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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17900351 No.17900351 [Reply] [Original]

cold fermented simple yeasty daugh for 48-72 (PRECISELY!) hours makes the best pizza daugh, period. I've experemented and autistically tested multiple times. if you dont cold ferment your daugh like this you're a niggerfaggot lazy jewfag, simple as.

>> No.17900358

ok so what's your recipe? looks nice

>> No.17900365
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make a simple pizza daugh and put it in a fridge for 48-72 hours, then bake it with whatever you like, or even pizza bread like picrel. less than 48h makes the daugh plane and tasteless, more than 72 hours makes it overfermented and not as good too.

>> No.17900370

>looks nice


>> No.17900374

stop saying daugh you fucking imbecile

>> No.17900387

daugh is dough tho

>> No.17900393
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how do you keep it from swelling up and turning into an inflatable raft

>> No.17900399

that crust looks awful lmao

>> No.17900405

Show a pic after you’ve cooked it, mate.

>> No.17900413

you dont. the fridg and cold temp does.
tasted great tho. great bread.

>> No.17900427

hi russkibro, looks good. i have 2 portions of dough cold raising in my fridge for 3rd day now, plan on making pizza today from one of them and leave the other one for another day or 2, I like the stronger fermented flavour personally. how long do you cook the pizza? Do you have a pizza stone?

>> No.17900437

hey mate!
I've tried to keep it longer than 72h, up to 5 days, because I like the strong fermented flavor too, but it comes out as.. kinda spoiled, because the yeast eat all the goodies out of the dough, I guess. but you try it anyway, probs the flower it different, probs, the temp. and I cook my pizzas quiet long, 10-15 minutes, because my oven cant make more than 250-270C, and no I dont have a pizza stone because somehow it makes a good, really good bottom crust without it.

>> No.17900487

no hold my hand harder how do I nake this exact dough, anon's pizza dough

>> No.17900508
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flower, yeast, water and a wee drop of salt. mix it, lazily, cover it with lid or something, and put it in your fridge.

>> No.17900586

looks horrible, look at some italian youtubers like Vito Iacopelli

>> No.17900618

cold water
if you're in a hot climate use ice water
you don't have to do anything special with the yeast like a lot of people start it in warm water or some shit before starting the dough. but you can just put your yeast, fat and salt and sugar in the mix first for about 5 minutes. put a glove on and give it one mix by hand just to scrape the bottom
trade secrets, you're welcome

he is legit but not everyone is equipped to use 00 flour

>> No.17900629

>not everyone is equipped to use 00 flour
what's the difference?

>> No.17900659

never post again

>> No.17900716

>le meme flour
end yourself

>> No.17900815

are you not the guy who recommended Vito Iacopelli?

>> No.17900816
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>> No.17900843

Shut the fuck up you insufferable faggot it's spelled dOugh you fucking moron. God damn I want to fucking strangle you and shove a fucking knife up your god damned ass. Fuck you you fucking retard, if I ever find you I will make you fucking suffer.

>> No.17900867

I am, I don't remember him going full autismo about flour types, isn't 00 the less strong, less nutritive one? what the fuck does
>not everyone is equipped to use 00 flour
even mean lmao.

>> No.17900942

>today I'll go on 4chan and post authoritatively on a subject I know nothing about and I'll be a cunt at the same time haha

>> No.17900950


>> No.17901536

What's your dough recipe?

>> No.17901663


it's a good idea to coat the top of the dough really well with olive oil so it doesn't form a crust, because that shit dries up quick

>> No.17901672
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>precisely 2 or 3 days

>> No.17901694
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I'll post mine since OP still hasn't, and every other pizza thread I post in has died. we should have a real pizza thread since it's friday.

200g bread flour (+ an extra 20-30g for kneading)
140g warm water
3g coarse grain salt
5g honey
2-3g yeast (dry active)
2g diastatic malt powder

>> No.17901728
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I forgot to add, also 10g of olive oil

picrel is the result after baking for 7 minutes at 550F on a perforated pan.

it's thinner than I intended because I fucked up forming the ball when preshaping, the bottom didn't seal so it opened up and resulted in a somewhat uneven dough layer. it was also warmer and more pliant than I'm used to so it stretched a lot faster.

>> No.17901825

I like that thickness, looks good

>> No.17901875

>bread flour
never understood this shit, is it just high gluten flour? I buy some "pizza flour" that is basically just high gluten and mix it 1:1 with regular T650 flour

>> No.17901929

Cook temp. Don't worry about 00 in a regular oven but its good for a wood fired one cooking at 700+ or something.
High gluten flour makes dough too tough.
Cold ferment 2-3 days is ideal.
Diastatic malt is great and I use it in almost all my breads.
At 550 bake on steel.
These will all lead you to a good homemade pizza if you like a NY/NJ area thin crust style.

>> No.17901935
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thanks, fren. I like it thin, too.

>high gluten flour
afaik that's the main (or only) difference. I think with higher gluten content, you can work more water into it, and it can get stretchier/more extensible. a higher gluten dough at a higher hydration can bake at a higher temp for a crispier outside crust, with a more airy and soft/creamy crumb. I think a lower gluten and lower hydration dough would be denser and "breadier" (ironically), and I think needs to bake at different temperatures and times. think baguette (picrel) versus sandwich bread.

I try to get as close to 70% hydration as possible (140g water/200g flour), which is like approx baguette-tier hydration.

>> No.17902015

you can do it for 1 or 2 weeks if its to little for you
true, just massage it lightly so it covers the surface lightly if its one bläck, then 1 and a half dl will do

>> No.17902038

looks fucking awful hahahahaha.

>> No.17902140

What does the diastatic malt powder do?

>> No.17902280
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You can get charring like that on a pan? Please let me see the pan and tell me if you put it on a stone/steel, which rack in the oven it was on. It looks good btw. I'm trying to do the same exact thing. Difference is I put it directly on a steel on the top rack which is really messy and it's challenging to fit the largest possible pizza in there when it needs to slide off a peel.

>> No.17902562

NTA but yes. You don't need a pizza stone or steel you just need a pan that is oven-safe with high thermal mass.
Better browning, rise, chew and crust.
It's literally just barley that's been sprouted than dried and ground but the sheer amount of difference it makes would make the uninformed believe it's some secret and very dangerous '''''''''artificial''''''''' ingredient.

>> No.17903553
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what the other anon said >>17902562 . it's mostly for color, a faster rise, and a little added taste and smell imo. diastatic (as opposed to non-diastatic) specifically works by including enzymes that help break down the starch into sugar, so you get more caramel browning and the yeast has more food so it ferments faster. I highly recommend it. I use it for bread baking, too.

it's basically a circular steel pan with holes in it. I don't have a pic, and I'm out for the night so I can't get one for you, but it's basically identical to this one:


picrel is another crust pic from another pizza I made last night, too. the circles from the holes are more distinct. I used the same pan, same oven, 550F on the middle rack for exactly 7 minutes. no stone or anything, I just form a circular crust, put it on the pan (cold), assemble the rest of the pizza and pop it in.

yours looks good, too, anon. I wonder what it would look like with the malt powder. I can't really attest to how much of a difference it makes to the browning since I always use it, but it's probably significant.

>> No.17903579

>"Honey? What time is it?"
>"It's 5:03 Hal."
>"God damn it! I missed it by 4 minutes! Shit!"
>"Calm down Hal! What are you talking about?"
>"The pizza daugh Mary! The god damned pizza daugh! 4:59 was 48 hours PRECISELY!"
>Oh Hal! It'll be fine. Just go ahead and take it out. I'm hungry!"
>"No! It has to be PRECISELY 48 or 72 hours! PRECISELY one of those two choices. Looks like we are having pizza on a god damned Monday night! AGAIN!"

>> No.17904304
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>> No.17906230

I didn't say I know how to do it, I said go watch Vito do it.

>> No.17906238
