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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17898076 No.17898076 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have an emergency food supply? I'm thinking of hoarding some food but I'm not sure what and how much

>> No.17898079

That would last like two days tops.

>> No.17898082

I have 55 cans of deenz

>> No.17898083

I keep a year or so of rice and beans and oil and salt around. Plus a chest freezer that's usually full.its best to buy extra of the dry goods that you eat. I don't store cuscus or macn cheese because I don't eat enough of those.

>> No.17898098

I have a 6 months supply of children's underwear in a vault under my house. All stolen. Gender irrelevant.

>> No.17898101

Kind off, I dont hoard, but I buy extra items every now and then, right now I have a shit ton of flour, rice, pastas and oil, almost for all year.

>> No.17898103

>I keep a year or so of rice and beans and oil and salt around
How much is that?

>> No.17898115

10 pounds of rice and beans and 5 gallons of oil.

>> No.17898124

No, if I die I die

>> No.17898127

This but 50-60 lbs because I have a family of 4 1/2

>> No.17898129

>10 pounds of rice and beans
That's around 25k calories. Barely enough for a month if you starve yourself

>> No.17898136

What is your storage situation anons?
I have like 10kg tied up in plastic bags, I dont think thats the way to go, right?

>> No.17898138

>4 1/2
You cut one of your family members in half? Jesus dude what the fuck is wrong with you.

>> No.17898183
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im a prepper & if youre just starting ill tell you the best to start is buying rice & beeans. shop for rice & beans that has the most proptein..so for example:

basmatti rice
jasmine rice

navy beans

start buying these 2 staples then next in line is:

hard wheat
soft wheat

you start with these items first because they are so versatile & inexpensive. after these items, i would recommend buying freeze dried veggies:

fd tomatoes
fd onions

the fd items will be much more expensive but the versatility in what you can cook doubles or triples with these few items.


>> No.17898202
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>Do you have an emergency food supply?
no. I've decided if shit hits the fan one day I'll just off myself.

>> No.17898206

i calculated the calories: i can survive on 1000 kcal/day for 90 days with the canned and dry goods i have stored away. most of that is rice, beans, deenz, and peas.

>> No.17898217

Yeah I don't have a massive but at any given time I have a weeks water and at least 1.5-2 weeks dried grains and canned food. It's not intentional, I just like having shit on hand when I want to cook.

>> No.17898219

It doesn't have to be a complete SHTF, just everything getting very expensive.

>> No.17898223

Yeah except when it actually happens you won't do shit you little bitch. You'll be scrounging and crying for food like a scared little faggot begging not to die.

>> No.17898255

I make lots of money, and have lots of money put aside.
nah, I know I have no interest in trying to survive in some kind of major emergency that I see no end in. I've lived a long full life and that is pretty much all thats left. I live a very comfortable life and I'm not interested in living any differently, so that's the plan.

>> No.17898267

Yeah that's the plan except for when you're actually faced with death you're gonna be a scared little bitch like everyone else too afraid to die. Have fun having no food, kid.

>> No.17898271

okay bud.

>> No.17898293

One year supply of rice for one person only costs like $150 where I live. Pretty cheap life insurance

>> No.17898310

I keep a decent amount of stuff around. For instance I was giving water away during that storm that fucked up Texas. I also keep a lot of rice & beans around as well as various canned foods like various vegetables, spam, sardines, beans, etc. Also pasta.

Something to remember is to cycle through your supply so your stuff is always a decent ways away from expiration. That doesn't just go for food, for instance a lot of people keep bleach around but it degrades over time.

>> No.17898362
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I keep the one I'm using in a few more manageable plastic containers. The rest is stored in mylar bags and then put downstairs in totes. I don't get what preppers obsession with those expensive five gallon buckets with gamma lids. Consumer whores.
Your right I checked me supplies. I have 150 lbs.
One is under construction.

>> No.17898385

Get some Mr.e's

>> No.17898392

Lots of people kill themselves. It's not exactly rare

>> No.17898396

you sound like you're projecting. people kill themselves literally every day.

>> No.17898415

Yeah, people that are suicidal. If he was suicidal then there's no reason he wouldn't kill himself already. Talk big all you want but when you're faced with the reality of your death you start rethinking things real quick.

>> No.17898424

This is a weird hill to die on.

>> No.17898438

It's a realistic one, kid. Don't worry, you'll figure it out someday.

>> No.17898450

They never hit rock bottom before.

>> No.17898586

Assuming shit hits the fan, what makes you think anything will stabilize 1 year after a societal collapse?
What makes you think raiders won't force you into sex slavery and take your food supplies for their warlord?

>> No.17898599

What is it with you peoples obsession with raiders.

>> No.17898609

This is pretty much true, which is why suicide is so low in miserable shitholes but high where life has a minimum standard of comfort. Nobody thinks about killing themselves when they're struggling to meet basic physiological needs. Suicide is a luxury for people who have the opportunity to stop and think.

>> No.17898610

Because it's human nature to return to feudalism every time society collapses, you will become a serf once the remaining wealth is redistributed to those that have the monopoly on violence, aka the raiders with all the guns.

>> No.17898624

Yes, but I have to call them "my wife and kids" or they get suspicious.

>> No.17898625
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>> No.17898741

No one has a pantry anymore? We have two of the large industrial shelving units that Costco sells filled with food that we bought in bulk and eat over a period of several months. Just bought a case of 16 Kraft mac and cheese boxes that will get used over the next three to six months.

>> No.17899498

It’s glowniggers, this is their way of discouraging prepping. Many of the glownigger shills on 4chan are women which is why these stupid silly ideas are actually put into practice.

>> No.17899540

Not a heap but I know how to hunt and fish. if shtf I will be getting far away from other people.

>> No.17899561
File: 161 KB, 760x507, Rainwater-Tank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a little, like enough for a month
but that's mostly cuz i live in an earthquake prone area, plus there are few roads here so a landslide or two can cut the town off for a week sometimes.

best "prep" you can do is grow your own vegetables and have a water supply (just buy a water tank, they run ads and discounts on TV all the time).
a veggie garden isnt something you can just do on a moment's notice even if you know how to do it.
start now and learn. you'll learn shit, you'll save money and if shit goes bad you'll be enjoying daily fresh fruit and veg while cunts around you are eating canned beans.

as for power, if your climate/area works for it consider solar. every few years the govt does a 50% rebate or whatever program so just wait for one of those and jump on it while it's cheap.
unless you live somewhere that's sun deprived 2 panels will give you free power for a large house no problems.

then you could look at getting into hunting & fishing.
you dont even need a license to fish assuming you dont live in a shithole.
both are skills worth learning now and not later.

>> No.17899563

>I'm stupid and I bough a billboard to advertise it

>> No.17899574

No, it's silly

>> No.17900751

Insurmountably based

>> No.17900781

Sorta, in the sense that I have an entire pantry full of OP.jpg. But I eat those foods daily anyway which thoroughly rotates the supply.

The real emergency supply is guns, other hunting equipment, arable land, and metal/glass containers. Just having more than a couple month's worth of food is useless because most people don't have that much and then they get grabby grabby.

>> No.17900787

Lentils take up very little shelf space and a few pounds of lentils can feed someone for weeks in an emergency, as long as you can boil water

>> No.17900792

for like a family of 6 or for one really fat you?

>> No.17900800

You’re delusional or have never cooked those things before in your life

>> No.17900810
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Bitches don't know about my Notfalltorte (emergency pie).

>> No.17900844


>> No.17900859

Of course he's projecting he's obviously a faggot who had someone around him kill himself and now he's acting like he knows how people behave on a cooking board. What a fucking fag he should off himself too.

>> No.17900944

Do foreigners really not have guns?

>> No.17901061

>Degenerate anime poster

>> No.17901078

Just hoard 50kg bags of rice and beans like every thirdie does. If you can't find sneed oils, go for animal fat.

>> No.17901094


Without water or heat those are pointless things to hoard.

>> No.17901179
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1) Spam and other canned salty meats as well as fish canned in oil last forever
2) Refried beans and ready to eat food in cans that you can eat cold
3) Biscuits and Hardtack, if you're in Europe, dark breads in foil
4) Water in collapsible container, add some silver ions to stop it from spoiling, lasts 6 months
5) Nothing that you need to cook - so no rice or dry beans or noodles

>> No.17901905

How's highschool going?

>> No.17902415

Not that anon but I tried to commit suicide twice when I was like 22-23 and hyper depressed, and THAT was when everything was pretty ok. What in the fuck do you think I'm going to do if shit actually hit the fan lmao?

>> No.17902435
File: 1.54 MB, 1848x1240, Sau-ThunfischSalat-Messicana-x1-e1625812119853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have like 10 of these because they were half off at Lidl some months ago and I fukken love them.

>> No.17902578

A surplus of useless washed out feminine guys like this one are how civilizations collapse.

>> No.17902700

How the fuck do you cook rice in an emergency without power? Hope you fellas have a plan for this.
My power was out for 48 hours recently and I had to go to a friends house to cook

>> No.17902712

pot with a lid

>> No.17902749

Without power? My stove runs on gas so I'm not sure what the issue would be

>> No.17902782
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My stove runs on gas but I keep a bunch of denatured alcohol around and also have some Sterno. I also have a propane stove and a couple tanks in the garage as well as a small charcoal grill. I have a bunch of lighter fluid but I mostly use it for cleaning.

>> No.17902790

do you not understand what the word soak is and why it is called that?

>> No.17902799

Thanks for agreeing.

>> No.17902808


>> No.17902809

Sardines and baked beans. I keep my pantry full of them, restocking whenever I eat some and eating the older stuff first.

>> No.17902810

>2 days
Tell me you're fat without telling me you're fat.

>> No.17902996

>shuts your gas off
Nothing personnel, goy

>> No.17903072
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No one here goes camping? I have all the prepping supplies I need just from years of boy scout camping trips. Try to find an old Coleman gasoline stove at an estate sale. The old ones are built like a tank and will burn regular gasoline. They also work in extreme cold when propane stoves will not.

>> No.17903102

>Try to find an old Coleman gasoline stove at an estate sale. The old ones are built like a tank and will burn regular gasoline.
only if they were specifically made for that, otherwise they will clog up with carbon.

>> No.17903272

200 lbs rice.
100 lbs red beans.
50 lbs flour
canned and dehydrated vegetables.
various supplies for making sloppa

>> No.17903278

Pretty sure you gotta boil those little bitches

>> No.17903298

>*Turns it back on*

>> No.17903305


>> No.17903313

No, I will just raid people houses
I will live in the mountain and come down to rape and pillage

>> No.17903345

>cannot into dried legumes

>> No.17903346

yes, 1000 cans tuna, 1000 cans sardines, 2000lbs rice, 500lbs pasta, 1000 packets of ramen, chickens, ducks and geese out back

plan on getting 100 more cans or tuna, sardines rice and pasta every other week until the power goes out

>> No.17903361

>I will live in the mountain and come down to rape and pillage

Let me guess, you live in Kansas.

>> No.17903464

That's anti semitic

>> No.17903803

Anon. I...
Enjoy your uncooked rice

>> No.17903823

>No one here goes camping?
fuck no
not even /out/ goes camping anymore
ever since 2016 it turned into cityfag larpers crying "WAAH GOVT IS LE BAD HOW DO I DISAPPEAR INNAWOODS!?!?!?"

>> No.17903855

Just go to a local Oriental restaurant and get rice already made.

>> No.17903899

normal sentences people type online

>> No.17903904

do you not know how boiling water works

>> No.17903924

>buy cheap prepper tools on alibaba
>assemble a few basic kits
>sell them for cost price on local sites

There you go, do this a couple of times a year and you can maintain a list of addresses of morons that will be easy to loot from if the shit hits the fan.

>> No.17903964

There's this store near where I live that sells dented cans or cans with torn labels for a steep markdown. I've got around nine hundred assorted cans with an emphasis on variety, and also about a hundred pounds of rice. I don't have any dry beans though, just canned.

>> No.17905115

Emergencies disallow boiling water, waterlets

>> No.17905169
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Just myself. In addition to picrel, I also have about 50 lbs of rice. I always set aside about $20 every time I go shopping and get at least a few emergency staples. When theyre about 6 months from expiracy I wipl donate them to my local church.

>> No.17905177

how have people survived so long being this stupid

>> No.17905211

Thinking outside the boundaries of reason is how you and I win. Nobody will understand until the time comes. For now we wait.

>> No.17905416

this. imagine being so hurt by a decision that had nothing to do with you.

>> No.17905433
File: 135 KB, 1200x1200, imageService.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw a few of these at Costco the other day and grabbed a months worth

>> No.17905443

What if there is no potable water?

>> No.17905450

I think we say fuck it and use whatever. You with me?

>> No.17905779

I don't know bro. I guess they don't usually cook rice.

>> No.17905828

Reddit alert

>> No.17907538

etc, eazy peazy

>> No.17907648

Of course, it's only reasonable in terms of natural disasters, power outages etc. Not to mention the impending economic collapse.

MRE's are quick and easy, many costco's sell them. Dried beans and rice are also cheap but you need to have a way to cook them. Canned meats are gross but give you extra protein, I'd lean toward canned soups to have a better flavor:nutrition value. Whatever you get, be sure to get some seasonings and sweeteners for a little extra luxury. Goes a long way in an emergency. Water is also important, either cases of bottled water or filters for well/stream water.

>how much
Depends on what you're comfortable with, if you're preparing for ~2 weeks without power or water due to an earthquake or if it's for total SHTF scenario. We have ~1 year's worth for my family but I also garden and my husband can hunt. We're pretty rural so even 5 years ago kept around 3 month's worth.

>> No.17907749
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Storing rice is a good place to start. It's easy and cheap. Get a few food grade 5-gallon plastic buckets with gamma lids. Each bucket can hold 36 pounds of rice. You also need some 5 gallon mylar bags and some oxygen absorbers that you can order online. Put bags in the buckets, then rice in the bags, throw in the oxygen absorbers and then use a curling iron to seal the mylar bag shut. You now have 70+ pounds of rice that will last 40 years if stored in a cool and dry place. check out discountmylardotcom for bags and absorbers as well as info on how many absorbers you need for different amounts/types of food.

>> No.17907800

thanks anon

>> No.17907819

there is a creek in the backyard and I have plenty of firewood even if I do not have water or gas supply

>> No.17909272

beans or rice or wheat berries?
or all?

>> No.17909374

Based on a 1500 daily caloric diet (rationing diet).

>1 cup of dry white rice yields 3 cups of cooked white rice
>1 cup of cooked white rice yields 200 calories
>1 lb of dry white rice is 2.5 cups, which yields 7.5 cups of cooked white rice, or 1500 calories

If you were to subsist on white rice and multivitamins alone, you would require 1 lb of dry white rice daily to meet a 1500 daily caloric intake per person. Obviously, nobody wants to live on white rice alone, but in an emergency situation where food is scarce, these are important numbers to know.

>> No.17910015
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disgustingly based.