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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.08 MB, 1078x1396, Pop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17962951 No.17962951 [Reply] [Original]

Literally the best pop tarts of all time

>> No.17962956 [DELETED] 

>Pop tarts
Are you fucking 6?

>> No.17962959 [DELETED] 

I hate faggots and niggers so much.

>> No.17962960

It's, uh... Black people flavour...? Or is this like Banania and Aunt Jemima where they're just using cheerful black people as a marketing gimmick?

>> No.17962961

Poptart sisters, they're putting our colours on the boxes again, we're winning!

>> No.17962967

when will black pandering in advertisements end

>> No.17962970

That is what them queers eat on at Google.

>> No.17962977

ITT: upset Americans

>> No.17963008

>haha, we're BAD ASSES nothing triggers us
>box of pop tarts

Fucking hilarious

>> No.17963010

Despite all the chud rage, I have yet to see a single of these gay and trans flag products on store shelves.
I thought these were limited run things sold only on their website at inflated prices because it's """"""for charity"""" or some gay shit

>> No.17963012

Ah looks like my goyslop has been upgraded to fagniggergoyslop

>> No.17963019

I never really see them either I always assumed they mostly don't ship them to areas where they obviously wouldn't sell

>> No.17963031

enjoy seeing these in clearance in july

>> No.17963032

So they all get shipped to the bay area?

>> No.17963074

In my 23 years of life I have never once had a pop-tart
Am I missing out? Are they good?

>> No.17963083

No. They are acceptable as a snack when your hiking but unless you need some quick calories that pack flat they are shit. If you want a sugary breakfast that can be made in the toaster, toaster strudels beat them in every way other than portability.

>> No.17963086

They taste pretty good toasted but in their untoasted form, they taste like wagie gruel, they're 400 calories for a reason.

>> No.17963087 [DELETED] 

But kikes are a-okay with you?

>> No.17963182
File: 55 KB, 720x720, cfaba612-23d7-44e7-8bdf-8e74dce28cba-ea30a43685088231fd3184afa515e0f3-60be457fe57de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as food goes I've only seen the white pride skittles.

>> No.17963195

Ugh, respect MAPs you bigot

>> No.17963206

idk, but I can easily imagine performative urban types to buy products they never would normally just buy seeing a rainbow on the packaging to "own the nazis"

>> No.17963656


>> No.17963671

> globohomo corporate art tarts

>> No.17963732

I will look for them. So far, I have yet to find ones I like better than original blueberry, strawberry, and chocolate.

At the beginning of the War in Afghanistan, Afghan people were angry that Americans included Pop-Tarts in their food drops to starving people, saying it was culturally insensitive. Or at least that is the message some anti-American propaganda department tried to put out. They can air drop Pop-Tarts on me anytime.

>> No.17963742 [DELETED] 

pandering in general? probably soon
what's happening at netflix is a good example of why

>> No.17963748

>out of strawberry pop tarts
>none left in the village

>> No.17963769

>Afghan people were angry that Americans included Pop-Tarts in their food drops to starving people, saying it was culturally insensitive.
Why? Because they don't have toasters out in the middle of nowhere?

>> No.17963829

I would've bought it if they were white and the packaging used the regular pride flag, not the shit stained one

>> No.17963855

No. They said it was American food, and they wanted Afghan food. You would think any food is better than starvation.

I no longer use a toaster; I prefer them straight out of the pack.

>> No.17964293

What is Ernst Rohm doing on 4chan?

>> No.17964307


>> No.17964363

globohomo art

>> No.17964886

Yeah they're way better cold.

>> No.17964895

Being quasi-based as usual

>> No.17964915

>Or is this like Banania and Aunt Jemima where they're just using cheerful black people as a marketing gimmick?
lol that's exactly what it is

>> No.17965891

Those are the pop tarts that celebrate black homosexuals right?

Homophobe janny hasn't spotted your thread, kek

>> No.17965929

i have a bag of those on my desk rn

>> No.17965943
File: 203 KB, 552x461, 1629665435279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% this. /pol/dditors are easily the most fragile bunch that exist and they actually believe the opposite. Even just simply pointing out this fact will cause an onslaught of upset babies screaming "tranny", "commie" or whatever the "people i dont like" buzzword of the day is.

>> No.17965950

That's the same shade of pink as the few pics I've seen of after surgery neovaginas. The white part could be the decaying flesh. Nice!

>> No.17965981

Most of them just look like skin holes with blood red color. The pink looks more like an actual vagina, but I guess you haven't actually seen one of them.

>> No.17965991


>> No.17966003

You cant see the irony of your post and that makes you an idiot. I almost feel bad for you

>> No.17966135

Do you mix estrogen in your food?

>> No.17966140

Nah they rock that meat patty pink from what Ive seen (the tranny vaggues)

>> No.17966144

Only faggots and STD ridden femboys eat poptarts

>> No.17966198

Are you trying to suggest I'm "mad"? No, just stating the obvious observation. I actually enjoy mocking /pol/ddit babies just to upset them. I don't even disagree with them on most issues and browse the board for interesting updates you cant find in MSM. It's the people, not the ideology that make /pol/ddit a shitty place.

>> No.17966214

I think he was pointing out that only newfags (ironically prevalent on /pol/) think that /pol/ users exist in a bubble. 4chan has never been like that.

>> No.17967843

Or normal people are genuinely tired of this shit

>> No.17967864
File: 44 KB, 488x488, b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.17967871

I don't know why you think 4chan is a place for normal people. We're above you sheeple.

>> No.17967879

way, way below

>> No.17967882

You are a different brand of npc, very few people on here are actually free thinking

>> No.17967921

Black people couldnt afford those back in the day. This was intended for the whites.

>> No.17967973

Post them with timestamp nao

>> No.17967989

Why is blackness paired with the pride flag now? Is it insinuating that every black person is a gay tranny? I dont known if the people who made this realize but black people are pretty damn discriminatory against the lgbt community.

>> No.17967997

Black is the new gay.

>> No.17968500

Now with Aids !

>> No.17968507

Those aren't unfrosted cinnamon & brown sugar.

>> No.17968527
File: 1.04 MB, 320x180, PEACE_NIGGAS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Black Party Lemonade
County Time Lemonade + Purple Drank?

>> No.17968678

you know when they talk about all those trannies that get murdered. It's being done by black guys who got tricked by a tranny whore lol