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17949250 No.17949250 [Reply] [Original]

It's Over

>> No.17949253

But why?
Is lettuce an invasive species there? Does it feed emus?

>> No.17949254 [DELETED] 

It's a result of the policies of "President" Joe Biden

>> No.17949258

if this is true, im never ordering kfc again.

>> No.17949261


>> No.17949269

cabbage is objectively better than lettuce

>> No.17949273

true for all cases except eating raw unfortunately

>> No.17949282

>It comes as shoppers in Australia have been hit with soaring prices for some fresh fruits and vegetables.
>Social media users have posted photos of lettuces costing over A$10 ($7.18; £5.72), three times the usual price.

>> No.17949295 [DELETED] 

>price of fuel goes up
>fuel powers farm equipment and trucks
>food costs more to produce and to transport
>price of food goes up to pay for farming and transport costs
>some foods are so expensive, stores can no longer supply them
>supermarket shelves are missing several items
this is all by design, and it will keep getting worse until youre forced to eat what the government allows you to. did you think the great reset was just on autopilot or something? theyre going full steam ahead.

>> No.17949339

>it's all le conspiracy
the system just sucks

>> No.17949406

this lmao, everyone in charge is just retarded and greedy

>> No.17949413 [DELETED] 

at least Brandon got his war with russia

>> No.17949418


>> No.17949437
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>> No.17949444
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>le great reset

>> No.17949445


>> No.17949446

ausfag here, unless it has changed in the last day or two, they've been forced to used a lettuce/cabbage "blend", so it's not a complete substitution. A bit of cabbage will be good for the average zinger box aficionado at any rate.

>> No.17949453

Why? Just slice it thin.

>> No.17949454

Not reading the article, don't give a shit about Kentucky Fucked Chicken, but it's probably that the east coast's winter crops were disrupted by four months of atypical rain and multiple floods in key agricultural areas.

>> No.17949475

Pretty sure you're right, the winter lettuce harvest basically shit itself due to the weather.

>> No.17949491

The cunts only put in a shred of lettuce in before times, how can they not get enough and how is the cost in any way significant?
They probably just got a good deal on their cabbage that they already use for the coleslaw.

>> No.17949597

Get farrrked dawg, they usually chuck heaps in

>> No.17949607

>yes the world hasn't changed one bit in the last years. They're the ones peddling fake narratives, not me.

>> No.17949608

lettuce is always spilling out the side of my zinger burgers.

>> No.17949626

They fucked twisters the day they replaced crispy strips with tenders.

>> No.17949629

Lettuce has minimal nutritional value anyway, its mostly just water. Cabbage will probably up the health star rating.

>> No.17949675

Lettuce sucks tho. You get some cabbage going and it would almost be like a half assed banh nam mi or however you spell it.

>> No.17949685

Making sandwiches with thinly sliced cabbage (red onion, lemon nolive oil and whatever your meat is) is great.... at home.

Don't want to eat no fucking smelly old ass sitting in a box chopped up 3 days ago kfc cabbage though when I go get my tendies

>> No.17949728

>sanctioning one of the world's largest energy exporters has no impact on energy prices
Is that what Brandon told you?

>> No.17949801 [DELETED] 
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>drumpf was president
>economy was good
>inflation was okay
>food and petrol were affordable
>there was no war in europe
uhhhh well I guess I sure am glad the president isn't saying mean things on twitter anymore

>> No.17949808

They don't know will kill and eat them as justice

>> No.17949812

When you're so naive you crossed over into retarded

>> No.17949899

Cabbage is superior to lettuce.

>> No.17949909 [DELETED] 

Yes. Economic crashes happen instantly.
There’s never a build up.

>> No.17949915

lettuce hell expensive here recently, not in season, recent inflation

>> No.17950012

>Australians go to KFC and buy lettuce instead of chicken
this is the real news item

>> No.17950117 [DELETED] 



Biden derangement syndrome

>> No.17950127 [DELETED] 

How many years has biden been "in office" now?

>> No.17950129 [DELETED] 

>how could the retarded economic and geopolitical policies of the incompetent leader of the world's most powerful country impact other countries
it's a mystery

>> No.17950137

I did my big shop on the weekend and a head of lettuce at Drake's was $6, where the fuck are people shopping that sells $10+ lettuces?

>> No.17950141

Ive had their twisters which use cabbage and it tastes awful. You can request lettuce but they don't add anything else to it.

>> No.17950160

>Biden derangement syndrome
This will never be a thing

>> No.17950633

Who the loving hell still eats iceberg unironically? Cabbage is the superior token sandwich vegetable.

>> No.17950643 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17950647

1e for a lettuce head in europe, try again abochang

>> No.17950719
File: 206 KB, 771x804, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres an entire board for politics, go there to talk politics.

>> No.17950825

i eat iceberg lettuce like an apple

>> No.17950827


Do you put anything on it or eat it straight up

>> No.17950851

imagine having an opinion and your opinion is this bad.

>> No.17950903

>Cabbage is the superior token sandwich vegetable.
Yep. Better crunch, better flavor (well, it's not that hard to beat 0 flavor, true), better for your health.

>> No.17950922
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Butter is so expensive now, eggs too. Not to mention cheese. Living is a luxury. Maybe...

>> No.17950937 [DELETED] 

And Biden built up a load in his diaper for two years before he exploded it on us

>> No.17951041

Admitting that you have a problem is the first step fren

>> No.17951044 [DELETED] 

Here in amerifat land I buy shitty iceberg lettuce for 99¢ for a giant head and throw away what I don't eat immediately because freedom

Thanks Joe, the lettuce is cheap

>> No.17951060 [DELETED] 

Trump oversaw a yield curve inversion which historically predate recessions

>> No.17951066 [DELETED] 

and also begged the fed to lower rates so his economy wouldnt look as bad as it was, giving them less options to respond to changes, and why they have to raise rates now

>> No.17951077 [DELETED] 

>So what Russian invaded another country, i wanna cheep gasoleeeEEEeeen
>t. always nuts within 30 seconds

>> No.17951113

Bad like biting into a pointless leaf of 'berg

>> No.17951123 [DELETED] 

>we should crash our own economy to stop an Eastern European shithole from taking over some Eastern European shithole that no ever one cared about until funerary

>> No.17951130 [DELETED] 

>we should crash our own economy to stop an Eastern European shithole from taking over some Eastern European shithole that no ever one cared about until february.

>> No.17951131 [DELETED] 

>So what America invaded another country, they do this every other weekend
>Wait is Russia invadi-... REEEEEEEEEE

>> No.17951135 [DELETED] 

Your comprehension of the global economy and how global politics affects your nation is abysmal. Do not comment on things like this if you've never read a book that didn't rhyme.

>> No.17951165

cabbage is far superior to iceburg lettuce anyways.

>> No.17951243

>conveniently forgets all the recent heavy breathing over said "shithole"

>> No.17951258 [DELETED] 

Blame Drumpff.
He started this economic meltdown. Shilled the vaccine as well. Fucking orange mong.

>> No.17951321 [DELETED] 

Just because the DC beltway goblins thought it was a good idea to tangle with the Russia over some fucking coal mines, doesn't mean it was an actual priority for anyone else here other than over-socialized news junkies

>> No.17951333

You WILL eat the cabbage

>> No.17951341

>until youre forced to eat what the government allows you to.
that's good. nothing in our lives should be left to chance, every step should be pre-calculated by experts.

>> No.17951354 [DELETED] 

For everything that can be blamed on the orange kike, sanctioning a major grain and energy exporter with the hope to crash their economy wasn't his retarded strategy.

>> No.17951378

>>it's all le conspiracy
>this lmao, everyone in charge is just retarded and greedy

this is not mutually exclusive

this is far from mutually exclusive

>> No.17951387 [DELETED] 

this administration doubling energy prices with direct policy action didn't help

>> No.17951406

>just some fucking coal mines

>> No.17951412 [DELETED] 

Do you feel him inside you every time you gas up?

>> No.17951419

What, like just eating it off the head itself or do you cut it up?

A fat bitch at my old workplace used to cut up an entire one, add like 5 mcdonalds tenders, drown it in dressing and cheese and call it a salad. Probably tasty but she genuinely thought it was healthy and a good idea. I pointed out the dressing was 125 calories a tablespoon and she thought the lettuce "cancelled it out"

Proper nutritional classes in school please

>> No.17951422 [DELETED] 

>add anti-abortion retards to the Supreme Court
>Blacks being born everywhere
>"Huh? Why is the crime rate going up?"

>> No.17951461 [DELETED] 

can leftists ever make a point without some kind of homosexual, often rape-implied reference

>> No.17951472 [DELETED] 

Regret voting for Briben yet leftcucks? He destroy your economy and start pointless war in Europe that tanks America's economy even further. This is better than Trumps peace and Trumps fantastic economy? Lmao

>> No.17951474

No one said you were a nonconsenting dude

>> No.17951484

>drag you down to their level then beat you with experience

I'd just start spamming gore but I don't feel like being banned

>> No.17951502 [DELETED] 

When will you faggots fight a civil war and save your country from globohomo faggots? The American patriots is cowards despite all muh guns and muh blood and soil and muh dont tread on me shit you talk you let tyranny steal your democracy and let Briben wage war in Europe and you faggots do nothing but sit around bitching on the internet while your military industrial complex supplies weapons to bomb the entire world and tank your economy. Fucking pathetic.

>> No.17951514

How many years of "atypical" weather in a row are we going to have before we admit climate change is happening and this is our new weather we have to cope with

>> No.17951526

>The American patriots is cowards
*are cowards
Nice try, ESL retard.

>> No.17951531

I'm reminded of a quote from an early soviet pamphlet I read once, "what is one voice? it is only a squeak"

This will only increase fuel requirements to keep everyone fed. You can pick, shooting starving people trying to loot from train cars full of grain, or climate change proceeding.

>> No.17951654
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>spamming gore
Would that be like Hawaiian pizza but with spam?

>> No.17952338

>muh climate change
the weather's different every day you can't explain that

>> No.17952365

imagine the smell

>> No.17952841

>the goyim must suffer so that President Zelenskyy (birthname: Goldstein) can hold onto his personal fiefdom

>> No.17952851

Should I be spooped that a developed/1st word country does not have lettuce available? is this how it starts?

>> No.17952967

What the fuck cunt
> You will eat ze lettuce and like it

Seriously tho, kfc has been going down in quality for ages and this just makes me not wanna buy it again.

>> No.17952981

Ukraine doesn't offer legal gay civil marriage so they can go fuck themselves. Anyone oppressing gays deserves to be fucking invaded right fucking now.

>> No.17952993

>the GLOBALISTS are coming for your LETTUCE with the GREAT RESET, folks!

>> No.17953003

Only cunts and poofters hate cabbage

>> No.17953013

Which one are you, faggot?

>> No.17953029

You answered your own question you dumb cunt

And iceberg lettuce is shit anyway, if it was cos lettuce then we’d have a problem

>> No.17953104
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one of the local bistros was doing a fried chicken wrap special and fuck it was so much better than the average twister and now it's over

>> No.17953117

there is no need for homphobic slurs here

>> No.17953118
File: 54 KB, 390x380, its over 39434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this unironically. its over lettucechads

>> No.17953408

Subway was out of lettuce today but spinach is better

>> No.17953428
File: 127 KB, 800x1021, 5241131c249b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lettuce? It was always cabbage take your meds

>> No.17953433

oh no instead of one fucking plant leaves we have to eat another fucking plant leaf

>why would anyone look at my diet of actual fucking plant leaves and think they can just walk all over me???
get wrecked chlorovores

>> No.17953439

Why the fuck is there a lettuce shortage of all things?

>> No.17953441
File: 137 KB, 1600x1067, 7296ECDC-E644-4CAA-849E-2E733C288187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cabbage is objectively better than lettuce in every way