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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18025162 No.18025162 [Reply] [Original]

i ate pic rel. last night and right as i got to the very end of the chicken realized on the last breast the inside was cold in the middle and so i immediately stopped eating. not too long after i get an insane throbbing headache which makes me sensitive to light, sound, makes me have weird illogical thoughts, and overall makes me feel like shit. this lasts for hours until i eventually start dry heaving and vomiting / shitting, and then it slowly dies down over a span of 12 hours. this shit happens once a day every couple of months, always after eating shitty food. is this food poisoning or something else? i recall this happening after eating Chinese food, and another occasion spare ribs in bbq, maybe it has something to do with MSG?

>> No.18025173

>not too long after
You're a pussy and your neuroses/anxiety goaded you into thinking you were sick. Seek help, tard.

>> No.18025193
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kek wtf

1 hour in is when i started feeling the headache coming on

4 hours after is when it really started kicking my ass and i broke out into throbbing headache, chills, and dry heaving / delusional autistic state

>> No.18025205

Fake story weird roleplay

>> No.18025221

Yeah, mental illness.

>> No.18025224

>microwave fried chicken
shiggy diggy

>> No.18025233

put in the oven before it preheated, didn't accomodate for doing so and therefore it was slightly undercooked. the microwaved version tastes shittier

>> No.18025247

Nice name btw.

>> No.18025250
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>Chorizo tube breaks open in fridge
>Dark colored meat has stained my meat drawer
>Should have tossed, instead think to self: Hm, guess I should eat this before it gets too bad
>Cook it up with some eggs and make a sandwich
>Tastes good, eat it all
>Shit liquid violently and frequently for the next two days

>> No.18025262

>be me
>get a job at a grocery store
>2 weeks in
>hate jobs
>hate work
>hate doing anything besides sitting on my ass and being sorry
>call in one day
>tell them I have food poisoning

>> No.18025278

can a mental ilness makes you having an headache?

food can be bad even if smell or taste good

And then?

>> No.18025707

i assume that frozen food like this is already pre cooked so unless it was rotten I think you just ate cold chicken. Of course, there's all sorts of weird stuff in processed food so maybe your digestive tract reacts to that by punishing you anyway.

>> No.18025715

the only time i got food poisoning in india was after eating peanut masala at a fancy restaurant. i guess the peanut or the masala involved some unclean water or something. but oh God. oh God. solid 12 or 16 hours on the toilet with a trash can in my hands, ejecting material at a high rate of speed and violence from all my holes.

>> No.18025719


>> No.18025738

how long did it take to cook? maybe the temp was in the danger zone long enough for something to grow since you didn't preheat. it should have been cooked through already, and cooked cold chicken shouldn't make you sick.

if you get this once every couple months, you either eat rotten food a lot, have a very weak constitution, or it's some other health problem like an allergy or something. or alcoholism. trying eating better for a bit if you can and cutting out poisonous shit like booze. maybe you are susceptible to these episodes because you are punishing your body somehow and it can't recover enough to fight off something normally trivial.

>> No.18025747

Maybe you were already dehydrated and the excessive salt they put in trash like this put you over the edge, the headache at least suggests that

>> No.18025806

i put it in for 50 minutes

it can't be an allergy as i eat these foods often, nor do i drink alcohol, so it is definitely either i eat rotten food a lot or weak constitution. leading up to eating that i believe i ate some pure shit food such as an energy drink 7 hours before, small bag of doritos (that shit is nasty desu), chocolate bar, and granola bar.

i also drank a seltzer water alongside the meal
this is also possibility, the other foods i mentioned ive had this happen to me with are high in sodium

>> No.18025817
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That stuff is already cooked, you're just reheating it. You stressed yourself out so much you made yourself sick.

Also, stop eating frozen slop out of a microwave.

>> No.18025821
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>> No.18025847

Psychosomatic reaction, most likely.
Try eating frozen foods that are more highly ranked and moves faster on and off the shelves at your local store. Food poisoning does not make you have weird illogical thoughs, nuff said. That kind of delerium would only happen hours upon hours, if not days of dehydration.

A hungry man meal will always cook unevenly, and be sure the sides need to be overcooked to ensure the thickest part got up to a save temperature. Stop buying them and stick to separate items to heat separately.

Get a checkup of course, ekg, full deal physical. Many, many people have pretty frequent bouts of food poisoning, esp if you eat out and do a lot of delivery, prepared foods from a grocery, etc. Be careful and diligent in avoiding items that don't seem top notch. Buy those rotisseries that were literally just pulled off the spit in front of you,or take a pass. Do not get subs when it's nearly closing time. Read labels. If that low end chicken dinner expires within weeks, it's already too old, likely started out with a 2yr expiration. Smell your milk before pouring it over your cereal. Rewash your prewashed lettuce and make sure it's not sticky or tacky. Get good at reaching in the back to pull out fresher items and dates at the stores, from eggs to milk. If you had a local power outage, wait a few days to shop for items that may thaw and refreeze.

>> No.18025877

i shouldve specified i was laying down when experiencing the amplified weird thoughts, the way i wrote it sounded schizo larp tier.

this is like weird fever thoughts you get when sick and trying to fall asleep but you cant, not sure if you'd call it hypnagogia but i have insanely weird and vivid dreams so my mind was racing

this is really good advice though i will make sure to write this down

>> No.18025902

Those aren't good source of protein but they come off the assembly line enriched flour that came from a different building.

>> No.18025908

>every couple of months,
that's a brain tumor, not atomic shits

>> No.18026169

>Not cutting into every piece of meat before you eat it to make sure it's ready

>> No.18026414

>on vacation with family in bumfuck pennsylvania
>go to restaurant
>get fried chicken (mistake)
>stomach eventually gets worse over the next few hours
>diarrhea/vomit in another restaurant's bathroom for 15 min
>think I'm done, stomach still feels fucky, but begin walking back to where my family was in a cemetery
>feel shit suddenly coming back on
>dash behind cemetery supply shed
>unleash tiny diarrhea puddle on the grass behind the shed
>hobble back to the bathroom and shit for another 15 minutes

>> No.18026434
