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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 62 KB, 500x500, Beef-and-Broccoli-2-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17910363 No.17910363 [Reply] [Original]

sup keto frens

almost went to get a bag of chips today but resisted the temptations
had a high protein icecream yesterday, shit was cash

how you doing

>> No.17910377

Is that a recipe you've made? Please share.

>> No.17910385

uhm i did cream chicken with broccoli and mushrooms and cherry tomatoes.
some roasted green beans on the side

>> No.17910390

I mean the beef and broccoli pick. Looks good. What you made sounds decent as well though.

>> No.17910401

just a stock picture
its what i would get minus the rice if i went to the local asian man

>> No.17910628


>> No.17910651


I was doing good until I got COVID and now I had homemade banana bread, cantaloupe, and sprite.

was doing it to lose a couple of pounds but already lost 6

>> No.17910670

I literally made beef and broccoli yesterday.

Tastes good anon.

>> No.17910673

Ice cream is full of carbs retard

>> No.17910680


>> No.17910691

only 16g of sugar per 100g
so i can go for like the whole bucket :D

how did you know? i dropped 40pounds tho already

>> No.17910695

>claims to be all about keto
>only 16g sugar per quarter cup ice cream
>shit so cash


Just so you know if you’re taking food with sugar replacements like glycreria that still doesn’t count. You either cold turkey carbs completely or you re NGMI

>> No.17910700

everything has carbs, even chicken breasts.
50g of carbs is what you should aim when doing atkins/no carb

>> No.17910709

Fatty 16g is like 80% daily carb intake per most nutritional guides for normal people (not even counting those on diets)

>> No.17910713


>> No.17910715

not sure how sugar translates to carbs, but >>17910700

>> No.17910720

been there done that

>> No.17910726

>everything has carbs, even chicken breasts

Yeah maybe when your “chicken breasts” come in a box from Walmart and are coated in a shitton of breading and deep fried then slathered in sweet and sour sauce. Fatty


>> No.17910738

If you stop eating like a pig maybe you wouldn’t yo-yo. Kinda obvious though fatbro

>> No.17910739

>projecting this much
chicken does contain carbs.
its just that the amount is deemed negligible

>> No.17910745

Retard cope

>> No.17910749

what has a yoyo to do with it?

>> No.17910751

>damage control
maybe do research instead of clicking the first google hit sweaty

>> No.17910759

Muh negligible amounts

>> No.17910765

>literally has to make up a whole story about me living in the states and buying breaded chicken in an american store instead of just reading up properly
ngmi lanklet

>> No.17910789

>“Kino” 4 lyfe
>Ice cream, it’s “high protein” so I can eat a whole pint
>Negligible amounts of carbs in my chicken breasts
>40lbs down from 400lbs
> “Kino” 4 lyfe
>shit was cash

soliloquy of the fatbro

>> No.17910798
File: 174 KB, 1302x1380, ea118e71-eeab-4a12-9323-7be6ed634a11.24ae6c86020cf1a4efcb08eedf53090f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't eat pic related ice cream while on keto

>> No.17910812
File: 9 KB, 260x194, ketoparty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got back from the keto party! Pic related. That's Tony in the blue shirt. He's eaten nothing but bricks of cheese for the last 4 years and has lost 2 pounds!

>> No.17910830
File: 79 KB, 800x450, gelatelli-high-protein-eis-salted-caramel-cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mint choc
big oof

girls not allowed

>> No.17910839

This makes me nauseous and gives me the worst gas. Doesn’t help the whey shakes I drink also make my stomach gassy

>> No.17910894

You are so misguided
People like you are retards through and though
You don't know anything about nutrition

>> No.17910913

you = ad hominem
me = success

you vill eat ze bugs

>> No.17910991

Low carb isn't keto. Keto is when you get most of your calories from FAT. Anyway I rotate my diet and will drop keto entirely in favor of fasting. So now it's normal >high protein > low carb > fasting > repeat

>> No.17910992
File: 1.41 MB, 576x1024, 1651085891979.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't eat the carbs, get a pitbull, live in the pod

>> No.17911030


>> No.17911037


>> No.17911049

This is your brain on /pol/ keep eating goyslop and pretending you're 'doing keto'

>> No.17911101
File: 179 KB, 253x380, 1653866169648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really gotta get back on keto. My stomach feels terrible and I'm gaining back. Can some kind anon abuse me a bit pls?

>> No.17911115

You fucking lardy cunt have no right even posting here. Us keto gods are not fat bastards in the making like you..

Get on the keto you pathetic individual. What's wrong with you? Are you a bitch?

>> No.17911145

Thank you. I'll start a shopping list now.

>> No.17911669

just eat meat, fish, vegetables, eggs, dairy (if you can tolerate), and some low sugar fruit and you will feel better. no need to be abused to eat better

>> No.17911674

theres nothing wrong with sugar, its only bad for your teeth and insulin levels if eaten in excess. fuck off with your meme dude

>> No.17911739

majority of people eat too much of it and its mostly coming from soda and junk not fruit and whole foods

>> No.17913040
File: 37 KB, 600x639, 31d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dairy (if you can tolerate),
Surely he isn't a subhuman shitskin?!

>> No.17913052

>Want to get into keto
>Find recipe for keto pizza
>The "dough" is just ground beef with toppings
>"Sounds easy"
>500g of beef with spinach, mushrooms and mozzarella on the top
>Can just barely finish it
>Get major meat sweats
>"Man, no wonder people feel more energetic on this diet"
>Look up recipe again
>Three-four servings
Oops. Was good, though.

>> No.17914369

Yeah I'm great at doing keto but I feed someone else too and that can make it harder sometimes. But at the end of the day Im the cook so they're just gonna have to eat it or gtfo.

I am an elite blue eyed, blond Aryan specimen that can tolerate dairy all day everyday thank you very much

>> No.17914383

Fav easy (low effort) recipe is a bag of coleslaw cabbage + 1lb ground beef. Cook the beef, add cabbage then make a sauce with 1tsp sesame oil, 2 tbsp tamari, 1tbsp hot sauce, 1tbsp apple cider vinegar. Pour it on and stir it in. Bone apple teeth its Chinese food.

>> No.17914392

did you really think 500g of beef was 1 serving? that's probably why you're fat.

>> No.17914408

beef and broccoli has plenty of carbs

>> No.17914473

100g of broccoli only has around 4g of carbs. so it's not "no carb" but when people say that they probably just mean no rice, bread, potatoes, sugar, etc.

>> No.17914612

I eat once a day, and have done that now for almost 4 years. I get up at 6:00, and usually eat around 7-9 PM when I get home. I used to do low to no carb, but haven't been for months now and oddly I seem to be losing more weight.
>t. formerly 44 waist and XXXL shirt down to 36 and XL.

>> No.17914710

I also fast and only eat during a 3-4 hour window in the afternoon. It keeps my weight down for sure but I went hard over the holidays and ate everything and it's been rough getting back on board. Just will power tho. I gotta stop being a fag and just do it.

>> No.17914719

no one else gonna mention this ogres deformed as fuck hands?

>> No.17914829

I legitimately hate eating in the morning or during the day. It makes me feel sluggish and sleepy. I usually drink six shots of espresso in the morning, and that carries me through the entire day. I picked the end of the day because that's when I like to eat, and it's easy to autopilot 24 hour fasts since I don't have to make time during the day. The easiest way to not eat like shit is just to not keep shitty food in the house for me. I eat fast food maybe a few times a year.

>> No.17914925

>enter thread
>No keto lard image
You're slipping

>> No.17915796
File: 111 KB, 1080x1350, 1653224118415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't do keto (nor do i need to) but try my damnedest not to eat any form of grain or dairy or bean since they make me feel like shit
my diet is meat, fish, eggs, nuts, dates, pumpkin, oil, salt, 100% dark chocolate, and coffee beans
occasionally i eat a bell pepper or potato but more than one hurts too much
honestly i miss goyfeed but it isn't worth writhing in bed useless and lethargic over

>> No.17915887

I came out tonight to a nice place to spend $40 on a prime 16oz ribeye shrooms and broccoli because i feel really low energy and have been eating like crap for weeks. So I get here and of course they're out of ribeye. So the waiter talks me into some churrasco skirt steak smothered in limes and latin seasonings on top of a ton of cheesy yucca and it was so fucking greasy I couldn't finish it so I'm grabbing a Jersey Mike's on the way home for later when I'm hungry. So no my keto is sucking ass right now, Pelosi's scaly smelly poop smeared flabby ass.

>> No.17915895

bro you can get like a 4 pack of ribyes for $40 at costco. mushrooms and broccoli cost next to nothing. you can easily make this meal yourself 4x for $50.

>> No.17915946

I know. Too low energy. My feet hurt. Was going to treat myself but wound up with a bill for $113 (includes wife's meal) and I feel shittier than ever.

>> No.17916351

Do time restricted eating, preferably one meal a day (OMAD). Once you discipline yourself with that, stick with rolling 48-72 hour fasts and choose your refeeds wisely. After getting used to 48 hour fasts let alone 72s, OMAD will seem like heaven.

Congrats man, I've done similar the past 4 months but by doing what I just typed above for that anon. Went from 285 to 235, size 42 to 36 but still have to wear XXL shirts, almost down to an XL.

>> No.17917561
File: 19 KB, 538x404, Eu5LjH9U4AIiOEQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man is objectively correct.
Anyone who denies this is coping hard.
Meat has carbs, vegetables have carbs.
Keto is keeping intake below a threshold.
"MUH 0 CARBZ" is physically impossible.

>> No.17917607
File: 74 KB, 800x800, circle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoo You want to relapse.

>> No.17917614

>vegetables have carbs
*vegetables are carbs
ftfy, nutritionlet.

>> No.17918470

Suppose someone was trying to gain weight but also kick carbs (noticed cravings for sweets\carbbshit) what kind of eat meat dishes do y'all make

>> No.17918530

Meat + butter or animal fats, you can't fuck it up!