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File: 383 KB, 1600x1200, rum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17965714 No.17965714 [Reply] [Original]

Is Rum's the most noble drink nowadays?
its been Cognac for many years way back in the time, then the Single Malt Scotch whisky. So is it our turn, Rum frens?

>> No.17965719

I wouldn't know. I don't drink alcohol.

>> No.17965725

why, are you muslim?

>> No.17965737

Alcohol isn't my vice, nicotine is.

>> No.17965761

too bad for your blood preasure.

>> No.17965869

Great rum holds its own against great scotch or cognac(kind of, depends). Are we speaking objectively, subjectively as a tastes thing, Or is it about the cultural aspect?

Honestly, if you like it more than scotch or cognac who cares? It gets you to the same place at the end of the day.

>> No.17965897
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its more of a modest / fashion wave.

>> No.17965902
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>Brown Rum
Unfathomably based, not only it's a noble drink that virtually requires NO pairing but it's also a VERY SWEET qnd fragrant distilled. Furthermore you don't need the oldest most aged bottles to enjoy a couple of glasses, any bottom shelf or brown bacardi will do its trick. Want to be fancy? Drink it in the rocks. Want it to be refreshing? Add coke and a fresh garnish. Hell, wanna have some fun? Throw in a couple of limes, spices and grab your shaker!
I could keep going... Rum is simply the patrician choice

>> No.17965905
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>holds its own

>> No.17965962
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I tried a rum and tonic on a whim and it was suprisingly delicious. I do prefer my rums dry and unspiced, but to each their own.

I think rum with loads of esters like good jamaican pot rum is very unique and delicious in a way not many other spirits have to offer.

>> No.17966052

what a noble gantleman, I only hope you drank it neat.

>> No.17966143

Pyrat has always been a very solid choice for high quality booze. Rum is so great because it can be good on its own or mixed and doesn't care about the seasons like other hard drinks do.

>> No.17966169

I may have added a little water to drop the abv a little, but nothing more than that.

>> No.17966496

Always has been.

>> No.17966892

Stop talking about rum, retard. I don't want it to become a reddit trend and the price to inflate the way it happened with bourbon

>> No.17967508

liquor is commoner garbage.
beer is royalty drink.
once you reach your 30s you'll learn why all the older german dads drink pilsners.

>> No.17967617

>Windows 7

>> No.17967761

Anyone try pisco?

>> No.17967772

Whatever you consume and whichever way you hold yourself-
Nothings noble when browsing this shithole. Don’t kid yourself, everyone here is society’s non-burnable trash.

>> No.17968009

older german dads drink soymilk and vote for the greens

>> No.17968012

Get of 4chan and go to bed Jhonny

>> No.17968146

patrician choice

>> No.17968234
File: 840 KB, 1000x1500, 11952509-1_1635771328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got the from my travels
it truly is the richest and tastiest rum out there

>> No.17968243

Germany is not even a real country
the art of rum is older than Germany

>> No.17968248
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try this one next time you visit duty free. x10 more rich

>> No.17968249


>> No.17968418

tried both, you're wrong

>> No.17968432

Best cheapest spiced rum is Blackheart. Change my mind.

>> No.17968434

What do you mean by "noble"? Do you mean "high status" or "morally righteous"?

>> No.17968601

you're either lying or have a terribly shite plebian taste one can only imagine. comparing these two is like comparing a pile of puke with a nectare. Appleton 12 is miles above and ahead in all dimensions possible.

>> No.17968607

you getting this butthurt over this just ruined any argument you could've made. all someone had to do was say "ur rong" and you threw a verbal tempy tantroom...

>> No.17968624

no, Ive tried both of those. AE12 is literally better. older, properly aged for 12 years. 43 ABV instead of 40. and has a way better distillate itself. and if you cant hold some batner go back to l1ddit, fagmunch.

>> No.17968625

He's right though... It boils my fucking blood stream seeing dumbasses compare good quality bottles with your 5 bucks "distilleds". Fucking monkeys I swear...

>> No.17968733

look at this half informed ape spazzing out like a child, even displaying his incompetence when it comes to rum since he's not aware of the fact that brugal is one of the few examples of latin rum that are dry and not sweet af.
literally jump in front of a train, it will make your parents happy.

>> No.17968770

>Oh yeah I want my brown rum to not be sweet and fragrant
I'm sorry you have shit taste, might wanna go back to beer chud

>> No.17968836

what a plebian taste

>> No.17968909

Flor de Caña any good?

>> No.17968927

relatively good. depends what is good or bad for you.

>> No.17968929

Wait, what? Dry rum is way better and doesn't give you the beetus.

>> No.17968949
File: 108 KB, 853x1280, The-Real-McCoy-12-Year-Barbados-Rum__52880.1579900725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of the way, tastelets

>> No.17968954

no one argues about dry or sweet rum, retard, Brugal Extra Viejo is just bad, really cheap and bad, as well as your plebian taste.

>> No.17968993

The less tangy, sharp and harsh it is the best, my opinion is that a good rum never bites, it should always have a rounded taste that covers the entire palate even drunk warm. If you do the simpsons lemon meme while drinking rum, then that's a bad rum.

>> No.17969039

You're going crazy or are just a retard. I never mentioned shit about Brugal. I posted the hampden bottle, you donkey.

>> No.17969183

then is a pretty good one, I've tried the 12yo version. this site https://rumratings.com/ is pretty usefull btw
pardonne moi then noble sir. Im a retard anyway.

>> No.17969209

im gonna force a turd down your mom's throat and sew her mouth shut you fucking geek

>> No.17969460

>Real McCoy

>> No.17969529
File: 183 KB, 1500x1125, __opt__aboutcom__coeus__resources__content_migration__serious_eats__seriouseats.com__images__2015__06__20150616-rhum-agricole-vicky-wasik-5-75ac4b8b6b09449688b79651cb95f472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rum isn't "noble", it's the cool and relaxed one.
>ages quicker in tropical climates which keeps the cost of good aged bottles down
>doesn't have a reputation for being "manly" or sophisticated like whiskey, so idiots don't obsess over it just to feel validated
>this also keeps the cost down because it's less popular
>it's great for sipping and for mixing because the flavor profile compliments cocktails rather than working against them
>It's not a liar like vodka
>it's associated with the beach, vacations, relaxing, escapism, quiet getaways, sunsets and the sound of waves and warm summer air

Rum is the drink for having nothing to prove and being go with the flow. Don't call it shit like "noble". Noble is either about virtue or class, rum is classless and a bastard.

Don't go spreading around how good rum is. We don't want the loud whiskey fans ruining the vibes.

>> No.17969573

>ages quicker in tropical climates which keeps the cost of good aged bottles down
not really. the angels share is way greater because of the same reason. besides, luts of the rum makers use that kikey method called "solera", fooling inexperienced rum enthusiasts.

>> No.17969607
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I'm a simple simple man...

>> No.17969616
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Yes you are.

>> No.17969627

It's still a factor. What some companies do doesn't change the nature of it compared to whiskey.

>> No.17969633
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I'll try it out, see if I can start "expanding my horizons" as some of you scene faggots say nowadays

>> No.17969646

151 is overproof rums, what are you using this rum for? Sipping or mixing?

>> No.17969649

yeah bro, you need to expand your horizons.

>> No.17969651

didn't think they still made 151

>> No.17969704

Both to be honest..

>> No.17969717

bacardi carta oro gold is really nice. Just about finished a bottle of that, although I bought a 1L bottle of Havana Club especial to replace it since it was on sale, not sure I like it as much but it's not a big difference.

>> No.17969730

they're pretty similar, same range.

>> No.17969744

Overproof is best for adding a kick to a drink, usually alongside another rum. The hamilton 151 is the closest to the original lemon hart 151 (different from the current lemon hart) which was one of the rums used to make the classic zombie.

Try some other aged rums and see what flavors you like or what works better for mixing.

>> No.17969755

Germany has been dead as a nation of a century. There is not a single ‘german’ left alive whose opinion is even remotely relevant

>> No.17969763

Rum is the drink of libertarians.
Pirates, american revolutionaries, and the wild west.

>> No.17969781

I'm in my 30s and drink stout when I want something light with dinner and social situations. The reason the dads drink pilsners is because it's what they drank as lads and they've been conditioned to associate it with their identity and habits. No one who tries variety of drinks defaults to pilsner only forever.

Beer isn't a royalty drink it's historically always been a commoner drink.

You're attributing ideas to beer that don't make sense to justify a worldview that was faulty enough to need the justification.

>> No.17969836
File: 58 KB, 220x220, 60717358aa234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironically the wild west didn't drink whiskey shots and beer like in the movies, they had champagne and gin cocktails with ice and soda water to sip in their saloons. Tequila would have probably been more common with actual cowboys, especially since most were mexican anyway.

I wouldn't call rum the libertarian drink but it is an outlaw or rebel drink. It was popular during the prohibition because it was easier to smuggle over the border or in on a boat. Don the Beachcomber was a bootlegger and worked in a speakeasy, but when the prohibition ended he wanted to keep rum alive as everyone else was switching to whiskey, beer, and wine. So he started making very precise and complex rum cocktails and he kicked off the first wave of the tiki and exotica craze. He made restaurants with exotic asian and southeast island styled decor, bamboo, served basic chinese food (exotic to some at the time), and created some of the most complicated and well balanced cocktails ever, such as the zombie.

>> No.17969870

There's literally nothing wrong with solera aging. Take your pointless gatekeeping bullshit to your overpriced, overhyped, trash whiskey thread.

>> No.17970830

They don't. Bacardi was getting tired of being sued too many times from retards fucking up lighting their drinks on fire.

>> No.17970832

People sleep on rum as much as they sleep on brandy. Shit is drinkable at its cheapest and delicious at mid-tier prices.

>> No.17971301

The trick is they sleep because they had so much and it's comfy. Then they forget and the secret of how good rum is stays hidden a little longer.

>> No.17972042

A man of refined tastes, just like me

>> No.17972844

rum is safe from that because there is no mystique for the outsiders to mistake as sexyness

>> No.17972852

Already did. Prices are unironically crazier than whisky atm.

>> No.17972856
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>> No.17972901

this ones good for the price