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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17968250 No.17968250 [Reply] [Original]

kinda drunk. gonna make a green chili. watch along will ya.

>> No.17968253

those tomatos are RRAAAWWW

>> No.17968257


What are going to do with the pork?

>> No.17968268
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they're a part of the dish. anyhow, im gonna broil these. the thin peppers are seranos.

>> No.17968280
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gonna brown up the first batch of pork. its just pork shoulder cut into cubes. salt and pepper.

>> No.17968300

Looks goods, what kind of peppers did you char?
Wish I could get those here easily, the only ones available are canned ones (and pricy). Might need to start growing them myself if I want to make fresh salsa Verde

>> No.17968304
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smells amazing.

>> No.17968309

the charred ones are poblanos. just tossed them onto the stove.

>> No.17968313

Whatcha been drinking?

>> No.17968327
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started with some scotch, ending with some red wine. browned the pork and got some nice browning in the pot. now im gonna puree the vegies and get them going.

>> No.17968344

Thought so, looks very good all in all.

>> No.17968362
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now for the boring part. got everything pureed and into the pot with some chicken stock, coarsely chopped cilantro, and half a tall boy of coors. going to toss in the pork when it gets to a nice simmer.

>> No.17968409
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pork is in, add a few pinches of dominican oregano and a squeeze of sour orange. im gonna let it simmer for 45 minutes or so then finish it covered in the oven for about 30. if this thread dies by then ill find another to lost results in.

>> No.17968420

What are you paring it with?

>> No.17968421

All you had to do was get a modello.

>> No.17968446

tortillas and roasted corn on the cob. i have some nice watercress and radishes i want to make a salad with also.

that was the plan but the nearest deli by me was all out. it was either coors, bud, or sapporo.

>> No.17968542

make 1/3 of this and pour it over a fried rice and fresh mushrooms.
very nice, anon.

>> No.17968545
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its coming along nicely. this is one of the fattier, more sinewy pieces if pork. the collagen and fat have broken down into a nice gelatinous consistency.

>> No.17968558

not a bad idea. i set aside some of the puree and i have some old rice in the fridge.

>> No.17968586


where the beans at

>> No.17968606
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aint no beans in chile verde. as far as i know anyhow.

>> No.17968616

That salsa verde is looking hella good anon.you might want to go downtown for some tostadas, actual mexican beans and crema
booooyyyyy my mouth is getting all watery already

>> No.17968622

Potentially the best bread in all /ck/ as of right now

>> No.17968669

Based chilibro

>> No.17968690
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thanks for the feedback anons. skimmed the fat, its coming along very nicely.

>> No.17968695
File: 439 KB, 2021x1854, 20220611_092454_HDR~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fug posted the wrong pic

>> No.17968699

Agreed, actual cooking content! We can’t get tomatillos where I am, I’ve never even seen them in person. It looks like this is gonna finally be some good fucking food. Thanks chillibro.

>> No.17968701

Looking good anon might make chili Verde tonight myself

>> No.17968716

is chili verde(green) because of the green chilis or the green tomatoes?

>> No.17968723

you take the green tomatoes, (they have to be GREEN TOMATOES) and you blend them up, (watch out they get spicy). and you slop the chikum in the tatoes. then you make mexibread "tortugas". then you have mexican soup eat with sprinkled doritos on top! (cool ranch is the best)

>> No.17968728

i imagine it's because of both.

>> No.17968792
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and there you have it folks. its reduced by about half now and the flavors are all popping. im gonna pass out now but ill post pics of the dinner spread if theres a dinner thread up later or something. if not ill make one myself. cheers.

>> No.17968805

okay that looks like shit. why are we acting like this guys verde stew is "based" and "popping" i feel like this nerd has been promoting and samefagging his whole thread.. ib4: "NOWAY IM TOTALLY DIFFERENT PEOPLE"

>> No.17968807

Learn to cook femboy

>> No.17968826

thanks y'all, but i draw the conclusion to green tomatoes because of why else use green tomatoes and call it salsa verde. regular salsa would be red tomatoes.

>> No.17968832

this isn't cooking its a fucking stew. you heated things for long time to get loose meat and veg. this isn't impressive and the fact you think it is, is sad as fuck man.

>> No.17968838


>> No.17968841

>didn't dry brine his pork

>> No.17968879

Lol stew is easy as fuck but you still get filtered by it

>> No.17968889
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jesus christ youre such a fucking loser.

>> No.17968904
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Jesus christ you're so retarded it makes me feel bad for you. I'm not even the guy talking shit about the chile verde yet I'm the one who posted 2 of the messages coming up in your screen. Then again your STUPID PHONE APP shows messages wrongly grouped and you have the audacity to come here talking shit relying on a phone app to read this shitty board?

I can't express enough how much you need to kill yourself. You're literally an incarnated mistake of a human being and need to stop breathing as soon as possible.

>> No.17968907

how is your life? you are this excited over another persons acknowledgment of your mediocre efforts.you did a bad job and you should feel bad. we don't like you, we aren't friends. if you want a safe space go to facebook you little bitch. also, learn to cook.

>> No.17968922

looks pretty great OP, thanks for sharing. I got into making soups/stews recently and was surprised that it's the same basic 5 steps before you switch them up (beef stew and crab bisque starting off basically the exact same for example).

Haven't gotten into chili just yet but just glancing over your ingredients, I know I could make this too, I'm gonna wing it and see how I do. Thanks for the idea!

>> No.17968943

shut up you dork holy shit lol

thanks. yeah, stews and soups are great because of that. i was originally going to make this chili with chicken thighs but the pork shoulder was on sale. its really simple but the fresh ingredients go a long way.

>> No.17968950
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>could have had chili verde yesterday but decided steak mexicana
no, not like this

>> No.17968972

lol actual phone poster

>> No.17968979
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is this how you post from your kitchen?

>> No.17968981

are you a woman confined to the kitchen?
do you only have access to internet there?

>> No.17968995

Where did you get the sour orange? Is there a Mexican place near you? You in the south?

>> No.17969012

ok next time ill cook from my desk then.

nah, east coast. local super market. they carry a lot of latino/hispanic products.

>> No.17969028

i'd focus on cooking first
i don't do both; internet doesnt have priority

>> No.17969032

cool. next time lurk more and learn how cook along threads work.

>> No.17969388

Ah, yeah there are. It's weird getting authentic Mexican food in New England. I'll have to look the next time I'm at a Mexican place. It's a bottle, right?

>> No.17969758

looks great anon!

>> No.17970232

I would have added white beans or hominy but you do you

>> No.17970252

why do you fucking retards have to insist on beans. why. every time there's a fucking chili, you literal braindead beanfucks come crawling out of the woodworks to scream BUT WHAT ABOUT THE BEANS? WHERE ARE THE BEANS? just fuck off already, we get it, if you make a chili, you're going to put beans into it because it's extremely, extremely important to you to the point that you'll be a sassy little passive aggressive bitch on 4chan about it. we get it. now, shut the fuck up about it. just imagine the beans. imagine there are just so many beans in there. look at the picture of the nice thing op made, and imagine so many fucking beans in there that you feel like a naughty little girl. then go and hide yourself away to tug your little pecker whispering "bush's.... hormel....." to yourself until you shame your entire family line all over yourself, and in the post nut clarity I hope you think to yourself "hey maybe people don't actually care about beans the way that I do".

>> No.17970254

Nice. How hot is the chili verde with serranos? I make mine with Anaheim chilis and jalapenos and it's not spicy at all, I want a little more heat in mine.

>> No.17970643

i get the actual fruit. they're great for marinades. just some garlic, salt, oregano, cumin, and the orange goes a long way.

it's spicy but it's not crazy. pretty balanced.

>> No.17970759


>> No.17971008
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idk what anons problem is lmao.

ok so now im making a white cheddar mac and cheese with red bell pepper, serranos, red onion, and some bacon. this'll be one of the sides along with a salad.

>> No.17971040

Where's the monkey head?

>> No.17971221

I will have to go hunting for them. I've got my chili blend down, smoked paprika, chipotle, ancho, and a little chocolate.

>> No.17971302

Uma Delicia!

>> No.17971462
File: 2.38 MB, 4160x2080, 20220611_203706_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

final spread. drinking with rhe boys now. cheers everybody.

>> No.17971499 [DELETED] 

looks like literal nigger diarrhea
also you're drinking with boys like a faggot, I drink with hot japanese girls only

>> No.17971502

id devour all that

>> No.17971542

I dream of getting the actual fruit. Good to know they export. Thanks!

>> No.17971549


>> No.17972548

that's not a bad name for the meal. ill start a restaurant and sell that kind of food to your parents and tell them its authentic african food or something.

hell yeah. i use a little chocolate in my black beans.

no problem anon. they beat out lemon or lime by miles imo.

it was a great meal. everyone was happy and satisfied. it was a warm evening so the salad was especially nice.

>> No.17972598
File: 3.69 MB, 4032x3024, 20190510_182553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thread, OP. Here's some chili verde I made a while back.

>> No.17972642

nice and hearty. ive never made refried beans but ill try it next time. i might make a frito pie or something even.

>> No.17972697

>stew isn't cooking
awful bait attempt or you're retarded

>> No.17972736

Mark Harmon's not looking good

>> No.17972748

no joke, you are straight dog shit at cooking my man. you shouldnt be acting so high and mighty. i have seen that MRE bro eat more appetizing looking food, holy shit man.

>> No.17972767

its cooking if you're 12...

>> No.17972781

Man I rarely get triggered on here, but as a chef you fkin mongo couldnt be more wrong.
You can spot a good chef by his stews and sauces. Not by his fkin japanese 1000times folded cucumber cutting technique.
Start cooking for yourself and dont talk out of your ass because you watched a few yt videos you delusional McHuman.

>> No.17972786 [DELETED] 


You must be the guy who said that a stew isnt cooking lol.
nigger hands typed this post

>> No.17972790

throwing shit inna pot and waiting is not cooking dude. I bet you think microwaving is cooking too huh. nice LARP about being a chef though

>> No.17972795

either too retarded to exist or trolling.

>> No.17972800 [DELETED] 

oh shit mom's asleep this kid can say the nigger on the internet, watch out guys he's just like the joker. this honky stew eater is on a warpath!

>> No.17972810

haha he really do post white as fuck and getting shook over boiled meat. lmao

>> No.17972814

>gud shevs make da stew, i sawd it on a yotub


>> No.17972815

same autistic guy, wow dude...

>> No.17972817

naw we all just laughing at you

>> No.17972826

You guys had never had real non-chipotle-american-aberration real mexican food right? It's puerco en salsa verde (GREEN CHILI LOLOLOL), pork on green sauce.
Look it up retardad that's exactly like what real the salsa verde dish looks like you fake advertisment ADHD mcdonalds obssessed goblins

>> No.17972827 [DELETED] 

>im losing the argument

just cause your mommy told you stews are top tier michelin rated cuisine doesn't her dumb ass is right, yours either for that matter. stew eater

>> No.17972835

inb4 "goback2mexico"

>> No.17972853 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 602x339, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone being mean in this thread is the same person hating on me, why am i victim of such atrocious cyber bullying.

that's what you sound like...

>> No.17972867

wooooooooooow next you should make rachel rays pozole lol. heres some shit you can add to the top, radishes cause, you know mexico. fritos cause you love the maseca flavor, mijo, and some tajin. lmao damn dude, you should see if juarez has any culinary schools, hone your skills homie, safest place to get that degree.

>> No.17972871
