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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17965186 No.17965186 [Reply] [Original]

>fat or no
>what did you eat today

Japan (im american though)
kinda fat
Breakfast was a brown sugar and matcha bun from a convenience store, with a fruit sandwich and protein bar and a red bull

lunch was tempe goreng at an indonesian restaurant, with some lumpia and a coke and a lemon sour

dinner was a plain dominos pizza

now it's 4:48am and i couldn't sleep so i went to the konbini for another bun, a matcha ice cream cone, another protein bar, and jar of sake

>> No.17965190

Wow anon-kun you must not be an English teacher monkey if you’re able to spend that much on food. Red bull? Are you IT? I used to live in japan too I miss it. America feels third world after living there

>> No.17965206

Im a language school student but im spending WAYYYY over my budget. I think total today this was 3000円

I have $3,200 to last me until October. it took me years to save all this shit... gonna look for a part time soon though.

any food recommendations? im vaguely pescatarian, just not really big on meat desu

>> No.17965207
File: 26 KB, 304x281, 1620767485544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up you blog posting faggot

>> No.17965220

blow me tranny im just trying to start a discussion of what people ate in total for a day

hardly a blogpost i just listed foods you fucking retard, no part of this was my personal experiences or opinions except for that i couldn't sleep, sorry if that was too personal for your fat fucking ass

>> No.17965228
File: 82 KB, 1024x951, 1620859945682m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no. You're a a faggot that just wants to talk about himself because no one likes you in Japan because you're an ugly loser.
Lmao. to actually claim you're starting a discussion when the post above mine (from you) is straight blog posting. Ugly gaijin can't get no pussy. Lmao

>> No.17965261

nice projection nigger, how depressed are you that you have to reach that hard to try to insult someone over making a food related post? i've been quite enjoying my time here. im learning a lot, made a good group of friends from class and im seeing a girl from italy that i quite like

and yeah no shit i talked about what im doing in the other post, the guy literally fucking asked me you schizo lmao

what is your problem? just shut the fuck up and list what you ate the thread is as simple as that you spastic projecting little incel

>> No.17965272

>>extremely fat
>>leftover steak from last night with some eggs, and i doordashed a burrito and 3 tacos that i'll slowly eat over the rest of the day

>> No.17965274

uk 24 lanklet

>> No.17965279

>more blogging
do you have an off switch? Mad af

>> No.17965307

this you?
that's so much protein you're piss chilling
what kind of burritos/tacos?

how do you prefer your deenz

people eat canned fish quite a bit here shockingly enough, not sure why when there's so much fresh fish

>assuming im mad for typing more than a sentence, thinking calling me mad will make me mad
zoomer detected. im just killing time until the laundry place opens, you're pretty pathetic my dude lol
guess that projecting comment hit you a little too hard so now you have to play that game. hope you find friends bud, it'll be okay

>> No.17965324

>replying to everyone so it feels like people are talking to you
this is sad

>> No.17965325

im gonna go, feel free to continue the thread, curious to see what anons eat over the course of the day

>> No.17965333

>spazzing this hard on someone for literally no reason
i am 10000% sure you are an unhappy person and i genuinely feel bad for you. you really are trying so hard, but the fact is my life is just better than yours and i wanted to make a comfy little thread. but now im bored with it so im going to go while you sit there alone continuing to waste time

don't @ me i won't end up reading it probably :^) good luck in life kiddo

>> No.17965335

stop blogposting and using strong zero to avatarfag.