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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17960126 No.17960126 [Reply] [Original]

Ever since I cut seed oils out of my diet I've found it pretty hard to find healthy snacks that I can eat on a daily basis. I normally eat cottage cheese, plain greek yogurt with some fruit added, and maybe a chunk of cheese. But eating these daily is pretty expensive. I don't really care about sugar so much. I'd even eat stuff like cookies or muffins if they were baked with butter instead of vegetable oils and didn't have soy lecithin and 20 other weird chemicals added.

I'm not in any way trying to cut down on my calories, or carbs, or anything like that. If anything I could gain a few pounds. What does anon each for health/semi-healthy snacks?

>> No.17960139

found your problem
learn how to eat
>and didn't have soy lecithin and 20 other weird chemicals added
and you're not even cooking your own food
grow the fuck up

>> No.17960152

>and you're not even cooking your own food
I cook all of my meals from whole ingredients.

>> No.17960158

sneed oils /thread

>> No.17960165


>> No.17960172

>t.obese American

>> No.17960186

No you are not allowed to eat the Poofas.
Go search reddit.com for "seed oils" and you'll see what I mean. /r/conspiracy and /r/stopeatingseedoils and /r/keto agree with me.

>> No.17960194

>look, these people on reddit agree with you, therefore you should do the opposite!!
retards like you are ruining this board

>> No.17960198

yes, we shouldn't consume something in such quantities that are entirely unnatural in the diet of humans throughout the thousands of years that we've existed on the planet

>> No.17960202

>98 ears of corn=5 Tbsp oil
X doubt

>> No.17960221

Hey you dumb low IQ fatso, OP here. if you want to eat vegetable oils I don't really give a shit. This thread is about snacks that don't contain vegetable oils, so if you can't contribute to the discussion then get the fuck out. Shitting up my thread isn't going to make you feel better about your gluttonous lifestyle.

>> No.17960230

You mention muffins and cookies in your OP, why not try making some of those yourself with no vegetable oil? Cookies especially can last a while in a sealed container. I would suggest peanut butter cookies as they're pretty easy to make

>> No.17960245

Good idea. I actually never considered that since I don't really do any baking.

>> No.17960251


>> No.17960271

Seasonal fruit is the simplest answer.

>> No.17960289

cookies are just butter, flour, sugar, salt and baking powder

i avoid seed oils myself but i avoid sugar even more

>> No.17960677

>learn how to eat
Eating is a skill? Do you americans really?

>> No.17960785


I feel like I could easily eat 2800 sunflower seeds or 625 grapes

>> No.17960838

I'm not a great baker too, so peanut butter cookies work for me. Most recipes are insanely simple.
It's good to avoid a lot of sugar, but people who don't eat sugar at all tend to be bitter cunts. A bit of sugar in one's diet is important.

>> No.17960866

why don't you do the same with snacks then?

>> No.17960884

It's not really that far off when you think about it:

It takes ~780lb of corn (14 bushels) to produce 2.5 Gallons of corn oil. That being said, you're not really losing much in terms of calories through the process and harping on it seems kinda dumb. If this was a "wasteful" process, vegetable oils wouldn't be used as a cheap additive to animal feeds

>> No.17961195

Op you just need to learn cook for yourself. I made myself some tortillas with lard, so good. And the knowledge that you're defeating them and their seed oil agenda makes it taste better.

>> No.17961219

>american education

>> No.17961226

>it's the oil schizo thread

>> No.17961427

I stopped off at the grocery store earlier and picked up all the stuff I need for some peanut butter cookies. Wish me luck

The point isn't that it's wasteful. It's that it's very unnatural to be eating that amount in a single day.

Nice same fagging. Not American.

>> No.17961456

oat bars
mix oats, flour, egg, peanut butter, honey, dash of water, sugar, salt, a mashed banana, dried fruits, whatever the FUCK
then slap on the oven for 20 minutes and wala

>> No.17961461

>if you cant eat it as real food you probably shouldn't eat it at all
How fucking stupid. Vegetable oil is food.

>> No.17961499

Iron is food too. Eating vegetable oils is akin to grinding up power tools into a powder and putting it in all your meals.

>> No.17961517

This sounds pretty good, i'm gonna give it a try tomorrow

>> No.17961621

I have this problem.
If you’re ok with cookies, homemade cookie dough freezes well enough.
I stay away from PUFAs, so that also rules out peanut oil. Oddly enough, peanut butter powder should be OK but I can’t think of any good snacks to make with it.

>> No.17961634

>I am iron man

>> No.17962293

You live in New Jersey.

>> No.17962316


>> No.17962458

Good luck anon, enjoy baking

>> No.17962462

Fucking hell that sounds great, I gotta try this

>> No.17962471


ghee popcorn (just stovetop popcorn but with ghee instead of vegetable oil).

>> No.17962573

>he doesn't eat rapeseed oil
how are you going to rape without your rapeseed?

>> No.17962593

saturated fats are better for rape because you can cover your dick in it and it will stay solid until it's time to go. no hassle pre-lube.

>> No.17962613

I feel like this image is lying to me

>> No.17962655

There’s brands that make potato chips available in the grocery store cooked in avocado, coconut, or even lard if you feel like you’re missing out.

>> No.17962659

lately I've been eating grape tomatos for snacks. sometimes I put salt and pepper on them or olive oil.

>> No.17962667

I think as a community /fit/ should call this bullshit out in all its forms.

Bread is fine, milk is fine, sugar is fine, fat is fine, carbs are fine, oil is fine.

As a society we do consume too much of these things, yeah, granted, but I'd be willing to wager the problem isn't the seed oil you used to make a vegetable stir fry.

>> No.17962676

Watch this video. The evidence is pretty damn compelling.

>> No.17962705

Here's another good one

>> No.17962722

NTA but I can't be bothered sitting through a 45 minute video to try and find his sources, do you have a link to them?

>> No.17962724

No one is going to spoon feed you any more than we already are. Your health is your responsibility, and if you think vegetable oils are fine then keep eating them.

>> No.17962730

>posts sourceless jpeg
>instant nutrition expert
lmao, even

>> No.17962738 [DELETED] 

>but people who don't eat sugar at all tend to be bitter cunts.
Well I'm already sweet enough.

>> No.17962749 [DELETED] 

enjoy your goyslop

>> No.17962751

A 45 minute youtube video of one dude at the Sheraton isn't evidence and providing a source other than youtube isn't spoonfeeding.

I will continue to believe that maintaining a fatty acid ratio between 1:1 and 4:1 is more important than avoiding seed oils.

>> No.17962763

keep the ratio closer to 1:1 while favoring more omega 3 is the goal, but seed oils can have ratios as high as 70:1 omega 6 to 3

>> No.17962783

this pic is pro palm oil propaganda btw

>> No.17962914
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can confirm, these are great
I don't even have a recipe since they're different every time

>> No.17962928

Flaxseed oil is 1:5 in the other direction, while peanut butter (suggested as an alternative by >>17960230) is
nearly all omega-6. You can't just blame seed oils for everything if cooking half your meals with a different seed oil will fix all your fatty acid ratio problems but eating peanuts will make them worse.

>> No.17964048

The ratio is important, but the total PUFA content of your diet is even more important. We're eating ~15 times more PUFAs than any pre-industrial age human in history. This is particularly true when most of the PUFAs people eat are pre-oxidized in the refinery process and left to go rancid on shelves for months before consumption.

The goal should be reducing all PUFAs to a natural level while balancing the ratio. If you just boost your omega-3's to match your way too high omega-6's you're going to end up with chronic diseases and you'll have no one to blame but yourself.

If you really want to get into the science of things, do some research on what those Omega fatty acids do. Why should these factory produced oils comprise 12-15% of your daily calories?

>> No.17964117

>seed oil LE BAD schizos off their meds again
I'll keep enjoying my keyed all narural RAPEWOMENseed oil
Evwn if it were bad life isnt a competiton of living one year longer

>> No.17964138

Yeah that's the thing about seed oils. They won't necessarily kill you over night. But you'll end up with the beetus, obese, high blood pressure, or getting some shitty auto-immune disorder or slow growing cancer, and the last 20 years of your life will be a living hell.

>> No.17964154

fix your ADHD kiddo. it's going to hurt you down the line if you plan to work at something other than a wendys.

>> No.17964213

So olive oil is bad?

>> No.17964232

>Between 4 and 5 kilos of olives are needed to produce 1 litre of olive oil.
>One olive is 5 grams
>800-1000 olives per liter of olive oil
>1 liter is 67 tbs
>Therefore 11 to 14 olives produce 1 tbs of olive oil
In addition, you can extract oil from olives by hand without ruining the fatty acids with heat and chemicals. We've been eating it for thousands of years.

>> No.17964280

You need 2.5 kilos of sunflower seeds for one litre. The pic in the OP states, that this is already too much and thus is obviously unhealthy. Since olive oil needs twice as much, it must be unhealthy then. Sunflowers are used as an oil since a few thousand years ago, so it can't be that.

>> No.17964283

Based ketochad dropping facts

>> No.17964340

You can eat the equivalent of 1 tablespoon of olive oil with just 11-14 olives. In order to eat the equivalent of 1 tablespoon of sunflower seeds you need to eat 9 tablespoons or just over half a cup of sunflower seeds husks. You also cannot extract the oils from sunflower seeds without destroying the fats.

>> No.17964378

The comparison paints a wrong picture. You need less sunflowerseeds than olives in mass for the same amount of oil. Sunflowerseeds can also be coldpressed like classic olive oil. So I don't know how it the fats would be "destroyed"

>> No.17964410

olive oil is fine. as with all foods, the less processed, the better. as the other anon said, we've been eating that for thousands of years. seed oils are 150 years old and only come to be after lots and lots of processing.

>> No.17964434
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How long would it take to pick and eat half a cup of sunflower seeds, versus how long would it take to pick and eat 11 olives? Seeds in general are something to be consumed in moderation. We're not birds. 100 grams of sunflower seeds contains 25 times the amount of polyunsaturated fats compared to 100 grams of olives.

>> No.17964438

That is not correct in the case of sunflower oil. And my point is, that OP's pic is garbage since the only argument it has is the mass needed for equivalent amount of oil

>> No.17964450

It's not mass, it's amount. You can eat 200 grams of beef a lot easier than 200 grams of spinach. Both are food, both are edible, but eating 200 grams of spinach in one sitting will make you sick.

>> No.17964455

I can't imagine that seeds weren't part of our historical diet. They may be one of the easiest food to gather. So why would unsatured fats per se be a major problem?

I'm not defending modern garbage food. But sunflower oil probably isn't one of them. It's just as old as olive oil.

>> No.17964465

Seeds were most certainly part of our historical diet. But like I said, we weren't eating them a cup at a time. Think of how much labour goes into gathering them and removing their shells. Imagine manually doing 2.5 a cups worth every single day, for every person in the tribe. It's just not going to happen that way.

Sunflower oil is bad because of its PUFA content which is off the charts. Historically we weren't eating 5 tablespoons of it per day. It's the dose that makes the poison.

>> No.17964549

I get what you're saying and on a basic level I'm with you. But one sunflower alone already contains 2000 seeds. That's enough for two people. If we were aiming for 5 tsp. So it couldn't be that hard to gather. So I'm not convinced on this specific seed oil. But I think we can agree that olive oil, butter and clarified butter should be mainly used

>> No.17964558

I can concede that cold pressed sunflower oil (which apparently exists?) is healthier than most other refined vegetable oils. But I still see no reason to use it in place of grass fed butter, tallow or EVOO.

>> No.17964562

6 meals a day snacking culture is pretty American, its also extremely unhealthy.

>> No.17964567

Your a fucking dumbass and this thread is bad kill yourself

>> No.17964569

The main reason it's unhealthy is because it causes you to eat excess calories without realizing it, and usually those calories are from junk food. If you're not fat, or at risk of becoming fat, and the snacks are relatively healthy, it's perfectly fine.

>> No.17964572

Post wrist

>> No.17964611

>hur dur 1 pound of cheese equivalent to X gallons of milk if you can't drink that much milk you shouldn't eat cheese
ebin XDDD

>> No.17964627

>comparing the same food in different forms to two entirely different types of foods
go sit in the corner and think about what you've done

>> No.17964644

>Why should these factory produced oils comprise 12-15% of your daily calories?
They don't. Refined oils make up about 7% of my diet on the worst days, and average about 3%. Regardless, you're the one making the claim that the average person should change their diet, so why are PUFAs worse than saturated animal fats?

Saying "do some research" or linking to youtube talks are both deflections. They let you avoid citing any papers that I could criticise. If you make me guess what your sources are, you can play a game where you go around in circles without ever giving me anything to pin you down.

Not wanting to sit through a 45 minute lecture by someone you disagree with just so you can argue with strangers on 4chan is not a symptom of ADHD.

>> No.17964651

>Regardless, you're the one making the claim that the average person should change their diet, so why are PUFAs worse than saturated animal fats?
See: >>17962676

>Saying "do some research" or linking to youtube talks are both deflections.
You've been given more than enough information to come to your own conclusion. Stop asking me to spoon feed you and do your research for you. It's not going to happen.

>Not wanting to sit through a 45 minute lecture by someone you disagree with
Why the fuck are you in this thread then if you've already made up your mind, refuse to listen to the research others have done, and are too fucking lazy to look it up yourself? You're fucking cancer.

>> No.17964664
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This thread is for snack ideas that don't contain vegetable oils. Why are you here if you're not interested in snacks that don't contain vegetable oils?

>> No.17964670

Anon, if your evidence is some dude on youtube rather than a set of papers, you're being gullible. You're not necessarily wrong, because you don't have enough evidence to know.

Accusing me of laziness because I won't go "look it up" myself is deflecting from you not having any evidence. If you had it, you'd show it.

If you start a thread for snack ideas that contain cyanide and arsenic I'll call you retarded in that one too.

>> No.17964673

No one is trying to convince you of anything. Fuck off.

>> No.17964688

>No one is trying to convince you of anything.
You're trying to convince anons that your seed oil schizo conspiracy is true because it makes you feel smart and knowledgeable.

>> No.17964692

>National Corn Growers Association deposited $.02 into your account. Keep up the good work son, you're helping us correct the record with all that misinformation out there

>> No.17964694

Both of those youtube videos cited numerous studies and made a compelling presentations based on said studies. The fact that you refuse to watch them despite being spoon-fed indicates to me that you fear what you might learn and are engaging in mental gymnastics to convince yourself that what you've believed your whole life could not possibly be wrong.

>compares not eating seed oils to eating cyanide and arsenic
this ridiculous false equivalency is indicative of a very low IQ. You're not worth anyone's time.

>> No.17964699

take your reddit spacing and skedaddle

>> No.17964715

I'm not going to spend 45 minutes watching shitty rhetoric to get three or four fucking links nigger, grow the fuck up and cite your sources properly.

>oh no, he asked for an actual source
>I don't have actual sources
>better just accuse him of shilling

Reddit spacing is an ebin meme for gay zoomers who arrived after 2012 and don't capitalise sentences or use paragraphs because they think it makes them look like oldfags.

>> No.17964722

>too lazy and dumb to do own research
>too lazy and dumb to watch 45 minute video
Natural selection in action. Enjoy your stroke at 52

>> No.17964727

Sneed oil? I prefer chuck oil.

>> No.17965334

>, you can extract oil from olives by hand without ruining the fatty acids with heat and chemicals
who the fuck is buying olive oil that's not cold pressed?

>> No.17965362
File: 45 KB, 400x266, sunflower-400x266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How long would it take to pick and eat half a cup of sunflower seeds
one sun flower has easily half cup of seeds on it and they fall right out with a good bump, and popping them open with your teeth takes seconds, i grow sun flowers and have eaten far more then that in one sitting (but then i chugged 4 cups of water and threw up because i was overheated)

>> No.17965393


>> No.17965397

>6 meals a day snacking culture is pretty American
no it's gatherer culture, the oldest eating culture in existence. Rarely did we fall big game and have a feast, most of the time it was " oh look a berry, oh look a berry, oh look a nut, oh look a berry"
People had nothing better to do but fuck and find shit to eat

>> No.17965410
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>This thread is for snack ideas that don't contain vegetable oils.
well then we can easily rule out vegetables for snacks

>> No.17965462


>> No.17965620
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i bet your weave is shiny AF

>> No.17965626
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>> No.17965647

just don't be retarded and add honey AND banana AND dried fruits AND sugar all at the same time.
if you need that much sugar to make it taste sweet, cut out the soda holy fucking shit
1 or 2 of those ingredients TOPS is all you should need for ample sweetness

>> No.17965655

/thread. The frequency of eating undermines any of the health benefits of a superior diet.

>> No.17965922

Humans have subsided on nuts and fruits with only occasional game throughout the thousands of years we have existed on this planet. Highly processed soi oils should be avoided, but there's nothing wrong with avocados or good quality olive oil. In fact, you need some oils that don't come from meat or dairy for a balanced diet.

>> No.17965931

>seed oil excesses
Yes, Jim, an excess of anything is bad for you. Avoid processed and premade food, only eat at local restaurants as a treat.

>> No.17966323

just went grocery shopping with the sole intent to find a packaged bag of potato chips that wasn't made with canola/sunflower/safflower oil.
I recently have jumped on the no-seed-oil bandwagon and holy shit...
I found a grand total of ONE brand that had something else, which was avocado oil
america shame

>> No.17966334

Yeah it's pretty crazy when you actually start noticing it. There's literally no way out aside from cooking everything yourself with basic ingredients. Which isn't a bad thing but it can be a time sink.

>> No.17966360
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I got into sugar-free granola. All you need is 1.5 cups oats, 2 egg whites, and whatever spices/nuts/fruit you want.

>> No.17966981

I don't think that's comparable anon. Ever tried Gomae? If done right it's very good.

>> No.17967616


>> No.17968046

>even though it's made from food you can't eat it!!
>why? b-because you can't!!

>> No.17968433

You enjoy, I'll be having food that tastes good. Rapeseed oil tastes like shit.

>> No.17968436

I'm the anon that suggested peanut butter cookies. I don't think you should use any peanut butter that isn't just peanuts, oil, and maybe salt. No JIF, no Skippy, none of that crap.

>> No.17968627

OP here. I made some last night using natural peanut butter, grass fed butter and brown sugar. Still not "healthy" but a lot better than the store bought crap, and tastes better too.

>> No.17968671

There is NO REASON I can't eat ground up cherry pits.

>> No.17968796

People can eat whatever they want. I don't care if you eat industrial waste byproducts or break into the local hair salon and drink all their hair spray.

>> No.17968871

Sunflower seeds: roast em whole. Fresh they're oike vegan bacon. Great snack. Add bacon and you got super soup topping. Or just salt.
Oil version: Not staple condiment at all, just like rapeseed. Olive oil and coconut fats are a most exellent staple to me.
Can't beat popcorn if you want a snack. Use coconut.