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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17917558 No.17917558 [Reply] [Original]

where does one begin? is there a /ck/ wiki or something? i'm mainly interested in cooking so I can eat cleaner and just enjoy myself

>> No.17917565
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>> No.17917574

There’s the booru, but it’s shit.

>> No.17917575

Nobody here knows how to cook and if they do they're probably in the kitchen cooking instead of shitposting

>> No.17917576

>Nobody here knows how to cook and if they do they're probably in the kitchen cooking
This doesn’t make sense.

>> No.17917582

Newfags don’t know.

>> No.17917586

>Find recipe
>Follow directions
>Receive cooking

>> No.17917587

You start by making sloppa, then you start making tasty sloppa and then you make solid foods and then you learn proper techniques and then you can cook. If you want to skip all of this, just watch Chef John on yt and replicate his recipes.

>> No.17917593

buy an airfryer
just put things in there for 10 mins at a time. boom, you're a chef

>> No.17917594

sounds like a good plan. any particularly good sites/resources out there?

>> No.17917598

oh cool i actually have one of these, yay

>> No.17917600


Welcome to the internet’s culinary equivalent of the Midwest.
You’re welcome.

>> No.17917602

thanks i'll take a look.

>> No.17917604

Watch chefs on YouTube, I like Julia Child, Jacques Peppin, and Chef John. Take a cooking class at your local community college or some similar community center, surely they have development classes like that somewhere near you. Read glossaries on cooking terminology.

>> No.17917605

>microwave some packet rice
>put in a bowl
>crack an egg on top
>poke at with chopsticks
>cram chopsticks into your anus
you are now a /ck/ chef

>> No.17917612

the mega: https://mega.nz/folder/VrgHmQTT#HEXDgmzBWRgSt-_M4hZhiA

>> No.17917619

I wouldn’t bother if I were you.

>> No.17917620

how come?

>> No.17917622

It’s made up of recipes posted here.
These retards can’t cook.

>> No.17917638

have you ever cooked something? it really depends on where you are right now
to say a few things
>if there's some food you like, master it before trying new things; it's better to do 2 dishes right than 100 mediocre plates
>Jacques Pepin essentials will teach you almost everything you need to know in the kitchen
>Chef John from foodwishes has at least one recipe for every dish you could imagine
>don't spend much money on cookware until you know that you at least enjoy cooking; people have been cooking for millennia with just a pan and fire, you don't need fancy rice cooker or air fryer

>> No.17917657

it's easy, there's no recipe, just order something from your local fast food chain

>> No.17917686

>just order something
This. All we do here is shitpost and put hot sauce on stuff. If you want to learn how to make something yourself go to >>>/diy/

>> No.17917692

This makes absolutely sense.

>> No.17917734

learn to cook eggs 100 ways before posting

>> No.17917851

>don't spend much money on cookware until you know that you at least enjoy cooking;
I mostly agree but I would get one decent knife early

>> No.17918010
File: 145 KB, 1000x1500, equipment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look on youtube for how to prep individual ingredients. It might seem like slow going at first as you work through recipes, but you'll start to recognise common methods and be able to speed up pretty quickly.

>> No.17918238

fuck me, i got all of them, that makes me an autist?

>> No.17918244

no, the pic is pretty normal tier

>> No.17919235

Is only joke.

>> No.17921031


The heat of the anus cooks the chopsticks

>> No.17921379

You need to shut the fuck up with this shit every thread you dumb faggot. There are absolutely people who cook here. People with good advice and people who cook for a living. Lots of women too.
Quit being a retard

>> No.17921412

>muh Midwest
Reminder that you will never, ever be a citychad. You will always be a burbcuck, and we hate it when you come into the actual city.

>> No.17921628 [DELETED] 

>i'm mainly interested in cooking so I can eat cleaner and just enjoy myself
Nigga just eat your greens, boil chicken with salt and pepper, boil eggs, drink milk, yoghurt and copious amounts of water.

>> No.17921632

Watch cooking with jack. You're welcome

>> No.17922814

We liked it raw an wriggling thoughses

>> No.17923403


>> No.17923444

Where are my hundred little bowls and ramekins for mise en place?

>> No.17923478

Nice trips, but you have ultra autism.

>> No.17923565

>Someone else still has the link to this Mega
Glad to see someone else that remembers. This thing is a goldmine.

>> No.17923577

>Luke Smith
I knew something about the wording on this site seemed familiar. I might have to check out what other stuff this guy has done. Thanks anon.

>> No.17923606

*Chef* John sucks cock and balls and pays someone to cook for him, and he must not pay them much because his dishes suck cock and balls as well also.

>> No.17923629

You're not autistic for fitting into a 4chan infographic, you're retarded for taking a 4chan infographic seriously.

>> No.17923633

Honestly just watch some youtube videos of a dish you want to make.
Babish is good though he uses sometimes hard to find ingredients are prepares some of his ingredients weeks in advance.
You suck at cooking is alright for your walmart brand cooking but it's mostly unhealthy.
Jamie Oliver does really short videos about healthy meals.
Atomic Shrimp does videos about making somewhat decent meals on a budget of £1 a day.
The only way you get better is by actually cooking, not just reading about cooking.

>> No.17923648

Honestly just fucking youtube. Look up recipe for X thing you like and practice cooking it, try to absorb info and practice. You'll get better with time. I made stuff from food wishes and fucked a lot of shit up but eventually nailed things down.

>> No.17923655
File: 81 KB, 533x776, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok I'm done.

>> No.17923674

you should be able to prepare an egg in any manner requested
must be able to : no brown fry, bron fry easy, scramble 3 ways, French omelette, diner omelette and poach

>> No.17923676


>> No.17923684

Best way to learn is to just do it. Find simple recipes online, make mistakes, get some experience, and you will become competent in no time.

>> No.17923706


>> No.17923722

Chef Jean Pierre and Chef John on youtube. That's all you need. Follow their recipes, you'll get delicious food.

>> No.17923723

anon... this is not the place to be if you want to learn how to cook

>> No.17923743

lol thats not me

>> No.17923749

I'm just wondering why that anon posted that picture. Do they have an issue that the person who made the recipe pic called those green onions?

>> No.17923752

yeah i think onions are a meme on /fit/ akin to soy etc

also thanks everyone for answering the question. hoppfully i'll be showing some progress over here soon

>> No.17923779

yeah maybe because these are leeks, not onions.

>> No.17923799

Ah right so they are.

>> No.17924352

>where does one begin? is there a /ck/ wiki or something?
well... do what most people do. hone your trolling and shitposting skills on /b/ then head over to /pol/ and brush up on your racism, and voila your ready for /ck/.

>> No.17924374

why the fuck would you think I know how to cook?

>> No.17924564
File: 98 KB, 750x960, 1642068245662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think of a recipe to try and make
>look up one if you need to
>try to make it
>fuck up
>eat your abortion through your tears
>think a recipe to make
Repeat ad infinitum

>> No.17925547


>> No.17926460

you're in the wrong place. this is a board for fucking retards who gush about gas station snacks and freezer food

if you want to cook, just google a recipe for a food you like, go buy the shit and follow the recipe, it's that simple.

>> No.17926490

That fucking nerd! He's been making Youtube money to fund his innawoods useless linguistics PhD lifestyle by ripping off 2009-era /g/ memes for over a decade now. Which, I guess, respect.

>> No.17926496

>find easy recipes
>follow the instructions exactly
start with soups, stews and curries
step up to stir fry after
slow cooker and a rice cooker are your friend, they're $20 each

>> No.17926521


Kinda depends on your diet, and what you like to eat. Youtube honestly isn't a bad resource, but there's a lot of sloppa videos that suck ass.

Generally at a minimum you'll probably want:

- a pot
- a broiling/baking pan
- a cast iron skillet, or a stainless steel skillet (w/ cover), or both!
- a slow cooker
- measuring cup and spoons
- a cutting board
- a decent chopping knife
- an assortment of spices to go along with salt and pepper

Also, check out Gordon's cooking tips. They're not all necessary to know or learn, but it's a good place to start for a novice:

- part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHcyuzXRqLs

- part 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2G6YNtLUOg

If you're looking to get into cooking or being a chef as a job, then you may as well start with local culinary classes, otherwise cooking is largely "to taste".

>> No.17926529

don't be afraid to burn yourself, do be afraid to cut yourself. there should baking soda in your fridge and cabinet at all times.

>> No.17926537

welcome to the McDonald's board, newfriend

>> No.17927373

I'm afraid you'll have to make do with a cupboard full of used glass Gü pots.

>> No.17927507

Learn egg dishes, range from easy to hard, are cheap and quick and available
Best way to go wild without feeling burnt from every failure

>> No.17927559
