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18024100 No.18024100 [Reply] [Original]

What's with this big trend of artifically sweetened energy drinks with 200-300 mgs of caffeine? Even 5 hour energy is getting in on this shit

>> No.18024120

Wagies need the energy

>> No.18024123

Caffeine tastes really bad so it needs sweetening to disguise it. This has been a thing since guarana was being put in drinks. There's nothing new about it.

>> No.18024141

But I mean since Bang became popular we have Reign, Ghost, this red bull shit and more.

>> No.18024168

People are so addicted to caffeine, that they need a lot for it to actually work anymore

>> No.18024251

>this big trend
You just blow in from 2009?

>> No.18024427

wouldn't you need sugar to use as energy?

>> No.18025174

the sugar/carb pendulum has swung so far the in other direction that people are eating pounds of bacon and butter and calling it a diet because they're afraid of a banana. sugar-free energy cucks don't realize that sugar is literally a more effective mental stimulant than caffeine or any of the goy-slop chemical shoved into these chemistry lab concoctions. Maybe for staying awake these are okay, but for anything requiring mental acuity or physical endurance, sugar cannot be beat.

>> No.18025187

stimulants were invented in 2021

>> No.18025194

How can people even drink that shit? I treid a Red Bull once, many years ago, and it was so awful I had to thrwo half the can away, and I'm a cheap fat fuck with a sweet tooth who almost never throws anything even remotely edible or potable away.

>> No.18025264

Yes, your momma for ex.

>> No.18025271


>> No.18025279

post waistline

>> No.18026871

So the goys work faster

>> No.18026887

if you drink half will you get 2.5 hrs or half juice for 5 hrs? if you drink double will you get it for 10hrs or double power? or is it a logarithm type increment in energy?

>> No.18026889 [DELETED] 
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the jewbs will slap a label on anything to make a shekel, however not even they would drink their own product which raises suspicion

>> No.18026895

Caffeine is flavorless. Buy some anhydrous caffeine and it can go in anything.

>> No.18027531

had em all. they're novelty.

>> No.18027865

Monster is a massive company, these guys are trying to muscle in on the market share.
Wagies are also forced to work 40+ hour weeks just to pay rent now, so they want sugar + caffiene to cope. In a perfect society, energy drinks would be the domain of neets and especially busy days. But we do not live in a perfect society.
>sugar is a more effective stimulant
If you're have a physically active job you should have it. Desk and checkout wagies shouldn't though.

>> No.18027880

caffeine is for faggots

>> No.18027902
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>caffeine is for faggots

>> No.18027935
File: 1.12 MB, 1653x1824, 3196 - angry blood brown brown_skin coffee cracked_teeth cry_me_a_river crying cup fume glasses mug soyjak stubble text variant_feraljak wrinkles (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>caffeine is for faggots

>> No.18027939

Caffeine isn't flavourless, it tastes bitter. Mixing it with something sweet makes it more palatable. Everybody wants in on the energy drink market which is massive because everybody under the age of 30 is addicted to massive servings of caffeine, probably due to the popularity and normalisation of gateway stuff like starbucks. Nobody just wants a 35mg coffee in the afternoon before a challenging meeting once or twice a week any more people want a 32oz sugar bomb starting at 6am.

>> No.18028394

Caffeine doesnt even do anything, its a joke drug like nicotine.
If it had an effect other than making kikes money then it would be banned.

>> No.18028516

Is this kinda things even good? Only has taste redbull and drink it for night shift.
Likes theres bang with sexy bitch ads or that gamer powder milk thst keep shilled by streamer

>> No.18028571

This, amphetamines are where it's at