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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17930594 No.17930594 [Reply] [Original]

>Learn new cooking techniques and new recipes
>Become fat
I hate this board.

>> No.17930603

You can lose that in a few months if you're not old.

>> No.17930619

>he's not lazy cooking and THEN cleaning
what a willpower wow wow

>> No.17930623

define "old"

>> No.17930667


>> No.17930673

I'm 33 and have lost nearly 30kg with CICO over the last 7 months. The key is discipline.

>> No.17930705

It's over...

>> No.17930707

Do some mountain climbers and pushups. Or walk for 15 minutes to an hour a day, cardio dude.

>> No.17930710

Walking for an hour wont do shit, that burns maybe like 6 calories

>> No.17930899
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>learn new cooking techniques
surely not from this board?

>> No.17930905
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you aint never seen nothin like this

>> No.17930908

He meant different numbers on the fast food goyslop menu in the drive-thru from the Uber eats application

>> No.17930913
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isnt this board like 80% goyslop, 19% shitposts and 2% actual discussion about cooking?

>> No.17930918
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You are not ready for these hidden techniques.

>> No.17931063
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How in the shit did you learn /anything/ from this place?

Yeah, well I saved 15% or more switching to GEICO.

>> No.17931207

lizards are the cutest animals one earth

>> No.17931215

they are pretty neat, plus they eat the most un-cute animal in the world which is also pure evil: spiders

>> No.17931223

It's okay OP I like bigger women.
Unless you are a man, in which case you should stop eating you disgusting blob. Start by learning how to make a salad.

>> No.17931232

>hour a day
thats 2 miles even if youre a fat shit you can keep a 2mph pace and that would be hundreds of calories a day for doing jack shit. im not a lard ass but i walked a total 2 hours each work day for 3-4 years and i looked and was healthy as shit.

>> No.17931237

I too have lost a lot of weight with discipline

this board tought me about the slow cooker which is the best culinary invention ever

>> No.17931241
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until you've ever caught house flies and fed them to jumping spiders in the back yard don't you ever say that again. they pounce right at it and carry it like Atlas back to the grass.

ive even seen a small one be unable to carry a huge fly so it hopped through the grass making a web line to the spider and a bigger spider came out and followed the line and grabbed the fly.

>> No.17931242

web line to the fly* sorry.

>> No.17931243

Walking is a really good start if you are a couch potato. Its just that initial motivation to get up and do something. I agree running is better obviously but start out with a walk, take the dog. Count calories. Losing weight just takes discipline. I will admit it is hard in America at least these days since there aren't very many healthy fast food places or on the go places. Everything is bread/meat/cheese of some combo. I started eating healtheir when I cooked at home. I try to do 1-2 veggies and a meat every dinner.

>> No.17931244

how are spiders pure evil? they're some of the most chill animals in nature, they only attack others to feed or defend themselves, just like us

>> No.17931250
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no man fuck spiders

Also fuck these things. What is the fucking point? What do they even do other than sting people

>> No.17931257

they live, they eat, they breed, they swim around
it's like you hate creatures for no reason other than being different

>> No.17931260

I don't hate them I would just prefer they were genocided.

>> No.17931277

Anything that kills fucking mosquitos and flies should be counted among humanities greatest allies, except mites and ticks they can go fuck themselves.

>> No.17931284

>kills mosquitoes and flies
this but also australians and brown people

>> No.17931287
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>> No.17931289

at least jellyfish are neat to look at, unlike sp*ders

>> No.17931292
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when it comes to spiders it varies greatly

you can put a tarantula on my arm and I'll chill with it for a bit but I am never touching a black widow even once

>> No.17931378
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One fourth of july I blacked out hard and woke up with like 20 spider bites on each arm, no idea what I did to incur their wrath

>> No.17931430

Over 60, that's when metabolism starts to go down.

>> No.17931439

Just run for an hour lmao not like you do anything better with your time

>> No.17931507

Got stung by one as a kid swimming at the beach by our summer house. I didn't return to the sea the rest of the season. Every day, I either walked to the next town over (our town is residential only; more on that later) to go to the video arcade or went to the country club (town the summer house is in is a gated community and all residents are required to be members of the club) to play tennis or swim in the pool. If it was raining, I just stayed in and talked to the maid or watched tv or something.
AND at that age, I wasn't old enough yet to go clubbing so the fact that there's a nightclub in an abandoned 11th century Norman castle didn't appeal to me so my nights were spent indoors rather than on the beach or out somewhere. Ruined my summer. Fuck jellyfish.
Would the ecosystem collapse without them? If not, I agree with >>17931260 and we should geno the bastards.

What did you learn?

>> No.17932032

IKTF bro, Im fat and and I only do "normal" cooking. I would like to try out baking but I'm afraid I'd literally balloon. I have never baked a cake, ever.