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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 7 KB, 269x188, urgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17994766 No.17994766 [Reply] [Original]

Tomorrow I will wakee over with a masssive hangovver can you pleasere commend me a meal to curee me asap? Money is nott aa oject

>> No.17994774

vomit now and drink a lot of water afterwards

>> No.17994773

I don't see people rp trolls much anymore/

>> No.17994777

Stiff dick with a side of balls

>> No.17994783

nigga can you shut the fuck up an tell me how to cure my future hangover or what

>> No.17994790

I've heard you drink water as you drink alcohol, to not get dehydrated which is why hangovers happen, or some shit.
Seemed to work for me back when I would go to enkai.
Now I just have one edible and chill the whole night with no ill effects the next day.

>> No.17994797

ima been slaming water lastt your or so and i dont think its doing muchh i ned to work tomorow at like middday, i want to wake up at 10 or so and i have somewheere i got be at 3 so i have to recover soonnish in morning

>> No.17994803

>Now I just have one edible and chill the whole night with no ill effects the next day.
Why are potheads so delusional?

>> No.17994804


get 2 pounds of 100 dollarydoobills, blend them up, mix with cat semen(LEGAL cat semen) then you under medical supervision blend that then inject in your balls, will not cure hangover but will cure your ego cause the syringe is bigger than your ballsack, back to /lgbt/ you dumb fag

>> No.17994805

the dehydration thing is not really true, i mean i'm sure it does play a role but hangovers are thought to be mainly from acetaldehyde which is a toxic byproduct from alcohol. you can avoid acetaldehyde buildup by taking NAC before drinking, works wonders for me

>> No.17994812

okay mr scientist, you suck cock to eh?

>> No.17994813

only if it has been peer reviewed first

>> No.17994821

pear review by your moms azz

amirite amirite

>> No.17994832

fuck, i was about to delete and repost adding "peer reviewed by your mom"

>> No.17994833
File: 113 KB, 700x639, 16oz_tropical_punch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chug like two of these before passing out

>> No.17994835

I'm sure long term, heavy use has noticeable effects, but if you need me to clarify I meant immediate negative effects comparable to a hangover.
I'm not a heavy user and I haven't been using it for even a full year at this point, I'm certainly not what anyone would describe as a pothead.

>> No.17994839
File: 42 KB, 340x510, nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tell me how to cure my future hangover or what
You cannot cure a hangover retard. You can be careful and do things during the drinking that might easen the burden, but if you drink enough there is no way out. When your hangover is there you pretty much have to wait it out, all you can do is eat, drink water and rest. Alcohol helps of course.
t. alcoholic

>> No.17994842

HAH kek

>> No.17994845

top 5 alcohol cures
>high protein foods
optimally have all 5

>> No.17994846

Not even close to true. Slam two or three sports drinks and eat a bunch of meat and cheese, take a shit and throw up and you'll be perfectly fine.

>> No.17994849

unironically enough alcohol to get buzzed and a nap cures my hangover almost every time, unless i drank a shitton then i just wake up and the hangover start back up

>> No.17994853

>bro I'm totally not a pothead I just use pot every day for a year

>> No.17994860

You're either 22 years old or you've never been hungover

>> No.17994863

fuking unts come on, it cant be thart hard to cure. tell me somethin

>> No.17994867

Ok fuckface here's a trick that I guarantee you will work. It's pretty difficult but if you manage to do it you will be completely fine:
>go back in time
>don't drink so much

>> No.17994870

Not him but I'm 33 and don't get hangovers. Drink water moron.

>> No.17994872

>Not him but I'm 33 and don't get hangovers.
How much do you drink when you drink?

>> No.17994886

fucckck yall maccas it is

>> No.17994888

Berocca and lots of soda water

>> No.17994895
File: 49 KB, 200x200, 1648784611008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drink 3 beers
>hungover the next day
getting older is pain

>> No.17994896

I usually go pretty hard. Around 4-6 drinks per night.

>> No.17994898

For real the only thing that has ever helped for me is electrolytes, get some coconut water or some gatorade. But nothing is going to "cure" your hangover, it's only going to make you feel a bit better

>> No.17994901

For every equivalent of a shot you should drink some water. I'm sure you fuckin don't because you're a lazy fuck.

>> No.17994904
File: 275 KB, 957x931, 1627027585468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I usually go pretty hard. Around 4-6 drinks per night.

>> No.17994906

tell me about it, yesterday I had two 4,7% tall cans and I felt like I'd had a sixpack

>> No.17994907

try ;ike 12 and a bunch fo shots

>> No.17994910

i told you>>17994833
body armor is superior to gatorade, gatorade is mostly sodium, which is good if youre actually an athlete or work in physical labor, but most people do not need more sodium, they need potassium. body armor has that and is like 20% coconut water as well

>> No.17994915

>I'm sure you fuckin don't because you're a lazy fuck.
I don't because I've done it loads of times and it has not had the slightest effect on the hangover. I did it for years and then I stopped doing it to find out if my hangovers were worse and they were not at all, often they have in fact been less severe when I haven't bloated myself with water all night.

>> No.17994920

Do you get paid to said this?

>> No.17994925


>> No.17994926
File: 2.21 MB, 1536x2048, white-claw-surge-blood-orange-single-16oz-can.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tbf the three beers were pic related, 16oz each too
i do, every friday and saturday. im slowly starting to realize drinking any amount during the week just isnt feasible anymore tho

>> No.17994928

You know whats fucked? I did all the things you're mean't to do, eat a full meal before, during and after, water before, during and after, even had a gatorade ready in the morning but i was totally fucked the next day. Am I just getting old? Mid thirties and this is how it is? Did the movies lie to me?

>> No.17994930

The digits of truth.

>> No.17994931

>Am I just getting old? Mid thirties and this is how it is? Did the movies lie to me?
yes and yes, to the final question, you need to drink enough to where being hungover is your normal and you dont notice it anymore

>> No.17994935

I can only speak from experience but hangovers seem to be pretty random to me. Some days I've done everything right as you said and ended up with a total headblasting hangover, other times I've gone full retard and drank way to much and ended up with only a mild discomfort. The only factor that seems to be constant is that I stay up way too late I get more hungover, if I drink two bottles of wine but go to bed at eleven I'll usually be pretty good, but if I drink one and go to bed at 2 I'll feel like shit

>> No.17994936

Holy shit we got Frank the Tank over here.

>> No.17994938

>full meal
just drink less, it's gonna have the same effect
meme, refer to >>17994805

>> No.17994946

>just drink less,
Have you actually been to a bar or club before? You don't decide how much you drink. Its based on the people around you.

>> No.17994955

grow some balls lmao just say ima skip this round, imagine wasting money by drinking with a full stomach

>> No.17994957
File: 223 KB, 1280x1919, big juan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i usually drink 12-16 beers when i party

come on son get it together

>> No.17994960
File: 12 KB, 300x248, hut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't decide how much you drink. Its based on the people around you.
jesus christ what an embarassing thing to say
take some responsibility for your own actions my idiotic friend, maybe one day when you're out of college you'll realize you're actually in charge of your own life

>> No.17995000

Even if you still believe dehydration is the only aspect of a hangover, if you drink enough alcohol you can get ahead of your body's rehydration capacity and end up just pissing out unused water and minerals while still becoming dehydrated.

>> No.17995016

why can't i find this anywhere and why are there articles about the FDA banning it?

>> No.17995021

adding to not say i don't believe it, i found the studies proving it to assist with hangover, but why the fuck is the FDA banning a benign supplement?

>> No.17995028

i get it on amazon but im a europeon pastanigga. idk about the ban, it's not like NAC is dangerous lol

>> No.17995030

Once a week, not every day. One dose, once a week.

>> No.17995034

sure thing snoop

>> No.17995036

So drink less you idiot. You don't have to get so fuckin drunk to the point where, according to you, it's impossible to rehydrate.

>> No.17995037
File: 45 KB, 863x692, 3A419E53-81AC-479E-85DF-382F88C00A8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17995041

>he smokes weed every week

>> No.17995042

weird! i can get it though amazon and pillpack, but i can't pick it up anywhere in-store except for the really hippy dippy vitamin shoppes. i'm ordering some now kek

>> No.17995049

nice! usually i do 3 grams about 40-60 mins before drinking but im hardeheaded as fuck when it comes to supplements and drugs, most people can definitely go with less

>> No.17995073

I don't watch this retard's videos, but I'll tell you one thing for certain, with the state of his alcoholism and his body in general, 12-16 beers for Blade is probably just the bare minimum, if even that.

>> No.17995117

I don't smoke it, follow the thread.
I'm not a young adult, my brain is no longer developing. I don't think there's any major danger here, and if you can find some I'd very much like to see it. The only resources I get are for teens and young adults with developing brains, which isn't me. The first time I used marijuana I was already a wizard.

>> No.17995120

Not an argument. Just admit you were wrong.

>> No.17995127

Pork butts n taters!

>> No.17995173

Dripdrop and other electrolyte powders. Also, eat pizza or something before bed.

>> No.17996130

>tfw smoked marijuana since like 11 years old
>made me dumber and dumber over time

>> No.17996170
File: 307 KB, 600x600, split_pea_soup-T9MQ9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Split pea soup, if your too fucked up to heat it up you can eat it right from the can and it even has a handy opener on top so you don't have to deal with a can opener.

>> No.17996178

What's delusional about it? A single edible is cheaper than a night of drinking, no morning hangover. It's not like you use it every week or anything you child.