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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17943700 No.17943700 [Reply] [Original]

Raguseabros, what recipes would you like to see from him?

>> No.17943715

bikky and grikky

>> No.17943719

divorcing his wife

marrying another man but somehow retaining the kids

doing cooking shows with his new gay husband for pride month

>> No.17943721

Idk, probably something incredibly simple but explained at length, requiring a zoom call with a literally who professor at "huh?" college. I'd prefer it to be stretched out to 8-10 minutes with a 2 minute ad read for a product that has absolutely zero relevance to cooking

>> No.17943726

Fuck off.

>> No.17943738

Slow motion drunk implosion a la Bam

>> No.17943952

Heres one:
>tie noose
>kick chair
Uma delicia

>> No.17944013

Can't hate Ragusea too much because he introduced me to spaghetti all'assassina which slaps. I've been making it at least once for week for me and my gf (male).

>> No.17944162

onion pakora

>> No.17944175
File: 92 KB, 661x623, ck chef john.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what recipes would you like to see from him?
a knuckle sandwich

>> No.17944277

Cyanide cupcakes; the faggot delight.

>> No.17944298

Id like to see a behind the scenes videos of how you shoot your videos. It would be interesting to see your filming and editing processes. Especially the part where you prep the bull to fuck your wife and you masturbate your circumsized dick in the corner

>> No.17944310

i'd like to see this faggot do a crossover with andy sixx and swallow a massive steaming turd

>> No.17944444

I’d love to see his take on doughnuts!

>> No.17944462
File: 1.91 MB, 1913x944, Image 22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol he doesnt even respect his audience enough to scrap a video if a recipe goes wrong. he just carrys on and makes up a name for it

>> No.17944491

Is the bread bad?

>> No.17944504

yeah its too dense imo

>> No.17944530

Chinese virgin boy eggs

>> No.17944533

How to school shooting

>> No.17944700

I like that approach

>> No.17944703

Too much salt

>> No.17944707


>> No.17944725

Oh I thought it was sourdough

>> No.17944911

Sprinkle in a little false dichotomy and shitting on people who hold the opposite opinion

>> No.17944963
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Try using a gas stove like this, you ginormous faggot

>> No.17944968

Adam is it true you had to stop teaching due to sexual assault allegations? I keep hearing this but I don’t believe it.

>> No.17945010

Don't forget the redditor youtube essay speech pattern and condescending tone

>> No.17945026

Fuck off Adam

>> No.17945046

that bread looks shit, not only is the crumb too dense but it's gummy, beginner tier mistakes

fagusea is an amateur who probably does research for every thing he posts, but has no real experience or talent regarding his content while posing as some authority

>> No.17945050
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>Sprinkle in a little false dichotomy and shitting on people who hold the opposite opinion
that time he compared people who wanted Turkey to be moist without gravy to men who refuse to perform oral sex on their GF still makes me chuckle

>> No.17945955

I'd like to see a video where his head is pulled from his ass, his boyfriends cock is pulled from his ass, he pulls neoliberal cooking propaganda from the 70s out of his videos, and he learns to fucking cook.

This is what happens when your dad says its OK to play with ponies, and then he takes you to drag the kids to pride sleepover

>> No.17946413

Fuck off Adam

>> No.17946423

I'm not visiting your channel Adam, fuck off

>> No.17946768

somebody is going to have to tell my why /ck/ hates adam. His videos are pretty good. Seems like a little bit of gatekeeping to me.

>> No.17946841

1. This is 4chan
2. His early videos he had a habit of speaking VERY AUTHORITATIVELY about things he was absolutely incorrect about, a lot of blatantly wrong hot takes he'd double down on when called out. For a while him insisting that Bay leaf literally does nothing and is pure placebo was a meme and a hill he insisted on dying on.
3. Some of his videos are informative, some of them are tone deaf. Like the time he jumped from a scene at a cemetery talking about the...mortality of something for some reason, right into his fucking sponsor
4. He's basically a 'how do you do fellow kids' poseur.

>> No.17947378

You guys are fags Lauren is top tier

>> No.17947402 [DELETED] 
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The crossover video we've been waiting for of course

>> No.17947407 [DELETED] 
File: 234 KB, 960x500, adamChoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine running into Faguesa on the street out of nowhere. He's out and about with his wife, making some inane comment about the insufficient humidity of the water at the local restaurant establishment in an impotent attempt to appear sophisticated. You just walk up to him, tap him on the shoulder, and then, never breaking eye contact, tell him he is a fucking joke of a chef.

He'd just stand there for a few seconds, flabbergasted and off-balance, and then try to formulate a response. He fails. As he stutters some incomprehensible pseudo-intellectualism and "Acthually" in order to save face at the sudden attack, it soon becomes utterly clear he is completely incapable of confrontation; He's staring down at the pavement, wringing his wrists and whispering. His responses to criticism is normally beyond the safety of a computer desk. Now he's naked and defenseless.

Whenever he tries to speak, you simply laugh loudly in a mocking tone, egging him on and never giving him any room. You ask how a man who claims to be formally educated could be such a intellectual dead end or how the Mcchicken you just had on the corner is better than anything he will ever make.

After a while, you've finally prodded him enough. He makes a shrieking feminine shout and strikes you with the most ineffective punch imaginable; His balled-up fist twists midswing and he ends up striking you with his wrist. As it connects to your mighty 5 f 1 body (Easily towering over Faguesas feeble frame) the bones in his hand shatter in sickening crack. He falls to the ground, weeping, defeated both verbally and physically. You decide to bring it all home, so you take out the protective paper from your Mcchicken and smear it all over his face, grease side up. A pathetic mockery of a "man", his horse wife turns to you, biting her lips and unable to control herself at the sight of a real man. She strips down to her underwear right there and then, and pleads at your knees to be yours.

>> No.17947411 [DELETED] 
File: 256 KB, 560x512, whyISeasonHisAssAndNotHisMouth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adam awoke, naked and chained to a wall, with a coughing fit, the hairs on his tounge having gotten caught in his windpipe while unconcious. He wheezed and felt the gag reflex kick in before finally exhaling the errant curly hairs. He looked upon them in his hand and realized these looked too feral, too masculine to be anywhere near his own. He took small comfort in knowing this meant he likely hadn't sucked himself off last night. Trying to recollect the events leading up to this, he noticed he was in a dark basement, walls lined with spice racks and filled to the brim with jars of Cayenne. Adam had little time to take in his surroundings as he became aware of a sharp burning sensation in his asshole. His confusion giving way to panic, he screamed for help into the darkness, his echoing plea reverberating into the void.

A moment of silence. Suddenly, the stillness was faintly broken by approaching footsteps accompanied by the sound of a piano:

https://youtu.be/UI6YgHidevk [Embed] [Embed]

An vast silhoutte emerged from the dark, and with a booming voice exclaimed:

"This is Chef John, from fooooood wishes dot com wiiiith... How to prep your soyboy!"

A shiver came Raguesa as he suddenly remembered exactly what transpired last night.

"J-john, please, I-I'm sorry, I promise I'll cancel my Youtube account and buy some more Cayenne, just let m-"

No sooner had Adams words left his lips before John mighty hairy hands covered his mouth and forced his face to the ground, his muffled cries ignored by the titan, who was Jovially explaining every step of the process to the camera. In the corner of his eye, he saw Chef John reach for one of the jars of Cayenne while forcing Adams buttcheeks apart. At that moment, he realized the origin of the burning sensation he had felt earlier.

>> No.17947417

My dudes I am tryna make baked ziti but I only have fusilli and rigatoni, which one is gonna work better? I feel like the rigatoni is too big

>> No.17947577

Adam was actually right about the cutting board

>> No.17947634

Wait, regusea said bay leaf does nothing? He's right about that though it does nothing I've tried it I'd bet you my hair you can't tell the difference. But he does hate white people for some reason and brings it up a lot

>> No.17947654

bay leaves

>> No.17947660

>why i pour my oil down the drain

>> No.17947666

got the video? i've got to see this

>> No.17947703

Did anyone attend Raguesea's conference at SXSW this past March?
He did a live demo and did a Q and A about his YT videos.

>> No.17947837

how are you so sure you don't just have a weak palate?

>> No.17947872

adam uses a manager named colin at Solaro Management to make these promo posts. This is why there is a ragusea thread here every single day

>> No.17947883

If I threaten him via email do you think he'll stop?

>> No.17948006

How are you so sure your palette is so strong? Also I wouldn't mind being bald

>> No.17948156

im not. but why do you assume that just because you cant notice a difference that a bay leaf makes, no one else can?

>> No.17948444

Yes. I've a lot more hair than you and a lot of bald friends. It's just facts. No need to be offended.

>> No.17948476
File: 124 KB, 1388x605, adam soychad ragusea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17948485

Can someone explain why he hates white people so much? Like honestly not just memes. But he is right bay leaves add nothing.

>> No.17948723

Regusea had his tranny mods delete his other thread. Regusea why do you hate white people so much?

>> No.17948724

You had my dream job and you quit it to shill products on youtube.

>> No.17948783

When has he said anything about white people?

>> No.17948795

He has some of the worst takes I've ever seen (brown sugar is stupid because I can just mix white sugar and molasses, but also I refuse to ever use unsalted butter).

>> No.17948826

I'm not interested in the opinion of someone who hasn't watched his content. And if it's you regusea I'm not gonna go and give you a bunch of views to find how often you've spoken about white people not liking tasty food.

>> No.17948843

The only ones I really know about are feeding into stereotypes about white people being incapable of eating spicy food. Just watch any video about spices, I'm sure you'll find some white jokes. Or anything about exotic cuisine in general, gonna be a few social justice pandering points and jabs at whites, likely.
So cringe

>> No.17948848

I've watched a handful of his videos and I've never heard him say anything about white people. You can't just get angry when someone asks for a receipt. You don't owe me shit but that doesn't mean you need to throw a little schizo tantrum.

>> No.17948858

>The only ones I really know about are feeding into stereotypes about white people being incapable of eating spicy food.

Yeah that's a tired old joke but it's not proof of hating white people like that other guy said.

>> No.17949184

I don't think that's about oral, I think that's about letting Jamal go first

>> No.17949241 [DELETED] 
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He made a whole fucking video about the history of slavery just to shit on "EVIL OLD WHITE MEN"
He deserves death and a second death in the lake of fire.
Not because I'm racist, but because he's a filthy jew rat kike narcissist that spreads hate and vitriol for and claims it virtuous.

>> No.17949342

he's referenced 4chan in the past. He probably reads this board as well: