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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 46 KB, 800x534, 800px-Bright_red_tomato_and_cross_section02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17928256 No.17928256 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on tomatoes. As far as I'm concerned, these are literally just water and 0 health benefits.

>> No.17928264

Redpill this dick you retarded faggot

>> No.17928268

>>17928264 hey be nice hes clearly retarded

>> No.17928272

Nightshades are toxic

>> No.17928308

Which do fucking nothing.

>> No.17928327

They have this unique characteristic of tasting like tomatoes.

>> No.17928343

Tomatoes have potassium, vitamin C, folate, vitamin A (from beta-carotene), and lycopene.
It's definitely not like lettuce where you're not really eating food at all. In fact I'd rank tomatoes up there with potatoes as one of the few plants that are an actual human edible food and not just a trick to get fat people to think they're eating food when really it's more like they're swallowing indigestible grass.

>> No.17928348

>0 health benefits
fuck you’re retarded

>> No.17928358

You should grow your own. Tastes much better than store bought

>> No.17928396

Doesn't do any harm, does maybe a little good but they add needed moisture and taste when in season.

>> No.17928433

Not an argument.

>> No.17928436
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>containing vitamins

>> No.17928439

beta-carotene Isn’t concerted 1 to 1 into vitamin a. The degree to which it can be converted and absorbed Varys widely from person to person along a normal distribution curve. A few people may be able to convert a majority of it, and some may get only be able to convert only a few percentages of what’s in a given food. With everyone else lying somewhere in the middle.

>> No.17928440

Tomatoes taste like nothing.

>> No.17928455

Anon, even cucumbers have a distinct taste when locally grown and eaten in season when ripe. Tomatoes very much more so. It's just the average grocery store tomato has gone around the continent and have simply turned red from force of gmo and industrial procedures.

>> No.17928461
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I live in a big city, there's no way for me to grow anything.

>> No.17928464

Lettuce is indigestible?

>> No.17928467

I'm not the anon that said grow your own, fuck that effort. You just need to find a place that doesn't import vegetables and fruit from hundreds of miles away. When in season you should be able to buy that shit for the cheapest price it can go. Just maybe not from Walmart or whatever.

>> No.17928545

>literally just water
maybe the cheapest ones
good tomatoes are very flavorful, there is a huge difference between the cheap shit and the good ones, bigger than with any other vegetable aside from maybe olives

>> No.17928547


>> No.17928693

the right time to pick a tomatoe is when you slighty twist it (while it is on the vine) and it releases itself, thats when they are at their best, but by that time they can be easily squished and they will go bad in a couple of days, and unfortunately a farmer wouldnt harvest his tomatoes by the time they were ripe
so the reason why u dont like tomatoes is because you never ate a good tomatoe
and btw tomatoes arent in season

>> No.17928709
File: 161 KB, 984x608, Tomaco copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poison. Avoid solanaceae.

>> No.17928710

>just water
I chop them up and fry them with other breakfast stuff and they don't just dissolve into nothing so I'm pretty sure they are more than water

>> No.17928719


>> No.17928725

Its more or less just water and fiber, so yes.

>> No.17928756

So it's perfectly digestable then.

>> No.17928776

>I'm not the anon that said grow your own, fuck that effort.
tomatoes are fucking easy you inept numale faggot

>> No.17928794

buy them from the local sunday markets or grow them yourself
you only think they're watery and tasteless cuz you've only ever eaten shitty grocery store tomatoes

>> No.17928800


I usually dont visit this boeard but 8 have to tell, youre all more retarded than fkn redditers. Fckn morons all over.

Eating tomatoes significantly reduces the risk of a heart attack, improves digestion, strengthens immunity, and protects against the harmful effects of the sun

Tomatoes prevent atherosclerosis,have anti-cancer properties, they are diuretic, they have relatively much of vit. C & fiber.

Lycopene is the most powerful antioxidant from all cartenoids. It has a lot of health benefits by itself.

"LETTUCE IS FOR FAT PEOPLE SO THINK THEY HEALTHY" fuck you, illiterate piece of shit.

Just google what its health benefits are. Its rich in minerals, folic acid and vitamins like B, C and E. Different lettuces have different properties. Basically every veggie has its own health benefits.

Its just that your american veggies are worth nothing. Thank god im from Europe .

Well, youre welcome thanks for your attention. Ill never come here again. Dont want to be dissapointed from how dumb this board got to be

>> No.17928802

I know they got the vitamin C and some of the ol lycopene for your prostate, bud
dont know much else about them cause i don't like eating them

>> No.17928809

Yeah let's pretend we all know what that shit is good for.

>> No.17928822

Tomatoman brings the pain

>> No.17928837
File: 93 KB, 640x481, Heirloom-Tomatoes-from-Market-with-names.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First thing you do is you don't get tomatoes from a supermarket. Or online.

Second thing you do is you get them in season. If you live in the Northern hemisphere you're in luck. Season just started and they keep getting better until the end of September.

Third thing you do is you find someone who grows old tomato varieties, French ones that were grown for their looks in the olden days, before people realised they were edible.

>> No.17928859

>big tomato wrote this

>> No.17928895


Kek. Im just a humble advocate of not being an ameriburger braindead moron like these fkn cucumbers. Fuck cucumbers and their relatives

>> No.17928909
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Everybody knows that
cold countries have tasteless tomatoes

>> No.17929067
File: 2.54 MB, 2976x3968, IMG_20220602_144755_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can do salmorejo with them

>> No.17929081

Based generalist

>> No.17929088

>these are literally just water
we did it guys. we managed to absolutely pervert nature. next up is just destroying society, and it will be an effortless game.

>> No.17929090

>beta-carotene Isn’t concerted 1 to 1 into vitamin a
No one said otherwise
>The degree to which it can be converted and absorbed Varys widely from person to person along a normal distribution curve
Meaningless jargon
>few people may be able to convert a majority of it, and some may get only be able to convert only a few percentages of what’s in a given food. With everyone else lying somewhere in the middle.
Completely made up. Shut up you stupid bitch.

>> No.17929107

Tomatoes are famously easy to grow. You can even do it in hanging plastic bottles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ws0TMIdPa0U
Alternatively, you can stick to cherry tomatoes - they're smol but just as delicious. Basically all you need is a sunny window and that's it.

>> No.17929110

uhh there really good for your skin, which is the largest organ you have. or something.

>> No.17929137

ahahahahahaaha no

>> No.17929218

Everyone should have a couple tomato plants and grow these heirlooms. They are easy to grow and for that one month every year you get tons of fresh tomatoes that are nothing like a super market tomato.

>> No.17929225


>> No.17929239

>Lettuce is indigestible?
How is that not obvious?
Why do you think you literally have to eat 15 times as much lettuce as beef to extract an equal number of calories?
That's why 'salad vegetables' like lettuce are considered 'healthy', way more than any benefits from vitamin content (compare its vitamin content to beef liver, or even just regular cuts of beef, and you can see on nearly every count it delivers only a tiny fraction of what they do). It's 'healthy' because we now live in a world where the majority are clinically overweight, and plants that human GI tracts mostly can't process help by letting these overweight people get the experience of eating with most of the eaten matter not being digested.

>> No.17929255

Indigestable =/= caloric intake

>> No.17929321

The two are pretty closely related.
If we didn't live in such a fat person centric time period calories would be the main benefit of eating and digesting. Now though it's the opposite and avoiding them is the goal for most.

>> No.17929365

So what happens to the non-digested parts of lettuce

>> No.17929383

lettuce is 90% water dummy, that's the reason

>> No.17929401

Some of it gets shit out and some of it gets pissed out.
If you want to get into the details look into what happens with vegetables vs. meat for people who have ostomy bags. Most of the plant matter is still intact by the time it hits the large intestine. And your large intestine mostly isn't involved in digestion (it handles water and electrolyte absorption and a very tiny amount of non-enzymayic breakdown of remaining undigested materials via bacteria.
If you were a goat it'd be a different story.

>> No.17929410

That's not the only part of lettuce not getting digested. It has cellulose like other plants and doesn't break down well in a human GI tract.

>> No.17929592

Posts like this are why I think shills are real

>> No.17929595

If you're a guy and care about your prostate tomatoes are great for you

>> No.17929742

This absolute faggot and his faggot reddit spacing ruined tomatoes for me.

>> No.17929755

Maybe spend a little less time on 3chin. At this point, even Reddit is better than this place.

>> No.17929761

>shut up you stupid bitch
No lol

>> No.17929767
File: 5 KB, 114x119, 1645559994371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>person was originally responding ot me
>now two anons are fighting over shit I started

>> No.17929776

it yummy :)

>> No.17929844
File: 40 KB, 500x465, mcdlt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are essential for a couple of dishes but I've basically completely eliminated "italian" cuisine, so just blts and hamburgers. It's the water and coldness that are important there. Yes the flavor is good but you can get by with hydro maters and a blt is still bomb b/c it's not flavor that matters.

Tomatoes are a poison though just like tobacco. You'd be better off eating lawn grass for anti-oxidants and fiber.

>> No.17929902
File: 49 KB, 684x540, 1397301656336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tomatoes are a poison though

>> No.17929921

So is almost every vegetable

>> No.17929933

I shouldn't have to travel to the middle of nowhere and spend my entire paycheck for real food, civilization was a mistake

>> No.17929997
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1619844724804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17930034

>I'd rank tomatoes up there with potatoes as one of the few plants that are an actual human edible food
please make a list of the other vegetables, i have ibs so i'm up for trying any meme for a short time to see how it works
never had problems with potatoes and tomatoes so i want to hear what others you'd include

>> No.17930045
File: 153 KB, 980x800, chud monke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please enjoy living "off the grid", see how well you like it.

>> No.17930089


>> No.17930109

I accept your concession.

>> No.17930462
File: 273 KB, 517x396, 1639156549291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tomatoes are a poison
Where do '''people'''' '''''learn'''''''''''' these '''''facts'''''?