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17984268 No.17984268 [Reply] [Original]

I can't fucking stand water, it's bland as shit and doesn't taste like anything but my doctor says I need to drink more. Any good water recipes?

>> No.17984277
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Add ice cube

>> No.17984281

Carbonate it. If that’s not enough put some lemon and lime in it. If that’s not enough put some Lyme in it.

>> No.17984301

Water is delicious as is
Post bmi right now

>> No.17984308
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For me? It's mildly thick water. It has the superior mouthfeel

>> No.17984310

Just leave out the juice. He's not a big fan of juice.

>> No.17984335

>add a lemon slice
>add a cucumber slice
>add a lime slice
>add frozen berries
>add tea leaf
>crystal light dust

>> No.17984343

Drink a gallon a day and stop being a cunt. Hooy fuck I hate women.

>> No.17984392

I'm so fucking thankful that I love water more than any other liquid. I think being able to enjoy water is directly proportional to your ability to enjoy the little things in life. I don't need soda or alcohol. For that, I am grateful.

>> No.17984437

almost every recipe is a water recipe you fucking retard

>> No.17984442


>> No.17984469


But it tastes like minerals you retard.

>> No.17984496

Buy some juice. Fill the glass with 80-90% water and add a splash of juice to make it more palatable.

>> No.17984499

>freeze the water into ice cubes
>shave down the cubes in a microplane
>run the ice shavings through a sieve
>let the ice melt
>drink it
you're welcome

>> No.17984531 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 844x900, FUMeEIlXoAY-GqN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fill saucepan with water
>boil until and reduce by 2/3 to produce a water concentrate
>refill and repeat process several times
>pour into pitcher and store in fridge
>when needed, simply pour a teaspoon or less into a glass
>one sip keeps you hydrated all day long

>> No.17984581

My personal recipe that I make everyday is ice, lemon juice, and a pinch of salt.

>> No.17984587

Theres a lot of flavor packets/droppers you can buy that add very little calories but make it basically taste like a sports drink.

>> No.17984605

have you had condensed water? it's a little sweeter than regular water but a lot more flavor

>> No.17985101 [DELETED] 
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Hmm some glitch must have happened with the image and the wonderful pride month image couldn't have upset a mod, right?

>> No.17985104

apple cider vinegar and a little salt

>> No.17985140

Can I see your boobies?

>> No.17985162

Add kool-aid mix

>> No.17985185

season with Epsom salt

>> No.17986177

simple as

>> No.17986184

Stop drinking sugar drinks for a few months and you will soon come to love a refreshing glass of water.

>> No.17986194

Boil water
Pour over a tea bag in a mug
Wait 3-5 minutes
Wa la, leaf water

>> No.17986197

Flavored seltzer water
squeeze of lme or lemon into the glass with the ice
the splash of juice as flavoring. Apple, cranberry, pineapple, grape juice, OJ, or blended OJs.

Make pitchers of brewed tea in a big pyrex measuring cup in the microwave while you shower. Sweeten lightly or not at all. Park in fridge cooled down with ice. Brew decaf, or half n half mixing up your orange pekoe and decaf. Or toss in one flavored bag to flavor the pitcher. I like the orange n spice, or mint bags.

There are some dried fruit powders like pure lemon. I buy the pure orange and add it to my brewed coffee. Easy to keep on hand in the pantry.

>> No.17986240

>it's bland as shit and doesn't taste like anything
you have covid.

water absolutely has a taste.

well water tastes like licking a rock.
desanti taste like watermelon drink with no sugar.
water from a spring taste like a coming rain storm.

>> No.17986244

>Any good water recipes?
burn oxygen and hydrogen VOILA water.

>> No.17986245

Drink sparkling water, the bubbles make it more interesting and it's got an acidic tatste since it's basically diluted carbonic acid

>> No.17987807
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slezer, ice, bitters

>> No.17988492

I seriously do not understand people who don't like the taste of water. Did your mother breast feed you with Dr. Pepper???

>> No.17988765 [DELETED] 

Did your mom lactate water?

>> No.17988786

You can increase your water intake by adding it to other dishes you make. Try adding some when you’re frying bacon and eggs for breakfast

>> No.17988790

Drink water while watching tv.

>> No.17988798

fucking mormons baka

>> No.17988834

Mormons love sugary drinks apparently. They're not allowed alcohol, tobacco, etc. but there's no restriction on sugar.

>> No.17988985


>> No.17988989

Do you not season your water?

>> No.17988993

>Any good water recipes?
I use a roughly two to one ration of Hydrogen and Oxygen.

>> No.17989005

Jews want to harm your family. You've got to act first. They're going to hurt your pets.

>> No.17989016

dissolve some splenda in it

>> No.17989022

I find I absorb more water if I cram it up my ass. Really helps keep me hydrated.

>> No.17989033

Do Americans really?

>> No.17989143
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I use a 50-50 mix of filtered water and picrel

>> No.17989294

I like to add a couple tea spoons of sugar to mine

>> No.17989310

here’s a water recipe that’s as easy as it gets, just like the best water you’ve ever tasted. all you have to do is add ice to a pitcher of water and you have a refreshing and healthy drink.

>> No.17989589


>> No.17989597

>water too bland
>jUsT AdD tAsTeLeSs & OdOuRlEsS gAs
Are you for real.

>> No.17989601

Boil it until its reduced by half to intensify flavour