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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17969258 No.17969258 [Reply] [Original]

Chef Jean Pierre is the best cook out there on the youtube and you can't tell me otherwise

>is an actual chef
>decades of experience
>talks funny
>no pretentious bullshit
>dislikes vegetarians
>b u t t e r
>doesn't mind if you lack a minor ingredient


>> No.17969846

>Forgetting O N Y O
He got me into clarified butter too.

>> No.17970255

dude teached me how to cut onyos properly

>> No.17970268

just found his channel a few days ago.
very accessible and down to earth.
easy to follow instructions.
food actually taste gud.

>> No.17970539
File: 25 KB, 304x304, 1654984144203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chef John bros, did we get too cocky?

>> No.17970547

Imagine chef John and Pierre doing buttsex. I'm totally not gay but I'd watch it and jerk off. Not gay lmao.

>> No.17970624

>And for those of you who don't drink alcohol...
>you should try it sometime

All he wants to do is cook, tell stories, and make jokes. He's too wholesome for this world

>> No.17970625

>actual chef
means absolutely nothing
even a sheboon nigress cooking kraft mac and cheese can be considered a chef due to the fact they are cooking
everyone can cook, that's basic human life

>> No.17970628

food wishes sisters I don't feel so good.....

>> No.17970857

Are you disabled?

>> No.17970893

objection: relevance

>> No.17971088

too based for this earth, he seems like such a genuine and down to earth guy

>> No.17971097

Only saw him do a turkey once, but he reminds me Julia Childs with his carefree, do what you want, "there's no difference between an organic orange and a regular one, stupid" attitude. I like him.

>> No.17971103

>vertical plating
Pretentious tripe.

>> No.17971127
File: 70 KB, 900x900, foodwishes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He said it doesn't matter if steak is at room temperature before cooking, which made me lose all respect for him
he also overdoes his french accent to seem more LE FRENCH = GOOD CHEF

food wishes bros we're still winning

>> No.17971151

>he overdoes his accent


>> No.17971178

Yeah he seems like a fun guy you'd wanna share a drink with and just chat about stories. Learning from him is pretty much like chilling with a bud.

>> No.17971215

>pootube jewtube

>> No.17971293
File: 1.05 MB, 1158x800, 1653592479965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He said it doesn't matter if steak is at room temperature before cooking
It doesn't. I can't post link, but search engine "serious eats steak room temp", first link, first listed myth.

>> No.17971480

>posting this clown while talking shit about funny accents

>> No.17971490

Why are those penguins eating pasta?

>> No.17971491

He's right it doesn't matter. All you did was expose how cooking retarded you are.

>> No.17971637

>messy as fuck
>Glorified home cook

>> No.17971647

Holy shit I didn't even recognize him at first. He looks like a completely different person in that video. He must have hit the booger sugar hard it looks like he aged 30 years in 10 years.

>> No.17971661

The temperature differential between your fridge and room temp isn't enough to matter, and chances are, even if the steak is 'room temp' on the surface, the inside is still fridge cold.
If anything its *better* to cook from cold, as it lets you get a very dark crust on the steak without worry of overcooking the meat.

>> No.17971680

Blind anon? Those are polar bears eating apples.

>> No.17971682

name some of your favorites anon

>> No.17971684

>>messy as fuck
He's a neat freak always talking about cleaning up because he doesn't like to be dirty. You clearly haven't seen a single video and are just trolling.

>> No.17971712

>All he wants to do is cook, tell stories, and make jokes. He's too wholesome for this world
And the best part, the food is great. Made his mushroom risotto and chicken cacciatore recently, and both came out excellent.

Best part though. Context he'd just knocked some shit over:
>I haven't started drinking...yet

>> No.17971782

based, this seems like a cool chef, thanks OP

>> No.17971848

JP's cool and it's good to have more W.europeans preach the gospel that is BUTTER to Americans.

>> No.17972245

Just the fact he's constantly on camera, and not just one but like 3 that he switches between completely randomly and larping as a celebrity chef is cringe and pretentious.

>> No.17972251

You will never be respected fagusa, don't you have a youtube comment to flip out over?

>> No.17972348

God Bless Amaydica

>> No.17972521

Shut up faggot troll. It's obvious what he meant

>> No.17972651

best chef i have seen on jewtube

>> No.17972684

lol the video is from his old cooking show from the 90s or something, it just got uploaded to his channel late

>> No.17972833 [DELETED] 

I lust after my little sister. She's so soft and innocent.