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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 208 KB, 1596x898, german chocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17926891 No.17926891 [Reply] [Original]

today I wanted to eat the chocolate I left on the windowsill. it had stood there open for several months and now I noticed that it had partially turned lighter and it smells like pickles. If I eat it, will I be fine? those darker parts especially should be edible. when I was a kid a similar situation happened sometimes. every chocolate I got from my grandma looked like this. I used to eat it and I don't remember having any problems, but it was a long time ago so that's probably why I don't remember.

>> No.17926895

>should I eat old food? Don't know guys is it fine?
If you question it, no. We live in the 1st world you dunce throw it out and get more.

>> No.17926902

but when I was a kid I was fine. I don't want to waste food

>> No.17926908


>> No.17926925


>> No.17926930

How fucking poor are you if a bar of chocolate you left on your window sill Iis "wasting money"
Is your name Charlie?

>> No.17926933

if you don't want to waste food, why did you buy the chocolate bar and left it sitting on a fucking windowsil for several months
if you want to get a food poisoning because you felt bad about wasting a couple of bucks then the only thing I can recommend you is to kys

>> No.17926934

Well you're not a kid anymore dipshit. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.17926935

it's just bloomed, eat it, don't be a pussy

>> No.17926941

The chocolate is fine. The layer of dust however...

>> No.17926950

watch out anon, i also tried to eat old chocolate once but when i bit into it it was full of maggots

>> No.17926953

Looks like fat bloom, happens as a result of fluctuating storage temperatures. Leaving it on the windowsil likely exposed it to warmer temperatures during the day, causing the fat in the chocolate to melt and separate out, rising to the surface where it re-solidifies as the temperature drops. Perfectly safe, though the texture of the chocolate may be a little off as it's essentially been un-tempered.

Those white spots at the bottom look like they could be sugar bloom as well, happens when chocolate is exposed to moisture. This dissolves the sugar in the chocolate, bringing it to the surface as the water evaporates and leaving small sugar crystals behind. Again it's safe, though won't have that nice smooth surface texture.

The pickle smell however... I have no clue what could be causing that, are you sure it's from the chocolate? Chocolate doesn't typically spoil due to it containing no moisture, however if it has gotten wet I suppose there could be some bacterial growth. Maybe throw out just to be safe.

>> No.17926955

>he doesn't eat Bleu chocolate
uncultured swine

>> No.17926983
File: 66 KB, 900x1353, I hate the worms I hate the worms I hate the worms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks okay inside

>> No.17926986

Your chocolate doesn't always smell like pickles?

>> No.17926988

I didn't smell chocolate before

>> No.17926990

this blog sucks, eat it or don't faggot nobody cares

>> No.17926993

Anon good chocolate always smells like pickles. Great chocolate smells like pussy. The best chocolate smells like rotten assholes; think Godiva.

>> No.17926997

I never saw a pussy and I can't reach my asshole to smell it...

>> No.17927002

Wipe your ass with your hand then smell that anon. How else are you going to know when you are looking at the best chocolate?

>> No.17927010

oh god it smelled like pickles...

>> No.17927020

>eating old Schogetten
You know Schweinehund, zat this Schokolade alone is scheisse, but you are trying zu eat OLD SCHOGETTEN? L M A O

>> No.17927021

yet you are here writing this

>> No.17927030

I can't reach it with my hand

>> No.17927095

>every chocolate I got from my grandma looked like this
kek based grandma

>> No.17927268

Your chocolate has bloomed, the fat is separating.
Melt it and pour it, it will taste good again, but won't have that "snap".
For that you would need to temper it.

>> No.17927305

>should I eat this food that has clearly gone bad?

do it retard
hopefully you die so we have one less retard in the world

>> No.17927318

>smells like pickles
nigga wat

>> No.17927372

ayo this nigga invented fermented chocolate

>> No.17927389

Then you shouldve been more careful like the grown ass adult youre supposed to be and make sure to store things properly so you can enjoy them later. Its called foresight.
Let us know if you get sick so we can laugh at you.

>> No.17927391

>grown ass adult
hola reddito!

>> No.17927480

dios mio!

>> No.17927730
File: 83 KB, 600x400, ChocolateBloom_grande_2588b339-66d8-4ed6-92ca-5fc1cddbf60d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called bloom and it's just the fat in the chocolate forming crystals and reflecting more light, making it appear lighter at the surface. It's perfectly safe to eat and only affects the visual appearance. Why nobody in a food and cooking board could give you this answer in 31 replies is beyond me.

>> No.17927737

thats not dust >>17926935

>> No.17927741

You wasted food by leaving it in a fucking windowsill for months, but you'll never waste enough to amount to what a waste of life you are.

>> No.17927744

feed it to your dog

>> No.17927754

It’s just chocolate bloom. It happens over time. It’s basically just fat/sugar crystals due to it sitting out a bit.

>> No.17927765

This board is full of fast food guzzling retards who migrated to 4chan from Reddit just to post on /pol/. Eventually they found out they could post about McDonald’s on /ck/ and stayed to shit up the board with “le epic maymays xD”

>> No.17927771

That is sort of sugar and fat "crystalizing" out of the chocolate as far as I understand. I don't know why it would spell like pickles though, that is concerning. If it tastes foul, spit it out. Our senses are evolved/designed to intuitively tell us what is good to eat.

>> No.17927775

>smells like pickles
Could mean the fats went rancid due to exposure to heat and oxygen. Only way to be sure is to taste it.

>> No.17927779
File: 309 KB, 1125x1500, PSX_20220602_131420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thread reminded me i found a chocolate bar in my truck when i was cleaning it out for sale
been there at least 2 years

>> No.17927786
File: 570 KB, 1125x1500, PSX_20220602_131743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smells and tastes good ngl

>> No.17927804

>Why nobody in a food and cooking board could give you this answer in 31 replies is beyond me.
Damn son are you retarded?

>> No.17927810

Oh yes, this is a good guess. Or maybe the pickle smell is related to some acidity of some fatty acids after some fungus broke down the glycogen backbone (which I'm pretty sure is a common thing, after all, there is such a fungus in our scalp).

>> No.17927853

none of them posted images and therefore aren't real posts

>> No.17928057
File: 13 KB, 298x272, 1651766292268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I do not like wadting food
>I just leave half eaten food to sit exposed to direct sunlight at room temperature for months at a time

>> No.17928267

Yeah op is retarded and just deflecting at every turn because he cant accept he fucked up. Even if its fine to eat its going to taste stale and certainly not worth it unless you are practically homeless and cant afford a new bar.

>> No.17928273

You had a better immune system

>> No.17928600
File: 580 KB, 720x406, nice.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that bloom

>> No.17928772

It's not 1918 gramps you don't have to eat rotten food anymore.

>> No.17928950

Just as a precision, this is safe only for dark chocolate.
Milk chocolate will go bad in a year or two, and other monstrosity like milk stuffed chocolate or such will be even worse.

>> No.17929015

okay thank

>> No.17930117
File: 297 KB, 1920x2400, schogetten-alpine-milk-chocolate-100g-35-oz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17931765

op here. I was in the hospital for two days due to food poisoning. yes I am so dumb.

>> No.17931806


you fucking tard, its only been one day you liar

>> No.17931965

the real OP here, I left the thread half an hour after creating it, and I'm surprised it's still up

>> No.17931978

who tf goes to the hospital for just food poisoning. are you fucking weak

>> No.17931985

it's called bloom and it just means it was stored incorrectly but you can still eat it
the reason your grandma gave you bloomed chocolate is because she didn't love you

>> No.17931989

>he falls to the expiration date Jew

>> No.17932083

its socially unacceptable, and i would never tell anyone this irl, but certain processed food can remain edible IN CERTAIN CONDITIONS! i ate an entire little ceasars pizza i got when i was drink, left inbetween my mattresses for a month and a half. it was dry as fuck, and i sprayed it with water to give it some moisture but i didn't suffer any ill effects and while it was stale, it still taste good. but likewise i tried doing it again but left the pizza in a cabnit thinking i'll just do it again but for w/e reason i can't explain it got moldy over a few weeks while my mattress pizza didn't. that said, chocolate ages well, implying bugs haven't been fucking with it. from my experiences, if you live in climate that's not humid you can leave a lot of food out for a day or two and still eat it with no problems, this doesn't apply for certain foods like anything avocados and fish / sushi, but i can say really spicy food a lot of times ages well, and i have a weird thing where if i get high or drink, i leave mcdonalds vaule menu cheese burgers in my car and forget about them, and will eat them 3+ months later with no fucks given (so long as there's no mold or black stuff) and while hard they dont taste all that bad considering.

>> No.17932102

If it smells bad throw it out, if it smells bad you'll automatically find it'll taste off as well and you won't enjoy it at all. Plus you'll probably end up with the shits

>> No.17932300

I went for a piece of dark chocolate earlier. Packet's been open for a month. There was a fucking larvae on it. I'm so revolted.

>> No.17932385

wait, is this why when my chocolate bar gets super hot and essentially semi-melts/gets really soft inside the wrapper and then cools again it then no longer "breaks" apart even when it's back to being solid?


>> No.17932390
File: 751 KB, 2545x1400, die toteninsel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh did someone say something?