummy desperate evil pathetic tactic to try to turn everyone into a constipated keto victim with delusional superiority issues

>> No.18032221

>ketoschizo is on /ck/ too
For fucks sake

>> No.18032223
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>All sugars are the same

>> No.18032285
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>grape brain keeps on his schizo monologues about nutritional values being a big cooperate conspiracy to make fast food look healthier
Or you know, with the advent of easy internet access more and more people find out that what was formerly shilled as healthy, might not be that healthy after all and should be eatn in moderation. Nah, must be a deep board conspiracy.

>> No.18032298

It's true. Fruits are candy.
I consume dairy, meat, and vegetables.
Man needs nothing else.

>> No.18032367

And what exactly do they do you the fructose molecule to make the fructose in Pepsi worse for you than the fructose in an apple?

>> No.18032426

Aside from one lunch of rice and beans a day, I am a fruitarian. Fruit is very good for you, nuts and fruit are all you need

>> No.18032436
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>rice, beans and fruits is all you need
mfw people unironically live off stuff like that by free choice

>> No.18032438

>nutritional values being a big conspiracy
This is true, though. No cooked food needs to be eaten and we don't need as much of anything as they say.

>> No.18032443

>eat meat
>feel great for 30 minutes then feel like shit
>eat rice and beans with ground spices, no oil or salt
>feels like I took a microdose after an hour
I have no desire to consume meat, oil, salt, or any of the like. It would ruin my mojo

>> No.18032481
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Your guts microbiom, which helps you digest stuff needs to regulary get the desired food or it will reduce its colonies, making digestion harder if not painfull and impossible. Same goes for literally any kind of food, lactose being the most obvious one if you lack them. You have starved yourself for so long of proper food that the relevant bacteria barely exist anymore, making your tommy hurt when you consume them. That doesn't change the fact that your body still needs those building blocks. What you need to do is to slowly introduce easily digestible meat portions with your regular diet, while iincreasing them day after day. Notgo all retard eating a whole fatty steak, where your bile gland wants to sunset itself because it hsn't worked out like that for years.

And I seriously hope you get salt and fats somewhere else, as those are absolutely essential. Especially with Iodine. You are much more fucked if you consume too little than too much salt. Your microdose feeling comes from the fact that rice has the same glycemic index like industrial sugar in europeans, unlike asians. You're getting a quick high and similarly quick down as your blood sugar crashes.

Your diet is literally the worst you could combine together, especially if you don't soak your fucking beans in acidic medium, adding phytoxi on top of that. Your diet literally consists of fructose, more glucose in form of rice, carbs and phytoxosins in beans, with a deficide in salts and Iodine as well as any kind of fat. Jesus fucking Christ, unironically worse than just straight starving on snake juice.

>> No.18032489

>reduce its colonies
Yes, the bad ones that feed off death and filth. My stomach does not hurt these days. I barely feel my stomach. I am not mostly European and did not evolve alongside domesticated hellspawn for thousands of years. I follow rasta man diet, roots of mankind.

The microdose feeling probably comes from the nutmeg. I become sharper and more energetic than 100% of my coworkers after lunch.

>> No.18032490

25g of ADDED sugar

>> No.18032501

why no oil or salt?

>> No.18032508

Candy doesn't contain fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other beneficial micronutrients.

You are an idiot or a troll. Not a good look either way.

>> No.18032517

Food already has enough sodium for you naturally. Same story for oils. Adding them is a decadent and poisonous habit. When Paracelsus added salt to medicine, people objected because it was inorganic...

>> No.18032521

>Yes, the bad ones that feed off death and filth.
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Humans have ceased to be monkeys with a died based on animal foods. Eating like you do is worse than manlet medieval peasants had and is actively not only harming your body but also mind as your brian needs Omega 3 to function and flourish, which can only be found in fish and some algea if you do no care for long-term studies, as ALA (plant "omega 3" isn't bioavailable. You are getting basically more retarded by the day.

Those are the people calling us shills top fucking kek.
What follows are the relevant studies to get some use of what remains of your brain.

>> No.18032524

“Northern Hunter Gatherer carb intake less than 15% of total energy, varies racially”
>In this study, it was hypothesized that diets of modern hunter-gatherers vary in their carbohydrate content depending on ecoenvironments. Thus, using data of plant-to-animal subsistence ratios, we calculated the carbohydrate intake (percentage of the total energy) in 229 hunter-gatherer diets throughout the world and determined how differences in ecological environments altered carbohydrate intake. We found a wide range of carbohydrate intake (≈3%-50% of the total energy intake; median and mode, 16%-22% of the total energy). Hunter-gatherer diets were characterized by an identical carbohydrate intake (30%-35% of the total energy) over a wide range of latitude intervals (11°-40° north or south of the equator). However, with increasing latitude intervals from 41° to greater than 60°, carbohydrate intake decreased markedly from approximately equal to 20% to 9% or less of the total energy. Hunter-gatherers living in desert and tropical grasslands consumed the most carbohydrates (≈29%-34% of the total energy). Diets of hunter-gatherers living in northern areas (tundra and northern coniferous forest) contained a very low carbohydrate content (≤15% of the total energy). In conclusion, diets of hunter-gatherers showed substantial variation in their carbohydrate content. Independent of the local environment, however, the range of energy intake from carbohydrates in the diets of most hunter-gatherer societies was markedly different (lower) from the amounts currently recommended for healthy humans.

>> No.18032527

“Hunter Gatherers got 68% of their calories from animal products, seasonally resp. more”
>In this review we have analyzed the 13 known quantitative dietary studies of HG and demonstrate that animal food actually provided the dominant (65%) energy source, while gathered plant foods comprised the remainder (35%). This data is consistent with a more recent, comprehensive review of the entire ethnographic data (n=229HG societies) that showed the mean subsistence dependence upon gathered plant foods was 32%, whereas it was 68% for animal foods. Other evidence, including isotopic analyses of Paleolithic hominid collagen tissue, reductions in hominid gut size, low activity levels of certain enzymes, and optimal foraging data all point toward a long history of meat-based diets in our species.

“Stature and robusticity decline during the transition to agricultural life”
>In this study, we examined the evidence of stature reduction in studies since 1984 to evaluate if the trend towards decreased health after agricultural transitions remains. The trend towards a decrease in adult height and a general reduction of overall health during times of subsistence change remains valid, with the majority of studies finding stature to decline as the reliance on agriculture increased.

>> No.18032529


“Farming to blame for our shrinking size and brains“
>Looking at human fossil evidence for the past 200,000 years, Lahr looked at the size and structure of the bones and skulls found across Europe, Africa and Asia. What they discovered was that the largest Homo sapiens lived 20,000 to 30,000 years ago with an average weight between 176 and 188 pounds and a brain size of 1,500 cubic centimeters.They discovered that some 10,000 years ago however, size started getting smaller both in stature and in brain size. Within the last 10 years, the average human size has changed to a weight between 154 and 176 pounds and a brain size of 1,350 cubic centimeters. While large size remained static for close to 200,000 years, researchers believe the reduction in stature can be connected to a change from the hunter-gatherer way of life to that of agriculture which began some 9,000 years ago.

“Big brained people are smarter”
>The relationship between brain volume and intelligence has been a topic of a scientific debate since at least the 1830s. To address the debate, a meta-analysis of the relationship between in vivo brain volume and intelligence was conducted. Based on 37 samples across 1530 people, the population correlation was estimated at 0.33. The correlation is higher for females than males. It is also higher for adults than children. For all age and sex groups, it is clear that brain volume is positively correlated with intelligence.

>> No.18032530

Maybe the brain needs Omega peepoo in order to hit the milestones that the Man wants us to, but it is a spiritual impurity nonetheless, like fluoride. The study of rats in boxes has nothing to do with my body, mind, or soul. I am not trying to turn my body into that of a /fit/ beast, I aim for proximity to God.

>> No.18032531

“Prehistorical men increased in height due to surplus of high-quality protein and low populational density”
>While Gravettian men stood between five foot ten inches and six foot two inches, Maya people from the same era only reached an average height of five foot two inches.
>He said: 'I suspect that this big game specialization associated with a surplus of high-quality proteins and low population density created environmental conditions leading to the selection of exceptionally tall males.'

“plant ALA can’t be sufficiently transformed into EPA and DHA (“Omega3”)”
>More specifically, most studies in humans have shown that whereas a certain, though restricted, conversion of high doses of ALA to EPA occurs, conversion to DHA is severely restricted. The use of ALA labelled with radioisotopes suggested that with a background diet high in saturated fat conversion to long-chain metabolites is approximately 6% for EPA and 3.8% for DHA. With a diet rich in n-6 PUFA, conversion is reduced by 40 to 50%. It is thus reasonable to observe an n-6/n-3 PUFA ratio not exceeding 4-6. Restricted conversion to DHA may be critical since evidence has been increasing that this long-chain metabolite has an autonomous function, e.g. in the brain, retina and spermatozoa where it is the most prominent fatty acid.

>> No.18032534

The story of man leaving Eden is not "evidence" that we must stray further.

>> No.18032535
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>spiritual impurity
>fats and salts ar poisonous
Oh, my condolences, it's obviously to late for you.

>> No.18032549

What is your body to you, if not a temple?

>> No.18032574

God made it pretty clear what he wants us to stay clear. Living in accordance with nature as their sheppard doesn't mean not living off nature. Even the cycles of the Kalis clearly state how our hunter gatherer was the Satya Yuga, were our bodies lived in symbiose with nature reaching our highest form, both physically as well as spiritually. Meanwhile with the advent of the industrial world we are clearly ntering Yuga, where more and more people stop considering themselves as part of the natural cycle and instead want to feed of synthetic products and food actively harming us, just so to no longer have duties and expectations towards the animals we are the shepherd. Your diet is destroying your body, the temple made in an image of God, while you pray on the altar of modernity and it's antinatal and misanthropic ideologies.

Repend sinner.

>> No.18032603

Clearly, you know nothing of Rastafari. My diet increases my livity like no other, no death or hatred in my soul. Eastern religion is passive and the New Testament was invented by the Greeks so they could keep eating pork. You consider yourself part of the natural cycle, and to you that means eating your brothers and sisters. Bonobos do not eat meat and they did not usher in the hellish industrial age. These prophecies from around the world are not to be fulfilled with glee, they are indeed dire warnings. Spiritual warfare is real and if you turn your body into a cemetery, you are not poised to win. Even the Indian immigrants that I know do not eat meat, talk to them about about Yuga.

>> No.18032626
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>Bonobos do not eat meat and they did not usher in the hellish industrial age.
RIP but our next of kin, do even more so.

>> No.18032627

100g of strawberries have less sugar than a single 6g Jolly Rancher (which, as you know, is an American sweet, my dear Yank) as well as vits and nutes, of which, Jolly Rancher and other candies have none.
That's why.

>> No.18032628
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Same for nearly allanimals on this planet, you retarded hippie.

>> No.18032629

>Why do people act like fruit is good for you? It's literally just sugar. You might as well be eating candy.
for every surgery I faced, they usually take your blood, then bring a banana to your hospital room when you were low in potassium

>> No.18032630

>Matthew 15: 11 "It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person."

>1 Corinthians 10:25 "Eat whatever is sold in the meat market without raising any question on the ground of conscience."

>> No.18032644

>at least in one portion of the jungle
Yeah, I bet the portion that is being cut down.
Just because a seagull will eat skittles off of the floor, does not mean that I will. It is silly to selectively ignore the special reasoning ability of humans.
>New Testament
Like I said, invented by the Greeks so they could keep eating pork.

>> No.18032648

You're a vacuous moron

>> No.18032674

fructose is the half of table sugar that makes it unhealthy. you can't process much of it per day. glucose on the other hand is perfectly healthy.

>> No.18032676

You do not need corporate oils, salt, or corpses to live. You are what you eat, anon.

>> No.18032680

>You do not need corporate oils

Incorrect, you absolutely need slat to live

>or corpses
Sure, I could survive. But I'd rather thrive. Another pertinent Bible quote:
>Romans 14: "1 As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions. 2 One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables. 3 Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him."

>> No.18032684

Sodium, not salt. Sodium is in everything. Eat meat if you want, I'm just saying it feels physically nice not do. Livity is real.

>> No.18032685

>You are what you eat

>> No.18032792
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>fructose is the half of table sugar that makes it unhealthy. you can't process much of it per day. glucose on the other hand is perfectly healthy.
I can't tell if you're actually retarded or so far down the hole you believe this schizo /pol/ tier bullshit

>> No.18032794
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a new autist around the blo/ck/, I see

>> No.18032800

which part do you disagree with?

>> No.18033891
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Bonobos not only eat insects like chimpanzes, but also organize hunting parties like them. Unlike the more aggrasive chimpanzes, they share it much more with the group