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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 103 KB, 1908x2100, dr-phil1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17917862 No.17917862 [Reply] [Original]

If you had to eat only ONE (1) thing for breakfast for the rest of your miserable little life, what would you pick anon?

>> No.17917866

based Chef John

>> No.17917871

toast with butter
i never get bored of that

>> No.17917880

I’ll have to go with protein so I can survive on a variety of food while still being able to ingest my girlfriends cum.

>> No.17917884

got some bad news for you champ

>> No.17917889

i already eat the same thing for breakfast every day anyway

>50g oats
>10g cocoa power
>10g flaxseed
>10g chiaseed
>1 mashed banana
>200ml whole milk
>mix in a bowl
>microwave 3mins

>> No.17917893

Yeah, either that or just bread and butter.
Having it right now in fact.

>> No.17917899
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>microwave 3mins

>> No.17917905

is it cheating if i say sandwich?

>> No.17917909

i dont want to have to clean a pan, i can just microwave it in the bowl

>> No.17917937

My point was that I dont think that sounds like it should be heated at all

>> No.17917947

its porridge

>> No.17917963

double espresso

>> No.17918008

I've already been eating it every morning for my whole life and I still love it

>> No.17918024

Overnight steel cut oats with whole milk and cinnamon.

>> No.17918134

A toast with olive oil and rubbed garlic clove and a glass of milk

>> No.17918137

Spinach salad w/ vinigirette
Plenty of energy and not fucking weighed down to start the day

>> No.17918139

eggs benny

>> No.17918146

Slice of leftover pizza, obviously I would prefer a slice of fresh pizza but I don't know where the fuck I would get a fresh slice in the morning.

>> No.17918150

I can't remember the last time I ate breakfast

>> No.17918291

This morning retard

>> No.17918318

>Google alzheimers
>all the links are purple
uh oh

>> No.17918321

Maple brown sugar oatmeal with hash browns and an egg fried over medium on a toasted English muffin.

>> No.17918329

can of mackerel

>> No.17918332


>> No.17918644

Eggs Benedict with what ever the hell else I feel like on the side.

>> No.17918656

well for the last 2 years I have been eating ranch style eggs almost every day. so...

>> No.17918858
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As if I don't willingly live by such rules already...

>> No.17918873

egg-cheese-english muffin

>> No.17918877

that's TWO (2) things buddy

>> No.17918901


>> No.17918921

Cream of Wheat, ten scoops of brown sugar, half a bread bag of white toast, buttered and triangle-cut
No spoon, the bread is the spoon

>> No.17918922

full english

>> No.17918936

depends what you mean by 1 but clearly an egg is the correct choice. if allowed to be 1 dish then make it something with egg and bread

>> No.17918978
File: 847 KB, 2048x1365, 48387170832_03036c4f53_k[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even meming right now. Come, hit me with the heat of the chopsticks rices the eggs and all the variations Satan and his host can conjure. I am on the side of God. We will prevail.

>> No.17918982


>> No.17919019

Eggs, because you can cook those motherfuckers a dozen different ways.

>> No.17919065

Doesn't the heat of the rice cook the egg?

>> No.17919071

Coffee w/ 2 tsp half-n-half
fruit salad
3 slices of pound cake

>> No.17919162
File: 54 KB, 1024x825, HTC-natural-yoghurt-iStock_58226440-1024x825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoghurt or eggs.


Holy kek.


>> No.17919209

>Eat on thing
One is a drink, the other is smoked. Technically they chose to eat nothing.

>> No.17919503

Shut the hell up you bald faggot

>> No.17920004

Steak, bell pepper and cheese omelet.

>> No.17920093

nothing. i'd rather skip to lunch than force feed myself something i'm so miserably sick of

>> No.17920099

>my girlfriends cum.
that's a man.

>> No.17920112

How big is a scoop? I for some reason assumed you use a protein powder scoop but that seems like way too much

>> No.17920136

Like a teaspoon. You drop it in as you go and swirl it around so it makes streaks. You don't full integrate the sugar, it has to be semi integrated. Swirls of brown sugar. Nigga you ain't lived.

>> No.17920139

Glass of water.
I don't eat breakfast.

>> No.17920181
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whatever i can find in the dumpsters behind walmart

>> No.17920487

I've had it before, I was just wondering if you were dumping like, full cups of sugar in there or something

>> No.17920524

BEC SPK Kraiser roll

>> No.17920610


>> No.17920634
File: 119 KB, 1280x626, 2020_iwsc_acurateampenske_1280x626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biscuits and gravy my nigga

>> No.17920635

Coffee and a cigarette

>> No.17920640
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unimaginably based

>> No.17920728

post teeth.

>> No.17922447

hash brown w/ catsup

>> No.17922448

so what do we call girl cum then? squirt?

>> No.17922781

eggs. They are truly god tier.

>> No.17922796
File: 219 KB, 1292x1536, Does make me feel like a cyberpunk proletarian though.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huel. Breakfast is the one thing I can't cook myself thanks to my frankly disgusting levels of adhd and I need to be able to eat breakfast as soon as I wake up so I can take my medication (which suppresses my appetite). I already exclusively drink huel for breakfast when I'm not with someone who can cook breakfast for me, so I choose huel.

>> No.17922813
File: 302 KB, 1321x875, breakfast of kings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if my life is miserable, I might as well go for the comfort breakfast I've eaten for years now

>> No.17922820
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, tai-pao-da-bao-big-chinese-steamed-bun-mykitchen101en-feature-1280x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big bun

>> No.17923064

Cinnamon Toast Crunch with milk.
Grool is the proper slang for vaginal lubrification. Squirt is just piss.

>> No.17923068
File: 139 KB, 1100x825, 5c1b7f99a30a242af2743500d6edc52f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kedgeree. one of the only good dishes from uk 'cuisine'

>> No.17923086

Why is that the only post you ran through your test?

>> No.17923090


This. With a green chile sauce poured over it.


>> No.17923111


>> No.17923145

>already eat the same thing in the morning everyday
fuck, anyway, I have some flavored greek yogurt, chia seeds, almonds and berries

>> No.17923155

I do it anyway.