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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 57 KB, 1200x1200, raviolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17998084 No.17998084 [Reply] [Original]

Which means you can't cook ravioli for shit.
>hey, dude, hand me over the ravioli!
ONE ravioli or MANY raviolies?!

>are you hungry, mom? I just finished cooking ravioli

>hello, good sir! I'd like to buy a package of ravioli
I'm terribly sorry, but we are not allowed to sell more than 1 ravioli at a time. Otherwise we wouldn't know just how many we sold. You see, we unfortunately have no plural form of the word.

>> No.17998087

Ravioli is already plural you mong. Like cannoli or panini.

>> No.17998088

This is one of the threads I've ever seen

>> No.17998089

We drive on parkways and park on driveways anon. Tomb, Womb, Comb.

>> No.17998091

Raviolo is singular, ravioli plural you fucking retard

>> No.17998095

If it's just one, it's called a raviolus

>> No.17998096

i like to place raviolum after raviolum into my bowl until i have a full serve of ravioli. then for desert, a fresh crunchy cannolus

>> No.17998098

there are two pieces of ravioli on the table. i ask you: "give me the ravioli, anon!"

how many ravioli do you give me? 1? 2? both would be correct

QED: you can't cook ravioli if your native tongue is english

>> No.17998099


>> No.17998101

true for everyone

>> No.17998106

>a piece of a raviolo

>> No.17998110

nobody says raviolo in english and you know it

>> No.17998112

Japanese words, when used properly, don't have plural forms. Sushi is like that, for example. Japanese is a language that relies on context, and where the listener is expected to figure it out.
Are you so dumb this would paralyze you?

>> No.17998113

>there are two pieces of ravioli
>"give me the ravioli, anon!"
I would give you both since you didn't ask for a piece of ravioli, you asked for the ravioli.

>> No.17998128


>> No.17998135

well then I would tell you that I didn't ask for 2 ravioli, just one

>> No.17998141

While "ravioli" in English (and a few other languages) is an uncountable noun which can refer to a single piece of the pasta or a dish composed of multiple pieces of the pasta, the word "raviolis" is considered acceptable to use when a specific distinction needs to be made for multiple pieces of the pasta.
Note, this is English, not Italian. It is very commonplace in English to treat and conjugate foreign loanwords as if they're native English words. The English language doesn't care if you get pissy and confused over this and cry while shitting yourself complaining that "raviolis" isn't a word in your opinion. This is English.

>> No.17998147

Yeah, you should be more specific you dumb cunt, now get the fuck out of my house I wasn't planning on giving you any in the first place

>> No.17998155


>> No.17998171

plurality is implied by prefixed articles, ergo:
A ravioli vs the ravioli

>> No.17998175
File: 116 KB, 840x786, ravioli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you only want one piece of ravioli, you would specify that you want "a single piece of ravioli." If you don't do this, and just ask for "ravioli," you're asking for the dish, which consists of a serving size of multiple pieces of pasta, or in your case, the two that are left.
This is all fantasy anyway, since it's no live person would ever interact with you to begin with, being such an unlikable cunt.

>> No.17998189

if you have 1 ravioli it is both a ravioli and the ravioli

>this is English, our language makes no sense
at least you admit that you can't cook with such a language

nobody says
>please hand me a single piece of apple
just "gimme an apple"

You are treating Italian food discriminatively just because your language is retarded. If you can not give the proper respect to ravioli it deserves, you shouldn't even be making it in the first place.

>> No.17998201

English has many words like this, like 'deer', 'moose', 'shrimp', and 'sheep'.

>> No.17998206

We're not dealing with singular food items like apples. We're dealing with a dish that consists of multiple pieces of pasta. Try harder because it's obvious even you don't believe this.

>> No.17998210

Personally I go for the Jamacian beef patty and a side of ramen noodles.

>> No.17998215
File: 123 KB, 1500x1000, raviolo+(47+of+47).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deer, sheep, and moose is no problem. Very very rarely would you be working with a whole sheep, let alone more sheep, so the language problem doesn't arise.

as for shrimp, everybody says "I have 3 shrimps"

>We're dealing with a dish that consists of multiple pieces of pasta.
Only potentiali. Pic very related, a raviolo

>> No.17998226

I don't see how that's an issue, because in pic related's case you would have already said that it was raviolo specifically because that's the closest thing you have to an interesting topic of discussion, so there would never be any confusion.

>> No.17998229

What if you have two dishes of raviolo? Ever thunk of that?

>> No.17998233

Again you would have already bored someone to death about the topic so any confusion or interest in you as a person would have been dispelled long before the dish hit the table.

>> No.17998237


>> No.17998246

>sorry, our language is retarded, so now I'm angry at you for pointing it out
retarded languages create retarded people who make shit cooks

the latinx of food

>> No.17998257
File: 37 KB, 634x352, crazy_goat-article-0-16111653000005DC-712_634x352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two dolla say u can't climb the goat tower

>> No.17998270

>projecting this hard
You seem like the only person angry here about how the vast majority of people refer to one(or more!) ravioli.

>> No.17998272
File: 58 KB, 500x551, Adams_Family-Sparring_w_Morticia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's maybe a bit like that latin language stuff, most words are masculine or feminine, then of course there's neuter.

>> No.17998277

just admit you are racist against italian food

>> No.17998292

... oops Addams

>> No.17998295

I accept your concession, pasta-breath. Glad you learned your place, leave the naming to us english-speakers.

>> No.17998298

>Morticia... That's Italian! You know that drives me crazy!

>> No.17998301

You have to admit that when growing up in a city with a pizza joint on every block or less that some of them will utterly suck, with that many around and:
1. avoid tourist shitholes
2. avoid place with italian drama see #1
3. if it looks like a mom & pop place then ok
4. can they do the fried calamari? If so then ok

>> No.17998303

Linguine linguist.

>> No.17998310

Lingo Linguististien is his name...

>> No.17998317

... #5 can they do a thin crust pizza without fucking it up? If so then ok.

>> No.17998319

6. can they get even a single ravioli right? if so then ok

>> No.17998337

how could they get it right if they can't even count them?

>> No.17998365

you can just report it

>> No.17998519

>no plural form of "ravioli" in English
raviolis is 100% percent a word.
now eat your ravioli.

>> No.17998620

>as for shrimp, everybody says "I have 3 shrimps"
shrimp is already plural, shrimps is just so stupid sounding,

>> No.17998657

shrimps would refer to different species or varieties although we both know nobody does that. but it would be similar to "fishes" when discussing different kinds of fish, I guess

>> No.17998671
File: 15 KB, 433x280, hand-holding-shrimp-grilled-isolated-260nw-552408394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many shrimps am I holding?
>inb4 "you are holding two shrimp"

>> No.17998677

Raviol-ee for 1
Raviol-eye for 2+

>> No.17998689

I would say types of fish, never fishes.
yes, two shrimp. you'd need about 30 of those shrimp to make pound of shrimp.

>> No.17998700

>Pass me a raviolus

>> No.17998707

I'm okay with this solution but only if you adopt the same logic to eyes.

One eye? ee
Two eyes? eye

Two shrimpeye. One shrimpee.

>> No.17998710

You obviously can't do that
Bee doesn't become Beye

>> No.17998716

Yes it does.

I was stung by a bee. I was stung by three beye.

>> No.17998741

meds now

>> No.17998766

ra-vi-oh-li is singular ra-vi-oh-lye is plural