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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 215 KB, 1275x1275, destination-map-australia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17921724 No.17921724 [Reply] [Original]

uh, so what's the national dish here?

>> No.17921732
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simple as

>> No.17921740

the snag

>> No.17921745
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It’s unironically “fairy bread”
Australians please respond and tell me what it tastes like

>> No.17921748


>> No.17921755

these sprinkles are dogshit. like chewing on gravel.

>> No.17921761

depends where nonna/yaya/ouma/granny/whatever that is in vietnamese/etc is from

>> No.17921783

my mate works for them, has a huge villis truck in his driveway its great

>> No.17921787

Are Aussie transgirls good looking?
I'd love to bang a few their while vacationing.

>> No.17921845

They are pretty similar to American women.

>> No.17921851

Meat and three veg. Sausages, chops or rissoles for the meat. Potato for one of the veg, a selection from carrots, peas, green beans, pumpkin, and silverbeet for the other two.

>> No.17921855
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bush tucker

>> No.17921889

Aussie meat pies look delicious!

>> No.17921893

i saw the bushland adventures bit too

>> No.17921961

Da Bloomin Onion

>> No.17921967

This. its just sprinkles on buttered bread. sometimes they add a little regular white sugar or cinnamon.

>> No.17922007

Vegemite sandwich

>> No.17922015
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they're hundreds and thousands, not sprinkles
there's a difference
also picrel is top tier if you need food to feed a few people and are broke/lazy.
i take this shit on every fishing trip I do and there's nothing better

>> No.17922065

casual racism

>> No.17922070

That sandwich looks good. Does it have a name?

>> No.17922085

Pro tip; mix the chicken stuffing with mayo 50/50 and you've got the stuff that makes Red Rooster's Chicken Roll so tasty. And yes it's a Chicken Roll not a Rooster Roll fuck the retarded name change.

>> No.17922107
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here's the correct answer

>> No.17922152

Had one at the Campbelltown RSL on the weekend, was alright but don't see how it could qualify as the national dish, I should have went for the surf n turf desu

>> No.17922184

just because of how ubiquitous it is, shit's at every cafe, pub, rsl, hotel etc. all over the country

>> No.17922187

>ubiquitous it is, shit's at every cafe, pub, rsl, hotel etc. all over
Yeah but it's ubiquitous in all anglo countries not just Aus

>> No.17922197

deep fried dingo balls
vegemite on toast

>> No.17922201

I mean, we have chicken parm and beef pies in Canada, but I wouldn't really call the ubiquitous or as having as much of a cultural prevalence as in Australia and NZ.

>> No.17922213

Petrol and ciggies

>> No.17922231

snag, bread, onions, sauce

simple as

>> No.17922248

Its just gay cinnamon toast

>> No.17922250

it's from middlesbrough lad

>> No.17922266

Ubiquitous 35 years ago when it was the only "foreign yet acceptable" thing to eat on a menu that consisted of Roast Dinners, Hamburgers and Steak n Chips. Seeing Chicken Parm on a pub/club menu these days is like an intentional throw back that would only appeal to the nostalgic or boomers still afraid of ordering a Thai Curry for fear of a North Vietnamese jumping out of their dinner plate and bayonetting them.

>> No.17922275

Tell me you're from Melbourne without telling me you're from Melbourne.

>> No.17922280
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>> No.17922287

Having it over fires seems pretty good

>> No.17922291
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Probably this

>> No.17922292

No sir I am not, I'm the fucking idiot who ate the Chicken Parm at the Campbelltown RSL you twit.

>> No.17922295

you type like a vegan

>> No.17922298

You realize I can just as easily mock you for living in Sydney, right?

>> No.17922308

Some brainwashed boomer shot a bunch of the Jews’ enemies for them and now you can’t have guns.

>> No.17922309

Whats the coolest part of australia that no one would dare mock except as a cope

>> No.17922317

champion ruby, gatorade billy, VB/carlton/tooheys/fruity lexia/woodstock, traveller pies, sausage sizzle, mi goreng, maggi noodles, easy mac, $5 mudcake, nutri-grain
simple as

>> No.17922318

At least where I live there's no abos or wogs (just because I was eating in West Syd doesn't mean I live there)
Larp you're from rural QLD

>> No.17922332

probably Darwin, but it'd be out of pity
NT is Australia's version of Florida

>> No.17922365

>Larp you're from rural QLD
this but unironically

>> No.17922370

>Larp you're from rural QLD
Literally the worst part of the country, everyone I have met from there was a meth addicted bogan that would name their kids after TV characters

>> No.17922371

You know it's not to late to create a national dish. It's not like the national dish of France was made as soon as the first time 'France" had been said.

>> No.17922374

the savage natives eat each others genitals

>> No.17922379
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fuckin aussie national dish is whatevers on me plate so long as it isn't shit mate

fuck yeah righto

fuckin fuck fuckin fuck mate




>> No.17922383

Foster's is a meme, VB is probably the closest thing to a national beer and it tastes like literal piss (but still better)
>muh joos!

>> No.17922405

>gatorade billy
sounds like some old gore shit you'd see on /b/

>> No.17922429

Basically he saying they’re so desperate to get high they smoke pipe tobacco out of bongs they make from Gatorade bottles

>> No.17922433


>> No.17922464

How does it feel being a literal faggot?

>> No.17922494
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stop wasting time cunts its the fucking cobloaf

>> No.17922506


>> No.17922516

for me it’s KFC

>> No.17922521
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>> No.17922522
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blue pizza

>> No.17922595

what in the actual fuck

>> No.17922638
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Really? No one's said it yet?

>> No.17922649

Larry. Larry Fargenberger.

>> No.17922684

I had that in sydny and it was pretty good

>> No.17922706

I've been here my whole life and never seen this before. Is this in Qld, Sa or Tas? Never been

>> No.17922715

There more Vili's in NSW than anywhere else.

>> No.17922719

My cousin in Perth swears to fuck and back that no Aussie says "shrimp."

>> No.17922726

That's clearly prawns on a chelsea doll.

>> No.17922740


>> No.17922748
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I grew up watching bush tucker man despite not living in Australia. Be as fantastic.
> when the bush tucker man and ray mears teamed up for a show I nearly shit myself with excitement.

>> No.17922752
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Pea floater

>> No.17922777

That's South Australian, the biggest shithole in the commonwealth.

>> No.17922819

>Pea floater
That’s what I call my shits.

>> No.17922839

Based and shit n piss pilled

>> No.17922849
File: 26 KB, 636x778, YouGonnaFinishThat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You Aussies know how to live.

>> No.17922868

American creation, not something you get in Australia.
Fosters isn't popular or sold much in Australia at all, it's an export beer. More Americans and Asians drink Fosters in a year than Australians do in a decade.
Correct, we call them prawns. The 'throw a shrimp on the barbie' advertisement was targeted at Americans so it used the word they'd understand.

>> No.17922869

They are correct.

>> No.17922889

Melbourne fags deserve the rope

>> No.17922955
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>> No.17922961

I mean, she would know. Being Australian and all.
Do you not have potted shrimp? In the UK, prawn is also the preferred term with the exception of potted shrimp.

>> No.17922973

Kinder pornografika jahrlich

>> No.17923136
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Coon Cheese

>> No.17923206

That's nice but has nothing to do with the post you quoted.

>> No.17923216
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>> No.17923257

I involuntarily read Australian posts in their accent, doesn't happen for any other posters.

>> No.17923288

How d'ya know who's Aussie and who's not, cunt?

>> No.17923298

Fusion of a lot of stuff.
Our fresh sea food is some of the best in the world.
We export a lot of luxury food, high quality beef, best honey (endemic eycalyptus tree based honey), sea food, and wine.
Unfortunately due to international competition is getting harder to source high quality ingredients locally. So usually just use what woolies sell, which is the lower quality stock compared to what is exported.
Cusine is all over the place. Lots of asian food if you're in the cbd for lunch.

>> No.17923402
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I lived one year in Sydney and I gotta say its fgotta be the humble halal snack pack

>> No.17923406

inshallah the noble steed respects lgtb

>> No.17923452

The ones who are larping as rural Queenslanders are Australians.

>> No.17923490

Smeared on dropbear meat.

>> No.17923495

On the east coast it's typically Pfizer but on the west they usually do Moderna

>> No.17923622

Georgia prisons offered (not forced, like people who've never been to prison claim) Moderna.

>> No.17923675

Adelaide is at least somewhat livable and the countryside has great food and wine. With the budget of the average /ck/ poster you're going to be commuting an hour by train from a majority ethnic suburb past an assortment of clone tool trendy suburbs you wish you lived in but have been priced out of, or you'll be living close to the action but without any money to left to spend on it.

I've bought a house in the country but if I had to move back to the city I'd not be hustle and bustleposting from a fucking sharehouse or an outer-outer suburb halfway to Albury Wodonga

>> No.17923823

Water sandwich or whatever

>> No.17923869

How many Weetbix did you do, anons? 2 for me with some banana, milk and cinnamon

>> No.17923919

I lived in Albury Wodonga
Fucking A place, I wish I had the budget to buy a house there (eurofag)

>> No.17923973

I havent had it since pre school

>> No.17923987

victoria bitters, if any aussies i've met are any indication

>> No.17923988
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Unironically the flat white. Australia is dogshit when it comes to original cuisine. But they do coffee culture pretty well and are trendsetters in the thirdwave coffee world. Even the McCafe concept was created in Australia.

>> No.17924199


>> No.17924594
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>> No.17924621

Fuck the Praise off and sub it with Kewpie &/or a bit of pickle juice/lemon juice.

>> No.17925420

hogback MILF

>> No.17925576

if you ever pass through at least try the off the shelves ones if you can't go to the cafe

>> No.17925579
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that better not be a fuckin' Balfours I see

>> No.17925583

Probably Pad Thai at this stage desu

>> No.17925587

when I was in year 8 I drank 2 or 3 of these in the arvo without thinking too much of it and then couldn't fall asleep so went to school completely buggered and finally passed out in the library when my class was loaning books
was pretty great, would do again

>> No.17925653

outer suburban at most
I larped as an outback queenslander for a while, the slang they used would terrify and confuse the average urbanite poster

>> No.17926497

>Milanesa de pollo
Do they really have nothing fancy, like a kangaroo/emu based dish or something?

>> No.17926501


>> No.17926551

Australian cuisine, much like their overall culture is just a mix of the worst parts of english and american influences
they will serve you a burguer that looks like a meatball and even put a fucking boiled beetrot in there for good measure

>> No.17926562

No, we're too racist to accept that anything native to this land is edible. We made it suitable for human habitation by bringing in agriculture from England and that's that.

>> No.17926565

>Unfortunately due to international competition is getting harder to source high quality ingredients locally. So usually just use what woolies sell, which is the lower quality stock compared to what is exported.
Then don't shop at Colesworth, ya twit

I shop at independent butchers for meat. Always manage to get top tier quality stuff for a reasonable price from the little guys. Same with fruit and veg, good stuff to be found at a greengrocers. And for everything else I go to Drakes or Foodland.

>> No.17926620

NZ drink

>> No.17926622

>hundreds and thousands
Retarded fucking bongshit term. You sprinkle it on shit, ergo it's fucking sprinkles.

>> No.17926954

youre implying you can use any type of sprinkles, you are wrong. it has to be hundreds and thousands

>> No.17926957

aye cunt i went to the borella butchery today

>> No.17926991

>bongs they make from Gatorade bottles
AND sneaking into some cunts yard and cutting off the end of their hose.
fuckers took nearly 3 meters off my hose back when i lived in some sketch back streets back in springas.

>> No.17926995

It's Rissoles and if you disagree, you're shilling something corporate pushed.

>> No.17927000

>Adelaide is at least somewhat livable
i can smell your dilator from here cunt.

>> No.17927003

overcooked steak & watery lager

>> No.17927005

This is a good mention, the parmy, if your pub fucks it up, just leave, if they charge extra for bacon/ham they're stinge dogs.

>> No.17927009

>rural Queenslanders
little does he know

>> No.17927024


>> No.17927026

this guy has it
Mocking Queensland is cope, due to it's superiority, you would have to not come from queensland to mock it, which is cope, because if you knew how good it was, you wouldn't mock it.


>> No.17927037

This is maybe new age "aussie" metrosexual type inner city nightclub degenerate food, but it's pretty damn good.

bless the lebs.

>> No.17927042

for the good part of my childhood, I went from 4/6 with honey and raw sugar, sometimes with hot water + milk.

>> No.17927050

swap the slaw for iceberg lettuce personally, keep the rest, if you can, melt some cheese, maybe regular sliced loaf.

>> No.17927056

Four chik-o-sticks

>> No.17927062
File: 562 KB, 2560x1707, Herb-_-Garlic-Beef-Rissoles-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go lads.

>> No.17927079

It's the meat pie easily. Bunnings snags are famous and iconic but not to the same extent.

It's certainly not the chicken parma or chicko roll, they're for dole bludgers and bogans

I'm a South Aussie, so naturally I'll say we have the best cuisine in the Commonwealth, and its true
>Pie floaters
>Cornish pasties
>Kitchener buns
>Fritz and sauce sanga
>Farmers union iced coffee
>Fru chocs
But none of these are well known outside of the country

East coasters will seethe and cry because they can't handle the fact that SA is the festival state, the wine state, the food state and the most livable place in Aus. They also HATE that we have the cultivated free settled accent.

>> No.17927082

4 with honey from my own bees. Any more than that and the texture and volume makes me want to hurl.

>> No.17927086

this is the one

>> No.17927089

Retarded fucking muttshit term. You buy them in the hundreds and thousands, ergo it's hundreds and thousands.

>> No.17927093

>>Farmers union iced coffee
I find it hilarious when I go interstate and see billboards and ads for whatever fake version of FUIC they're trying to peddle. Like they could even come close.

>> No.17927097

Farmers union iced coffee taste the same as weak cordial when you compare it to almost any other iced coffee.

>> No.17927101

what's wrong, long commute?

>> No.17927103

fleurieu dumps big masculine steaming logs all over weak chinky fuic

>> No.17927106

I'll give you the wine region, and the state does it's part to cultivate the industry, but you ain't no Bundaberg Rum or XXXX.

>> No.17927113
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>> No.17927114

Mate we have Coopers
Gee Gee

>> No.17927120

amazing that for a rum that tastes so much like paint thinners bundy is a weak as piss 37%, shit, same as gold for that matter, vile watery piss that's so fucking weak it's barely a midstrength, 3.5%
noticing a trend

>> No.17927172
File: 80 KB, 400x300, 9E73B7A1-211C-49DC-96EF-BD658109A68C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken parm. I don’t know if they do veal parm or pork tenderloin parm.

>> No.17927174

Kangaroo bollocks

>> No.17927180

They do full strength XXXX Dry now, finally, but what about Great Northern?

How strong do you usually have your rums, 40%? not much a difference, maybe pour a double strength, if you don't go past the bottom shelf flavours can be boring.

Coopers is fine, but I don't call it everyones first choice, they do a good variety.

>> No.17927298

I didn't Cornish pasties were from South Australia. Wow. Much learn. Very educate.

>> No.17927342

When I visited it seemed like meat pies were the national dish.

>> No.17927376

how the fuck do I get to exmouth

>> No.17928665

Goon and Winny Blues

>> No.17928973

this is the most dinky-di, true blue response in this thread

>> No.17928987

>NT is Australia's version of Florida
nah that's the goldie
>built on a swamp
>humid as fuck
>swathes of retirement homes
>lots of thots
>lots of ice
>theme parks
>absolutely no culture
it's pretty much a 1:1 of florida

>> No.17929190

Saw it a fair amount in Melbourne and Sydney, but never really seen it in Perth or Hobart.

>> No.17929709


>> No.17929772

>the slang they used would terrify and confuse the average urbanite poster
I somehow doubt that.

>> No.17929777

Meat pies pavlova sausage rolls and freddo frogs

>> No.17929802
File: 46 KB, 680x718, australia population density map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of it is uninhabitable.

>> No.17929863

I wish we could build a bunch of solar farms, partly to desalinate a bunch of desalination plants to drip irrigate farm farms and new forests. Green the outback. Desert species are a trivial loss and America needs a worthy competitor.

>> No.17929910

>Green the outback
I've thought about this in the past and I've come to the conclusion that step one would require a shitload of saltbush. Like damn you'd need a lot. Desalination would never work for the desert. It would be like trying to drain the ocean a cup at a time

>> No.17930182

>desalination plants
so you want massive solar farms in the outback and which somehow transport this power thousands of km in a cost effective manner to desalination plants on the coast to then pipe that water all the way back into the outback to... make it green?
you are actually retarded.

>> No.17930211

get a soft white bread, put a bunch of butter on it, then pour sugar overthe top
basically the same thing
kangaroo steaks
good eatin

>> No.17930802


>> No.17930812

No, the bulk of the solar farms can be coastal and the backup can run wires underground. We invented electric pumps quite some years ago, too. There's no magic involved.

>> No.17930855
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Desalination of ocean water using heat from nuclear isotopes is the answer. What are you, a fag?

>> No.17930884

the average tarquin of brunswick sooks when one uses too much working class vernacular, he'd shriek and melt into a puddle of kombucha and vaginal discharge if anyone actually typed like somebody from the outback

>> No.17930892

well it's literally white toast bread with sprinkles
never eaten it but can perfectly imagine the experience of eating it

>> No.17930896

No, we aren't. It's simply tastes like shit like the God forsaken place it is.

>> No.17930900

Pack of smokes
Monsta or a coffee
Meat pie
Gravy roll
Chiko roll
Vegimite (the best shit you can put on toast is toast, promite(PROMITE NOT FUCKING VEGIMITE OR MARMITE), avo, sliced tomato, pepper and salt, basil. No shit the most scrumptious meal.)
Slab of export
Obligatory bunnings snag
Lamb, just occurred to me the other week that I never fuckin see anyone online praise lamb/mutton. Fucking lamb chops roasted in an oven are delish.
Ham+cheese+onion toastie
Fariy bread (only found at bday partues for years 1-10)
Kangaroo and camel meat. Camel meat is great for snags and kandgaroo whatever goes great on a bbq.
I dont know if this shit is found elsewhere but who cares hahahaa

Im drunk, drunking asahi 500ml cans wooo

>> No.17930902

Its hundred and thousands mate

>> No.17930981

Trying way too hard bro

>> No.17930994

Americans call it "meth" or "crystal" (or "Tina," if they're faggots; like, literally, that's the gay man term for it). Just clearing that up for the Amerifriends.
Also, GC isn't all that bad, izzit?

>> No.17930999

fuck off

>> No.17931036

just be grateful they didn't post meat pie crust pizza.

>> No.17931100

most of the exotic animals don't taste that interesting, so people try them once and don't bother again.
kangaroo for example is really irony and heavy, it's a pain in the ass to cook as well. most of the time. I made kangaroo mince burgers and after I ate the two I had for dinner I couldn't bring myself to eat the other ones I'd made the next day.

>> No.17931119

emu meat is oily, stinky and tastes like shit

>> No.17931126

Love me a parma, it's always the first thing I'll order at a new pub
I eat roo every week. I'd eat emu more often if it was easier to get, same with croc

>> No.17931319

Get fucked shills. Farmers union is a knockoff of Big M.

>> No.17931434

Yeah, but not that rank squeezy one that taste like shit

>> No.17931441

Queenslanders still take an hour and a half to watch 60 minutes tho

>> No.17931462

They send solar power from NT to Singapore

>> No.17931481

wow Germany is fucking tiny, and the UK. How did these two tiny places cause so much trouble throughout history.

>> No.17931513

no they dont.
>Singaporean energy experts have poured cold water on plans backed by billionaires Andrew Forrest and Mike Cannon-Brookes to export solar power to the island nation, saying they are likely to be too expensive and impractical.

>> No.17931684

you gotta go through Innsmouth

>> No.17931717
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>> No.17931754

">NT is Australia's version of Florida
nah that's the goldie"
nah its not, stay mad you backwaters NT cunt

>> No.17931772
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>>muh joos!

>> No.17931776

>one line shitpost
>incorrectly formatted
>unrelated paedo weeab image
We got a faggot, boys.

>> No.17931793
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>> No.17932786


>> No.17932795

thats a nice durger