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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18022457 No.18022457 [Reply] [Original]

Why are they all so autistic about food?
>If you don't cook it the exact same way my mom does you didn't make it right

>> No.18022499

Unpopular opinion: I enjoyed food way more in Spain than in Italy. In fact I think Spanish food is better than Italian.

>> No.18022514


>> No.18022521

that's how traditional recipes work.

>> No.18022536

Like everything popular, Italian food is perhaps the cuisine with the most international variations that are quite often very very different from the original versions.

>> No.18022784
File: 88 KB, 1096x579, 1653763898480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're a race of manlet manbabies who live with their mothers until they're 35 and have had their egos inflated because American baby boomers hyped the shit out of their tomato and flour peasantslop "cuisine" after the war

>> No.18023500

Identity issue

>> No.18023503


>> No.18023508

People are like that in most places. Cajuns and Creoles were like that when I lived in Louisiana.

>> No.18023931

It isn't

>> No.18025204

Japanese people aren't autistic over foreigners not doing their food right, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.18025211

It literally isn't though.
Traditional recipes have no right way of making them and vary from family to family

>> No.18025218

That's clearly Kamchatka, you dork.

>> No.18025246

Pride is a helluva drug.

>> No.18025249
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>calling anyone else's food goyslop

>> No.18025320
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cope and seethe

>> No.18025350

when you look at their historic towns and villages, it is clear that italians are the heroes and main characters of humanity and we should defer to them.

>> No.18025375
File: 79 KB, 600x600, platos-tipicos-espana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the true Chad opinion, Spanish food is the best in Europe . Though I'll admit Italians are a close second just because of the fact they invented pizza and pasta

>> No.18025443
File: 223 KB, 401x405, 1648557333004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just food, Italian culture is one dominated by dogma and a resistance to innovation once certain conventions have been established.
When something new arrives, they are actually among the most experimental and innovative cultures out there. Look at how tomatoes, a non native crop, became a staple of Italian cuisine, with all the multitude of ways it's grown and prepared. Look at coffee culture, or rather espresso culture, and all the espresso based drinks that came of them. Now consider that at some point, there was a brick wall that halted progress in those departments.
Italians are weird, they have a flair and creativity that then gives way to colossal autistic OCD after a generation or two of their innovations.

>> No.18025449

Fuck I love tortillas.

>> No.18026430

>Why are they all so autistic about food?
what else do they have to offer or be proud of?

>> No.18026660

Sounds like the ideal.
Get something new, fully explore it from every possible angle with an open mind, and pass on what you've mastered down generations while shunning inferior aberrations.

All you have to complain about is "autism" and "gatekeeping", when the only real consequence in reality is being able to enjoy literally perfect food (or art or science) of quality so highly consistent that it defines culinary arts (or visual arts or science) for the rest of the entire planet.

It doesn't matter if some people get mad at aberrations only because they feel it is wrong. They're still correct.

>> No.18027565
File: 448 KB, 512x616, dalleminimininini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently it's been settled

>> No.18027941

That's because they also can't do foreign food right.
Ketchup on spaghetti

>> No.18028306

It's not necessarily ideal, there are technological advancements that can change and improve the way things are prepared down the line.
The Japanese do it better than the Italians. They are dogmatic traditionalists to a degree, but at some point they reinvent things when the time is right, while still very much preserving traditional methods and practices. They also don't have meltdowns on the internet about california rolls and avocado in sushi.

>> No.18029446

>It's not necessarily ideal, there are technological advancements that can change and improve the way things are prepared down the line
Such as?
> The Japanese do it better than the Italians.
That's the most retarded statement itt. Japanese cuisine is remarkably monotone in terms of flavors considering the amount of history they have.
Italian cuisine evolved a lot compared to the japanese, but also in absolute terms they constantly refined recipe iteratively while maintaining the dish/cuisine identity

The japanese "innovations" are just in factory process and tik tok trends that last a couple of months best.

You clearly don't know what you are talking about

>> No.18030687
File: 673 KB, 942x726, 1590713263326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are they all so autistic about food?

Because they went from practically the most powerful/advanced civ in the entire world at the time to just another random EU country, so they decided to have this weird fucked up 'inherited trauma' complex and decided to be autistic about the only thing they have left/have control over: their cuisine.

It's just sad really.

>> No.18030872

Tomato’s aren’t even native to italy.

>> No.18030879


>> No.18030943

Spanish women are better, too.

>> No.18031749

They are barely different since southern italy was a under spanish reign for a long time. Spanish women are a little browner on average but that's it

>> No.18032719

Spanish women aren't as hairy.

>> No.18033021

I knew this cute lil 1/2 Greek 1/4 Italian 1/4 German girl in highschool who wouldn't shave her arm hair. It was kinda hot don't know if that makes me gay.

>> No.18033130

I met Aria Giovanni (who I've fapped to countless times) at Dragoncon. She signed a pic for me and her arms were like shag carpeting. I still would have, though.

>> No.18033477

women shave or remove their hair dumbass

>> No.18033484
File: 9 KB, 275x183, frida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18033487

italy is thailand but for women

>> No.18033808

>I still would have, though
based, I would too

>> No.18033890


>> No.18034031

spanish themselves are aware that french and italian cuisine are more sophisticated and requires a higher cooking ability. spanish cuisine is great but has less variety for geographic reasons, and is more basic. they do less things but they do it good, also they are historically a top country for haute cuisine chefs.
spanish women are bautiful and yes >>18031749 this is true but they have prognatism so usually longer chin. but the moriscas type are beautiful. best women in the Mediterranean are the tunisians but their cuisine is super basic, Morocco is the king on the other side of the sea

>> No.18034038

not true retard

>> No.18034046

can confirm, been living in a touristic town and you literally see northern european women looking for cock, I regularly fucked tourist girls during summers

>> No.18035103
File: 352 KB, 1200x1487, enrico fermi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whiter and blonder than you mutt

>> No.18035473
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