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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17963571 No.17963571 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone ever eaten at a casino or gambling den? How was the food? I remember my grandparents bringing me to a country club where patrons playing slots got a bunch of free food and beer and the place smelled like cigarettes

>> No.17963652

Y’all telling me you never been to a casino?

>> No.17963663

I had a pint and a fish and mushy pea baguette at a bingo hall before. Shit was cash. I also had a lovely cheap burger at an amusement arcade in Blackpool.

>> No.17963676

what a pathetic existance your life must be holy fuck lmao

casino food is either overpriced and mediocre or overpriced and really good. either way, you never get what you pay for.

>> No.17963686

I have a tendency to get egregiously wasted and I think the drink girls are in a very legal conspiracy with the dealers because I almost always drop my last chips on their trays. Fuck.

>> No.17963696

you can buy drugs with the chips in the casinos in the US?

>> No.17963707

>ate food before
>lmao at your life
Alri, schizo?

>> No.17963710

Yup. It's a big problem, but one that goes unspoken. The 'other dealers' will play a game like craps and roulette, stuff nincompetatice but social. you place a certain bet, like 00 3 times in a row and they'll reach out.
Cops ignore it because they don't want to start anything with the owners, and its not publicized because you can't make a political campaign out of it.

>> No.17963722

>fish and baby food at bingo
>blackpool amusement arcade
horrid life if these stand out enough as moments to share online

>> No.17963726

shut the fuck up retard

>> No.17963727

comped food always tastes better

>> No.17963728

I don't think so? At least not the last time I was legally allowed in Vegas. I'm Canadian, and you get girls who walk around between table with """free""" drinks that you usually drop off a few chips with so they don't get pissy. Depends on the place. This whole memeflu shit really fucked up the domestic casino scene which was already having union issues.

>> No.17963729 [DELETED] 

It's the only two times I've eaten in gambling establishments as I'm not a gambler and the food was great.
>hates mushy peas
Ah, a nigger!

>> No.17963738
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>proud of literal baby food
fucking hell I'm so glad I wasn't born a bong

>> No.17963745 [DELETED] 

It's OK N'Wembe, your tagines are pretty nice. Plenty of nigger food is great. We should respect one another's cultures.

>> No.17963752 [DELETED] 

Hey sis, this is a blue board, take your racism somewhere else.

>> No.17963761 [DELETED] 

Um, sweaty, I'm quarter Jewish so I can't be racist. I demand an apology and reparations.

>> No.17963771

Is this the current world record for longest standing coinslot thread on /ck/?

>> No.17963773 [DELETED] 

I love that your only refute to your shithole island having the culture of literal 1200s peasants is "heh but your black". It's indefensible how shit your food it.
and I'm not black btw, but if I was your soccer players would be kneeling for me LMAO

>> No.17963775

gambling is for brainlet yankee wiggers

>> No.17963785 [DELETED] 

>I'm not black
Sorry Rodriguez. In any event, as I stated we should all respect each others cultures. You like to behead people, I like vinegar in peas.

>> No.17963793
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That right retard?

>> No.17963804 [DELETED] 
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>y...you...you're brown in some way!!!!
You don't have a "culture" worth respecting. Your island is a bunch of arrogant whining fussy toddlers who are stuck in a class system and way of life from 900 years ago.

>> No.17963836

yankees export their wigger culture all over the world, its like a plague

>> No.17963844 [DELETED] 

Why so racist?

>> No.17963846
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Yeah that American gambling company...moonrune.com

>> No.17963853 [DELETED] 
File: 2.96 MB, 1600x1048, nordniggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white people

>> No.17963859

The only thing keeping me from bring a white supremacist is seeing people from the UK and not wanting to associate with them.

>> No.17963868

>admiring white supremacy
>ignoring that Hitler considered some whites subhuman
Tsk tsk tsk. Very racist.