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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 604 KB, 1600x1200, 695E87BA-1BD9-48D9-9F09-6D0B7D386E6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17952265 No.17952265 [Reply] [Original]

What’s up /ck/ you know what time it is? That’s right it’s time to get dickered with pattie.

In this wholesome thread we post pictures of cats and food that we’ve prepare/are preparing. Have a fantastic day y’all.

>> No.17952268

gross not this faggot

>> No.17952271

Have you been in jail or some shit? I haven't seen you in two years.

>> No.17952277

Where is Gilbert

>> No.17952281
File: 29 KB, 600x600, st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boxxed wine
>feline near food
>dirty carpet on counter
>boxxed lasagna

>> No.17952285

It's a copycat, and a bad one at that. Probably one of those faggots still buttblasted at one of the few OC threads we used to have.

>> No.17952291
File: 353 KB, 1216x478, Screenshot_2022-06-07 ck - Food Cooking - Search .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't even get the format right.

>> No.17952292

What happened to the guy

>> No.17952295

>muh oc
just make a thread it's not hard

>> No.17952308

Fuck you nigger he put in effort in his threads which were why they’re good. How about you try?

>> No.17952320

i'm not a wannabe /ck/ celebrity and i don't need an echo chamber full of simping losers in my oc threads?

>> No.17952329

I think he just got tired of whiny faggots like OP spamming his thread and bitching instead of posting stuff or just hiding it. Hell, he made all his thread easily filterable.

>> No.17952893

Fuck.. I got excited when I saw this thread. I miss his threads

>> No.17952913

>implying that that was what dickered anon wanted
All he cared about was chilling showing us his cat and amazing oc, which was why salty retards like you tried to chase him off

>> No.17952927

His fanboys are the reason why he was chased off. They were so defensive of him that it encouraged trolling by proxy.

>> No.17952930
File: 257 KB, 337x408, DICKERED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17952939

>amazing oc
jesus dude get a grip
also this is a cooking board not a show us your cat spam board

>> No.17952968

I miss Patti. Sometimes I wonder if she died so OP killed himself and that's why we have no more Patti threads. At least it means one faggot died but I still miss those threads

>> No.17952975

Darn I truly hoped you perished in an awful fire. Same with all the other old shitty ck gag-posters like the guy who post food with a gun.

Dino-tendies was the least shitty and most original - but that's not saying much.

>> No.17952978

They hated him because he wanted to cook

>> No.17953019

>old shitty ck gag-posters
>newfags genuinely think OC is a joke
You faggots got DT and progun permabanned, and drove off the dickered faggot. Now here you sit, whining, "Isn't /ck/ a cooking board?".

>> No.17953228

I miss Patty poster ;_;

>> No.17953236

progun was fucking worthless

>> No.17953521

Idk, as a fellow Texan he always came off as a stereotypical two-bit H-town gangbanging half-breeded(?) atrocidad loser, the type that end up dead in some trap house shootout or gets locked back up for prior warrants/probation violation... prolly stopped posting once he lost out on his EBT/Lonestar Card renewals lol, good riddance.

>> No.17953553
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I love patti
I love patti and I want patti forever

>> No.17953568

Why does /ck/ hate this guy or PHS guy or Progun or Hearts on Fire and cookalongs in general. The exception I can think of would be dino tendies or whatever his name who was cooking in an abandoned house for laughs because that's about what this place deserves

>> No.17953637
File: 1.91 MB, 3296x2472, 1564632673211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people just get fucking uppity, plus there's that one guy who has massive conniption fits whenever he sees a cat picture. I miss codebro's wacky Canadian science experiments which descended into madness.

>> No.17953717
File: 311 KB, 576x576, 1634001713465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine pretending to be one of the worst posters in /ck/ history.

>> No.17953883

>comparing yourself to any of those old posters
Fuck off, cat fag. We've told you a thousand times why you're cancer. Also,
>phs guy
Oldfag meme status, nothing more.
Was never good.
I would slap you across the internet if I could for even bringing up Hearts. She actually made this board a better place. You did everything in your power to ruin it.

>> No.17953890

he was unironically one of the best, you tranny

>> No.17953918

id post my own but i lost my cat :(

>> No.17953949

you should kill yourself.

>> No.17953951

I demand to know what happened to Patti. Where is she?

>> No.17954047

He stopped posting when people revealed he was acting as multiple people bumping his threads lmao

>> No.17954077

I would bet money he made this thread, and most of the replies are him samefagging, pretending like people liked him. His posting style is so transparent. People only realized it when he forgot to remove his name a couple of times. He's such a massive faggot.

>> No.17954084

Good 2 see you again, OP!

We missed you and the kitter

>> No.17954089

>ip count doesn't go up

>> No.17954124

because this is 4chan and enjoying anything and getting along is gay normie shit. we literally can't have anything nice here.

>> No.17954129

OC absorption threads, you mean. To date I've stomped four cats to death that I thought looked similar to that asshole's cat. I wish I spotted more.

>> No.17954133

No you haven't

>> No.17954147

I wish centrifuge bro would come back for a few more spins.

>> No.17954164

ok, five, but one didn't look very similar I was just in the mood to kill something when I saw it.

>> No.17954323

The forbidden final cook-along.

>> No.17954332

he is exactly the type to make a self fellating thread in memory of himself ya know
i loved his threads for what a cringey trainwreck they were and nothing else

>> No.17954359
File: 113 KB, 1078x780, EypT4BaXIAIelLj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cat on the counter
>boxed wine
>all that processed crap
do not resurrect this shit