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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17956175 No.17956175 [Reply] [Original]

Confess your sins of gluttony. All is forgiven

>> No.17956198
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I'm too scared to look up how bad Swanson meals are for me. I have no idea where people find time to cook.
I want to believe Swanson meals are healthy and well rounded meals, even though I know there's no way they can even be real food.

>> No.17956393
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Those meals, and their kind in general, are not healthy and well-rounded.
But as long as you keep the fat, cholesterol, and maybe sodium* in mind, it at least serves as a caloric source. In the end, that is the most important nutrient to continuing your existence.

The biggest issue for immediate health is a lack of macro-nutrients and micro-nutrients, either entirely or in a form that is efficiently extracted by the body. While it doesn't replace a more proper diet, a daily multivitamin and supplements which address symptoms like pic related goes a long way.

Beyond sodium increase, preservatives are likely to cause heightened inflammation and increased risk for long-term diseases, but if you care much about possibilities there you should just cut processed foods entirely.

* I have listened to my doctors on reducing sodium intake without changing much else up and it my blood pressure dropped some. I don't think it is as bad alone as is commonly paraded.

>> No.17956515

Just copy the menu and replicate it yourself. It's not hard to buy a turkey breast and bake it, boil and mash some taters and throw some frozen green beans in a pot. These do have a comfy flavor and are nostalgic for me too, but there's really no room to be lazy when it comes to your health or rather being unhealthy

>> No.17956542

I come home from work and make a sandwich, have a pickle, maybe some cottage cheese and some chips. The problem is I end up eating half the bag of family/party size chips (doritos, lays, etc). Then I pass out and wake up and go to sleep again and repeat this every day.

>> No.17956547

You sound like you do manual work. In which case that’s perfectly fine. Office normies will have problems with food, blue collar kings don’t.

>> No.17956929

I've been eating junk food since childhood, and still do into my 30s. It's hard to stop.

>> No.17957327

well you can start being healthier by only drinking water/tea instead of that junk

>> No.17957370

no, the problem is you're stuck on cruise control, doing the same thing over and over again

>> No.17957928

That sounds exactly like me, anon.

>> No.17957976

One time my bro ordered 3 large 16" pizzas to the shop because we were staying late to work on relatives cars and after i ate 1 and a half of them, midway through my 12th slice, he tapped me on the shoulder to remind me pop hadn't eaten yet. I really badly wanted more but there was only a couple slices left

I once ate 6 whoppers in a sitting on whopper Wednesday b4 going on a "skate trip" (explore the town for spots and skate them until you get kicked out).

The worst because it really effected my pop, I was living with him at the time as an adult. After getting incredibly drunk and I am a drunk so like 25 ish beers I ate half a meatloaf his gf made and polished off the veggies and taters she made for sides and they'd planned for that to be their meal the next day. I was harshly shamed.

Stats, 6' 180 pounds.

>> No.17958004

As for my regular sins I generally feel a need to order like I have a gf. For example if I want a burger I'll order something like the burger plus a large antipasto salad so they think I'm buying for a gf too. I did this even while dating except since I'd actually be ordering for 2 I'd order something from another restaurant so they wouldn't know I've gotten 2 meals for myself. Plus fries usually although fried mushrooms are awesome too

>> No.17958013

I have the opposite sort of problem
I can't remember the last time I bought a box of salad, a loaf of bread, or a carton of eggs and actually finished it before expiration

>> No.17958032

5 pounds of tomatoes
1.5 (3/4 largesize) cups of red onion
1.5 red peppers
2.25 (1.5) cups of cucumber
.5 jalapeno
.5 cups of cilantro
<2 tbs of garlic garlic
1/3 cup olive oil
.25 cups red wine vinegar
.25 cups lemon lime juice
last, this is a recipe an exs mom had she ran a restaurant so i had to downsize the units and ive changed units to be easier for me to shop for it thats why theyre weird but ive eaten this plus the 2 pounds of shrimp and garlic bread croutons meant to be eaten with it in one night. i get fatter when i cook for myself guys.

>> No.17958056

They're really high in sodium but there's plenty of worse things you could be eating

>> No.17959731

I eat 3 bowls of rice krispies before bed...

>> No.17960036

I’ve ate at least a dozen burgers in less than a month.

>> No.17960040

I can't cook a steak if my life dependet on it. I'm not even a woman.

>> No.17960043

You have time to watch a shit tv show but can't find time to cook? Interesting

>> No.17960044

>can't cook a steak
It’s easy. Heat up grill as hot as possible for 10 minutes, throw steak on, flip after 3 minutes and pull off after another 2 minutes

>> No.17960556

I ate three grapes once.

>> No.17960715

I once ate a whole tin of cinnamon Altoids in an hour. Haven't had one since, don't think.

>> No.17960750

>watches shows on a tiny broken laptop in a daylit dining room eating tv dinners with sugary drinks
Grim. Really grim. At least get yourself a fucking TV and couch for god's sake if you don't want to get a PC and monitor

>> No.17960760

I ate a pint of ice cream yesterday evening.

>> No.17960823

Once I ate 16 pizzas and I stayed skinny back then

>> No.17960831
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I kind of felt guilty making too many peanut butter and saltine cracker sandwiches as a snack but this thread kind of makes me feel better about myself desu.

>> No.17960904

pfft, weak. trust no one in life who never battled the depths of a sin and comes out on top.

>> No.17960958

I have had 6+ large bowls of fruity pebbles in the last 10 hrs

>> No.17960996

For the past three days I have eaten nothing but icecream :(

>> No.17961025

I used to drink over a liter of coke a day. I was a lardass.

I have stopped drinking my calories, cleaned up my diet and took up exercise. Oddly enough, I look much better now nearing 40 than I did in my early 20's.

Nowadays, I still feel like I sin. On Friday nights, I'll down a liter of coke zero, smoke up a little bit, and snack throughout the night. A quesadilla, a couple small lemon tarts, a handful of nuts and such... and yet, my current lifestyle does not allow me to gain weight back.

Living in the Netherlands is the fucking shit. Barely any fatties around because of the way people live here.

>> No.17961044
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i get really drunk playing yakuza on saturdays and i'll order a shitload of food from jack in the box that's less than half a mile away. i always get egg rolls, tiny tacos, a breakfast burrito, and a chicken burger or burger. i never eat anything past the initial tiny tacos and maybe 1 egg roll, the rest gets nuked the following sunday and monday. idk why my eyes have more say than my stomach man

>> No.17961053

Sometimes I get a whole dozen donuts just for myself to eat over the course of a few days. Also every time I get fast food I like to get two different burgers and eat them both, one in each hand going back and forth between them each couple of bites. I love doing that. I also like to mix crushed up cheesy doritos, shredded cheese, and sour cream and eat that out of a bowl, I call it taco mush.

>> No.17961066

dude your shits are gonna look like clown gore

>> No.17961154

psyllium is a fucking meme
>Improved IBS symptoms
psyllium ferments in the gut and will worsen IBS symptoms, as well as gas/bloating in general
if you want a fiber supplement that won't rot out your insides, take methylcellulose instead

>> No.17961567

Sliced eggplant with olive oil, garlic salt and Italian spaghetti seasoning mix baked in the oven. Chewy but somehow enjoyable while high

>> No.17961707

Now that you’ve confessed your food sins, maybe it’s time you go in for a real confession, pothead

>> No.17961802 [DELETED] 

had too much garlic
roasted garlic in the oven
squeeze out the garlic mush it up and i was eating "garlic ice cream"

>> No.17961821

That meatloaf sin is pretty bad, anon. My roommate used to do this and I'm so glad his behaviour has improved. Most times I'm just glad he's enjoying something I made but if I come home hungry and my leftovers are all gone (especially if i worked hard on them) i have to steel myself.

>> No.17961995

psyllium improves my symptoms, but I'll looks into methylcellulose

>> No.17962045

Near where I grew up there was a festival that had shit like garlic ice cream. Someone shot it up and ruined it

>> No.17962057


>> No.17962118 [DELETED] 

there's gonna be another gilroy garlic festival this summer apparently

>> No.17962283 [DELETED] 

but it's called stockton garlic festival

>> No.17962325

I used to do something similar. On Friday night I would get a Mac Attack, swap the Big Macs for Quarter Pounders,get Fanta to drink, then get 3 mayo cheeseburgers. I would eat the fries, cheeseburgers and drink the Fanta. Next morning I would put mayo on the Quarter Pounders and reheat them. Reheated Quarter Pounders are better than fresh.

>> No.17962790

Have eaten an entire large pizza by myself once

>> No.17962871
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I buy an walnut/cherry rye boule that's cut really thick and the slices are wide asf, like dinner plate wide, I toast them with butter and make a kick ass AB&J with about a half cup of milk to wash down with sips every bite, it's my every other nightly ritual and I feel amazing doing it
I'm not actually guilty of this rather I'm proud of it

>> No.17963060

I'm trying to eat healthier, but I get so tired and pissed off from work sometimes that I have two cheat days a week.

>> No.17963073

when i go get fast food i get 25-30$ worth and eat it all in one sitting

>> No.17964200
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I fucking love McNuggets and I will never get tired of them. I dip it in their ooey gooey soy filled sauce too. My Mcdonalds has a deal where you can get 2 free medium fries free with a 20pc and I eat it every friday. Fuck.

>> No.17964236

Forgive me Father for I have sinned.
I ordered a family size pizza with gorgonzola, jalapeños, pineapple and bacon, and ate it all alone over the course of an evening. It was so good I did It again the next day.

>> No.17964259

Based pizza toppings, I fucking love pineapple and jalapeno together. You are forgiven, son.

>> No.17964286

I don't cook everyday but I eat something I've cooked everyday. Leftovers, nigga. Roast a 4lb turkey titty and that's about 18 servings right there. Fridge some, freeze the rest.
I think I see corn and mash there, too. Not what I would choose, but let's go with that: mashed potato is not only a complete piece of piss but it freezes supremely well if you know how to store it. I put it either in a bakery bag (y'know: the twist shut kind) or freeze them in invidivual servings using fold-over type sandwich baggies (not the zip type). For either one, just squeeze out all the air, twist shut and put in the freezer, open-end tucked under.
For corn, frozen sweetcorn is fine. To serve, I put a bit into a bowl, add a bit of butter and nuke it, then add salt.
Now, what I /would/ serve with the roast turkey would be cauliflower stamppot (steam a head off cauliflower, mash it with butter and season it with salt, parsley and freshly powdered dry onion; add potato flour or flake until a mashed potato consistency is achieved) and something green. Sprouts. Broccoli. Spinach. Whathaveyou. For greens, I blanch them, shock them then nuke (or cook in a pan) with butter and salt, ezpz.
It's nice if you use a different colour of cauliflower. Orange, yellow and purple are nice.
And the gravy. Just chicken (or turkey) stock thickened with a light roux. Gravy also freezes well.
With proper planning, you don't have to spend every waking moment in the kitchen.

>> No.17964299

I ate some ridiculously hit instant ramen last night and my ass is on fire now

>> No.17964333

I literally do not understand the type of person that buys boxed bullshit, or eats boxed bullshit.
Like, i drive my buddy to aldis and he grabs a box of fucking instant mashed potatoes.
I made him put that shit back and walked him over to the pound bag of whole taters. Shit cost maybe 30¢ more than a box of shitty instant taters and at the very least he can make other shit with them than mashed potatoes. He chose to bske some tater skins. When I was climbing out of being homeless my food budget was $50 a week. I ate heartily, but it was mostly bread and eggs. Fucking eggs takes like 10 minutes to cook at the most, so you have zero fucking excuse when your shitty microwave meals take 5 minutes just to defrost one side.

as for my food sin, well, sometimes id get stupidly fucking baked and use half and half for my dumb kids cereal munchies when i ran out of milk.

>> No.17964413

I drink 2-4 bottles of wine a day.

>> No.17964496

switch to vodka for a low calorie option

>> No.17964506

I've started to eat breakfast again instead of fasting in the morning. I know it's gluttonous but I was losing too much weight after switching to a non sedentary job. I'll eat eggs, sausage, and sometimes even cereal. I'm ashamed

>> No.17964509

yeah, that's the only draw back. I don't like vodka though, might have to find a decent but cheap whisky instead.

>> No.17964515

doesn't sound like a sin if you're turning into an african as a result of fasting. might as well enjoy a hearty breakfast.

>> No.17964547

I cannot remember the last time i was hungry. I'm 18 living at home until i go to university this year, i'm working full-time in fast food. I was 64kg before i took the gap-year, now 70kg. Once i went from 66kg to 61kg in one week. I'm going to try it again, but i don't want to cause hairloss. For some reason i just lose control and eat, probably addicted. I've always done binge eating, my mother initially encouraging it. In the last few months, for the first time in my life, my figure has went from that of a V to chubby with love handles. I can tell even my forearms are getting thicker. I've never weighed more than i have right now.

As i type this post, my lust for the kitchen increases and i resist the urge to scrounge what is left after a day of raiding the cupboards.

>> No.17964619

Unless you are rich, the student life will likely guarantee you can't overeat. Still, at 18yrs old there's still ample opportunity to reverse course (if you so wish, if you're fine being a landwhale you do you). Maybe join a fitness club or see for on campus sport offers, drink plenty of water, learn recipes that are calorie rich but not saturated with transfats or sugar. Avoid soda like the plague. These steps might be hard to implement at first, but if you succeed 30yrs old you will be forever grateful to actually have a healthy body to work with.

>> No.17964667

it's weird being in this position as if you saw me you'd say i was a thin tall guy, but i know i've transformed. I'm catered at college so i get buffet 3x a day. This is irrelevant really as for me it all comes down to attitude. When i lost 5kg in a week it was all atttitude.

But it's haird to maintan an attitude when one week you're working 6am-2am, the next 10pm-7am, the next 6am-12pm.

>> No.17964732
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I was the one who spent dozens of hours cataloguing and sharing these archives of thousands of GIFs of rotating food, and I still do it.

>> No.17964774

Well at the risk of stating the obvious, the longer you wait to integrate a healthy routine in your life, the harder it gets.
Starting uni is a pretty good time to do this, as you will anyways have to set up a different routine than what you're used to at home. And yes it's hard obviously, until it isn't because it's just a normal part of your daily life.
Either way good luck for your studies anon

>> No.17965158

I have a food fetish. It turns me on to no end to fuck a hot meal. I usually eat it after too unless it's been up my ass. My favorite fast food to fuck is a sandwich from subway or a Big Mac, soft white bread is nice, I've fucked raw meats but the cold is a turn off and I'm afraid of diseases so it's only been an occasional thing. Homemade Alfredo is the absolute best though, most creamy pasta dishes are nice. I got third degree burns on my balls once from fucking a can of spaghettios that I heated up too much once.

>> No.17965182

In law school, I had been on adderral all day, cramming for finals... Finally ordered like a mcdouble and fries from McDonalrds but thankfully they fucked up and gave me the wrong order. 2 double quarter pounders, 2 large fries, large coke. I crushed it all. I needed that food so bad it was a blessing.

>> No.17965314

even if you did like it it looses its charm after the third liter for the week

>> No.17965649

Have any other favorite foods? What are your feelings about mac n cheese?

>> No.17965683

I resent cooking for my tastelet family and hate their boomer ways.
Most of all I hate cooking for my fat fuck uncle; he insists he can handle heat and hot spicy food but complains when it’s a grade above mild heat. He’s doesn’t want salt in his food and hates food with a lot of ingredients added and tries to interfere.
His knowledge is retard tier to the point that I’m certain he licks windows.
So what do I do? I put all the shit he allegedly hates into my cooking without his knowledge.
He’s made no complaints about my cooking and finishes the plate, but doesn’t thank me for it either. Your typical ingrate but idc I just want to cook how I want and in peace

>> No.17965697

Soilent is healthier for you than swanson, cheaper, and easier to make.

>> No.17965758
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also the guy who did the shooting was the poster child for the /pol/ wojak

>> No.17965857

The Velveeta shells are definitely the best, Kraft needs some doctoring up to make it feel worth it but it's hard to keep a grip on. One time I ordered Applebee's Mac n cheese and I find the bigger noodles better to handle but the cheese sauce is a bit dry and they never use enough of it. Any kind of burger can be nice, I like to start between the layers first to tease my cock like it's a pussy them finish by ramming my cock straight through the top bun and through the whole burger until I cum. Burgers are better without lettuce for this though and I like the lettuce when I eat it. I've tried hot wings because of how slick and wet they are, but as you can imagine that burned my pee hole, mango jalapeno from Wingstop is just mild enough that the tingle is nice. Pickled ginger is fucking amazing by the way, not on its own, it needs something that gives it more substance but the tingling is kind blowing.

>> No.17965880

I had to go back on the keto because my extreme binge eating was causing me too many health problems.

>> No.17965987

Lmao not a sin thanks for the rotating food. Can we get the 3D models in case someone wants to make a game with it

>> No.17966051

Please never stop posting, you could be /ck/'s tiles guy. Favorite pizza toppings?

>> No.17966092

My favorite to wear is anchovies spinach and feta. But for fucking toppings just get in the way. The best pizza slut is a deep dish, preferably Chicago style, with extra cheese extra sauce. Its funny to me when people post Chicago vs New York pizza threads because I'm so decided. Chicago for fucking and New York for eating. Lasagna is probably the go to Italian dish for me. Sometimes I just boil a couple prices of lasagna pasta with nothing else, slather them in butter and wrap them around my dick to jerk off. I then of course make them into the rest of the dish. The noodle part isn't great this way since it's getting twice cooked, but I don't mind the sacrifice in the name of pleasure. Fucking the entire lasagna made the traditional way is great too, but it takes so long to cook to a comfortable temp that I usually fuck an orange or grapefruit while waiting then fuck the lasagna left overs the next day. Is it hot to think about me fucking food? Should I make some videos? I obviously couldn't post them on this board but I could link to /gif/ with a thread at some point.

>> No.17966102

fucked up but I'm telling you there will absolutely be freaks you never knew existed who will pop out of the woodworks ti become your audience. hell you might even want to make sure someone didn't beat you to the punch

>> No.17966192

I don't keep food in my house. I go to the grocery store or a restaurant every day, and I eat everything I buy immediately.

>> No.17966394
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I know this is a meme thread but we need a priest pronto

>> No.17966446

Don't act like you've never fucked an apple pie or heated up grapefruit. We've all been horny teenagers who watched American Pie. It's way less weird then being a furry, bronny, or a filthy faggot. Is it more weird to fuck food or the orifice that expels shit?

>> No.17966469
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>heated up grapefruit
Didn’t expect to see you here, Josh

>> No.17966488

Wtf, is that Kenichi Smith? I thought he was killed in Hurricane Katrina bravely facing the storm with his 1911?

>> No.17966507

I'm referring to an old /b/ post, newfag.

>> No.17966535

You need to stop taking psyllium. The majority comes from India and is heavily tainted with lead.

>> No.17966550
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>anchovies spinach and feta
based anchovy chad
>Is it hot to think about me fucking food? Should I make some videos?
What kind of question is that, obviously yes. Hope you find someone to make a meal out of you anon, this sounds like it would be a fun dinner date.

>> No.17966557

how about you read my post next time dumbass

>> No.17966604
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I have eaten exactly the same three meals every single day for the past three weeks.
>pumpernickel toast and eggs
>beans and rice
>vegetable soup with some raw carrots, celery, and hummus

It's like 1500 calories total for the whole day. I keep losing weight but I don't have the energy to care. This weekend I plan on making another pot of vegetable soup, and another pot of beans and rice, and buying more eggs and pumpernickel. I expect the only resolution will be suicide.

>> No.17966653

If I found a woman under 250lbs that likes me to fuck food and would play into it, I'd marry her immediately.

>> No.17966659

TMDNWU also I exclusively visit /ck/

>> No.17966662

>Confess your sins of gluttony. All is forgiven
i enjoy SPAM sandwiches.
generic SPAM doesn't do it for me for some reason
sauteed SPAM on toasted bread with mayo is pure comfort food

>> No.17966675

Sorry I don't speak reddit, can you translate that for me?

>> No.17966685

Your only sin is pairing mayo with fried spam. It's just supposed to be fried spam, Velveeta, and white bread toasted in butter.

>> No.17966709
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mayo and freshly cracked pepper are enough for seasoning imo

>> No.17966711
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My pleasure! Unfortunately most of them don't have 3d models though, they're just a series of photographs as the food rotates on a lazy susan kinda like pic related. There's a few that might have models, but I'm always stoned when I do this so I can't remember the sources. xD

>> No.17966726

Although desu idk how lazy that Susan is.

>> No.17966755

You just like mayo because it tastes like your boyfriend's ass.

>> No.17966763

Fuck off Randy

>> No.17966840
File: 4 KB, 200x182, 1377974816671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude if you are the guy who made these rotating food gifs you're fucking awesome. I was mesmerized going through gallery 5. Keep up God's work.

>> No.17966844
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>You just like mayo because it tastes like your boyfriend's ass.

>> No.17966992


>> No.17966997

i was sarcastically replying to a mayophobe
t. DUKE's mayo lover

>> No.17967461

You're a retard is what you are.

>> No.17968452

How and when did you get into this? What was the first food you stuck your dick in?

>> No.17968474

I eat quite often eat peanut butter right out of the jar, usually 2 big-ass spoons full. The sugars & complex prorteins and all that help with my hypoglycemia. I crave peanut butter. I'm even going to eat a spoon full right after I post this.

>> No.17968689

I watch Food Network all day then feast at 2am

>> No.17968697
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one of my favorite things to do ever - something that elicits dopamine highs that are relatively close to orgasm - is to get a pizza, wings, fries, soda, and binge eat that to TV, either reruns of shows I find comfy, or political documentaries. I'm down 20 lbs since the beginning of the year mostly due to curbing this habit hard, but I haven't fully stopped it yet. I emotionally eat, and on my very bad days I'll give in. please bless me father for I have sinned.

>> No.17968700

thats the tism. you got autists in your family, boy?

>> No.17968873

Ive always been a super horny guy, in highschool (15 years ago) I saw a post on /b/ talking about fucking food. They talked about how to heat up a chicken breast enough to make it warm but not cook it so it would feel like a pussy. The anons in the thread also talked about some movie where a character heats up great fruits and fucks them. I tried the grapefruit first and it was great. I was afraid to fuck raw chicken so I fucked a ribeye instead, as my second thing. It went so well I started experimenting with other foods. I hate wasting food too which is why I eat it after.

>> No.17968880

Everybody does this

>> No.17968925

I one time ate 15 whole rolls at an all you can eat sushi place ordering all the most expensive rolls. Yes I finished it all and in less than 2 hours, this was both gluttony and greed but there you go. The thing is I did it in part to steal from the restaurant I was concerned they were going to start hating me but they actually liked me more and more cheering every time I ordered maybe in their Japanese minds they saw entertainment in a gaijin's bottomless pit gut. That or it reminded them of the dime a dozen anime characters that eat a ton too.

>> No.17969486

>Can I confess for somebody else...?
My father ate 2 1/2 whole roast chickens at a wedding dinner party last month.
(Not the tiny ones. We're talking jumbo birds here)
Not to mention he is type 2 diabetic with gallbladder removed, so every time he eat anything with mild grease he has the liquids shits.
Every time he stepped out of the bathroom 2 min later he had to step back in.

Plz god have mercy on the family & Jannies that had to walk in there for the next week.

>> No.17969498

nah you just made them shittons of money paying 22$ minimum on each tiny fucking rice & fish log, not that sushi isn't crack in food form.

>> No.17969516

God almighty, I hope you never work in a restaurant or fast food.

>> No.17969570

I used to work at subway, dairy queen, waffle house, and a couple other restaurants. No I never fucked the food at work, but you bet your ass I took stuff home and fucked it.

>> No.17969579

I always take the bus (don't know how to drive) to Golden Corral whenever my parents are out of town.

>> No.17970448

So this is what people who frequent those types of websites look like wow..
Cut the soda, try out different seltzer’s and eventually stick to water because any carbonated beverage is bad for your teeth

>> No.17970464

I'm italian and I don't complain about americans, I like your food a lot actually

>> No.17970494

I'm dieting, and have been successful (13lbs this month) but twice now I have gotten a little Caesars with crazy bread and a battery acid green monster. I inhaled all of it making noises that luckily no other human will ever hear. Afterwords when my heart was pounding from struggling to digest all the grease, bread and acid, I jerked it to SEA women getting tailed. This is when the explosive diarrhea sets in before becoming near comatose for like 14 hours to replenish the dopamine I just abused. Probably gonna do it again tomorrow

>> No.17970713
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I see
I work 10hour night shifts. Plus a 45minutes commute each way... on a bicycle. Once I get my motorcycle running I'll probably have more time to cook real food, but for now it's whatever fits in my backpack.
Is there a way to off-set sodium intake?
You mean the shit I play in the background as I eat and check emails?
Costs too much.

>> No.17970777

This sounds like a ton of shit to me. I could probably collect a few of those things over a week or so though.
>Roast a 4lb turkey titty and that's about 18 servings right there.
Huh? That's like, 1 meal.
>Sprouts. Broccoli. Spinach. Whathaveyou. For greens, I blanch them, shock them then nuke (or cook in a pan) with butter and salt, ezpz.
The veggies that come in cans right?
>When I was climbing out of being homeless my food budget was $50 a week
That's a lot.
>Fucking eggs takes like 10 minutes to cook at the most
I heard eggs give you cancer, when I used to cook eggs you have to put cheese and stuff on them, cheese is expensive.
eating a plain egg every day for months sucks.
What does an American extreme metal band formed in 1988 have to do with this?
>those types of websites
These types of websites
>Cut the soda, try out different seltzer’s and eventually stick to water because any carbonated beverage is bad for your teeth
I need some form of extra energy for my night shifts. Getting called into the office and yelled at for 10minutes because you didn't throw all the pallets onto a stack isn't fun.

>> No.17971146

one problem the all you can eat special that day was 20 dollars per person I ate 15 rolls of red snapper rolls and other expensive fish each roll had like 2-3 oz of fish they were LONG rolls no way i didn't rip them off red snapper and salmon is expensive for sure each was very meaty I also ordered sashimi too for extra bang for my buck. In total I ate around 3 lbs of fish alone

>> No.17971242
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i drank a liter of water.

>> No.17971254
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I have not cooked a meal in 8 months.

>> No.17971263

I just ate a whole row of oreos and and drank a coke.

>> No.17971271
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I use light mayo.

>> No.17971317

A tsp of mayo is only 30 calories, why does there need to be a light version of something that adds virtually no calories to your diet? Do you just like the taste of pee?

>> No.17971388

keep truckin brother, i feely you

>> No.17971426

>Is there a way to off-set sodium intake

>> No.17971440

I do the same but watching Youtube videos.
I've actually never owned a TV during my adult life, or a monitor with a resolution over 1080p.

>> No.17971443
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I sometimes put peanut m&ms in the microwave for 30 seconds to make the chocolate on the inside all melty

>> No.17971461

Bretty cool ackchually

>> No.17971625

but that makes mustard gas

>> No.17971652

i ate 4 taco bell pizzas in one sitting. I wanted to sparce them out throught eh evening but I couln't wait. I would have ordered a couple burrittos aw well but im "trying" to control my weight and gerd.

>> No.17971725

They melt in your mouth not in your hands.

>> No.17971805

Maruchan ramen w/ vienna sausages sitting in buttered toast fills my fat ass the fuck up.

>> No.17971839

Why aren't you eating more burgers, nigga this is America

>> No.17973031

is alcoholism gluttony

>> No.17973064

The antichrist put me in SSRI's and I'm overeating all the time now. Yesterday I made some teriyaki chicken and invited a mate for a beer, he's a bigger guy than me and even he told me my servings were way too much. I am extremely alarmed.

>> No.17973115


>> No.17973230

I like freezing candy bars and eating them cold. Twix and kit-kat are my favorite.

>> No.17973243

Last time I made curry I tried to throw in as many leftover ingredients that I can get away. Rotting vegetables especially. It didn't taste bad because I used enough curry cubes to completely overpower the taste

>> No.17973356
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i thought it was the dog lady who kidnapped that unborn baby

>> No.17973376
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Nothing I do compares.
People give me shit for eating too fast but other than that volume isn't a thing. I just want it over with why the fuck do I want to savor it? On the spectrum fuck it I just don't want to be eating any more.

>> No.17973593

You're not alone

>> No.17973622

Post feet

>> No.17973637

>Tranime viewer.
>Shit diet.

>> No.17973710

If they upped the calories a bit it wouldn't even be that shit

>> No.17973719

I remember my sister found a bunch of sleeping hornets, cut them in half and tried to make them into a pie. Shit was hilarious an no I am no elaborating. Was this other time I spread chucked paper all over the yard. Goddamn it was a good thing I was fast. My dad thought it was too funny to beat my ass by the time he caught up with me.

>> No.17973735

>I work 10hour night shifts. Plus a 45minutes commute each way... on a bicycle. Once I get my motorcycle running I'll probably have more time to cook real food, but for now it's whatever fits in my backpack.
what does this have to do with cutting the sugery drinks fat ass?

>> No.17973746

What shithole did you come from?

>> No.17973751

Tranime weebsite.

>> No.17974087

I do the same thing w blueberries. I freeze them as soon as I buy them because I hate them going bad and would rather eat them frozen.

>> No.17974203

Added 4 pieces of American cheese on a frozen pizza, ate it and loved it

>> No.17974353

I ate thos food

>> No.17974382

Every time I make spaghettios or ravioli I like to melt a kraft single with it in the microwave (with a little salt, and sometimes a little butter). I am otherwise absolutely disgusted by Kraft singles in every other context besides this.

>> No.17974389

Came home from my last day of HS and I cooked 6 chicken thighs and 3 mashed potatoes and ate it all in one sitting watching revenge of the sith

>> No.17974448

about 3/4 a box of spaghetting and one jar of rao's sauce

>> No.17974698
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I do not eat sugar and purchase many items with "KETO" branding on the packaging

>> No.17974731 [DELETED] 

kys frogshit

>> No.17974736

well,you are so,so special!
Please open a restaurant no one will ever go to

>> No.17974866
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Are you telling me to switch to coffee?
>fat ass
I'm 6'1 150lbs.

>> No.17974877

No matter how much I eat at home, I always get hungry at work. I mean the "haven't eaten all day giant hole in my stomach" hungry. I'm 6'0 260lbs now and it's almost solely because I snack on so much stuff at work. I pretty much have 2 breakfasts and 2 lunches.

I've tried just not eating at home to even things out but I'm also insanely hungry when I wake up