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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17951277 No.17951277 [Reply] [Original]

>google pizza recipe
>premade pizza dough
>premade pizza sauce
>'italian seasoning'

>> No.17951284

>Google recipe
>highly rated
>all comments are how they had to change basically the entire fucking think to make it edible, but nobody puts replacement portions or updated recipe

>> No.17951285


>> No.17951292

>"Nooooo you can't pour the milk in before the cereal! you just can't!"
>You gotta let the water reach a rolling boil before dropping in storebought pastar because... trust me!"

>> No.17951302

The ghosts in my tomatoes

>> No.17951481

>Looks up recipes with spesific ingredients I have too much of
>"You are going to LOVE this [fad diet] recipe! You'll be able to tell all your friends how easy it is to do [fad diet]! So for this recipe we also made sure that all the other ingredients are in line with [fad diet]!"
>Recipe is either still unhealthy as fuck and/or all the replacement ingredients are hard to get

>> No.17951485

fucking americans
they piss me off so much

>> No.17951486

Based schizo

>> No.17951487

we know, bobley, you mention it every time in every thread

>> No.17951497

god i see what you mean, i tried looking up recipes for almond milk because i acquired some and thought itll make some dish taste nice n almondy, but it was all just fad crap that assumes ur a pretentious vegan bastard

>> No.17951499
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>article/recipe starts with a long ass Bible about the story,origin,personal experience and bullshit idgaf about the dish I'm interested in,then it comes the recipe
>video recipe is too fucking long with unnecessary takes,unnecessary comments and anything else but the actual recipe
i fucking hate this

>> No.17951572

people who dont read the fucking ingredients when they buy something, esp for other people
>"these crackers must have cheese in them because theres a picture of cheese on the picture!"
>"the ad showed some roses next to the bottle so i thought it was rose flavored"
>"the box says its 'premium' or something, that must mean its the best one!"
holy shit just read nigga

>> No.17951581

>tell someone I have an egg allergy
>they tell me thing doesn’t have egg, but then says it has dairy
It happens every time. Every time. I never say anything about dairy, why is this such a strong connection for people.

>> No.17951587

kek that seems like the kinda non-issue that gets annoying after a while eh?

>> No.17951673

the fact that all overnight oat recipes are shit

>> No.17951684

Retards think dairy means farm food and not milk so eggs is something retards associate

>> No.17951695

>look up recipe
>contains a ten page essay of irrelevant personal feelings towards the food without actually talking about the food itself
>no option to jump to recipe
I don't fucking care if your mother's cousin's roommate's aunt's friend gave you the recipe and how special it is to you, just show me the fucking recipe.

>> No.17951730

Jesus christ this, I'm currently working through a bottle of hot sauce that my mother bought not realising it was a different variety to the one she likes. When I got her the right one she was asking me how to tell the difference and whether it was darker red or something as if there weren't fucking words on the fucking label.

>> No.17951756

>be retarded zoomer
>don't know how to use search engines
>cry about it on 4channel

>> No.17951763

>"man dont you have it when you trip over a rock?" "yeah bro that suck-

>> No.17952491

literally a reddit topic

>> No.17952499

saying "i am a citizen of the usa" is the most reddit thing anybody can say

>> No.17952502

I could see myself being that retard. Not in that specific scenario but I say shit without thinking way too much. Also I never heard of an egg allergy that sucks. It's a super cheap super food.

>> No.17952511

>google recipe
>today only sale for $1 a month!
>put in cc
>you must subscribe to at least 12 of these newsletters to continue
>you must disable adblock to continue
>you must connect to your iphone and grant all permissions to continue
>recipe is a 30 minute read about how her kids love this and how it reminds her of cold winter nights around the campfire with family and friends and the smell of cinnamon and pine in the air
>recipe is "put in oven at 400 degrees for 20 minutes"


>> No.17952514

>retarded zoomer confusing greentext

>> No.17952656
File: 936 KB, 250x241, 3BB1BDD6-FB74-43C2-A43A-34CC6DE9EDE9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I switched out x for y and it was terrible!
>I added [ingredient] and was awful!
>1/5 recipe.

>> No.17952672

>roommate has his preferred brand of turkey breast
>I have my preferred brand of turkey
>roommate grabs my turkey and uses it in his sandwich without even paying attention
Fucking pay attention to your shit rrrreeeeeeee

>> No.17952690

How do you guys go through life getting upset at the most trivial things?

>> No.17952742

Um sweaty it’s called autism

>> No.17953625

>recipe includes specific brands for ingredients
Thanks but fuck off. I'm going to use what I have.

>> No.17953689

That's a rough way to learn your mom's illiterate man.

>> No.17953704

He knew man, he knew.

>> No.17954065

dumb golem

>> No.17954072

riccotta cheese

>> No.17954101

By ignoring big issues that people would normally be upset about

>> No.17954155

That's your first mistake. Google was good only in the late 90s. It didn't pay attention to its "don't be evil" motto that made it famous at the time. Now it's shitty trash, like Microsoft and Apple, the same companies it was pretending to be contrary to with "don't be evil."

>> No.17954278

>Recipe uses freedomunits instead of metric units
Fuck off, I'm not gonna take out my calculator to see how much 1/8 of a cornucopia or half a bald eagle is in litres.

>> No.17954286

>add unspecified size can of mushroom soup

>> No.17954295
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>duplicate threads

>> No.17954301
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>> No.17954516

That's the thing, she reads like four books a week, she just has a bizarre aversion to examining packaging.

>> No.17954533
File: 249 KB, 820x801, 2398746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>search recipe by ingredient
>Your search returned 0 results.
>"Lemon grass"
>Your search returned 100+ results

>> No.17954571

Search engines really have gone to shit over the past decade. I remember being able to find specific things that wanted with just a few keywords, now everything id damn near irrelevant SEO or some wikihow bullshit.

>> No.17954581

Google's reverse image search in particular is fucking useless now. It used to look up sites that contained the image and pick common keywords as a suggestion, so if you searched for a screenshot of a movie for example it would 90% of the time be able to tell you what the movie is, now it seems like they pass it to some kind of retarded AI that tries to work out what's in the picture, so you get results like "man" or "woman".

And then on top of that they ruined their normal image search by making it so if you click the picture it takes you to the site that hosts the image instead of just the image. God help me but now I use Bing search, which I thought nobody would ever do when MS launched it.

>> No.17954615


>> No.17954621

>animu tranny can’t use a search engine
Not surprised.

>> No.17954743

>if you click the picture it takes you to the site that hosts the image instead of just the image.
That's getty images' fault. They were unable to figure out not just hosting high res images in plain sight and sued google into changing the link.

>> No.17954753
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thank me later

>> No.17954759

My girlfriend does this. Buys spicy salsa or something when she wanted mild and then I'm the asshole for pointing it out.

>> No.17954802

You helpless child there's all sorts of web tools and apps that convert things for you. You didn't think other people would have found a solution to your minor problem already? Helpless.