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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 84 KB, 1080x555, 20220619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18028041 No.18028041 [Reply] [Original]

Small or large cup?
It's never too hot for coffee!

>> No.18028115


>> No.18028126

the pastebin is never going to be updated since OP is just a bully and never includes it.

>> No.18028286

Liquid Nitrogen time....

>> No.18028577

I love coffeeeeeeee <3
The greatest and the most precious beverage known to mankind.

>> No.18028605

I like to brew a McCafe K-Cup in my Keurig: Strong, 8oz, with a 12oz mug or larger for a vessel. The chocolatey notes and warm aroma are something I've really grown to love in the morning. If you have a Keurig I'd recommend the McCafe over anything else I've tried.

>> No.18028656

>It's never too hot for coffee!
because coffee is a cold beverage, anon.

>> No.18028667
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>> No.18028700

It was so bad I threw the 2lb bag out after trying 3 different temps and brew lengths. I'm sorry bro but I will never get it again

>> No.18028775
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sounds like bitchboy talk to me, anon

>> No.18028889
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i broke a part of my electric burr grinder by grinding beans in it that were really hard. i'm not sure yet how i'm going to fix it. i'm pissed at how much they cheaped out on this one mechanism. it was bound to wear down in time

>> No.18028967
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>order a few large bags of coffee beans
>divide each bag in half to gift to my bro in law for his birthday (he's a coffee head who had never roasted before)
>remember to write labels on the bags for my bro but forget to write them on the bags i keep for myself
>wind up with a bunch of mystery coffee bags
>roast each of them to a light medium roast and get a surprise every time

i really love home roasting. i'm not happy that i forgot to write down which beans were which but i've yet to wind up with a roast that wasn't good and it's kind of made the process more fun in wondering which roast matches to which bean.

>> No.18029035
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I like a smaller cup that's a little stronger. Will probably end up being an espressofag but the whole market just strikes me as gimmicky and filled with an overwhelming amount of mysticism and nonsense. Will stick to standard brewing for now.

>> No.18029057

Hey guys, I got a DeLonghi Magnifica used ($100) and I spent about a day fiddling with it (descaling, fixing/cleaning the grinder, cleaning out gunk inside the machine, etc.). I got some good beans and I am pretty happy with my espresso right now.
What should be my move from here? I could realistically sell it for $800 and use that to get a better grinder and espresso machine but idk if that would be worthwhile.

>> No.18029085

You should sell it and invest the 800 quid, espresso at home is for nerds

>> No.18029086

Just flat burr wug2’d, Etsy Weiss distributed, and flair neo with pressure gauge’d some 89 point cinnamon+ Peruvian yeast fermented peaberry with after 3 rounds of preheating and burning my hands into a fellow carter mug on my acaia lunar scale. What do I think of it?

>> No.18029093

The stock market is crumbling and still has a long way to go. Also I already save 40k a year

>> No.18029094

started my saturday with a cup of folgers light roast with chobani vanilla creamer (1 tbsp). decent homemade bullshit coffee. used to hand grind special order beans from McNulty's in NYC but I've gotten a little lazy this summer,

planning on getting an espresso machine sometime in the future and moving onto espresso beverages. i can totally do a better job than a teenager working at a cafe.

>> No.18029097

Honestly if you can piss away money and are into espresso, just get a Lagom P64 and a fuck off top of the line machine and don't look back. Saves you the constant irritation of feeling that itch to "upgrade".

>> No.18029182

2000 dollars for a coffee grinder is too much for me to justify

>> No.18029224

You thought it needed more chicory

>> No.18029232

That's what a lot of espresso nerds say at first, then inevitably fall down the rabbit hole of better grind distribution, more granularity in controlling shots and steaming milk etc, constantly feeling FOMO about the next tier up.
In the end, their cumulative spending is far more than just dropping money on high end shit. It is frivolous and pointless, the difference between the Niche and Lagom is minimal, but that alone will gnaw at an espresso nerd incessantly.

>> No.18029242

In that case I should stick with what I’ve got and be happy then huh?
Ignorance is bliss and I don’t have any FOMO unless I start browsing espresso enthusiast sites.

>> No.18029257
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Yeah, the best way to avoid FOMO is to avoid congregations of coffee freaks who will circlejerk about how absolutely mind bending the difference between a $600 and $2000 grinder is.
"It's like I was tasting an entirely new drink!"
"I totally agree! I can't go back now!"
There are obviously minor differences, but to act like it fundamentally transforms your coffee is absolutely laughable. If you already have a decent grinder and good beans, you're really at the end of the road huge gains in flavor.

>> No.18029263

The actual best way is to start ironic shitposting about gear until you don’t want to upgrade anymore

>> No.18029301

bought a bag of coffee, roast level was half a circle. it's dark... why the fuck do they do this, bros? how am I supposed to know what they consider one full circle or an empty circle to be, we invented words for this shit

>> No.18029351

Coffee tubers? Not in my fucking thread buster.

>> No.18029479

Sumatra light roast is kinda OK
Darker roast are for babies with their formula dairies

>> No.18029528

Any tips for getting decent results with DeLonghi Magnifica S?

Got volume for espresso down to 25ml, tried finest grind it can do without struggling to brew, dialled it back from that, changed temperature down 3, tried various beans, installed the water filter (hard water here) - still comes out as sour garbage or has no body. But why?

>> No.18029608

Nah get a refurb flair neo and pressure gauge

>> No.18029999

Are you poor?

>> No.18030041
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>btfos your $2000 r*ddit arr slash coffee set up
Nothin personal, kid....

>> No.18030082
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Which do I try next, lads?

>> No.18030100

Uddeyi Guji

>> No.18030104

Speedy response, stranger. I'll pick some up tomorrow.

>> No.18030111


>> No.18030115

I got that last time and it ruined my toilet.

>> No.18030120

geen probleem

>> No.18030180
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What do I order?

>> No.18030190

A bomb threat.

>> No.18030206

Oolong and buttermilk scone or energy balls. Change up the pace! Otherwise, light roast pourover and Pastel de Nata.

>> No.18030226

I just love using these so much, so simple, elegant, cheap, low profile, and the coffee is always great.

>> No.18030355

get a gaggia and a better grinder

>> No.18030364

Marx and Engels, energy bites
oatmilk if youre based
whole if youre cringe

>> No.18030385

where should i look for equipment/beans to get started home roasting? just for myself and my wife nothing on a large scale

USA based

>> No.18030411

Sweet marias.

>> No.18030459

Where do you think you are? Espresso at home is fun.

>> No.18030588
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now that's good coffee

>> No.18030616
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I've continued spending more time looking into my grinder and dripper options for pour-over since inquiring about them a few days ago (thanks for all the links and advice so far, anons). May I have some further feedback? Seems I can snag a Kingrinder K6 for roughly $100 on Ali since there is an upcoming Summer sale/promo stack soon. So, I think this may be the best bang for buck since 1zpresso K-series stuff is 2-3x more. The thing I'm much more stumped on is my dripper choice.

I'm able to import an Origami Air-S, plastic base, and 3x100 filter packs for about ¥7300、so roughly $54 shipped from Origami-Kai (price ends up being cheaper than Slowpour after very high domestic shipping). This setup seems nice, though costs are similar or possibly lower for a Hario Switch, Cafec Flower, Kalita Wave and so on on Amazon. An anon mentioned the Hario Switch being more functionally versatile, and I can see it being more consistent, but I don't know if this would be at the expense of clarity due to shifting more towards immersion brewing or not. I'm open to trying alternatives beyond pour-over, I'm just lost rather than enlightened after viewing so many reviews and discussions on the subject.

>> No.18030678

>Kingrinder K6
Good choice, but also consider something like a 1zpresso JX-Pro.
>Origami Air-S
>Hario Switch, Cafec Flower, Kalita Wave and so on
All terribly overpriced meme brewers. You're better off getting a Clever Dripper or a regular V60.

>> No.18030697
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am I tastelet for not "getting" viennese coffee? Went last summer and it was nice but not anything you can't get at a Staufs or some other chain cafe shop or campus coffee

>> No.18030726

I would reconsider the K-Plus for pourover. It's a really good grinder. It's not just the oversized c40 burr set, but the ergonomics of the external dial, the long and efficient crank handle, larger hopper capacity, and the very comfortable barrel diameter make it extremely fast and pleasant to use.

>> No.18030774

I honestly think that for the average person, there are so many different variables you can alter that the type of pour over device really isnt that important. You can change the coffee dose, grind, water temperature, pour technique and time, type of filter etc. All of those are likely to have a bigger impact on what you taste than a ridged vs smooth cone I would think. A standard size 2 V60 is a great place to start without overthinking it.

You do start to get differences when you consider immersion brewing vs pour over though. But then it comes down to personal preference and whether you prefer body and texture or clarity and vibrancy.

>> No.18030804
File: 514 KB, 1440x1440, le_fou_frog_chicory_coffee_blend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what am i in for

>> No.18030807

It will make you cum yourself

>> No.18030822

finally i've been waiting for so long

>> No.18030986

What's the best way to make iced coffee? I'm using the V60 and it's nice but somehow it's a bit bland

>> No.18030993

its not even hard. like 95% of it could be finished in an hour if he really wanted to.

>> No.18031011

what grinder.

>> No.18031012

>Make coffee
>Add ice

>> No.18031019

add oat milk

>> No.18031074
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uhh your competition filter bro?

>> No.18031078

my V60 cost 6€

>> No.18031118
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I miss coffee so much frens. I quit because of being in a bad spot mentally, it was making me more anxious and shit. Is it worth trying decaf? I had it only once prior and it was disgusting but maybe I was unlucky.

>> No.18031121

Try tea my friend

>> No.18031227

I do, I often have a variety of teas but it just isn't the same. I did remember that when I tried decaf, it was at a cafe so maybe it really was just poor quality? R-right?

>> No.18031271
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Well, you can't control the quality at the cafe. Try decaf at home as it matters to you.

>> No.18031347

Does it need any different preparation? I have a drip set up. I had a big machine but I moved it into storage because of quitting.

>> No.18031363

try chicory blends :) less caffeine

>> No.18031369

You'll get best results with a burr grinder and a manual brew method. They apparently sell whole bean decaf coffee.

>> No.18031441

awesome, I've got a grinder and a hario set. thanks so much anon.
I'll try this too!

>> No.18031605

Got a Keurig as a gift. Tried making some coffee and it tasted like shit. It heats up water really fast, so I think I'll use it for my french press.

>> No.18032002

the light kenyan roast has defeated me. I will just add cinnamon and cayenne to it. It seems medium is as low as I can go but I have another 2 bags of various single origins to try so maybe I'll find the one.

>> No.18032039

>the light kenyan roast has defeated me.
Why? Too acidic or something?

>> No.18032053

Yeah. Maybe light roasts are meant for pourovers rather than french presses and it's me who is fucking up

>> No.18032228

I never roast Kenyas lighter than city if it makes you feel any better. They really are too acidic for a cinnamon or american roast. These roasters have no idea what they're doing. It's not you.

>> No.18032270
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I didn't read your post, but this is me >>18030082
I'm redownloading for you.

>> No.18032523

Fucking based ty for the recc anon

>> No.18032528

I agree fren. They’re just nice. I just like em. Reminds me of coffee my Oma used to make in her kitchen when I was a kid

>> No.18032976
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Rate my mugs

>> No.18033168

All is well, my Dutch associate. Just drink good koffie and play Fortress or Dungeon to appreciate their comfy town themes and unit designs. There may be no better game to play with a refreshing drink in hand.
Sick Galactic Star cups, anon. Elevate me forward, Scotland Yard!

>> No.18033254

Do you guys have any good decaf bean suggestions? I’ve tried Onyx’s Colombia Huila and they were pretty good but I’m wondering if there’s other stuff out there that’s just as good or even better at a similar or cheaper price-point.

>> No.18033321

I should use a moka once in a while, I have a coffee machine and it's quicker but nothing beats a good old espresso topped with the cream you make with the first drops of coffee.
And of course, if I have guests I'm 100% using this one

>> No.18033330

Also does anyone have experience with the Japanese (?) way of making coffee? The one you see Sojiro make in Persona 5. I'll forever be an espresso chad but it intrigues me and I was wondering if it's a meme or nah

>> No.18033366

He uses a vacuum/siphon coffee brewer. It looks cool.

>> No.18033395

the oxo conical burr. it apparently transfers the force from the motor to the spinning burr using a tightened screw that clamps down onto the top of the spinning burr and turns it using it friction (and the clamping force). the beans i through in were hard and cause the turning screw to just wear away the plastic part of the top of the burr assembly the screwhead presses down onto

>> No.18033424


>> No.18033431
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Thank you anons for asking and answering this, I've been wondering about this last few days.
I used to use a pressure pot but now I use pic rel. Old af but works well. One pot of coffe a day.

>> No.18033542

I use a french press myself, but I may buy a similar machine in the future to make coffee faster.

>> No.18033712

Why not a moka pot?

>> No.18033722

Do you have any suggestions for an upgrade for someone using a gaggia classic pro? Main concern being steam power since I like making milk drinks for guests. I also have limited counter space but I guess I can get a rolling cart for the machine

>> No.18034216


>> No.18034252
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>> No.18034277

Have you tried not being poor and buying a real espresso machine? I don't have one myself or any relevant feedback. I just like to chime in from time to time.

>> No.18034316
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>> No.18034329

I'm gonna buy one of these. Does it make espresso? Coffee? What do you guys like to add to yours? I normally drink my coffee black but I'm assuming this stuff is gonna be stronger

>> No.18034352

>Does it make espresso?
Moka pots don't have the same amount of pressure as an espresso machine to make espresso. It can make espresso-like drinks.

>> No.18034396

I already have one, and while it's concentrated it's still not quite as much as espresso, which is why I think I'll end up there someday.
I kind of want to avoid it though, pulling shots out of lighter roasts seems like it's fucking annoying.

>> No.18034447

Depends on your budget anon, Rancilio Silvia Pro is nice but if you aren't in Europe it's probably too expensive for what it gives.
I mean, it's expensive in general, good espresso machines are fundamentally just hard to make cheap because there's a lot of machining that goes into one.
Usually I wouldn't recommend someone like Hoffman, but after spending decades as an actual barista pulling 1000+ shots a week, he might be one of the better internet resources out there, in terms of actually doing breakdowns of machines on a technical level.

>> No.18034457

Get this bro

>> No.18034513

I still drink mine black. it makes Espresso if you get a competition filter for it (literally like a 10$ upgrade. worth it), but if you're just using it stock, it still makes pretty-damn close to espresso. For the price they literally can't be beaten.
They kick ass, they're easy to use, and they last forever.
The best way to describe moka-pot coffe is halfway between pure espresso and an americano. So like, 75% of a cup of espresso basically lol
I love it.

>> No.18034618

Macchiato or piccolo?

>> No.18034634

Thanks anon can you post a link to this upgrade you are talking about?

>> No.18034674


>> No.18034695

Lelit Mara X

>> No.18034706

How would you describe the clarity of a solution like this? They mention emphasis of acidity and lower bitterness, but I wonder how it compares to options beyond espresso. Bet the texture is great either way.

>> No.18034854

i had a mexican decaf that was alright. i dont drink decaf so i didnt have anything to compare the taste to. but it had a pleasant grounded aftertaste (not earthy but idk on the earth i guess?)

>> No.18034881

i have been making moka since the start of the year and i rarely make a cup i would describe at bitter. most often acidic/citrus or on really bad days sour.

>> No.18035192

You can definitely find some good decaf these days bro. Most roasters I buy from have a decaf option. I have tried a couple and they were pretty not bad

>> No.18035957

Look at him melt.

>> No.18035971
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>> No.18035984

That's why you spam pictures of your receipts, right? Too bad nobody ever replies to them

>> No.18035991

You haven't stopped replying to them.

>> No.18036006
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Not sure what's going on in the thread, but good morning!

>> No.18036065

Neither do I. Good morning, anon. What coffee are you drinking today?

>> No.18036088

>same 2 retards

>> No.18036089
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>> No.18036098

So when will the chinks make a cheap drum roaster that won't kill me????

>> No.18036122

He's melting again

>> No.18036143
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>> No.18036163

Looks pleasant, what kind of notes are you getting? Do your Fortress or Dungeon units in HOMM III approve of the results?

>> No.18036229

I just brewed a fresh cup. Let me guess.

>> No.18036231
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I don't know

>> No.18036374
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You picked Necropolis, didn't you? Most of their units don't have tongues to taste the coffee with, anon. I tried to sway you! Goodbye, dear light roast Ethiopian coffee dream!

>> No.18036502

What did I think of it?

>> No.18036505
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How do you take your coffee?

>> No.18036508

Is this Streets of Rage 4?

>> No.18036510


>> No.18036512


>> No.18036535


>> No.18036556
File: 108 KB, 256x395, kenco_website_product_0002_kemco-decaf-200g2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my favourite coffee

>> No.18036568

Looks like beef seasoning at first glance / 10.

>> No.18036575

Here's what I learned from tasting a $200-300 dollar coffee: it tastes the same as a $2 coffee. My cup was estimated worth of $20 and it still had the same damn taste.

Don't fall for the expensive coffee meme

>> No.18036605

You just didn't brew it right, or pour it right, or taste it right, and you probably don't even have the right equipment to enjoy the full arrange of flavour profiles.

>> No.18036625

1 teaspoon of brown sugar
2 tablespoons lactose free full cream milk foam(thick almost like meringue)

>> No.18036636
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Yeah we drink that here too

>> No.18036644

>where did you drink this coffee was it at a cafe or at home
>what was the coffee
>how was it brewed
>what is your regular coffee
>how do you brew that
>do you even brew your regular coffee or do you get it from a cafe
answer these questions or get off this board and kill yourself.

>> No.18036665

...Put it in the coffee. I triple-dog dare you, anon.

>> No.18036682

He probably didn't even decant it properly

>> No.18036771
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This anon is a baiting faggot, but I will admit I don't really have much of a palate for coffee beyond a certain point.
The fruitiness of naturals vs washed is obvious, the richness and clarity of flavour definitely increases as you make certain jumps in price bracket, but I just can't get on board with coffee having notes of praline, rose, sicilian lemon confit de la société de confiture Parisiene.
The only time I ever notice very appreciable differences in coffees is if I cup, but I don't tend to buy enough bags to do that often.

>> No.18036774

Guess I should clarify that I mean noticing differences in coffees from a similar tier.

>> No.18037050
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Yeah I'm gonna shop around. Miss my covfefe too much. This photo is from March ffs

>> No.18037156

guessing based on your mugs that you are an engineer, or a chemist, or a physicist
>traveling for work so I can't make espresso for myself for a month
>it's okay, brought my comfy mug and the lab has a decent superauto machine

>> No.18037527
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I do not like coffee and refuse to drink it.

>> No.18037840

Any good coffee sales rn guys?

>> No.18037893

Any good coffee scales rn guys?

>> No.18037917

close, computer scientist

>> No.18038376

Lots. Bit of a pointless question without a budget and what you're using it for, anon

>> No.18038385


Is any reputable coffee sellers anyone love selling their roasted coffee preferably a single origin at a discounted price, per pound, right now available for shipping?

>> No.18038439

You pay for quality and for freshness. Quit being poor or get used to drinking garbage.

>> No.18038493

A good pound of coffee shouldn't cost more than $5 anyway.

>> No.18038509 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18038519
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u r dumb

either somebody has a local roaster they like and they are having a sale and can ship, or they know a good roaster but aren't having a sale (oh well)
Getting a deal is nice & you trolled me successfully, gratz.

>> No.18038526

I'm interested in this too. If you anons find anything online or have deal sourcing tips for a noob, I'd appreciate it.

>> No.18038544


Its all word of mouth unfortunately. These threads are good for that, somebody recc'd Texas Coffee Traders (good prices, shipping is expensive) and I can recommend Cycle Town (free shipping over 50 bucks rn) and Sisters Coffee Company (over priced online unfortunately)
Good inexpensive might be Equal Exchange brand, they're actually good for the price, they just don't seem to waste any money on marketing
You can look up what publications recommend but they always shill coffee that might be like 17-20 bucks a pound or more!

>> No.18038548


Maybe green coffee but I do not think I've ever seen roasted coffee less than 10 a pound

>> No.18039407

i like happy mug for my beans. easier website to read, and I've generally enjoyed stuff from them better. And it's a bit cheaper than sweet marias. both are great tho. i started roasting with a heat gun in a big pot and stirring them aggressively with a whisk. they came out great and it made me happy for a long time. only thing I like more about my new set up is that I can be more accurate with roast profiles and shit. but the differences in taste are often hard to notice

>> No.18039542
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What's (You)r favorite impoverished country that makes specialty coffee?

>> No.18039583
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ugh bros. i didn't get a chance to make a latte this morning and i noticed a family member had bought some chocolate croissants and asian sweet bread at the grocery while i wasn't home. so i decided to warm up my silvia and make a latte to enjoy those pastries. that was at 7pm. it's now 11pm and i have the worst case of bloating/indigestion. like, burping every 30s bad. this must be why italians look down on people who order milk drinks after 11am.

>> No.18039589


>> No.18039612
File: 20 KB, 226x233, 1632508172232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sumatra, that's the only choice for me.

>> No.18039641

It's bretty good. I also like Honduras and Ethiopia(Natural).

>> No.18039644

I like Tony's Coffee. They do free shipping (in US over $40) and usually have a 10% off coupon somewhere. 5lb single origin is $82 and they roast before sending. Got mine like 2 days after ordering iirc but I live pretty close. Can get another 10% off if you do subscriptions but I think the longest interval is a month

>> No.18039755
File: 13 KB, 295x450, c40-red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Comandante suing coffee shops in Europe selling Timemore or 1Zpresso grinders alleging they're selling goods that infringe on Comandante's patents
>Comandante won't actually file lawsuits against either Timemore or 1Zpresso to stop import into E.U.
>likely just intimidating resellers who don't have the resources to fight the lawsuit
>Comandante even reeeing about SSP, insinuating SSP is stealing Comandante design
>can't be bothered to explain how burrs that aren't even the same type could be infringing on Comandante's intellectual property

This company is trash.

>> No.18039949
File: 584 KB, 800x800, 02E14A8F-18EB-43E3-A6CC-1EE3CCA43247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is blooming coffee for 30 seconds necessary? Or am i just getting memed?

>> No.18040020

What's the latest you have coffee? I love it but I think I need to stop after 2pm or something

>> No.18040039

The idea I think is the water used for the bloom is hotter than the water used for the pour

>> No.18040054

>meanwhile, Comandante c40 retail price keeps going up and up while they redesign it to have even more plastic parts
>its marketing strategy appears to be being a patent troll and passing off stale designs as a luxury brand

>> No.18040058

I do 1:30 bloom with thinner papers. Fuller, richer cup.

>> No.18040096

i dont have weak genes. so i can drink coffee any time of day, drink 4 shots and fall asleep right after no problem.

>> No.18040098

Cuckmandante was never good

>> No.18040141

For me its the Kingrante.

>> No.18040335
File: 3.19 MB, 1919x1079, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning, /ck/.
What are we drinking this morning?

>> No.18040658

Could potentially be getting memed.
Look how this nip doesn't bloom, just pours all his water on his grounds lackadaisically, "innovative new technique".
Many such cases in this industry, if nippon no champion barisutaa does it, it's elegant and ingenious, so essentially many aspects of coffee brewing are kind of a meme.
Having said that, you could always try a bloom and non bloom brew side by side and see if you can taste any difference.

>> No.18040845

Washed Colombian from Origin (bong roaster). It's a decent, safe tasting coffee.

>> No.18040873

Just use modified pepper grinders, why pay for any of that shit?

>> No.18040887
File: 22 KB, 406x406, 1656418071686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using these as teabags. It works.

>> No.18040892

For me it's Maxwell House in a french press

>> No.18040911

How do you guys afford good beans consistently? Im a poorfag. Spending 12-20+ bucks per bag (which tend to not even be 1 pound bags) near me is a drain on my wallet at times. I drink between 1-2 cups a day. In french press or a v60; the equivalent of 500ml or so. A bag lasts me about 2 weeks more or less. I could drink less I guess but I like my coffee and want to keep drinking it. I sometimes by cheap stuff like from trader joes or something which can be good, but stuff like foldgers and the like just sucks.

Is it worth it to buy more per quantity? Like 5lb bags at a discount, one of those subscription serves, etc?

>> No.18040918

I spend very little on a lot of things, and I only drink about 250ml per day.

>> No.18040930

>How do you guys afford good beans consistently?
i have very low cost of living which allows me to spend money on high quality things for my hobbies. if i couldn't afford specialty coffee on a regular basis i would just go without until i can save up and buy something im actually going to enjoy even if that means only buying 1 bag a month or 1 every 2 months.
>Is it worth it to buy more per quantity? Like 5lb bags at a discount
only if you get like vacuum bags and split 5lb into like x(however much you use on average each day) so you have many vacuum sealed bags and then freeze them and then each night you take out 1 bag and defrost them for the next day. dont defrost and then refreeze the whole bag each day.

you can also try this method but im not sure if it works on a large scale

>> No.18040931

Only difference really to normal drip coffee is you get a bit of fine grounds at the bottom of the cup and you feel it in your mouth too.

>> No.18040932
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>French press
More like stench press amirite

>> No.18040987

If you can't, you'll just have to view a """good""" bag as a treat every so often. There's nothing inherently wrong with 5/10 coffee that's in the lower teens for a half pound. Remember, just because a coffee is expensive, doesn't mean for one second that it's good. Your macerated natural from Honduras that is a mutation and infused with such and such micro organisms can still taste like fucking distilled donkey cum.
Get a vacuum sealer and start using your freezer. It's never a bad thing to have coffee on standby.

>> No.18041018
File: 104 KB, 677x519, brikka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moka breaks
>buy brikka
>it's shit
>crema does not appear
>overflows violently if left on the heat
>doesn't fill if turned off the heat when it starts filling
>turning off the neat needs to be timed to precision
>takes like 10-15mins

Have I been memed

>> No.18041025
File: 83 KB, 945x1000, brikka_crema.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying my first moka pot. Is it worth it getting the newer model? They claim it makes a decent crema, and I'm trying to get as close to espresso as possible with this pot


Or should I just get the regular moka pot and one of these $10 filters that claim to help get it closer to espresso? >>18034513

>> No.18041039

Please see my review above >>18041018

>> No.18041105

>if left on the heat

>> No.18041107

Like midnight or something. But I go to bed about 3am and wake up at about 11am because I work at night.

>> No.18041110

buy this
bialetti sucks and crema is a meme.

>> No.18041123

like I take my men...
black and up my ass

>> No.18041142

>crema is a meme.
Based. It was literally a marketing term made up by the original espresso machine inventor because people were asking what the fuck that scummy layer of foam at the top was.
Nothing necessarily wrong with it, but there's also not much real value to it either, it's just an aesthetic touch.

>> No.18041144

Gotta roast your own to get good, but cheap coffee. Roughly half the cost. It's not that hard, but there's a learning curve to both the roasting and the buying cycle. Some people find it fun, other people find it a pain in the ass.

>> No.18041147

burundi for every day coffee
90+ panama geisha for special occasions

>> No.18041161

Hey anon, do you use a machine or just roast in a pan? If so, are entry level home roasting machines good enough to get a decent, consistent roast on your batch?

>> No.18041240

Drinking my first Peruvian coffee. What do I think of it?

>> No.18041328

Tastes like coffee

>> No.18041370
File: 389 KB, 1000x667, heat gun coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't use a premade roasting machine because they're kind of expensive, and there's always something wrong with them. I can't vouch for anything. Although in the future I think it would be fun to try to find a small commercial test roaster for under $5000.

Anyway, I'll tell you exactly how I do it. I clamp a decent 1500W heat gun to an old camera tripod, pointing downwards. I do batches of 350g in a 2qt stainless steel sauce pan. After roasting it comes out to about 1/2lb. I have welding goves on, and hold the pan under the nozzle while swirling it counter-clockwise in one hand while I stir the coffee clockwise with my other hand to keep it in constant motion. I keep the pan further from the coffee for the first few minutes, then get it closer when 1st crack begins. Once a rolling crack starts, I start counting and watching the color very carefully. Near 60ish seconds, I tend to lower the coffee further from the heat again because this is right around a city roast for most coffees, and it's better to go slower near then end so you don't overroast. After a few batches of a new coffee (and they are all different and you need to do test batches before you give anybody some) I usually have the roast just how I like it. I save some of it as a color sample that I put in a little cup to directly compare with the batch I'm roasting. It takes about 10 minutes. After I call it, I dump it out of the pan into a mesh collander and I pour it back and forth between that and the pan to cool it and de-chaff. This is the fun part for me, making it snow chaff and smoke out of the garage. I really enjoy the hands-on, low-tech nature of doing it manually. Put on some music. Give it a shot. After two years and about 400 batches I have ruined 3 batches. I mean, it comes out good if you pay attention to it. Pic related.

>> No.18041382

Oh, I do the pan to collander pouring in front of a big box fan for the cooling/de-chaffing. Blows the chaff everywhere. It's great.

>> No.18041392

Oh, and wear a hat. Otherwise you'll be shaking coffee chaff dandruff out of your hair for five minutes. Did I mention coffee roasting is messy and smoky?

>> No.18041401

This sounds like a fun and rewarding hobby, but definitely beyond me I think.

>> No.18041424

It's really not difficult. It's just messy. So like start to finish; measuring, roasting, to cleanup takes about an hour for my once-per-week 2 half pound batches.

>> No.18041431

But the reward is that you're getting really great coffee (90-94 SCA score) for $5-8/lb. Prices of green have gone up a little bit this year. Between 50 cents and a dollar per pound, but so did roasted coffee.

>> No.18041475

Just buy a popcorn popper and go nuts.

>> No.18041488

Tasted kinda chocolatey. No orange though.

>> No.18041976

Fruited flavors tempered by bittersweetness, Ghirardelli dark chocolate chips, ganache filling, chocolate banana pudding, cherry cordials, dried blueberry aroma, orange hint, and smokey cacao finish. Full City to Full City+. Good for espresso.

>> No.18042019


>> No.18042032

im autistic about flavor notes but "Ghirardelli dark chocolate chips, ganache filling, chocolate banana pudding" is pretentious larping.

>> No.18042061

Bought a new popper from sweetmarias and tossed on a discounted 8lbs for $20. Peruvian/ethiopian blend. I'd drink this shit all year at $2.50/lb.

>> No.18042102

Rich/very enthusiastic anons, how much appreciable difference is there between a $300 grinder and a $2000 one?

>> No.18042201

manual or automatic
flat or conical
depends really.

>> No.18042239

Quite a bit but it all depends on what you're after. You're not going to get massive body/textured espresso from high clarity ultra low fine filter burrs.

>> No.18042267

Wilfa Uniform vs something like a Lagom P64 for filter. Not really interested in espresso.

>> No.18042295

Depending on where you're at, its incredibly hard to get a p64. I was looking at them a few months ago and didn't want to play games with prima's backlog of orders. Just get a df64 and toss in lab sweet clones and I'd imagine you'll be ecstatic with your brews.

>> No.18042420

I just tried without blooming at all, and maybe it’s just my mind messing with me, but it tasted weaker and more “watery”.

>> No.18042431

Did it taste more sour? In theory, no bloom means not enough CO2 in the beans escapes, and the gases end up pushing water away and not allowing it to penetrate the beans. I find it a little dubious though, because I feel water in the cone reaches enough of a volume to soak into the beans and release gas very comfortably.
We need some people to do blind triangle taste tests.

>> No.18042448

>Did it taste more sour?
Yea definitely. And less bitter. But again maybe it’s because I’m just overthinking it.

>> No.18042606

Not necessarily, a strong sour taste, wateriness, and no bitterness is generally a sign of underextraction. Like you said though it could be your mind creating the taste you expect, it's why blind taste tests are good. Unfortunately you need an experiment partner for that.

>> No.18042791

If you don't it won't fill

>> No.18043409

anon you stupid bitch. you are fucking ruining every single brew if you heat until it stops. yeh your get more "coffee" but that last x% of "coffee" is disgusting and will taint the entire brew. i would link some very helpful videos but you fags will just screech about "coffeetubers" and shit and have a meltdown because the objectively correct information is in video form.

>> No.18043596

How else am I supposed to get more coffee per coffee though?

>> No.18043678

you dont. you make good coffee and throw out the rest.

>> No.18044096
File: 96 KB, 300x300, 1587a5e2-d6bc-440a-b808-0e638571abc5-profile_image-300x300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make coffee
>overextract on purpose
>there is more coffee in the coffee, therefore i get more coffee per coffee
>coffee is less pleasant to drink
>coffee therefore takes longer to drink
>therefore coffee lasts longer
>therefore i save money
anyone who does otherwise is a chump

>> No.18044248

>coffee is less pleasant to drink
Thats where the chicory, coconut cream, and sweetened condensed milk come in.

>> No.18044267

ive been making coffee using a moka for years i didnt know i had to turn off the heat, i do use it onr eally low heat though.
post those links man.

>> No.18044522

hoffmeme has a 4 part series that is really good(first part is just history of the moka)
this other one is a 2 part and made by a different guy who is pretty weird and has strange editing. i think hoffmemes technique is slightly better and more concise but i recommend watching both and taking the best information from both.
he also has a second video that has a slightly more advanced technique and i learned some interesting things from it.

essentially from my experience over the past 6 months of refining these 2 techniques and trying some of my own variations your entire brew with the moka pot should be 100% silent. and if it makes hissing or bubbling or whatever noticeably loud noises(such as leaving it on the heat to use up as much water as possible) you will have fucked your brew from tasting like it should, essentially with the correct method the lid of the moka is pointless and just exists for stupid people so they dont get coffee all over the stove.

>> No.18044539
File: 114 KB, 1000x1500, Filtri+Moka+3tz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh and like i and others have pointed out in this general before the E&B Labs moka competition filter is pretty much mandatory if you really care about brewing with a moka (even if you dont its like $10 and makes a noticeable difference)

>> No.18044547

I can't find it for $10 bro

>> No.18044549

its worth whatever price they sell it for.(obviously make sure you get the right size.)

>> No.18044734

>you are fucking ruining every single brew if you heat until it stops

Read my post again caffeinelet, I'm saying you have to heat it until it reaches a certain level otherwise the pressure isn't sufficient for the remainder of the coffee to be produced. Heating until the end results in it erupting out the hole in the top (brikka has a hole in the lid)

>> No.18045161

Are those zojirushi airpots any good? Rotated from an automatic machine to pour over and am now ready to go back to some machine.

>> No.18045280
File: 1.20 MB, 200x161, 2022.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my coffee like my women; black and from Africa

Same studio with a Garou: Mark of Wolves 2 mock-up

>> No.18045314

200 or $300 per 500g taste the same as 10 20 $30, perhaps
But $2? Like seriously, you are just tasteless.

>> No.18046345

Coofietubers don't know shit and TWG is the worst of them.

>> No.18046448

I wanna be a cawfee when I grow up

>> No.18046572

-t anonymous loser online

>> No.18046691

>I like my tea like I like my girls; a tinge of yellow and from Asia.
Anon, everything makes sense now. You have opened my eyes. At last, I truly see.

>> No.18046808

>origin doesn't matter, but they better be j u i c y

>> No.18047443

>Coofietubers don't know shit

>> No.18047906

Sumatra or gtfo

>> No.18049002


>> No.18049010
File: 146 KB, 1551x1551, IMG_0163-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't normally nerd coffee but I splurged on a hand brewn cup of Takesi Geisha at the Coffee Collective this morning (€11). I wouldn't even call it coffee, it was a transcendental experience. Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.18049022

i just had some Ecuadorian medium light coffee
it tasted like gardening on a very hot day.
drinking it black feels like when you drink syrup and it makes you choke but you try really hard not to.
1 teaspoon of brown sugar and a tablespoon of full cream milk fixes this.

>> No.18049124

geisha will do that to ya.
wait till you drink $50 geisha.

>> No.18049275

I got recommended to use a medium roast for my cold brew. I've always done dark roast in the past.
Good call or bad call?

>> No.18049282

just fucking try it

>> No.18049287

It's brewing

>> No.18049293

Doesn’t matter, cold brew is for people who think Starbucks coffee has too much flavor

>> No.18049294

looking forward to your review

>> No.18049755


>> No.18050067


>> No.18050078

>reeeeee it's not a cappuccino machine it's an espresso machine!
if it has a steam wand it's for making cappuccinos so it's a cappuccino machine

>> No.18050181

That's an egg cooking attachment retard.

>> No.18050418

The Solis Maestro is just an older model of Encore with different branding, and I didn't just get bilked for an even cheaper even crappier model, did I?
And which of you faggots sniped me for my cheapie Forte BG that I was the winning bid on until the last 5 minutes?

>> No.18051388

In English please, Einstein

>> No.18051396

That is in English. What the fuck is wrong with you? Have you not had your coffee yet?

>> No.18051407

Why are you being rude to me?

>> No.18052066

He can't keep getting away with it.

>> No.18052878
File: 320 KB, 2016x1134, coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good afternoon, friends. What are you up to today? What are you drinking?

I'm playing Final Fantasy 7 Remake on my PS5 (I got a new TV, and I'm playing a good looking game to appreciate it) and a blueberry tasting coffee another anon recommended I pick up.

>> No.18053137

>all that preparation

>> No.18053836


>> No.18053839
File: 192 KB, 1200x1200, 1655625235293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I already made it?

>> No.18053844

You will never be a woman.

>> No.18053849
File: 83 KB, 1000x664, 1655695542993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd hope not. Now are you gonna post some coffee or what, manchild?

>> No.18053868

Look at him melt.

>> No.18053890

Start with an air popper and an egg timer, they're $20, they work, and if you like doing it and want something better, you've only spent $20 and still have all your money to upgrade plus you can use your popper for popcorn.

>> No.18054054

>same 2 retards

>> No.18054059

>he thinks that it's only one other person making fun of his melting

>> No.18054091

No wonder /tea/ makes fun of you guys.

>> No.18054109
File: 55 KB, 462x574, 1635874141622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I buy a french press?
I have an espresso machine and make cold brew

Also what is the difference in frothing technique between making a latte and a cappuccino

>> No.18054116

Yes you need to buy a Fellow® Clara™ press anything less than that is literal dogshit and a waste of money

>> No.18054135

Lads, what's melting?

>> No.18054148

Weeping like an inflamed puss.

>> No.18054155

Yeah, I looked at urban dictionary and it just means you love them. Unless this is new zoomer slang idk

>> No.18054158

I'm too old for Lance to love me, he likes them really really young. He must have meant something else by it.

>> No.18054160

Glassblower slang from the late 90s pal. What was once appeared solid is now in a puddle on the bench, irreparable.

>> No.18054161
File: 221 KB, 432x459, 1655477747224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this faggot from /tea/ or something, false-flagging? I cannot imagine posts like this done honestly.

>> No.18054165

No, its just one of the same two retards who freaks out over coffeetubers but can't stop from posting about several times a day.

>> No.18054179

I don't like /tea/ since it's full of retards asking about gay shit like tisanes. Also I haven't had any reason to go there in the past year since last year the (((globalists))) destroyed my entire puerh stash by refusing to fix a broken air handler in the building complex that was pumping extremely humid air into my apartment making it 70%+ RH.

>> No.18054866
File: 80 KB, 750x595, 49E2E6E8-F0B1-4A46-BDFA-1D9049A934AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18055361

yes you should buy a french press
for a latte you want to create about 20-25% more volume, for a cap you want to basically double it

>> No.18055855

How do you even make cold brew if you don't already have a french press

>> No.18056103

What’s better, 100% arabica vs robusta/arabica blends for espresso? Also does anyone have any recommendations for beans? Something relatively cheap and not acidic. I’m in the PNW fyi

>> No.18056105
File: 40 KB, 155x133, 1655069248109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to get beans at a cafe
>ask to have it ground for an ibrik
>get them to jam their machine

>> No.18056135

Recently espresso from my Kinu started gushing, and I had to go quite a bit finer before I found the right “espresso grind” again. I went from 2.4.2 down to 2.1.8, which is a pretty huge jump to suddenly have to make. Also, my burrs no longer lock together at 0.0. What happened? Did the burrs fuck up or did the tension spring fuck up?

>> No.18056146

how many times do you reuse your paper filters?
i've been using one for at least 10 times washing it with warm water after every use, no tears so far and doesn't taste like old coffee at all

>> No.18056147


>> No.18056195

Neither probably. Welcome to the idea of "seasoning" your burrs. You've run enough coffee through them that the cutting edges have rolled over and you won't get any more large shifts from here. Those numbers are just a reference to keep in mind. My "0" is -0.0.2 so my 1 is 0.0.2 under that.

>> No.18056214

My “0” is also -0.0.2, for what it’s worth. I did have a change happen a few years ago, but I’ve had this grinder for over 3 years now and have ground at like 30kg of beans through it. Surely it would have been “seasoned” by this point? I did have a fairly large “seasoning” shift happen in the first 3-4 months where it was constantly shifting, but it stabilised a long time ago.
Or did this seasoning just take longer since I mostly grind darker roasts?

>> No.18056285
File: 546 KB, 1204x788, 3D_profile_images_of_coating_wear_tracks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SSP actually recommends oily beans for seasoning. Its a real esoteric thing that we don't actually fucking understand yet. I could link a bunch of tangential articles but don't feel like it. Since you've owned it for a few years, I'm assuming you're cleaning it and reassembling correctly. As long as its still making great coffee. I dunno? I've had to press that cone burr carrier up and compress the spring while I've tightened down the adjustment screw before. 2.4 seems about where I was with the taller flair signature basket and I definitely was drifting down finer depending on the roast/age. I drank a few great shots of this at second crack around 1.9.0 today. Way darker than I prefer but its not bad. I like the balayage better but I roasted that a bit lighter.

>> No.18056897
File: 306 KB, 2016x1134, coffee 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good afternoon, friends. It's coffee time.

Also, continuing my playthrough of Final Fantasy 7R on PS5.

>> No.18057089

nice miniature

>> No.18057240

Nagash was weak

>> No.18057879

I just started up on monster hunter world. Man those japs have some real strange ideas.

>> No.18058487

Arkhan was not!

>> No.18060004
File: 58 KB, 700x800, A1541302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do i need special coffee for those drip coffee makers? it turns out weak, so i have to use almost twice as much of coffee compared to my standard method (put boiling water and coffee grounds into a cup, wait for settle, drink)

>> No.18060010

nice, hope you like it

>> No.18060012

no shit its weak compared to cowboy coffee

>> No.18060933

Just tried "nitro brew cold coffee" for the first time, Vanilla. Trying to get into drinking coffee in general in hopes it'll suppress my appetite. The drink was pretty bitter with only 4g of sugar, but I didn't want to spit it out or anything. Just kept on sipping and smacking my lips on purpose, hoping that maybe I'd pick up on something else more subtle. It was smooth and creamy, that's as articulate as I can be about it.

>> No.18061044

Update - half an hour to forty-five minutes later, I wanted a banana muffin. Now normally I get one a those big ass ones that are like 400-500 calories a pop, love those things even though they're so unhealthy. But the best thing happened. I took one bite and after chewing a few times, I felt disgusted and spit it out into a napkin and threw the muffin away. IT FUCKING WORKS HAHAHAHAHAHA! No more donuts or muffins or soda for me!

>> No.18061286

tfw no goffee...

>> No.18061334

Best way to filter cold brew so I don't have dust in it afterwards? Paper filters work but it takes forever.

>> No.18061346

I will assume you're just infusing in a glass jar or similar. The grounds you're using should be reasonably dense and well-incorporated enough that they largely sink to the bottom of the jar or barely float in suspension, not up top. Pour slowly into another container, leaving just a little bit towards the bottom which will have most of the grounds. You don't need a filter for this. If you absolutely must, you can use something like a cheesecloth over the secondary vessel and pour over into it from the primary cold-brew vessel. All said, it is easier to just drink it straight before the bottom unless you're mixing it into another drink.

>> No.18061359

Well I make batches so there's a lot of coffee in there, some of it does sink, some is in suspension, and I can get most of it out with sieve + cheesecloth but I hate working with cheesecloth and it still lets some dust through. I know I can probably just leave it in and toss the very last bit of it with the dust but ideally I'd filter it out. And this is with coffee ground on the coarsest setting btw but some dust still gets through.

>> No.18061433

You'd need to sift the grounds for fines before pouring them in to reduce potential 'dust' in the final extraction. Even then, it would be present once the extraction begins and the grounds are incorporated with water. It is not really practical or effective. I don't experience any sort of poor oral texture even with grounds from something like a cheapshit electric blade grinder.

It's normal to have some remaining particles; I would not consider that dust, and even if it were, have never perceived it as a detractor to the resulting flavor or texture. It's like saying "my mud has dirt in it!", if that makes sense. So, unless you're doing it because you want to see through your liquid like it's a mellow tea, I don't see the benefit in putting so much effort into eliminating the inherent particulates of the coffee seeds. Most of the texture yoy may dislike will be lost if you just pour off slowly while viewing for grounds particulates. Coldbrew is probably the easiest way to make coffee, just chill and embrace it.

>> No.18062377

My espresso machine has an americano button, would I get better or worse americano by making an espresso shot then adding boiling water myself

>> No.18062797
File: 42 KB, 768x768, espresso tonic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it

>> No.18062912

I made one earlier. Very nice. Fever tree, splash of lime and woodford reserve cherry juice. Real crisp and refreshing.

>> No.18062938

Why not? They're cheap and easy to transport on top of making some very respectable coffee. I do recommend getting an electric kettle if you don't have one to go with your press though, but electric kettles are just handy in general.

>> No.18063401

This is my experience. Sometimes the preground is old enough it loses the flavor, which is nice.

>> No.18063409

moka pots make 2-4 oz of sour over-extracted coffee

Get a french press.

>> No.18063457

please recommend me some decaf beans that aren't shit

>> No.18063515

what decaf have you tried that you think is shit.

>> No.18063535

>over extracted

>> No.18063540


>> No.18063553

Is there any possible way I can get results out of my Hario grinder that aren't disgusting? I don't want to give in and go back to putting preground into my Mr. Coffee until the Breville I ordered arrives from Buku Egypt.

>> No.18063758

Immersion brews.

>> No.18064561
File: 856 KB, 947x640, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arkhan is not allowed coffee today.

>> No.18064596

Are HARIO grinders that bad? I have no experience with them..

>> No.18064872

Is he being punished? What did he do?

>> No.18065108

Outside of what >>18063758 said, no.
Cheap grinders are a waste of money, all they make you do is want to upgrade, so you end up paying the $40 on top of however much a much better grinder would cost.