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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 36 KB, 708x900, Flag-map_of_Germany2.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17902461 No.17902461 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Germany have such poor cooking and horrendous restaurants?
Been stuck in the Berlin suburbs near Potsdam, and it's honestly shocking how low the standard of most restaurants and fast food shops is.
90% of kebabs are UK chip shop bad with mystery meat, sauces from jugs and semi wilted vegetables, german restaurants taste like midwestern despair consisting of a mix of prepackaged sauces, frozen Schnitzels and french fries and roughly the same for most asian places.
Only once you start spending 12€ (~US$12) or more per plate you begin approaching genuinely decent food.
And I didn't even mention how hostile most people are to spices and seasoning.
How can a country produce beers, spirits and bread this good, but suck so fundamentally at cooking?

>> No.17902471

I hear they spice every thing up real good in Africa nigger

>> No.17902479

didn't read
imagine being this butthurt you make a whole ass thread

>> No.17902503

>/ck/ - Food & Cooking
Where else should I put such a thread?
>>/pol, >>/int/

>> No.17902521

The only good part of Germany is Bavaria, and Berlin in particular is one of the worst places to go to.

>> No.17902553

Any Germans here to refute OP's claims?

Yours truly, America

>> No.17902653
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>Berlin in particular is one of the worst places to go to.
Nah, beyond the utter shitholes like around Kottbusser Tor most of the place is okay.
Outside of the Ringbahn it's 80% harmless suburbia with a remarkable amount of forests and lakes.

>> No.17903199

Sounds like New Jersey

>> No.17903320

He's in eastern Germany, even worse, Berlin. That barely counts as Germany

>> No.17904312

>I have to spend $12 to get a decent meal
Are you from a shithole country or something?

>> No.17904323 [DELETED] 
File: 2.00 MB, 1777x2516, germanycomics2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germans are closet nazis. They would kill again if they had the chance so they must be replaced by brown people who will never organize together to that extent.

>> No.17904333

No, he's right. Germanic food in general is terrible and both the supermarket experience and restaurant experiences tend to be pretty bad. Of the 7 countries I've lived in, Germany has by far had the worst food.

>> No.17904336

I would assume the supermarkets would be fine. We have multiple German supermarket chains (aldi, lidl) in the US and they are fine?

>> No.17904366

I've never been to ALDI and LIDL in the US, but in Germany they're terrible. The selection is poor, most things are processed garbage full of shitty seed oils (even the ice cream is made from oil instead of cream), and even the raw meat is terrible, which is often sold covered in disgusting seed-oil paprika sauces. The Germans value price above all else and it really shows.
The more expensive supermarkets (Rewe, Edeka) are still pretty terrible. The German palette is just bottom-tier.

>> No.17904377
File: 203 KB, 381x424, opinion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sneed oil skizy

>> No.17904382

Even without the sneed oils it would be terrible. The food is legitimately fucking bad, health concerns aside.

>> No.17904412

We do not claim berlin fuck that shithole. Come to the south and try the food there

>> No.17904416

>buy the cheapest shit
>complain about quality
Never seen seed oil ice cream (probably just another seed oil schizo halluzination) and seed oil paprika sauces are actually marinades.

>> No.17904418

There are really good edekas of you know where to go. They are called "ueltzhöfer" but are a bit expensive. A secret tip are turkish stores. Piss cheap and really good quality.

>> No.17904460

Almost all the ice cream in Germany except for very expensive brands is made with oil. Usually it's coconut oil, though. Cheaper brands often also have or are made with sneed oil as well, for example https://shop.rewe.de/p/cornetto-classico-6x90-ml/8097223

>> No.17904563

I knew about coconut fat but the Mövenpick and Langnese ice cream i buy habe no seed oils and Langnese no strange fat at all.
And if you care that much about shit in such products you should make them yourself.

>> No.17904567

I've been an exchange student in Germany for 2 years and Germans literally do not care about the quality of their ingredients, they do not care about preparing them right, they do not care about cooking them. They just want to eat and be done with it, which is absolutely miserable.

>> No.17904582

>Been stuck in the Berlin suburbs
Oh, Berlin. What is Berlin? Berlin, as a city, brings nothing but shame to Germany on the international stage. When comparing Berlin with other European capitals such as London, Paris, Madrid and Amsterdam, any decent human’s face must blush in humiliation. Even small countries like Austria, Belgium or Switzerland have Vienna, Brussels and Zurich: presentable cities, complete with high standards of living. Germany gets punished with Berlin, capital of losers. In all the republic, Berlin is home to the largest number of arseholes by far. Deutsche Bahn, Bundestag, Air Berlin and Axel Springer are but a few examples of all the incompetent scum being kept here. Glorious times have long since passed, the city is face down in the dirt. Berliners are lazy sods to their very core. Traits that would, in any civilised culture, pass for nothing but laziness, rudeness, incompetence, dissocial personality disorder or idiocy, are taken by the Berliner and declared a way of life. That is why the Berliner harbours intense feelings of hatred for anyone who’s better than him in any way. Especially the all-around superior Southern Germany are a thorn in his side. He envies their success, and Munich makes the top on his list of hatred. That city is – and has! – everything that Berlin wants to be and have. Berliners take no interest in the fact that it is Munich that finances their dissolute lifestyle, in fact, they secretly believe that they have earned it. So instead of freeing themselves from their envious and resentful lethargy, instead of rolling up their sleeves and improve their city, they revel in their antisocial freeloading and praise their so-called global city. Culturally, Berliners are set up rather weakly, great works lie far back in history. Moreover, mispronouncing “g” as “j” is considered a great cultural feat. Advanced students have mastered ending each and every sentence with a “wa?”[...]

>> No.17904586

[...] The city’s culinary performance is second-rate. Here, a sausage made from glued-together, meaty odds and ends adorned with ketchup and curry powder is sold as a culinary masterpiece. Hardly any reasonable person would consider a bratwurst with ketchup a recipe, let alone the holy grail of culinary arts. Yet, in their magnanimity, the rest of the republic lets the Berliner keep his delusion, not wanting to amplify his inferiority complex. Economically, Berlin is an utter disaster, even the late GDR stood on more solid ground. The local economy is based around alternative blogs, something-something-media and, if universities are to be believed, gender studies. Disregarding his own bankruptcy, the Berliner treats himself to prestigious projects like the city palace and the airport – which, considering its inoperative nature, is likely an art installation. Moreover, the city houses all popular parties’ headquarters, who refrain from using “traitors” in their official names (Probably for marketing reasons). For the longest time, this “town’s” “mayor”, the jolly Wowibear, butchered anything he found left in a presentable state. Long story short: Berlin is Germany’s tiled coffee table. It is to Germany what Greece is to the European Union, and if it had open sewerage, it would be Germanys Romania. Berlin is a blemish, the abscess on the arse of the nation. Berlin is the uninvited party guest, who didn’t even bring any booze and wouldn’t even understand he’s not welcome if he had is teeth beaten out and got thrown down the stairs. Berlin is the Detroit of Germany and should be sold to Poland for 200 Złoty.

And if you just want to skip the copypasta, it's because berlin is a disgrace of a capital that the rest of germany is ashamed of and has to support financially (imagine having to subsidize your fucking capital). Taking Berlin as a representative sample of germany is insulting to any real german. Fuck Berlin.

>> No.17904613

>Only once you start spending 12€ (~US$12)
Stop being poor.

>> No.17904683

I live in Hannover and I can't complain, lots of great options for decent pricing. Just, like, dont fall the tourist traps maybe? Develop a sense for the warning signs.

>> No.17904871

Berlin is trash, which fits OP perfectly fine because he's himself trash that can't be bothered to shell out a single hours worth of minimum wages to eat out.

>> No.17904887

he's a turk

>> No.17904958

Hilariously well written. Anyway, I'm here in America and I have a friend from Berlin that studied here. She had a lot of complaints about things in general, but yeah, she said Berlin was a shithole that everybody hates for any number of reasons.

>> No.17906097

How do you find the people? When Intraveled in Europe I found most people in general to be cool but I unfortunately had mostly bad experiences with Germans. Very cold and unfriendly.

>> No.17906123

Maybe it's because you are in Berlin?

>> No.17906148

>Berlin suburbs near Potsdam
Why do ausländer go to these places at all? Like is Berlin really the only thing they think about when it comes to germany? It's literally the worst place in europe maybe only after paris. Why would anybody go there. It's ugly. It literally stinks. It's dirty and there is NOTHING to see there. The food sucks yes but it's berlin. Everything sucks in berlin and oh god I hope you didn't drink the water there.

>> No.17906153

>highest quality and foodstandards in europe
>bruh it sucks
lol @ amerifats

>> No.17906388
File: 60 KB, 602x452, main-qimg-274d33d506fc9827ffde0e64327fda75-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Berlin fell in 1945. It is not Germany Mutt.

>> No.17906572

As a German myself I have to admit that the selection in supermarkets here and in Austria is absolutely substandard compared to e.g. Italy and France. What trips me up especially is that, despite Germany's having one of the most highly developed bread cultures of all times, you have an absolutely minimal selection of flours in normal supermarkets. By comparison, Italians regularly have access to all kinds of different brands and types of flour just to make essentially one single type of dough for pizza or focaccia.

>> No.17906608

Check out Bio stores. They have a much bigger variety of flours.

>> No.17906618

Really? Like Denn's? Never go to these shitlib infested overprices feelgood shitholes, but might check it out. Thanks.

>> No.17906629

>Been stuck in the Berlin suburbs near Potsdam
shithole, northerners are tastelets in general but Berlin is subhuman.

>> No.17906638

Hello to Heilbronn

uetzlhöfer is the name of the guy that owns the stores (its like a franchise system)

>> No.17906657

>Only once you start spending 12€ (~US$12) or more per plate you begin approaching genuinely decent food.
You get what you pay for, how is this a foreign concept to you?

>> No.17906661

mövenfick has coconut
the cheapest from ja is without seed or coconut fat.

>> No.17906662

Even shitty DM's have a better selection than most supermarkets.

>> No.17906747

I'm American and I can refute it. The food there was really good. At least in Hamburg where I went. The service sucked ass though. They can screech about the tipping system all they want; at least here my waitress pays attention and doesn't disappear immediately after taking my order.

>> No.17906762

yeah, service in Germany is p bad, though it strongly depends on the region too
t. German

>> No.17906776

I live in the black forest and we have pretty good food and restaurants. Don't know what OPs problem is, lol.

>> No.17906790

north to south: food gets better
west to east: food gets worse

>> No.17908442

> you need to spend more than 12 euro per meal and not eat at moneylaundry front kebap shops to get decent food.

Wow tell me more about how german cuisine sucks oh wise one.

>> No.17908451
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>mfw going to north-east Germany
what should I expect?

>> No.17908456

Königsberger Klopse.

>> No.17908460

It's pasta. Icecold pasta. Makes this thread once a month.

>> No.17908473

Amerifats are truely the most delusional land whale species to ever exist.

>> No.17908477

the samefagging is getting rly obvious you retarded tranny.

>> No.17908479

its a fat McHuman talking out of his ass because he cant help himself. Dont worry about him, hell die of a cornsyrup overdose sponsored by monsanto pretty soon.

>> No.17908513


>> No.17908612

Literally my first and only post in this thread, cope insecure cunt

>> No.17908634

german cooking is hilariously bad desu even worse than british food in my experience

>> No.17908702

retarded niggers, all of you
but hey, isn't that basically all germans now seeing niggers and mudslimes have already taken it over? lol

>> No.17909139

>Been stuck in the Berlin
found your problem berlin is a shithole

>> No.17909149

Poor *and* stupid. Not a good combo. As if you ever tried to get fresh bread, butter, sausage, ham, and cheese. Some mustard, pickled gurken, beer. Olives and tzatziki maybe, not typically German but hey, we're not *that* racist. It can be a feast, want me to call it a charcuterie plate? I'd bet you would fall for that. Dumbass.

>> No.17909157

>Only once you start spending 12€ (~US$12) or more per plate you begin approaching genuinely decent food.
Well, duh. Why are you expecting restaurant food to be decent when you won't spend above the fast food costs?
Other countries can bitch about the quality at chain food all being microwaved pasta and premade crap too.
Eat at restaurants with an actual chef making the food, mom n pop owners, or a bit of corportate support, like at a hotel with events/conventions, where they use the chef-populariy to give him an income there as a draw for big business. Then support them by being a repeat customer. Or else, cook at home buying the quality ingredients and extra prep of your choice.

All that said, this is a country with a love of some of the same sides, meal to meal. A german restaurant menu is pretty typically the same if it's their national foods. A love of potatoes, cabbages, side salad, and a good use of pork, red meat, game meat, etc. I like it. But, I'd crave some variety if I had to eat it full time. What I would never crave is kebab from cultures that don't eat pork or dairy. Lebanese, Greek, oh yes,but if you are from some desert climate where you don't consider tzatziki, oh no. If you want cheap rice with your meal, not a fresh salad, no. I always though those halal kebabs in the NE were ripoffs and low tier. Poverty food.

>> No.17909166

we have less non-europeans in total than you have niggers alone
keep seething you retarded poor tranny

>> No.17909176

He said 12€ per plate, retard

>> No.17909183

yeah german food is pretty bad.
it's not horrible, just a variety of bland and heavy shit

>> No.17909190

Is the emphasis that that is expensive or inexpensive for you?

>> No.17909194

It's good but you have to either pay good money or do it yourself, both obviously not gonna happen if you are a shitskin or tranny.
Also eating outside has not really been a thing for long, even 10 years ago people rarely ate fastfood/cheap restaurant food daily.

>> No.17909196

12€ minimum to have a decent plate is extremely expensive but germans don't seem to know any better

>> No.17909213

>12€ at a restaurant is expensive

>> No.17909218

>per plate
are germans this fucking retarded?

>> No.17909234

Where the fuck does 12€ gets you more than a shitty fast food meal?

>> No.17909238

do germans actually have a single dish in their restaurants? no entrees and no desserts? you people are miserable
also try italy with 12€ you get a full meal that's infintely better than the shit they serve in germany

>> No.17909240

>do germans actually have a single dish in their restaurants? no entrees and no desserts?
holy shit you are so poor you have never been in a real restaurant, sad kinda

>> No.17909245

>As a German myself I have to admit that the selection in supermarkets here and in Austria is absolutely substandard
Isn't the big box market not as common though? These are cultures that still have actual butcher shops that are nothning but butcher shops. Actual bakeries, notjust the baked section in the big supermarket, am I right?

>> No.17909250

i'm not poor, blame your shit country for overcharging shit food. gotta pay taxes for refugees i guess lmao

>> No.17909265

but your shitskin-food here is cheap

>> No.17909269

shitskins in germany at least make good food at an affordable price. hopefully you're getting replaced quickly

>> No.17909281

>shitskins in germany at least make good food at an affordable price
didn't you complain about the mystery meat? well enjoy

>> No.17909291

>didn't you complain about the mystery meat?
i didn't retard
if you want a good meal in germany go to a lebanese place, or greek or turkish because germans can only make overpriced crap

>> No.17909323

Dönee Kebaps are around 6 Euro in my area now. It's getting ridiculous. I remember them being 3 Euro.

>> No.17909356

>if you want a good meal in germany go to a lebanese place, or greek or turkish
we already established that you are poor

>> No.17909400

cope as you will, germ*id

>> No.17909419

Spreewaldgurken and Merkel's best potato soup

>> No.17909444

>12.-€ per plate
>in a fucking restaurant

Dude, stop eating the cheapest fast food and try at least once in your lifetime a real Restaurant.
10-15.-€ for the first, small meal. Followed by 20 - 30.-€ for the main dish and last, but not least, 10 - 15.-€ for a nice dessert.
If you went to a real restaurant, you should know that you will most likely pay over 50.-€ for one nice meal.

>> No.17909447

>You need to spend 50€ to get a "nice meal" in Germany
What a fucking shithole

>> No.17909478

Well, most of us dont eat out on a regular basis.
I ( and basicly all the people i know) have a strange way to feed myself.
It´s called cooking. You should try it out sometimes.

>> No.17909490

That doesn't justify the fact that your restaurants are obviously overpriced, dumbass. Are you poor or something?

>> No.17909497

Simply not that stupid to eat out on a dayly basis.
You are complainig about cheap food in our worst city.

>> No.17909502

>Simply not that stupid to eat out on a dayly basis.
Still irrelevant. You're an idiot.
>You are complainig about cheap food in our worst city.
Never mentioned Berlin.

>> No.17909522

There's decent German food, but East German suburbs are probably the worst spot in the country to get anything. Berlin is great with fine dining, Kebab, Vietnamese food and Pizza. There are couple of great traditional German restaurants in Berlin, too.

For Brandenburg you'd need to do some research, there'll be good traditional food in the Spreewald.

Generally speaking, German food culture is still bad.

>> No.17909596

Nonsense. You eat and drink like a royal in the Mosel, Saar and Rhein valleys, Eiffel region, Schwarzwald, Hochsauerland, Bayern, general Hamburg area.

I've had very respectable, honest meals in Lüdenscheid, Hildesheim and Augsburg. The only city that was a total disaster was Leipzig.

The Michelin guide agrees with me, by the way.

>> No.17910737


>> No.17910790

German South has superior food

>> No.17910803
File: 306 KB, 1070x1286, 1597836005869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Germanic food in general is terrible
Germanic food is so bad the entire world eats it

>> No.17910808

Burgers are not german. They're american.

>> No.17910809

lol, no

>> No.17910815

Cool Buddhist pancake

>> No.17910825

American Burgers are as American as American Pizza is

>> No.17910831

There are no german burgers.

>> No.17910834
File: 116 KB, 800x672, frikadellenbroetchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17910841

Not a burger. Now shut the fuck up german cunt and go suck some syrian cock

>> No.17910855

Ground meat between bread is a hamburger. Especially when it comes from the German city Hamburg. You know, that city that gave the hamburger its name?

>> No.17910869

>Hamburg. You know, that city that gave the hamburger its name?
Pure speculation.
Americans made what a burger is today, not germans. You can cry over it if you will.

>> No.17910871

you're pathetic

>> No.17910877

So it's just about the soft and flavourless bread for babies and grannies?

>> No.17910881

It's superior in every way, including the buns.

>> No.17910897

enjoy your ground pig rectum lmao fucking europoor

>> No.17910920

Why are mutts so butthurt because they haven't invented a fucking fast food snack? Just come up with something new yourself.

>> No.17910927

We did. Cope.

>> No.17910933

yea go eat your ground pig asshole in a loaf and kill yourself

>> No.17911027


>> No.17911072

>highest quality and foodstandards in europe
>bruh it sucks
>lol @ amerifats
Things can suck in different ways you know?
>Well, duh. Why are you expecting restaurant food to be decent when you won't spend above the fast food costs?
>Dude, stop eating the cheapest fast food and try at least once in your lifetime a real Restaurant.
>10-15.-€ for the first, small meal. Followed by 20 - 30.-€ for the main dish and last, but not least, 10 - 15.-€ for a nice dessert.
>If you went to a real restaurant, you should know that you will most likely pay over 50.-€ for one nice meal.
>You get what you pay for, how is this a foreign concept to you?
I'm well aware of that concept.
What I'm mainly pissed about is how affordable but at least okayish quality fast food is near completely absent here save for a handful of greek and lebanese places, and you basically have to go to mid-level restaurants for halfway decent food, which unsurprisingly is pretty unaffordable for a student beyond special occasions.
>I've been an exchange student in Germany for 2 years and Germans literally do not care about the quality of their ingredients, they do not care about preparing them right, they do not care about cooking them. They just want to eat and be done with it, which is absolutely miserable.
>german cooking is hilariously bad desu even worse than british food in my experience
This. It's absurd how cost is prioritized over basically everything and nobody bothers with even basic techniques.
>he's a turk
>Why do ausländer go to these places at all?
I'm actually a completely native kraut from the Ruhr area.

>> No.17912431

spot on. now you know my despair

>> No.17912760

I live in a small town with around 20k people in Bavaria. We have at least good restaurants around, must be a Norf thing

>> No.17912764

>at least ten

And it's not only regional food, we have a very good Thai place too I might add

>> No.17913969


>> No.17914941

>I live in a small town with around 20k people in Bavaria. We have at least good restaurants around, must be a Norf thing
>And it's not only regional food, we have a very good Thai place too I might add
How expensive are these restaurants?
As other poster already mentioned, southerners seem to care an awful lot more about decent food, even considered how notoriously stingy swabians are.