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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 472 KB, 1080x1413, Meat District.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17983317 No.17983317 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone tried this? Is it any good?

>> No.17983325
File: 57 KB, 816x640, rich sofa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as juicy as I expected

>> No.17983330

They're as good as his shoes were, which they sold at payless shoes.

>> No.17983332

Shaq purposely makes affordable shoes without the insane markup like Jordans

>> No.17983344

Whatever else you think of him, the shoe thing was 100% based and, as Reddit would say, wholesome.

>> No.17983354


>> No.17983377
File: 213 KB, 1200x689, EXNb-HjXQAIJQ3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't associate black subhumans with tattoos with food or food preparation.

>> No.17983379

Shaq is a frivolous retard like the rest of them, but probably the most likable sports figure in the last 30 years. Doesn't preach and bloviate from a soap box like the rest of them.

>> No.17983383

Man, that's some Winn Dixie level bullshittery right there. It's official, Shaq will put his name on anything for money.

>> No.17983387
File: 48 KB, 628x720, 10962088_1009488442400867_1466024707_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

freemasons get the rope

>> No.17983399

was this image made by a crazy white schizo or retarded black israelite? i'm guessing white schizo because it required the ability to use photoshop.

>> No.17983416
File: 74 KB, 640x633, shaq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you implying that shaq isn't a freemason or something? He is quite open about it.

>> No.17983420
File: 528 KB, 544x613, dollarbill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shaq is unironically a freemason.

>> No.17983421

He did that with that weird Shaq Soda as well. I don't know if it exists anymore, it was really mixed quality.

>> No.17983428

I believe it. I just think it's a dying social club with zero relevance, where the average age is 70, and they exist as a more or less a drinking club where dudes can get together have a good time and do some good in their community.

that image is fake as fuck, though.

>> No.17983438

He buys a kid a bike whenever he goes to walmart.

>> No.17983439

Get a dollar bill, draw a star of israel on the back just like the image and see for yourself that it's entirely real. Open your fucking eyes my man. You are unironically coping right now.

>> No.17983442
File: 35 KB, 312x230, jayz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jay-Z is a freemason.

>> No.17983446
File: 16 KB, 288x406, buzz aldrin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buzz Aldrin, a freemason.

>> No.17983456
File: 203 KB, 1080x1093, 1af76b3bdf2189c6e32cd01c0c66befecf0ab5b748c77eb150da568ca1bc53ff_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a dying social club, it's highly influential on a global level. There's a club 33 in disneyland which is a spot reserved for the rich and influential that have proper connections. It is the only place in the park that sells alcohol and have chefs that will basically cook you whatever you want.

>> No.17983458

Why would they try and "hide" something as common as a dollar? That's retarded. Like those people that associate ideas with numbers then go batshit finding odd math everywhere that ties into their numbers. It's grade school level thinking.

>> No.17983459

boy that really drew'em outta the woodwork

>> No.17983465

It's called hidden in plain sight. Freemasons are huge on math, sacred geometry, etc. They believe their god is an "architect".

>> No.17983469

If you think the masons are bad.. wait to you hear about the Moose lodge! Don't even get me started on the Knights of Columbus..

>> No.17983476
File: 623 KB, 761x759, glowing freemasons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know they are. And I also know evil is all around the world. You are glowing a bit, trying to point the finger at others instead of focusing on what is being discussed lol.

>> No.17983488

Busted. I am an elite state operative who has been assigned to the cooking board to delegitmize any attempts to educate the public about the evil, cabal of aging masonic boomers. I can't believe I've been so transparent. I'm now turning in my badge to the HLIC (head lizard in charge)

>> No.17983495

You use the same old arguments every other freemason on this website uses, as if there's some fucking flowchart for freemasons to adhere to when discussing things online. And now you are trying to down play the situation by trying to blow things out of proportion. Either way you're just a mindless parrot.

>> No.17983500

Yes, we're totally transparent and you still can't stop us. Cope and seethe. I watch your mom when she showers with our cameras. The guys in the break room really get a kick out of her hairy bush.

>> No.17983506
File: 1.41 MB, 1280x720, 1638571144760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and you still can't stop us
Keep thinking that :^).

>> No.17983507

lol I feel bad for writing this now. I hope you find some peace, dude. Good luck out there.

>> No.17983510

>fuckin' tiny hats

Now you're talking my language. Maybe I CAN get on board with this whole mason hate thing.

>> No.17983521

Why would they need or want to hide in plain sight? What's the point? A group of old dudes conspiring to run the world? That's every established government. That's every board of directors. What's so special about it beyond some larping fanciful bullshit? It's not that special. It's also used as a boys club that does local charity. I doubt those folk in small towns are into some big fancy conspiracy with lizard people.

>> No.17983528

Sorry, I don't want to put a black guy's meat in my mouth

>> No.17983603

>$20 for two pounds of ground beef
>because it has some washed up sportsman on it
Do black people really?

>> No.17983997

>its not a dying social club!
>posts a Disney who died almost 50 fucking years ago
It's a dying social club

>> No.17984024
File: 37 KB, 783x444, chuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hey Shaq, your burger is gonna sell well in San Antonio with dem big ole women down there"

>> No.17984046

jordan made shoes for drug dealing n words
shaq made shoes for kids that can't afford over $20 to go back to school
stop being a fucking retard

>> No.17984058

You could do a five course meal with nothing but Shaq owned or endorsed food products at this point.

>> No.17984101

>it is the only place in the park that sells alcohol
That is just untrue sir

>> No.17984169

>only place that serves booze at Disney
you're dreaming pal

>> No.17984182

I don't want to eat some big black man's anus beef.

>> No.17984187

Meat District Sneed Patties (Formerly Chuck Brisket & Short Ribs)

>> No.17984191

Is that even real? No way Shaq of all people would associate with "Meat District." Also Shaq seems like a decent guy in real life.

>> No.17984192

Stefon Marbury did that first which is kind of surprising consider what a collosal prick he is

>> No.17984196

didn't he say he's throwing away all his money and his children aren't going to have an inheritance? pretty cunty thing to do

>> No.17984283

I want some juicy shaq meat

>> No.17984361
File: 363 KB, 800x800, 1500555205665_arizonashaqsodavanillacreamsoda695mlbigcan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about his cream?

>> No.17984404

Chuck, show us how you eat a Shaq burger and drink a Shaq soda at the same time

>> No.17985437

i love that he's drinking spotted cow

i should be drinking a spotted cow

>> No.17985445

ooh shaq story
he sexually harassed my exgf in an elevator and apparently he has a small penis

>> No.17985533

that shit sucked
>a big can for a big man

>> No.17985537 [DELETED] 
File: 478 KB, 238x211, 1600913151878.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying products at a markup because it has some nigger's face on it
Imagine watching NBA, Niggers Bouncing Around, in the first place lol

>> No.17985547

woah man this fucking changes everything!
no, ok, and who cares.

>> No.17985575

>Literally the Shaq-Fu of burgers

>> No.17985577

I'm actually a little surprised that the Masons accept Coloureds.

>> No.17985703

You could probably live your entire life using nothing but Shaq products.

>> No.17985720

how to become a freemason? i think it would be funny if i did it

>> No.17985737
File: 139 KB, 900x900, time for your.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, unironically schizophrenic

>> No.17985738

You just monitor the whole site, don't you? Please tell us all about how there aren't really 33 degrees.

>> No.17985772

Shove it up your ass bud..you people stand out like a sore thumb

>> No.17985786
File: 213 KB, 784x1046, PXL_20220613_005834483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why does the rabbit look at me like that?

>> No.17986267

for me it's the Shaq Egg Maker

>> No.17986270

>What do the youth of America need
>More soda
He's the hero we deserve

>> No.17986292

Shaq is a shameless shill for anything but he does use his fame to advocate for good things. His big thing in the 90s was telling black men to stop abandoning their children and he honored his stepfather for raising him. He's also worked to build trust between police and black communities. Out of all the NBA stars to shit on Shaq makes the least sense.

>> No.17986298

Truth isn't really a factor for these microbrains

>> No.17986357

So it's for non-jews that want to run the world with the jews? Sounds like a no brainer to me. Where do I sign up?

>> No.17986384

So did bill cosby.

>> No.17986388

Wasn't he eventually let go again? I haven't really followed that case.
Maybe he was guilty but it was just some technicality that meant they couldn't get the hypocrisy charges to stick?

>> No.17986396

>Smash patties
Unless you're the one doing the smashing, these are just normal thin pre-formed burger patties

>> No.17986398


>> No.17986403

Maybe, I don't care though. Selling soda to kids is bad for kids and bad for America.

>> No.17986408

Go back and stay.

>> No.17986411

>Do black people really?
100%. This is the same group of people who choose Popeyes over KFC because they think the black lady in the commercials is the CEO.

>> No.17986414

I'm not sure why all of you edgy fags hate Shaq so much. He seems like a chill and funny guy.

>> No.17986418

Shaq sells soda?

>> No.17986436


>> No.17986605

my gf was just in wisconsin and didn't bring me back any, after I asked for it. should I dump her?

>> No.17986615

yes, and move to wisconsin.

>> No.17986617

it was made by arizona and sold like 10 years ago
shaq has put his name on virtually every kind of consumer product you can think of

>> No.17986621

>gf was in wisconsin and totally forgot about you

who wants to tell him?

>> No.17986645


>> No.17986650


>> No.17986652
File: 8 KB, 474x266, AIDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well done

>> No.17986663

sounds like I'm dumping her and moving to wisconsin

>> No.17988290
File: 333 KB, 1206x1600, m91978955738_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me its Meat District cooked on the Shaq smokeless grill.

>> No.17989448

I've literally never seen any of his stuff in stores.

>> No.17990359

You mean Chad BASEDby?

>> No.17990369

Prince Hall freemasonry isn't actually the type of freemasonry you faggots are thinking of. That's York/Scottish rite and Oriental freemasonry.

>> No.17990379

The Templars were framed. Not all freemasons are bad. Its complicated. But just remember the founding fathers were masons. And yes, certain masonic orders are above the jews on the pyramid.

>> No.17990580

He made the thread just to post that stupid reply to it, retard.

>> No.17990917

i dont get it

>> No.17990927

I posted the reply but I'm not the OP.
The world isn't as full of conspiracies as you think.

>> No.17990943

it's from a friend simulator

>> No.17990958

They were also declared innocent in the papal court with an order for release but nobody cares about actual historical texts like the chinon parchment preferring to believe in 18th century larp lore

>> No.17990982

No thanks, I'll stick to the Shaqaroni and Cheese.