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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17911068 No.17911068 [Reply] [Original]

>number of chickens killed: 0
Why does this make some people seethe so much?

>> No.17911078

I don't understand what is it if it's not chicken

>> No.17911082

I dunno. Because going out to the local chicken killery is fun?
Enjoy your mashed up fried beans, though. Looks good enough.

>> No.17911084

take your medications

>> No.17911108

Twice-frozen tofu, marinated in broth, breaded with flour and spices, fried.

>> No.17911136

Why not just use chicken though? Every recipe I've had that substituted tofu for chicken tasted better with chicken.

>> No.17911139

:) My dinner tonight will have no chickens killed either

It's pan seared duck breast

>> No.17911148

Is that falafel or soy chunks? Weird texture if the former.

>> No.17911162

he says its tofu

>> No.17911163

>anon pretending his tofu is chicken

>> No.17911168

Thanks bud, I'll eat the chicken you didn't have bro

>> No.17911180

Tastes and feels exactly like it, except that the buttermilk I used was too sweet. Easily corrected next time.

>> No.17911181

>why does this make some people seethe so much?
The last half decade of /pol/ shit has warped peoples' minds so much that they don't even know how to troll anymore. Nobody even knew what you made before you said what it was, but if you just said, "rate my dinner", everyone would have said that it looks like shit. Nobody cares that it's tofu and not chicken; it honestly doesn't matter. But in your head cannon everyone is seething, or triggered, or obsessed. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.17911191

Actually, many people get angry about the existence of plant-based meat imitations, "seething" over them if you will.

>> No.17911198

>many people get angry about the existence of plant-based meat imitations, "seething" over them if you will
Not really.

>> No.17911210

Two chickens and a pig died for my dinner, which was four chicken legs and brussel sprouts sauted in bacon grease. I'm going to sleep like a baby.

>> No.17911211

Bro, don't burst his bubble. Let him fantasize about his seething bogeyman.

>> No.17911215

>marinated in broth
What kind of broth? Chicken broth? You realize chickens died to make that lol

>> No.17911218

He's owning the chuds by eating highly processed industrial food products that are designed to look exactly like the foods the chuds eat. He's a hero, really. Cope and seethe you insecure meat-eaters.

>> No.17911223

why do you hate amino acids so much

>> No.17911225

Vegetarian "no-chicken" broth.
Read the title. I made this from scratch using tofu, buttermilk, flour, and spices.

>> No.17911235

are rodent deaths acceptable but chicken deaths are not?

>> No.17911240


>> No.17911245
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>> No.17911251

but rodents are more similar to humans and more intelligent than chickens. chickens are actually giant dicks if you've ever raised them they constantly bullycide weaker males and rape the females at will

>> No.17911256

I made the buttermilk with oat milk, but it was too sweet so I'll be using cow's milk next time probably.

>> No.17911257
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>> No.17911261

I have no problem with people doing whatever they want in private, but threads like these are incredibly boring and I don't like seeing such self-righteous laziness on this board. It's cool if OP cooked something for the first time in his life and wants to share it here (knowing full well he'll probably only get a few, mostly negative replies), but pretending like people are mad that he's eating fried tofu just feels like a cheap, disingenuous way to get replies.

>> No.17911262

>bragging about not killing birds
>enslaves bovines
bro you're not any better than some carnivore chink who tortures cats

>> No.17911270

I disagree with this view

>> No.17911300

that's fine as long as you recognize that you're still taking an immoral position by being fine with animal enslavement. don't come here trying to brag about muh vegetarian nuggets or whatever as if you have any moral highground
is a real bad look bro

>> No.17911303

looks like turds

>> No.17911307

>ITT: vegetarian faggot OP gets bodied by vegan faggots while normal people sit on the sidelines gobbling tallow-fried popcorn

>> No.17911321

>meat eaters have the excuse of being bad people, but vegetarians are good people and that's why they're the worst people

>> No.17911327

>be meat eater
>do bad things, admit it
>be vegetarian
>still do some bad things, pretend it's not bad

>> No.17911342

Yes. They don't mind, and it would be ridiculous to let all that milk and all those eggs go to waste.
>still do some bad things, pretend it's not bad
Sorry, there is nothing wrong with raising animals and eating the by-products they naturally produce.

>> No.17911348

>they don't even feel the bolt pistol go into their head bro don't be ridiculous we can't let this all go to waste
literally not different at all faggot. you're worse than them because you're deluded into thinking you're somehow better than them when you're not at all

>> No.17911360

Tomorrow, I will be eating banana pancakes prepared with duck eggs for breakfast, followed by tacos consisting of fake meat and generous helpings of shredded cheese for dinner. Seethe.

>> No.17911374

Your knowledge of agriculture is staggering. You should teach.

>> No.17911377

whatever carnivore, have fun torturing animals chink

>> No.17911390

There are no people on this earth more miserable than militant vegans, and I include all the starving third-worlders. Sad to see!

>> No.17911437

Vegans are funny because vegan farming doesn't really exist.
Soil management without animal byproducts is a nightmare.
Takes 2 acres of nitrogen enriching plants to equal the nitrogen output of a single cow.
You're not vegan, you're delusional.

>> No.17911491

it does not. tofu would be much more popular if prsented on its own merits like the Japs do, rather than as some meat mimicry like vegan whitoids keep pushing it to be.

>> No.17911501

Why do reeeing vegetarian retards always just straight up lie about how tofu supposedly tastes and feels like chicken? Yeah the sauce and spices you cooked it in taste like the sauce and spices you cook chicken in because it's the same shit, but when you actually bite into the food you immediately realize you're biting into bean flubber.

>> No.17911509

when do the rodents die?
during harvest? do you think they just lay still as a harvester slowly rolls over them? Also, what is the alternative? im trying to reduce the amount of suffering as much as i can :)

>> No.17911523

No, the literal poison all of your food is coated in so that they don't overrun the fields you retard

>> No.17911525

>im trying to reduce the amount of suffering as much as i can
Stop eating food unless you beg for scraps that aren't even fit to feed to a dog. It's the only way to reduce your footprint and you'll also die and we don't have to put up with you anymore. The last part is what really gets rid of the most suffering.

>> No.17911711

It does because I:
>marinated it in chicken-flavored broth
>froze and thawed the tofu twice given it a chicken-like texture
>breaded it with spices commonly used in chicken breading
But tofu is indeed very versatile, and mimicking chicken in this way is just one highly-specific application.

>> No.17911715

Wow!!!! Sounds like shit!!!

>> No.17911725

It actually tasted very good. Stay angry.

>> No.17911738

Not angry just disgusted

>> No.17911767

>hey I didn’t kill any chickens to make this
>made non-chicken
Holy fuck you’re retarded.
That’s like me making chicken and starting a thread saying I didn’t kill any giant pandas in the process. No shit. I didn’t fry panda.

>> No.17911896
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>number of potatoes killed: 0
Why does this make some people seethe so much?

>> No.17913382

Why would I seethe if you wanna eat shit food

>> No.17913422

probably taste better with chicken

>> No.17913437

>chicken-flavored broth
explain this concept

>> No.17913454
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>Other people are as emotionally involved in my diet as I am in theirs.
Poor child, your parents never allowed you to grow up.

>> No.17913532

You people are mentally ill and it’s a shame your ideas are allowed to propagate in the most successful period of human history with untold amounts of excess which allows you to play with you food instead of eating the same stuff grownups do.

>> No.17913559
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I'm not a vegetarian but i really enjoy tofu and tempeh.
With how good vegetarian cooking can be, I have no idea why people buy or try to make these weird ersatz meats.
Damn now I'm genuinely craving some marinated cold, firm tofu

>> No.17913616

Was going to write the same thing. If you want nuggies, just eat nuggies. I eat meat 2-3 times a week because I like buying meat from a guy I know and shit's expensive, so most of my meals are vegetarian/vegan. I'll never get meat substitutes.

>> No.17913820

Plenty of antinutrients, pufas, no bioavailable protein AND xenostrogens!?!
This vegoy sissy likeeeey!!!!

>> No.17913827

didn't ask don't care

>> No.17913836

Seething exhibit F

>> No.17913846


>> No.17913856

suffering makes food taste good.
take the china pill.

>> No.17913860

I only seethe at it if you present it to me as chicken, because we both know that is not chicken, no I don't want to eat your shitty chicken analog, just serve me a fucking salad instead and cut the pretend.

>> No.17914013

Tofu does not taste the same as chicken. I wish it did.

>> No.17914027

Good luck with your transition

>> No.17914267
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Because some people are manchildren who get angry about the existence of vegan food.

OP never claimed it was chicken.

>> No.17914324

The pretentiousness and holier-than-thou attitude of vegans puts me off meat alternatives.
In the same way linux nerds put people off linux.

>> No.17914331

I believe you meant to say "GNU/Linux", but that's a very common mistake for the uninitiated.

>> No.17914419

he mentioned chickens in the OP, clearly begging the question if no chickens were killed what is it

>> No.17914433

Best post

>> No.17914454

I raise birds for eggs and you definitely have to slaughter and eat some as a by-product of that.

I order unsexed birds so I can get that by product, and when I hatch my own I get more males.

If I don't slaughter the males they will rape the females to death.

With dairy you slaughter excess males as well. On a large farm they will slaughter all the healthy males because they use high quality imported bull semen to impregnate the cows (having a bull on the farm can be harmful and end up making you lose money, since bulls don't give a shit if cows are ready to have a healthy pregnancy)

On a small farm they might try to raise a healthy male to adulthood or adolescence and use him for beef. They will also slaughter any genetically messed up calves for veal and rennet (rennet is a product used for making many types of cheeses).

I'm just saying there really is no way to escape this cycle of death. Even if you were to avoid these products there is still animal products used in so many things, from ink to toilet paper, even supplemental b12 has chicken shit in it from CAFOs. What worked for me was the have the blood on my own hands. Sacrificing my time and effort (all I have in this life) for the lives of my food definitely clears my conscious of being an eater.

Idk about the average person who much prefers to sit on their ass and make it their entire lives purpose to worship the glowing box you are reading my message on. Wish you the best.