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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17909859 No.17909859 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys keep from getting fat?

>> No.17909863

i don't lol i'm a fat motherfucker

>> No.17909867

keep my daily caloric intake under 2000cals
walk 5-6 miles daily

>> No.17909868

i don't go to mcdonald's or anyu other fast food places

>> No.17909869

I don't eat any sweets and I don't drink anything with sugar. that's all it takes for most people under 40 unless you eat deep fried chicken every day or something

>> No.17909878
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>He doesn't have his daily McDonald's caloric intake

>> No.17909886
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Dont drink soda or energy drink jew. Also go easy on the alchohol, some exercise like walking wouldnt hurt either u fat faggot.

>> No.17909887

already made it, i keep fit by maintaining a strict caloric diary, cheat days are for the weak

>> No.17909892

Also dont do drugs.
>Inb4 some DUDE WEED LMAO spaz talks to me
Eat a bullet druggie faggots.

>> No.17909894

I eat whatever I want, but I ride my bike 50k a day. Still overweight though

>> No.17909944
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>noooo its too hard to eat less than 2000 calories and do some pullups every day

>> No.17909952

I workout every day and usually eat under 2k calories a day. Also, no soda or unhealthy snacks

>> No.17909974

Only eat the most expensive foods. They are the best for you. Steaks, lobster, scallops, fois gras, crabs etc. All kinds of meat and pretty much only that. You eat cheap, you will be unhealthy. You eat good, your body rewards you. 85%+ meat diet.

>> No.17910180

Yeah, its kind of easy

>> No.17910329

do not eat vegetable oils

>> No.17910341

Canola is a healthy oil. Not sure about vegetable oil you can buy.

>> No.17910347

Impulse control and cocaine

>> No.17910354

canola is the worst of oils
unsaturated fats are unhealthy
polyunsaturated are toxic

>> No.17910370

Canola oil is widely considered to be a healthy oil as it's low in saturated fat and high in monounsaturated fat. Both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats can improve cholesterol levels and lower your risk of heart disease.

>> No.17910380

i work and live way out in the country side, closest McD's is like over 150kms away so i don't have the luxury of getting drive thru here, theres fuck all eateries so I am forced to make food from scratch and i find that helps me keep my weight at around 90kg, before moving out country, i worked and lived in the city, was around 145kg because got lazy after work every day and always had drive thru for dinner or breakfast

>> No.17910393

cool story flyover, here in LA we just eat healthy and exercise

>> No.17910399
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Went to a 5* resort for a week where I was catered to and still went for helpings/got to chose my own brekkie/lunch/dindin.
Gained 3 kilos.
I went to indulge after two years of coyid bulshitterly, but will most likely work it al down within a month of overtime hours and work related stress, so fuck it. If I get back on the ride in two days, the kilos will drop down steadily under the workload and overtime.

>> No.17910442
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saturated fats are healthy, unsaturated fats are the opposite
you can have high cholesterol and be healthy
consumption of unsaturated fats went up since the recommendations in the 80s, and heart disease went up with it
consumption of saturated fats stayed level, and yet they are supposed to cause heart disease?

>> No.17910446
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We dont

>> No.17911512

High metabolism

>> No.17911513

Not real

>> No.17911544

I definitely don't eat big pieces of cake

>> No.17911555

I just stopped thinking I "have" to eat three square meals a day.
If I'm not particularly hungry at a certain meal time I don't eat

>> No.17911557


>> No.17911566

Smaller portions and I try to walk at least 10k steps a day

>> No.17911567

You're cringe

>> No.17911594

Exercise some self control, count calories, work out.

>> No.17911600

I guess a few things help me stay fit, mostly exercise.

Conventional wisdom says you shouldn't exercise to lose weight, but I love food so much sometimes I consume 10,000kcal in a day (not often, but sometimes).

As far as diet goes my focus is on eating enough rather than not overeating. I make sure I eat at least a full plate of vegetables a day, sometimes in the form of a stir fry, sometimes just as some gallo pinto and fried mushrooms. Hell, sometimes I'll just eat a plate of steamed carrots and broccoli. This might not prevent overeating, but it stops you from eating more junk than you otherwise would. I also only eat in an 8 hour window. On weekends it's 12 - 8, on weekdays it's 5 - 1. Recent research has shown that not eating is very important in terms of restoring the lining of the gut.

But, like I said earlier, my main thing is exercise. Here's the MINIMUM exercise I do in a week:
>5km run with my dog and a weighted vest five days a week.
>20 minutes on the row machine every day. 5 minutes per resistance level.
>Conditioning 4 days a week.
>500m swim (at least) every day.

Beyond that, I also work a physically intense job, and many of my hobbies involve getting out and exercising.

Staying in shape is easy. Honestly all you need is to develop a lifestyle where you're spending most of your time moving.

>> No.17911873

Strength training. You can eat a fuckton of calories and get away with it.

>> No.17911877
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Be vegan, avoid refined carbs, don't use oils in cooking, no sodas/alcohol. You don't really have to go full vegan it just works out that the least calorie dense foods are all plant-based (because the added water content and fiber fills you up with caloric value) and most dense are dairy and meat.
Most people eat about roughly 3-4 pounds of food by weight per day. If you can eat about that much weight in food that only has around 1200-2000 Kcals average total (and you don't drink any of your calories) you're good. This website lets you enter a number of calories and how many meals you want it divide it into and will spit out meal combinations for you.

>> No.17911880


>> No.17911881

>fills you up with caloric value
*0 caloric value

This works because the more muscles mass your body has the higher your basal metabolism has to be to support it over fat buildup.

>> No.17911910

Eat less. Move around more.

>> No.17911927

I've heard all the advice out there and I think I'm just doomed to stay fat

>> No.17911935

i dont? 400lbs and counting. also a 32 year old neet virgin and god i wish i was joking

>> No.17911940

You gotta move more. You think you move a lot. You dont. Even if you keep a food journal you can still maintain. Moving is the key.

>> No.17911944

Don't eat fatty food. You don't even need to work out and you'll loose wait.

>> No.17912152

Intermittent fasting, AKA scheduled eating, and counting my calories helped me. I didn't realize how much I actually ate until I started counting it out. I'd go through 5 or 6000 calories a day, every day, easily. Cut down to 2, dropped nearly a hundred pounds my first year. I'm no Adonis, but surprisingly I had very little loose skin (just stretch marks), and I've since worked on trying to improve WHAT I eat, instead if just pure calories. Leas sugar and carbs, more protein. I don't work out at all, protein just helps you stay fuller longer. Or so the placebo effect makes me feel.

>> No.17912162


>> No.17912174

just eat normal food, not processed filth composed largely of corn syrup. that's literally all you need to do if you're under 50 years old.

t. don't exercise

>> No.17912178

Literally just do cardio and watch your calories

>> No.17912179

I eat two meals a day when I'm not doing anything particularly strenuous.
I have a job that is on one day extremely labour intensive.
I also have one day a week where I just edge myself for about three hours before finally cooming, I'm sure that's burning some calories.

>> No.17912181

I only eat once a day usually and drink my dinner most nights. Those low calorie meme beers, I'm killing a case a night regardless of what kind it is.
I won't live to 60

>> No.17912182

I fast 3 days out of the week

>> No.17912186


>> No.17912216

>10k calories in a day
What? How? I'm bulking right now and am struggling to eat more than 2000.

>> No.17912220
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Sometimes I'm too lazy to eat or buy food

>> No.17912280


>> No.17912251

>Struggling to eat 2000kcal
You must be a small rodent

>> No.17912354

3 years ago weighted 87kg
Went down to ~70
Stopped eating any fastfood (but admittedly I've been buying frozen food from time to time). Now either cooking every food I eat or dine in work. Just dropped under 68kg. Onions, green peppers and brown rice are my friend. Soda is my enemy. Alcohol and sweets come moderately.
>Still skinny-fat bitch
Working that out with friend/trainer this summer.
As long as you put some mind and work you should be fine, Anon.

>> No.17912359

Not specialist, but used cycle a lot... And 5km run will do you more than 50km on bike, this shit is effortless.

>> No.17912360

eat 2 meals a day
limit carbs