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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 310 KB, 708x1121, 71KFUx-oqNL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18009686 No.18009686 [Reply] [Original]

What the FUCK Captain? How do you keep letting this shit happen?

>> No.18009721

Probably drunk again. Like Churchill said, "the navy runs on rum, sodomy, and the lash".

>> No.18009725

He has dementia

>> No.18009761

Actually, I think it's just a marketing ploy intended to be light-hearted and appeal to children, and not indicative of any ineptitude at the Cap'n Crunch factory. Which is good, because you don't want flippant ineptitude at your commercial food manufacturing facility.

>> No.18009786

It's the fucking trix rabbit fucking shit up

>> No.18009848

Whoops! Did it again dumbass? Do you have any idea what the shareholders are going to do if you keep this up?

>> No.18010002

*slips on a banana peel*

Fucking imbecile

>> No.18010008

What if the factory is just playing it off as playful antics to disguise actual ineptitude?

>> No.18010077

Well, this is concerning and not something I had considered prior to you mentioning it. Those who wear tiny hats may well have employed such a strategy.

>> No.18010417
File: 116 KB, 1024x755, whoopsy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18012075

Does he even have a crew, or is it the captain getting all liquored up and just going for it?

>> No.18012218
File: 4 KB, 113x68, unbelievable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I seriously supposed to believe this was an accident?

>> No.18012804

I refuse to eat anything made by the so-called Keebler (((elves)))

>> No.18012816

those bots really did a number on /pol/, huh?
How long until you go back?

>> No.18012850

Until the filthy knife-ears recognize our dwarvish superiority.


>> No.18014148

Why the hell would they market fucking up their product? That makes zero sense.

>> No.18014185

Dwarves are actually the allegory for Jews. I'm pretty sure Tolkein said so.

>> No.18014222

Cap'n, faggot.

>> No.18014237

>Fully fudged
Just like my boyfriend

>> No.18014242

Why is it always the jews?

>> No.18014254

It's a lot better than that one he released full of tarantula eggs.

>> No.18014260
File: 12 KB, 500x281, 328C97FC-9D6C-49D1-91F4-BE0487CAEFC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dammit Clumso! How many times am I going to have to clean up your messes?

>> No.18014639
File: 403 KB, 601x800, 1636890604409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favourite!

>> No.18014667


>> No.18014719

OOPS All Razor Blades!

>> No.18015118

You ever notice how many of these berry fuckups the crunch factory has had ever since they started increasing their workplace diversity? Just saying.

>> No.18015278

OOPS all chlorine!

>> No.18015307

This is a Nick Mullen bit from like 4+ years ago.

>> No.18015756

People love a bit of tomfoolery in their lives. You think kids are enamored by a bunch of bees jizzing on their cheerios in an orderly fashion? No, cap'n crunch delivers on that front

>> No.18015760

sea syphallis from banging dock side whores rotted his brain

>> No.18015850

So that's what they mean when they say "land ho."

>> No.18017033

When you're the fucking Cap'n you answer to nobody, son

>> No.18017103

Sounds like fun. Churchill was just butthurt after losing to the Turks and needed to deflect blame.

>> No.18017137


>> No.18017190

He claimed the rights on all talk about OOPS! All BERRIES serial?

>> No.18017238

Hell yeah dude. Also I'm gay.

>> No.18017258
File: 82 KB, 606x960, qa1yVzV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18017363

"The fruit lurlups factory"

>> No.18017401

I honestly don't understand the joke of oops all berries
what cereal do they make that has berries in it because I thought captain crunch was just the peanut butter balls

>> No.18017570

check the 3 stripes on his sleeve, hes been demoted to commander and these fuck ups are why

>> No.18017669

That's Peanut Butter Crunch. Which dimension are you living in?

>> No.18017691

peanuts are a berry

>> No.18017894

that's pretty good for a formula meme

>> No.18017901


>> No.18019371


mixed up the cookie factory with the tampon factory