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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17974354 No.17974354 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17974360

Basically block shaped blood sausage.

>> No.17974369

and that's a good thing

>> No.17974373

How's it taste and what is it the blood of?

>> No.17974411

Is it jewish blood?

>> No.17974629

Pig's blood. Tastes like the aftermath of a massive nosebleed.

>> No.17974887

Looks nice, is there anything else in it or is it just coagulated blood?

>> No.17974892

yes, it's called morcilla

>> No.17974899

spices and rice or bread depending on the texture or flavor you want to give it.

>> No.17974908

These have to be pagan, pre-Christian evil habits. A Christian WILL NOT eat blood

>> No.17974913

christians eat the flesh and drink the blood of christ every week

>> No.17974924

Blood sausage is fucking delicious though you absolute tastelet.

>> No.17974932

Not the same thing, please educate yourself before @ing me

>> No.17975345

uh bro you know thats wine and a very flat piece of bread right?

>> No.17975362
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one time I had a massive nose bleed for some reason out of nowhere and my nose felt clogged and I drew out a huge glob that was a foot long of blood filled mucus from my nose and ate it. Thought I pulled my brain out. Never found out why I had a massive nosebleed

>> No.17975371
File: 88 KB, 920x518, zoom-424d3eeb00127b24cda7a3971f729d27-920-518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I like it with onion (sangre encebollada).
It's not blood sausage or morcilla, it's coagulated blood.

>> No.17975375 [DELETED] 

cool blogpost bro

>> No.17975376

I love blood sausage

>> No.17975378

Vietnamese do too.

>> No.17975395

That's nothing, in Hungary they sell berries jelly in the same brick shape, same dark red, you can cut blocks from it. Exactly like on the pic. And they call it "Hitler's Bacon".
And I'm not joking here

>> No.17975431

are you saying blood sausage is evil

>> No.17975858

Filipino's have something similar too but it's stewed with pig's blood with some onions and pork and spices and served over rice

>> No.17975947

This common in sweden
Bloodpudding, potatoballs with lingonberry jam and shredded carrots, usually goes along with orange juice because suuposedly the c-vitamin in oranges helps pick up the iron from the bloodpudding.

>> No.17975949
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Forgot the pic

>> No.17975952

Spaniard here. I've never eaten the blood blocks, only cram them up my ass

>> No.17976493

No, only catholics deny Jesus final sacrifice and must reenact his death over and over because they get joy out of killing him reach time.

>> No.17976498

catholics believe it becomes the blood and body of him.

>> No.17976591

>uh bro you know thats wine and a very flat piece of bread right?
>catholics believe it becomes the blood and body of him

this is like me eating a pizza and believing that i ate the remains of a cremated jew from a concentration camp. it's still a fucking pizza regardless of what you believe it is

>> No.17976618


>> No.17976621


>> No.17976627

why would you eat that fucking faggot

>> No.17976703

It becomes a cremated jew when you say the prayer.

>> No.17976721

what prayer?

>> No.17976724

I've seen this sold as blood tofu in the Asian supermarkets in Texas.

>> No.17976728

Blood sausage doesn't have much blood in it. You can barely taste it.

>> No.17976732

Is it good? If it's good I'll try some

>> No.17976739

Where do you live that eating blood is shocking to you?

>> No.17976741

yeah anon, w-what prayer

>> No.17976808

I don’t tip. No, I don’t believe in it. Don’t give me that, if she don’t make enough money she can quit. I don’t tip because society says I have to. All right, I mean I’ll tip if someone really deserves a tipping, if they really put forth the effort, I’ll give them something extra, but I mean this tipping automatically, it’s for the birds. I mean as far as I’m concerned they’re just doing their job

>> No.17977267

Based cuisine. Do you have the nutrition facts? Can I eat that every day without going ill?

>> No.17977299

He probably tried to reabsorb his brain.

>> No.17977649

because it's delish??

>> No.17977658

blood isn't kosher so this food is anti jew, which I think makes this food based

>> No.17977664

It's not Christian so it's not based. Acts 15:19–21

>> No.17977673

black pudding is from christian Scotland

>> No.17977676

what a depressing meal

>> No.17977716

>not strangling ducks and pigeons before you cook them
do you even cook?

>> No.17977750

slather it in 'vark sauce if you so insist

>> No.17978085

Looks good to me.

>> No.17978097
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We have that too in the Netherlands, called balkenbrij.

>> No.17978103

>thread about eating coagulated blood
>why would you eat cogulated blood!?!?

>> No.17978131

my hack GP put me on two different anticoagulants when i got covid despite me being 30.
i went to blow my nose one morning and blood shot out and kept bleeding for two hours straight.
i went through my entire medkit's worth of tampons and every time my blood had soaked through one and i needed to replace it it, one of those massive "oh shit i can feel my brain coming out" clots would get pulled out along with the tampon. felt fucking good honestly.
wasted like 10 tampons before i called the emergency room and they told me "yeah bro just clamp your nostrils with your fingers and that'll stop it." and sure enough it did.
how did i go my whole life without knowing this trick

>> No.17978256

Are people in Europe normally iron deficient? Is that why they eat so many blood-based products?

>> No.17978291

where do you live ? here the amount of blood in blood sausage is about 1/3 of the sausage would you consider that barely tasteable ?