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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17940498 No.17940498 [Reply] [Original]

What are your feelings on chili cheese dogs? Too much, or not enough?

>> No.17940508

>thats 18 dollars please
tthat is depressing to look at, but chilli dogs need to be overflowing if im not looking a toddler after eating it then it aint a good chilli dawg

>> No.17940511

i love em
you gotta split the dog to fry it though
and top that shit with jalapenos

>> No.17940513

>if I'm not looking a toddler after eating it
what did he mean by this?

>> No.17940516

messy and covered in food

>> No.17940524

Trim your beard, bro.

>> No.17940526

I hope looking wasn’t meant to be “fucking”

>> No.17940542

I prefer coney dogs.

>> No.17940550

Needs more cheese

>> No.17940745
File: 197 KB, 1000x750, F9BF88EE-80BA-417C-B423-B18F152E89F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that from Pink’s? No thanks. Beans on hot dog chili? No thanks.

This pic is what I crave

>> No.17940756

>Beans in chili
Mistakes were made.

>> No.17940780

>Americans like to put faux diarrhea on their hot slops

>> No.17940783
File: 80 KB, 800x600, 9863C5F0-5C80-4DC2-BBF4-5641A2803C63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pinks is 100% tourist-sloppa

>> No.17940793
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Chili cheese hot dog the proper way

>> No.17940823

The best food in the world looks like daiyorrhea. Cope and dilate eurofaggot

>> No.17940828

Ok, mr incredibly mixed obese man

>> No.17940838

fuck off abdul

>> No.17940839

Where, in God’s name, are the fucking onions?

>> No.17940924
File: 30 KB, 533x400, 711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the 7-11 chili cheese dog

>> No.17940985

wheres the chili

>> No.17941026

If I can see the hot dog then there’s not enough chili

>> No.17941049

That looks like what I used to get from Capitol Lunch in New Britain, CT. Really more of a meat sauce than a chili. Good stuff though, it had like allspice or cloves or something

>> No.17941065
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>Capitol Lunch in New Britain, CT.

>> No.17941345

this is what i've been wondering
it's a mandatory thing
it's my favorite hotdog. their basic one comes with onions

>> No.17941373

dumb ape
it's the best hotdog

>> No.17941389

I will hunt you down and make you regret this statement

>> No.17941409

I’ll never understand the appeal of watching people eat in their car

>> No.17941445

Looks like actual shit

>> No.17941456
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It's the food Sonic likes the most, so I immediately remind myself of Chris Chan, and then I find them unappetizing.

>> No.17941459
File: 50 KB, 360x481, varsity-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I love The Varsity, it's that place where anyone not from Atlanta thinks its not that great but it'll always be my favorite hot dog

>> No.17941460

>wahhh I can only handle one texture in my food
Its your nappy time, stop posting

>> No.17941479

Anyone who thinks the varsity is not great is smoking crack

>> No.17941510

ny system

>> No.17941527

Anyone I've met who did not grow up in Atlanta thinks it's just ok. Conversely, everyone I know from Atlanta who made a trip out west and tried In-N-Out said it was overhyped.

>> No.17941551

The green things

>> No.17941564

The Varsity is OK at best. Way too greasy on a lot of menu items, and not in the good way.
t. Savannah

>> No.17941570

>t. crackhead

>> No.17941591

MLK Boulevard crackhead detected

>> No.17941915

FUN FACT: lot's of commercial "chili" topping for hot dogs contains no actual meat, instead they use beans

>> No.17941951

>USian "food"
Jesus fucking Christ, you guys should have stopped at the Hamburger. Truly the only gift of the US to the world.

>> No.17941981

nobeans fags on suicide watch

>> No.17942031

what about the cheeseburger?

>> No.17942036

well yeah. I pondered saying "cheeseburger", as a hamburger without the slice of "american cheese" is quite simply incomplete.

>> No.17942047
File: 852 KB, 2291x1375, sexto-sloppa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dumb ape it's the best hotdog
That's what I say my sloppa nigga

>> No.17942049

3 all the way at Olneyville and I’m happy

>> No.17942053

Cope harder, the world revolves around my America

>> No.17942108
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Love them but, I rarely have them. That one looks good in a shit kind of way

>> No.17942125

oh mate, oh buddy.

>> No.17942129
File: 1.83 MB, 3024x4032, 3E8DCD0A-7C6F-4D4E-AC7E-3C2CF4B968E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love em simple as

>> No.17942710

why can't americans be normal

>> No.17942719

Because we're too busy being great and exceptional, keep your "normal" over there in whatever literally who country you live in

>> No.17943172

those are peppers

>> No.17944075

Chili cheese dog with mustard and onions is the best.

>> No.17944089
File: 63 KB, 600x600, 8818920_I32W6Zw0tEkYVF25a8DWIcKPfWU-sBaXlhXDatKZGy8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's a chili dog from Windmill in Long Branch, New Jersey. Great chili and inexplicably good hot dogs.