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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 686 KB, 1080x1419, Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17919228 No.17919228 [Reply] [Original]

>Analyzing factors such as age, body mass index, amount of physical activity, and ethnicity among other various variables, the researchers found that individuals who consumed unsweetened coffee were at the lowest risk of death while those who did not consume coffee at all had higher risks. It was revealed that the individuals who consumed between 2.5 and 4.5 cups of coffee a day were at a 29% lower risk of death.
>Even for individuals who consumed coffee with sugar, the risk of death was comparatively lower than for those who did not consume the beverage. The results were similar irrespective of whether the participants consumed instant, ground, or decaffeinated coffee. The data did not provide a clear correlation among people who used artificial sweeteners instead.

So I guess coffee is in fact good for you. But what coffee tastes good without cream and sugar?

>> No.17919240

now pull up the data for tea drinkers

>> No.17919242 [DELETED] 

Correlation isn't causation. You're behaving like a CNN viewing leftist commie.

>> No.17919243

Death has a 100% chance of happening though

>> No.17919245

So 29%of coffee drinkers live forever?

>> No.17919253

If you usually need cream or sugar, try coffee with just milk. Makes it much less bitter and acidic.

>> No.17919302

The most likely explanation is that people who enjoy unsweetened beverages are more likely to make better lifestyle choices and have a lower risk of preventable death.
That's not most coffee drinkers though, who load down their instant with milk and sugar and wonder why they can't lose 5lbs.

>> No.17919308

caffeine is degenerate
hedonists get the rope

>> No.17919312

>Correlation isn't causation

Correlation isn't necessarily causation, you fucking retard.

>> No.17919316

>What an interesting phenomenon OP, here's my explanation
>Now, I'll tell you why my explanation is retarded and doesn't make sense
True midwit

>> No.17919318

Are the non coffee drinkers vaxxed though?

>> No.17919320

If your problem with coffee is bitterness, try light or medium roasts, using brewing methods that extract less, like pourovers, or use less coffee, and don't make stale coffee, if your grounds are smelling sweet, your shit is stale.
If you're an infrequent coffee enjoyer, buy whole bean and keep it in an airtight container, it should last you one to two months that way, and just grind what you need.

>> No.17919327

>If your problem with coffee is bitterness, try light or medium roasts
your mommas so fat she caused a stack overflow in the scale software

>> No.17919329

>The most likely explanation is that people who enjoy unsweetened beverages are more likely to make better lifestyle choices a

What the fuck? That is not most likely at all. The most likely explanation is the simplest one, which is that the chemicals in coffee are good for your organs.

>> No.17919337

I'm not going to pretend coffee is some miracle food that literally makes you live longer, it sounds like cherrypicked statistics much like how cool wine aunts will believe those studies about red wine being good for you.

>> No.17919368

>Science cannot be true if it conflicts with my baseless kneejerk preconceptions

>> No.17919383

>29% of coffe drinkers dont die
how much do i need to drink to live forever?

>> No.17919451
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>Death has a 100% chance of happening though
>So 29%of coffee drinkers live forever?
They took 171,616 people with an average age of 55.6 years who didn't already have cardiovascular disease or cancers and then checked up on them during follow-up period between 2009 and 2018. They had to die during that follow-up period for it to count towards the mortality risk assessed at the end.

>> No.17919470

It's probably legitimate and just means people with health problems on the way to an early death are going to avoid things like coffee because their fragile bodies can't take it.
Coffee wouldn't be making you healthier in that case. It would instead be an indicator you were already healthy enough to be OK with the idea of regularly dosing yourself with a stimulant.

>> No.17919484

>unsweetened coffee vs no coffee
Unsweetened group clearly has some scew towards a healthier lifestyle while the non coffee drinkers are just normal people. This is a terrible interpretation of a study. It actually says nothing about coffee at all, but the people who drink it with no sugar

>> No.17919494

>i have enough money to waste it on completely superfluous drinks, multiple every single day.
>said drink is associated with office culture, office jobs, and hard working people likely to have higher paying jobs.

Just like most studies, unless they controlled for income levels this is useless.

>> No.17919536

Coffee is also associated with tradesmen, manual laborers, and the military. Servicemen will often have cups of coffee between their bang energy drinks. And in construction everyone has a thermos of coffee. The Beans Cafe (homeless shelter) always needs more coffee because the homeless love coffe (and it keeps them away from drugs and alcohol)

>> No.17919557

that's fair, but did the study control for income and use/moderation? If not, it's retarded.

Probably the same reason you can say the occasional whisky is associated with longer life, or 1 glass of wine a day. I can all but guarantee the dude who has 2 glasses of scotch a week or a glass of wine with meals is richer and more adjusted than the average person who drinks nothing. I'd also wager the homeless guys and alcoholics slammin tons of it don't even make it to take the test or give accurate answers.

Even in your post, the homeless guys that love coffee are probably doing better than the homeless guys that love heroin.

>> No.17919567
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I am not a schizophrenic i am not

>> No.17919577

Then explain why the second half of the post says people who put sugar in their coffee still live longer you illiterate moron

>> No.17919585

sorry to be so autistic about it, but see the below quote from an article about the study.

"Study participants who drank between one and four cups of lightly sweetened coffee per day were 29 to 31% less likely to die during the study, according to the data."

So people who engage in regular daily rituals, have self control, and disposable income to spend on coffee do better than people who don't drink it. Leads me to believe my original assumption was correct.

>> No.17919592

>consuming caffeine

>> No.17919735
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>various variables
stopped reading and caring.
>it's about coffee

>> No.17919747

fuck you coffee is good

>> No.17919766
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Coffee soda is better

>> No.17919874
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100% of heroin addicts tried caffeine first

>> No.17919890

No, the study found lower risk of death for both unsweetened coffee drinkers and sugar using coffee drinkers.

>> No.17919892

>tfw finally mastered the 4:6 v60 method
tastes good man

>> No.17919895
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>Now researchers in China have found people who consumed a moderate amount of coffee every day, whether sweetened with sugar or not, had a lower risk of death over a seven-year period than those who did not.
>researchers in China
one of the first things you learn in research is to be skeptical of ALL papers out of the PRC

>> No.17919908

why would anyone ever need 60 cylinders

>> No.17919917

this is a retarded conclusion.

>> No.17919919

It's not like this is a topic that the Communist Party of China has some sort of special agenda for.
Looks like a pretty simple and non-controversial study to me. They didn't actually perform any physical / experimental tasks for it either in case you're concerned about them fucking that up. It's merely a look at what happened to people who declared their coffee drinking habits.

>> No.17919923

What conclusion? As far as I can tell the conclusion is just "this is what was found." Did anyone try to claim coffee has medicinal value or something?

>> No.17919953

Oh yeah, and milk is very unhealthy for me too. Fuck off with your bullshit fake science article shilling.

>> No.17919968

>It's not like this is a topic that the Communist Party of China has some sort of special agenda for.
I think he's more pointing out how the peer review system has basically been rendered meaningless due to the sheer amount of Chinese scientists flooding the field and rubberstamping each other's research because "it's not about what you publish, it's about how much you publish". It's not a problem exclusive to China, mind you, but their large population and cultural obsession with clout that's exploded has turned this into a serious problem in the scientific community over the last couple decades.
You get a lot of unscientific junk like this where they do a week's worth of statistical analysis and then publish a completely meaningless paper just to pad their resume.

>> No.17919976
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>people who declared their coffee drinking habits
self reported data is worthless

>> No.17919982

Did you want to drug test them daily for caffeine over the course of seven years? It was a cohort study you dip.

>> No.17919988

>Did you want to drug test them daily for caffeine over the course of seven years?
Yes. Science should be rigorous.

>> No.17919990

>It was revealed that the individuals who consumed between 2.5 and 4.5 cups of coffee a day were at a 29% lower risk of death.
Death from what?

>> No.17919992


>> No.17919993

so If I drink 90% more coffee on top of the 30% I will be invincible?

>> No.17920038

Cohort studies are performed by career obsessed bureaucrats who are too unskilled to find a mechanism
They are wasting grant money to pad their CVs and make splashy, forgettable headlines like the one in the op

>> No.17920051

>study funded by Starbucks

>> No.17920068

You mean integer overflow you turbo brainlet

>> No.17920106


naw, they sell sugar drinks that have caffeine in them

>> No.17920118

you're gonna die no matter what you drink dickhead

>> No.17920126

Nigga you think most people read past the headline? They'll see that headline, hop in the car, and order four mocha fraps double whip no cap

>> No.17920133

I mean, if you want to get down to it, it's not the sugar they're profiting on so much as it's the sheer amount of dairy they go through. Regionally sourced milk and cream is dirt cheap for large buyers and makes up most of their popular drinks. That said, I vaguely remember a shareholder report mentioning how regular drip Pike Place blend was still their best-selling product but I'm too lazy to go looking for it.

>> No.17920180

I just wish their Expresso wasn't fucking burnt. Someone who worked at Starbucks explained why that was but I forgot the details

>> No.17920205

>29% lower chance means the same as 29% of people
Jesus, are you people retarded or only pretending to be?

>> No.17920234

IIRC, they use high-pressure/high-temp on their espresso because 90% of the time it's being served in a drink where more than half the volume is dairy and they want to preserve the coffee taste. The beans are also typically roasted a little more than you'd expect because they're being shipped around the world and stored for weeks, and burnt beans simply last longer because the stuff that rancidifies has burned off.

>> No.17920253

here you go bro

>> No.17920263

>But what coffee tastes good without cream and sugar?
Instant coffee. Also use milk instead of cream you silly little Amerifat critter.

>> No.17920301
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>> No.17920317

Seems like a distinction without a difference

>> No.17920322

>Correlation isn't causation
Love this reddit chant. It ONLY comes up when they don't like what the statistics might mean. When the correlation suggests something they do like, they point to it and claim it vindicates their entire fantasy land worldview.

>> No.17920332

This proves DM is an unbiased source simply reporting scientific results without trying to promote one view or another. Most other "science journalism" will only show you the study they want you to agree with and ignore the one that says the opposite.

>> No.17920362

>The study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, is based on data from more than 171,000 participants
It seems more like you don't understand how much cost and time is involved with analyzing a single blood sample, let alone almost 200k every single year.

>> No.17920383

I'd be more likely to believe a controlled study with 171 participants than a cohort study with 171,000
even if it was done by Zhang et al.

>> No.17920390

Which is it?!

>> No.17920394

False. If they were unbiased source just trying to present scientific information they would have accurate headlines instead of clickbait garbage misrepresenting the quality of evidence.

>> No.17920396

Yeah but it's extra time at the end of your life. I'm 41 now and feel exponentially worse than a did at 30. Only masochists and boomers want to be old withered drains on society

>> No.17920397

Garbage analysis of garbage data is an utter plague nowadays. You can parse entire spreadsheets in a couple keystrokes and then write a bullshit template paper.

>> No.17920403
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Both studies are correct. The problem if anything is the pop sci journalists reporting on it not including the details.
The first one showed that if you take a group of overweight people between the ages of 40 and 75 who have prediabetes and have some of them eat one egg a day and some of them not, the ones who ate one egg a day show modest improvements in fasting blood glucose.
The other study shows that if you look at the dietary habits of a bunch of people and compare it with diabetes incidence you'll find the ones who ate eggs were more likely to be the ones who eventually become diabetics.
This isn't contradictory because people who eat more eggs might also be people who do a lot of other things that modify diabetes risk, like eating a surplus of calories overall for example. Something can both be good for you on its own while being something more commonly seen with people who are worse off for other reasons. An obvious example might be that the kind of person taking a lot of health supplements might be more likely to have health problems. Maybe the health supplements are good for them but the fact they're feeling the need to take them makes it more likely they're sick and grasping at anything that could improve their condition.

>> No.17920420
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sounds like me. I've been doing OMAD as a lifestyle for 5 years and I started getting multivitamins last year because I'm worried I'm not eating enough.

>> No.17920434

Everyone's risk of death is 100% on a long enough timeline. That headline is sensationalist bullshit as per usual. Go drink whatever you want.

>> No.17920470

Cutting off hands correlates to a rise in people without two hands, but since correlation doesn't equal causation, we must not look to this and assume instead that they're habitual masturbators and their frequent fapping causes their wrists to wear away.

The distinction is that acting like some things don't correlate to their cause is dumb as shit. Sometimes correlation DOES equal causation and to repeat some stupid little mantra like you're trying to make rain rain go away at anything you don't like is retarded. And you acting retarded correlates with the fact that you're a retard, and acting like a retarded causes your retardation, because given an opportunity to learn, you'd rather act like a retard, which means your learning is being slowed by you acting like a retard, your learning is being retarded by you being retarded.

Correlation, causation, chicken, egg, cope, seethe.

>> No.17920474


>> No.17920493

> individuals who consumed between 2.5 and 4.5 cups of coffee a day were at a 29% lower risk of death.

my uncle just beat prostate cancer and the doctors told him the best thing he can do is reduce his coffee down to a cup a day.

>> No.17920495 [DELETED] 

You faggots have been crying about the day of the rope since Obama got in.
The only thing we've seen was the Day of the Cope in 2020 when BLM burned down cities and /pol/ hid in their basements pretending it would make the world see how nigger black people could be, instead of the actual result of white people kneeling and kissing boots.

I look forward to sipping my coffee as your son gets on his knees.

>> No.17920512

>implying those symbols don't indicate the best chess moves

>> No.17920542

Prostate cancer is uniquely impacted by diuretics like coffee.
Again, both cases are true and don't contradict one another. Context is important. When they do studies like this they go out of their way to avoid warping the results with people who have a condition already known to be affected negatively by the substance in question.
For people who don't already have blatant severe medical problems, you can probably predict fewer of them will die within a subsequent X year window based on whether they're a coffee drinker or not. And at the same time, you probably shouldn't drink coffee if you're recovering from prostate cancer.
Similar to how fiber is maybe helpful to the average person while also being the first thing removed from the diet of a patient with severe GI problems in a hospital setting. Or how the practice of strenuous exercise is a good predictor of future health while also being potentially harmful to someone who just had a heart attack a day earlier.

>> No.17920616

>drinking coffee is always a ritual
>people who drink four cups of coffee have self control
>drip coffee that costs cents a day is disposable income
You're not being autistic you're just making shit up. Your additional assumptions make your original assumption correct, wow.

>> No.17920672

I read both those DM articles and they accurately describe the contents of the studies though?
Sounds like you've figured out how to make bank doing very little work, why aren't you doing it?

>> No.17920688
File: 105 KB, 670x632, dfdasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sometimes correlation DOES equal causation

I can name one for you.

>> No.17920765

for each cup of coffee i drink i eat a hot dog so it evens out

>> No.17920772

Teacuck sisters, did we get too cocky...

>> No.17920779

>Imagine not liking the taste of black coffee
No. I even like the taste of decaf and some gas station swill. Am I rare in truly liking the flavor?

>> No.17920793
File: 55 KB, 400x326, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am literally shaking right now. Tea kettles really are just 1/2 of a coffee machine. It's not fair, I hate you stupid sexy americhads ;_;

>> No.17921265

How many ml and many mg per cup? (Give caffeine content equivalent if possible)
Btw 150 or 118 ml per cup

>> No.17921438

>drink coffee
>become immortal

>> No.17921449

The current research environment is basically publish or perish. It encourages spamming out 5 mediocre papers instead of what could have been one really good paper. There's more to it than that too and has a lot of other issues.

>> No.17921547

>But what coffee tastes good without cream and sugar?
I've been drinking coffee using tons of different devices over the years.
Of all the methods I've used, I found the 4:6 V60 method made for the best black coffee drinking experience.
I dialed it in and found a bean from Costa Rica which game me my favorite cup.

>> No.17921574

You're a man

>> No.17921668


>> No.17921869
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>> No.17921875

this says literally nothing about causation

>> No.17921887

good coffee tastes excellent without cream and sugar

>> No.17921890

i like my women like i like my coffee
i hate coffee

>> No.17921951

Good coffee would be ruined by cream and sugar

>> No.17922121

I've never died before and see no reason why I should start now

>> No.17922131

>always mix tea and coffee together at work
Ha! KNEEL coffeecucks and teatwats

>> No.17922460

coffee + milk is kino combo

adding sugar is fatass behavior

>> No.17922892

You’re not wrong but working in both trades and office settings, both groups of workers drink copious amounts of coffee. Though, it probably helps the blue collars worker are actually active with their coffee consumption.

>> No.17923039

*early death*
29% less chance of dying would mean that those lucky people live forever.

>> No.17924144

most people put sugar in their coffee

>> No.17924149

they serve plenty of good coffee, its just that most people only order crap

>> No.17924178

Or perhaps the people who can't afford to drink coffee also can't afford healthcare.

>> No.17924180

Doesn't everyone drink coffee? Blue-collar, white-collar, pink-collar, fucking rainbow-collar; they're all drinking coffee. Only NEETs and stubborn motherfuckers don't.

>> No.17924183

I want to die but I don't want to give up coffee

>> No.17924184

I make 80k a year and I refuse to sign up for health insurance because insurance is a pyramid scheme.

>> No.17924190

>100% of non-coffee drinkers die
>coffee drinkers have a 29% lower risk of dying
Does that mean if you drink coffee there's a 29% chance to become immortal?

>> No.17924191

yes that's exactly what the study means

>> No.17924313

It's cool if you want to put words in my mouth, but you know I didn't say any of those things.

>takes what the other person says and changes it to extreme views that were never actually said

>ignores quote from actual article about study saying the best performing group liked moderate amounts of coffee with low amounts of sweetner added.

>easily dismantles fake talking points they made up

It's easy to defeat an opponent you made up in your head. Try avoiding strawmans next time. You're not giving me anything to believe my assumptions are wrong, or any examples from the study to show that they controlled for income.

What I don't get is why you're so angry about it, I guess it's probably the retarded thing.

>> No.17924339

I just don't go to the doctor. If I can't treat whatever problems I have with supplements then w/e.

>> No.17924403

How are these statistics not bullshti?

>> No.17924410

They are. Midwits love taking individual data points and extrapolating them over the entire populace.

>Anon did you know you have a 0.0001% chance of being run over when crossing the road?
>Errr this road is literally completely empty

Reminds me of that Orwell quote about rejecting the evidence of your eyes and ears and just relying on what you're told.

>> No.17924417

You will never have a healthy brain.

>> No.17924639

but sugar is terrible for you

>> No.17924748

Eating too many calories is terrible for you. Sugar hysteria is mostly a ketotard meme.

>> No.17924754

mental case

Because correcting for factors is shaky science no matter what. They "correct" for weight, but what is that correction? It's entirely subjective how to correct for it, and a study that does the same data points but with a different correction could get entirely different results. Over correction and inaccurate correction is a very reliable way to generate sociologically misleading information.

Also, coffee drinkers are spending money that non-coffee drinkers aren't. Stands to reason that higher expenses --> higher income --> lower chance of death.

>> No.17924761

nah, sugar causes inflammation and long term chronic inflammation wreaks havoc with your body, a diet high in sugar is really bad for you without even mentioning anything calorie or weight gain related.

>> No.17924777

Scratch that, it's the other way around. The were ONLY looking at risk characteristics, and found that coffee drinkers had lower risk factors, and non-drinkers more. Which really doesn't say anything about the coffee, and just implies that there is a negative association between risk and coffee drinking: that it is something people who aren't likely to die anytime soon are likely to do. That doesn't inform whether or not you should drink coffee, it informs whether or not you should expect a given person to die soon.

>> No.17924819

>sugar causes inflammation
So does oxygen.

>> No.17924824

Obviously, we need a randomized controlled double-blind study, where the subjects don't know whether they are drinking real or ersatz coffee.

>> No.17924826

The truth is in-between. Most people consume way too much sugar, especially processed sugar. But if you're healthy and don't overeat it's fine.

>> No.17924827

Weird you need one to live and the other to uh not do anything crucial for the body so I guess it's like they're the same thing

>> No.17924846

They're pretty similar since almost everyone except keto cultists get some portion of their calories from sugars and you could go out of your way to reduce oxygen intake too if you were similarly into mentally ill fads.

>> No.17924866
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Nah even at 1:1 calorie consumption, sugar is bad. High GI foods burn out your endocrine response and give you diabetes even if you don't eat above BMR. You also feel hungry a lot faster after heating high GI foods.

>> No.17924873

If you drank Coffee you would feel better, your brain fog would clear up and you wouldn't have to worry about being stalked or being on watchlists. You should drink a cuppa joe.

>> No.17924883

>drink and eat all of the things that lower my risk of death
>it's multiplicative and not additive so diminishing returns
>still manage an 89% chance of never dying

>> No.17925069
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>High GI foods burn out your endocrine response and give you diabetes even if you don't eat above BMR.
No it doesn't. You're confusing result of diabetic onset with the cause.
Type 2 diabetes is predicted by whether or not someone is overweight, not what their diet's macronutrient ratio is.
Same as how AIDS patients being unable to handle mild respiratory disease is a result of AIDS and not its cause.
>With Type 2 diabetes, though we know sugar doesn’t directly cause Type 2 diabetes, you are more likely to get it if you are overweight. You gain weight when you take in more calories than your body needs, and sugary foods and drinks contain a lot of calories.
>In the present study, we investigated the association between dietary intake of carbohydrates and the risk of type 2 diabetes.
>These prospective findings suggest that the intakes of starch and sucrose are not associated, but that those of fructose and glucose are inversely associated with diabetes risk.
>Is diabetes caused by eating sugar?
>A diet high in calories from any source (including sugar) contributes to weight gain and weight gain increases your risk for type 2 diabetes.
>The mechanisms by which visceral obesity results in insulin resistance appear to be related to excess lipid accumulation in liver. This may be due to excess fatty acids from visceral adipose tissue draining into the portal vein.

>> No.17925110

I kneel
I made it up

>> No.17925265

This is deep.

>> No.17925290
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>I made it up

>> No.17925402

Who are you quoting

>> No.17925443

I stopped drinking coffee about six months ago and I have never felt better in my life. I have an occasional tea. Anyway, not falling for this propaganda study funded by Big Bean

>> No.17926502
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Now what mr smart man?

>> No.17926523

scientists are so fucking stupid

fate is pre determined, you will die at whatever age god sets for you. drinking coffee has nothing to do with it

>> No.17926528

Nah bro, I made a deal with god that he would extend my life for every cup I drank.

>> No.17926531

Absolutely astounded by the number of absolute idiots inhabiting this thread.
>Uhhh actually you have a 100% chance of death! Tee hee
Yes, moron, immortality is not induced by drinking bean juice, did you actually think even for a single second that this study implied anything of the sort? If so, you are a retard, kindly remove yourself from the gene pool and preferably stop consuming oxygen better put to use on more useful life forms like slime molds and plague rats.
Lowering the risk of death means lowering it WITHIN A GIVEN TIMEFRAME. Here's how longevity works. Every year, you roll the dice on whether you die or not. Certain factors such as your sex, your weight, your activity level, your diet, and particularly your age can weight the results of that dice throw one way or another. Eventually, you WILL come up snake eyes and that's that. But the chances are never 100%. That's why we still get super-centenarians who live to 110 even though they have a ton of factors stacked against them like lifelong smoking habits and being old as shit. Their number just hasn't come up yet, because in a population of seven billion you're bound to get at least a few lucky fuckers.
What does this mean about the study? It means that over the period of the study, coffee drinkers were 29% less likely to hit a roll that resulted in their death. You can make up cute little stories in your head about why that happened, but the study doesn't care about that. It didn't test for any of that. It ONLY tests for whether or not you throw the dice and the Reaper plucks you from this mortal coil as you likely richly deserve.
So does that mean that coffee is good for you? I don't fucking know. But it does mean that it's probably not BAD for you, so I'm going to keep drinking it, because I like it, and it isn't going to kill me any time soon.

>> No.17926553

the sign is actually a subtle joke

>> No.17926568

I hope you get sent to a FEMA forced labor camp

>> No.17927653

Go hop on the Mayflower you fucking Puritan

>> No.17927670

which god or gods sets your end date?
the Moirai?

>> No.17927846

>chug even more coffee than I currently do
>become a god
Beware, mortals

>> No.17927850


>> No.17927937
File: 984 KB, 215x235, 63BD6119-F16D-425D-9055-98733A01BFAD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Case closed. No more coomer threads.

>> No.17928623

>drink 2 cups of black coffee in the morning
>drink some black tea throughout the afternoon
Simple as.

>> No.17929979

yeah, it's just 29% riskier

>> No.17930028

Any coffee that is actually brewed from whole beans instead of shat out from that piece of shit kureg machine that spits out plastic and sawdust into your fucking cup. Seriously I can't even stand coffee with cream and sugar. If your coffee can only taste good with cream and sugar then it's shitty coffee that you're masking the disgusting flavor of by making it into a fucking milkshake.

>> No.17930062

OP has a 100% higher risk of eating dicks.

>> No.17930083
File: 160 KB, 1326x761, b9b8d3aee8515c3d3f58285951c0d928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17930127

So the coffee cancels out my tobacco usage. Very nice.

>> No.17930413

Death from "I think I'll die if i don't have my coffee"

>> No.17931125
File: 178 KB, 1000x1400, photo-1605595988901-3d06601c38ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw 1 gram of caffeine a day + 2 cups of black coffee

>> No.17931324

Tell me how much you're enjoying that tall and juicy glass of room temperature water. I want to orgasm!

>> No.17931358

>tall and juicy glass of room temperature water
i do enjoy that
not exclusively however

>> No.17931375

I know what you mean and agree.

>> No.17931487

>"I don't drink coffee"
>swigs 2 liter of diet coke
I wonder...

>> No.17931495

First half is 100% true
2ne is retarded