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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17959193 No.17959193 [Reply] [Original]

>these are the people complaining about food prices.
Lmao no refunds goy.

>> No.17959197

>most of it is pure sugar

ok so where is the real food at?

>> No.17959199

we had this thread, last month??
but go off regardless

>> No.17959202

She could go by any food bank and get her car loaded with so much food that a family of four could survive on it for a month.

My mom forced me to go to one of those places during Le Pandemic because the mayor's office called around telling everyone they were running one in the mall parking lot over the weekend. Holy hell, she probably still has some of it left over in her freezer.

>> No.17959204

>Be normies
>Live in centre of city and eat out every meal with 34 paid subscriptions
>Waaaaah everything expensive and I can't afford house

>> No.17959206

>one of those posters that knows every thread on /cgay/
Lmao go outside

>> No.17959214

I wish i had the kind of money these "poor normies" have. I could probably live extremely comfortably here in my third world country.

>> No.17959216

Living in Germany must suck

>> No.17959220
File: 2.68 MB, 1519x1015, petforpoors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17959222

Anon..i live in brazil

>> No.17959237

i still belive this was a troll, no way someone is so unaware as to consider this staple food.
>anon I...
No. No way actual poor people would splurge 155$ on sweets, crisps and soda

>> No.17959238

is food for fat people, what is the problem?

>> No.17959240

Found my old thread:

>be me
>trapped in WuFlu Hell caring for my geriatric mother
>at least we're fucking rich so we don't have to worry about the economic mess
>mom's a miser, lives on cornflakes and tea
>I have to sneak out to buy lunch at Costco
>then one day
>local city mayor's office calls about food pantry
>make the mistake of telling mom about it
>she demands that I go
>but mom, that's for poor people
>fuck you Anon, I'm old, I deserve this
>I end up waking up too late to go
>she's pissed at me for days
>this month
>she gets the call
>demands that I go in for free food gibs
>I go
>it's a drive-thru
>they literally just fill up the trunk
>I get back, carry bags of food up
>some nice stuff
>a whole frozen chicken
>a whole frozen ham
>a gallon of milk
>some vegetables
>carton of eggs
>oh there's the gubmint cheese, a pound of "processed American"
>ok, I'll get the rest later
>probably all shitty off brand canned goods
>goof around on interweb for a while
>may as well get the rest out of the trunk
>drag up fucking heavy cardboard box from garage
>open it
>24 pounds of precooked preseasoned meats
>chicken, pork, more chicken
>all half-thawed
>run down and get the next box
>just chilly vegetables
>get the last
>ok here's the shitty canned goods at last
>still an entire case of toilet paper and paper towels in the car trunk
>also a $25 "gift card" for free whatevers at a major chain store and four LED floodlight bulbs
>net take is enough to feed a family of starving Venezuelans for six months
>there's no fucking way we'll eat this before next month
>we'll be wiping our assholes on the giveaway toilet paper until Christmas
wat do halp pl0x
literally how do people in America pretend that anyone goes hungry with insane giveaways like this shit?

So far the only truly shitty stuff is the jar of off-brand peanut butter that looks like something that came out of a baby's asshole.

>> No.17959243

food prices are fucked because of democrat incompetence but you can still spend your money better than that

>> No.17959248

Could be worse, you could live in some shithole in Africa.

>> No.17959249

the world market will over react to the upcoming food shortage and countries that rely on food exports like brazil with its sugar will make a lot of money. This is financial advice.

>> No.17959259

This isn't real..