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17947965 No.17947965 [Reply] [Original]

Is it cringe to go to a restaurant by myself? Will the waitress make fun of me?

>> No.17947978

It’s not cringe, I love doing that. Just be completely normal and don’t overthink it. Be polite but confident, as if nothing is weird about you eating alone. If you plan on coming back, and if you’re in america, tip 20%.

>> No.17947982

I went to a restaurant by myself and the waitstaff (all women) looked at me the whole time and I could see them talking behind menus about me by the expo station.

At the end of the meal they handed me my check but on it was a required penis inspection card. I had to go to the back of the restaurant and the female waitestaff all laughed at my micropenis and called me a loser, they said I will never please a woman.

They felt so bad about how much of a failure I was that they took off the diet coke from the bill and they made it a point to give me my change back directly from their panties. They pulled out the bills right there at the table and laughed at me and said this was the closet thing to pussy I would ever get.

>> No.17947985

At the hostess station ask for a "waiter", problem solved.

>> No.17947986

Do you think the waitress would prefer to get a tip by being nice or make fun of the customer and get nothing? I know you're socially retarded but you aren't literally retarded are you?

>> No.17947988

Shit you've been to that Applebee's too? That was a rough night.

>> No.17947992

It's not cringe and no one will care more than you do but it's not really worth it imo. Sitting alone waiting for food feels worse than spending the time making it.

>> No.17948004

>by the expo station.
the what? were in montreal?

>> No.17948011

Why are Americans like this?

In Europe is pretty common for people to go by themselves to restaurants.

>> No.17948013

There's absolutely nothing wrong with that.
From the wait staff's perspective, they're going to have to do less work for what averages out to be the same tip.
From the cooks' perspective, it's not going to be a giant order, and we get paid the same regardless, so it's less work for us.

>> No.17948015

Hes probably autistic and has extreme social anxiety, stop being a prick

>> No.17948021

Not sure. For me it would, but that's just me. Also remember, how sweet your waitress approach and talk to you, it's her job. When out in the back with her fellow co- workers they definitely talk. But as long you're nice and behave yourself, no problemo.

>> No.17948025

Sit at the bar and you'll be fine. Ordering a whole table for yourself is a gigachad move though.

>> No.17948030

No, especially if you eat at the bar. Tip well and don't be too autistic and you should be fine.

>> No.17948035

Most restaurants have reinstituted the No Singles Policy again in my area. Thankfully the Penis Inspections are still a few months away.

>> No.17948037

Sit at the bar retard. Loads of people eat out alone. It's called traveling for work.

>> No.17948044

>Will the waitress make fun of me?
No, that's bullshit. If the waiting staff can tell that you're uncomfortable and anxious, they'll more than likely try to sooth you by speaking very calm and soft, affirming that everything is ok and that there's nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of while smiling at you and stroking you're hair, if you consent to it.

>> No.17948046

Will they stroke anything else?

>> No.17948049

Sure, they might talk, but at the joint I cook at it's usually stuff like "man, that table didn't tip very well", or "wow that guy was rude".
I've never heard anything like "haha what a creep", unless a dude was actually being creepy and hitting on all the girls or something.
I guess that depends on the people, but in general wait staff are pretty chill.

>> No.17948057

You did this in the last thread. What is your obsession with getting people to sit at the bar?

>> No.17948061

only behind you're back

>> No.17948066

it's awkward as fuck and your only chance is to go to the bar if they have one and drink like 3 beers and hope someone talks to you and then get your food and either eat it there or run out the door like an autistic faggot
just get takeout instead it's not worth it

>> No.17948070

I've never posted here before. I just flew in from redit

>> No.17948078

They absolutely won't give a shit. Nobody gives a shit, man.

>> No.17948080

I’m 20 so I can’t eat at the bar and I’d be embarrassed to take up a whole table…

>> No.17948083

some of us are so used to being alone and are desensitized to it. sitting alone snacking on an appetizer waiting for your food at a restaurant is nothing.

>> No.17948087

how do you eat when you go on business trips? it's 100% fine, the restaurant you are giving your money to does not give a shit and the other diners are too busy eating/having social lives to care about some faggot enjoying a meal by himself.

>> No.17948092
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I don’t think I can do it. I wanted to go to one of my favorite restaurants but my social anxiety is making me too afraid to go out and eat without someone else there with me

>> No.17948095

When's the return flight? I'll help you pack

>> No.17948102

Americans don't eat alone at restaurants? Why are you all so culturally backward?

>> No.17948103

Flight canceled. Supply chain issues.

>> No.17948107

Dude, the wait staff are just tired and want to go home, unless you cause a problem they don't think about you at all. Half of you "social anxiety" types are just narcissists in disguise.

>> No.17948108

No, in fact she'll probably fall in love with you

>> No.17948110

Waitstaffposters are positively autistic about their "four tops" and "eight tops"
Tops are what they call tables and they DON'T want you to exercise your GOD-GIVEN RIGHT to spread your lonely ass all across three seats while some pleb family waits in the cuck foyer

>> No.17948114

There's a difference between being alone alone and being alone in a room full of people for me. I don't mind the former but the latter is almost always uncomfortable.

>> No.17948123

No one cares, but it's better to try at lunch time if it really bothers you. You can always go to the bar too.

>> No.17948127

Ironically I always feel the loneliest in a crowded room

>> No.17948129

What does any of that matter

>> No.17948139

Nta but being a nuisance for other people gives me anxiety and stress

>> No.17948142

It matters to me

>> No.17948144

This means nothing to you but growing up I would get take out from the same resturant once a week, every week, for a period of about 15 years. From kindergarten through high school I would come in, order the food, sit, collect it, and take it back to the elderly woman who paid for it so we could enjoy it together.
Across about 15 years, I saw functionally infinite numbers of people sitting alone. About as many as I saw with one or more other people.
Ultimately nobody fucking cares. Having this be the barrier to entry for you is very sad. Please live life while you're here.

>> No.17948147

Not only do I eat alone at restaurants all the time, I see movies in the theater by myself as well.

>> No.17948151
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>> No.17948152
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Absolutely not. Done it a few times. I had a meal after work one time. It was quiet evening and the rain was mellowing out the the last vestiges of sunlight through the opaque glass. I ordered some water to start off and asked for some meatloaf and mashed potatoes and proceeded to bring out my daily reading, The Road by Cormac McCarthy. I was pleasantly surprised by the brief wait that followed. I was served some of the best meat loaf I had ever had! I asked the waitress to pay my compliments to the chef, but it seemed she took me for being glib as I noticed and air of uncertainty. Nonetheless, I left the establishment pleased with a 20% tip. Anon, I do hope you have a good meal and a good time if you eat out because not many meals are worth remembering.

>> No.17948171

It is cringe to go to Denny's or Olive Garden by yourself.
It is not cringe to go to an actual fine dining establishment by yourself.

>> No.17948172

>I see movies in the theater by myself as well
This was an enjoyable experience for me the one time I did it. Just get to enjoy the film with no side talk or anything else.

>> No.17948173

I get that but at a restaurant you have a business to do, that being to eat. I wouldn't feel uncomfortable there because I'm just there to eat.

>> No.17948178

I tip my fedora to you good sir!
>the road by cormac mccarthy
were you planning on killing yourself afterwards?

>> No.17948182

>making excuses for people who are able but not willing to have basic interactions for food
>implying autists need to be coddled
>implying "social anxiety" is a valid excuse for someone to pussy out of anything
quit enabling these total fucking gimps, I dont care how much fear someone feels from talking to a 20 y/o Stacy at a cash register for 30 seconds or eating at a place in bumfuck USA. This is basic human behavior. Above all else the dude needs to learn to not give a fuck about anyone's opinions on him, something most people learn at like age 16