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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17917178 No.17917178 [Reply] [Original]

You ever buy or cook someone food for them to completely waste it? What the fucks wrong with people like that, those people are subhuman I swear

>> No.17917181

It drives me absolutely fucking batshit crazy and I have a hard time containing my outrage. They should just say no off the bat and spare me the time and money, fuckers.

>> No.17917196

Yeah it happens
>living with parents during the coof lockdown
>slow cooked a roast for 6 hours
>made a marinade of chipotle peppers, tomatoes, garlic, onions, and some cumin
>came out perfect
>shredded it to make tacos
>next day
>"Anon that stuff you cooked smelled weird so I tossed it :)"
After that I started cooking stuff they both hated until I left.

>> No.17917212

Holly fuck now I'm angry

>> No.17917217

The fucks wrong with your parents

>> No.17917237

while it stings to have someone not approve of your food, people should not have to subject themselves to something they do not enjoy for the sake of politeness. your food will not fit everyones tastes and you need to accept that

>> No.17917247

you ever thought that maybe someone doesn't want to eat you're food because YOU made it? i was seeing a girl who made me breakfast one morning, and because i knew she was filthy, i refused to eat it. it could've been my favourite food, prepared just the way i like it, but because she made it, i wouldn't have eaten it.

>> No.17917251

Couldn't be me, everyone loves my food. I'm just mad I spent a whole bunch of money buying delivery for a group of friends only for one dude that proceeds to order 40$ worth of shit, not eat most of it, and completely waste my money. Like nigga, you ordered the food

>> No.17917257

I think they were upset that I can cook better than them.
A couple weeks before that, My father tried slow cooking a roast and gave us all food poisoning. After that I think he just got asshurt and went back to cooking his usual.
>frozen chicken
>cream of mushroom soup
>canned veggies
>maybe some pepper
>throw in pressure cooker
The result is some bland chicken soup with veggies. Nothing wrong with that, but that's what he considered his "specialty" meal.

>> No.17917259

>be middle class
>not filthy
>good hygiene
>spend time with others who have good hygiene
Sounds like a you problem dude, stop spending time with filthy whores

>> No.17917265

Man thats the whitest shit ive heard today. At least you can be proud you make actual good food

>> No.17917270

wasnt my problem at all, i got what i wanted which was her pussy, its just that her pan was filthy.

>> No.17917283

>you complain about an issue you had with a woman about being filthy so you don't eat the food she cooked
>also you "yea I had no problem with it"

Nigga what, you clearly did otherwise you would've ate her food

>> No.17917324

whats your point?
if you say "i dont want to eat shit because its disgusting" and i say "sounds like a you problem" then what point does that make?
fucking moron

>> No.17917331

You should kill your parents

>> No.17917348

Can you read. I said the problem was you being with someone that filthy. Spend time with cleaner people and have higher standards for women and that won't be a problem you have to worry about. But ig you have that problem for a reason

>> No.17917361

Hello, anti-White piece of shit

>> No.17917373

saying something is white is anti white? Your logic is almost as bad as a niggers

>> No.17917384

when you correlated whiteness with bland cooking, yes

>> No.17917416

Ah man, stereotyping someone is bad? wow i guess cant associate niggers with watermelon and fried chicken now, chinks with smol penis and ching chong eyes.

Its fucking 4chan, let me be racist to everybody here alright

>> No.17917437

...i dont have to worry about it though? fucking retard

>> No.17917494


Jesus christ its like im talking to a kid, its not worth my energy continuing this good luck with your women with hygiene issues.

>> No.17917505

not my money but my roommates eat out probably 8-9 times a week and never eat their leftovers. they might have one meal of leftovers a week, the rest goes in the trash. they go out of town a lot and they leave all this food that's only a day old behind. I don't get it

>> No.17917510
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Well you're not wrong.
This post >>17917361 isn't me.

>> No.17917512

what do i need luck for? i dont care about food you dolt
you must be brazilian or some kind of esl

>> No.17917548

My wife doesnt eat left overs lmao, what choice do i have, I mean, I attempt finishing them by myself but sometimes theres a lot

>> No.17917583

Story time /ck/

Years ago when I first started dating my now wife, her mum came over for dinner when we got our first place. Wife says "mum doesnt like spicy food but likes a mild curry". Okay fine Ill make a Saag Gosht (Spinach and Lamb) its super mild. Spend my time slow cooking the lamb till its probably the best damn curry I ever made. Mother in law takes 1 bite, says its too spicy, and demands we order her a korma. We order her a korma, it comes, she complains its too spicy. I halved the the chilli in mine, the Korma just had fucking pepper on it, normal table fucking pepper.

>> No.17917595

stay mad, feeder

>> No.17917611


>> No.17917613

Say "no", faggot

>> No.17917649

Now, have you learned people feel socially obligated to say "yes, thanks" when someone offers to cook for them but when their pickyness comes into play they really can't force it down no matter how perfect it came out.
You really need to understand that people say "yes" to things they don't really want because it might otherwise mildly offend the one offering. It doesn't matter not eating it at all is a bigger offense. Their reluctance is in the body language, not as much in the words. If they say "are you sure anon?" then it's pretty much a "no thanks" but if you push they'll cave.

I hope we've all moved beyond "everyone needs to say what they want directly, literally and clearly or I'll explode" soon. This can be fun to abuse just to see them squirm though.

>> No.17917817

Sounds like they wanted to make sure you left as soon as possible.

>> No.17918085

I always cook for myself first and others tend to like it but all that matter is if I like it. I also am fortunate to have family and friends who are not picky eaters.

>> No.17918188

You're only allowed to make jokes that hurt feelings if they're not his feelings.

>> No.17918324

why even eat indian food at all at that point

>> No.17918339
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>> No.17918864

Slowdown on the pepper there Gary, wouldnt want you to burn your tongue
Its fucking embarrassing as well when we eat out, on the other hand my dad orders the spiciest shit imaginable as the head injury fucked his tastebuds

>> No.17919098

i remember when i was in my late teens, i'd cook things (mostly pastries) with enough to share.
no one in the house would even look at it.
nothing was off about it, i practiced good hygiene and sanitation, and no one would die from eating it.

meanwhile, me mum would cook random shit every day, and it'd come out raped with god awful spice combinations especially with the salt and garlic powder.
she'd be on about "sooo, did you like my cooking? <3".
no, mum, i didn't. your dishes are literal "throw shit at the wall and see what sticks" types of meals, and when something does stick, you manage to take it further and fuck that up too.
also, wash your damn hands after you've had a shit, you nasty cunt.
she gave gramps food poisoning twice, and the second time nearly killed him.

my dishes come out edible and is treated like the plague, yet her dishes come out booby trapped, frequently sending your ass to the toilet.

>> No.17919110

If I defrost meat on the counter instead of nuking it, my parents will throw it out. Apparently they don't understand that life existed before microwaves and refrigeration.

>> No.17919138

>This can be fun to abuse just to see them squirm though.
I don't know what kind of people put up with that shit, but with me personally, I'll turn on a dime and walk out the front door and drive off without saying another word.
If they ask "what happened?", don't reply until 4 months later stating your reason.
Generosity is a codeword for "bitching coupons". They're like food stamps, but for manipulative purposes.
I avoid that shit like cancer at all costs.

>> No.17919178

tell me you've never been licensed by servsafe without telling me you've never been licensed by servsafe.

>> No.17919181

I've gone out of my way to cook dinner for the family only for them to order pizza on their way home from work. Feels batman.

>> No.17919199

>Feels batman
Are your parents dead?