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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17894027 No.17894027 [Reply] [Original]

let's try this again
have you tried making any of the recipes he's used in his videos? Did you enjoy them?

>> No.17894037

Couldn't say

>> No.17894041

I made the Yorkshire Parkin. I liked it.

>> No.17894043

I don’t watch homosexuals

>> No.17894044

he should kill himself imho

>> No.17894071

>have you tried making any of the recipes he's used in his videos?
yeah, i made some Santorum Salad by fucking a faggot in the ass until his shit, my cum, and the lube for a homogeneous, frothy mixture

>> No.17894082

I tried aids cum, wouldn't recommend.

>> No.17894113

nobody knows who that is.

>> No.17894125

its the fish sauce guy

>> No.17894138 [DELETED] 

I don't mind that he is gay - in fact I think gay representation is great - but he settled for a gross brown mestizo boyfriend - so obviously there is something very wrong with him if he has to settle for a lesser brown man so I don't think he should be promoted.

>> No.17894141

Not even Niko Avocado?

>> No.17894247

I made everlasting syllabub and it was really great. I used port instead of a sweet white wine and it looked nearly the same just slightly pinker.

>> No.17894284

Nikosloto avosloto

>> No.17894347

Unironically how many femcels must hate this guy after discovering that he's gay?

>> No.17894368

Only fucking Helen Keller wouldn't see that he's gay after watching him for 5 seconds

>> No.17894377

some women are attracted to gay men and hope they will stay closeted so they can date them

they view gay men as sorta non-threatening

>> No.17894452

No because I dont want to get aids

>> No.17895424

I made the Oatcakes recipe as hiking food. Honestly 10/10 would make again.

>> No.17895559

no but i like his videos, they get a solid delightful/10

>> No.17895614
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My fiance made the pumpkin cheesecake for a Halloween party https://youtu.be/4QGq4XpavQ8 it tasted alright but it was almost like a spongy/jello consistency which kind if put me off to it, I do like his channel a lot though

>> No.17896281

based and historypilled
the only thing left worthwhile for you to do is buying a nice rope

>> No.17896288

Yeah and it gave me monkeypox wtf

>> No.17896393

Never made any of his recipes but his videos are very comfy, combines my 2 main interests into 1. I don't care how much dick he takes, great channel.

>> No.17898307
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>> No.17898453

why do people think he is gay?

>> No.17898461

because he said he has a husband

>> No.17898623

I have not tried any of the recipies. I don't care if he is gay or not. Some of his vids are interesting and entertaining.

>> No.17898632

what if he did it for tax fraud not because he sucks cocks and fucks butts and sucks butts and licks cocks and fucks cocks and licks butts

>> No.17898633
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>> No.17898636

I tried making the kykeon. It tasted like shit, he wasn't lying. I made a second batch with water instead of wine and it tasted great, like cheesy barley grits. I think that's how people must have made it for day to day consumption when they weren't trying to make weird medicinal shit. Also, stuffing fucktons of mint in everything isn't nearly as tasty as the Greeks would lead you to believe.

>> No.17898658

He can go a little overboard with the history cuts in between the cooking, the 20 minute section where he talked about Ancient Greek remedies for anal trauma during male bonding in the Spartan episode was a little excessive in my opinion.

>> No.17899544

He has a husband. I don't see what the big deal is. He doesn't bring up his homosexuality in his videos and while he's well-groomed, it's not like he's absolutely flaming. The guy goes through the effort to show and make interesting recipes from the past but all they can gather is HAHA GAY

Anyways, I'm probably going to try the snail recipe. Cocleas, I think.

>> No.17899567

his husband is a genetically inferior mestizo - if you are settling for that - it means there is something wrong with you

I think people should be allowed to bring up their homosexuality as it suits them.

>it's not like he's absolutely flaming

It wouldn't be bad if he were.

>> No.17899599

> buying a nice rope
Unfortunately your tranny friends already bought them all
But hey at least you will have less competition for 6yr olds at this years fag parade

>> No.17899620 [DELETED] 

there is no need for homophobic slurs here

>> No.17900125
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Sorry trannies are not my friends and if there isn't more high quaity rope made of the finest weed, making a rope out of you cum glazed pc cables works too

>> No.17900134

anime is for losers

>> No.17900334

i think this show generally good because he has good attitude, interesting history tidbit, but i detest his flippant and dismissive comments about the history he's using to make his show, there is always snark about how gross and stupid people were "back then", it's repulsive and crass and i can get these recipes by searching "old recipes" without the insult

>> No.17900366
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I haven't but his videos are great. I should try one of them soon, which one is the best?

>> No.17900375

>le edgy groomer xD

>> No.17900425

Hes definitely a channel I watch more for the interest factor then actually making said recipe. Like I don't really have a desire to eat ninja energy balls or hard tack. But it's interesting to see them made in modern times.

>> No.17900579

I tried recently the teganites and found them worse than my normal pancakes.
I also tried the Rúgbraud and it was good, but too much work.
And I tried the stuffed tomatoes (Pomodori Farciti all’Erbette) and they're pretty good.

>> No.17900648

The only youtuber I made one of their recipes is I made the "white pot pudding" townsend did.

>> No.17900799

oh look another child molesting faggot who is obsessed with cum and asphyxiaton

>> No.17901122

Isn't he married to a bug-girl?

>> No.17901125

He's married to a Mexican dude.

>> No.17901131

I made one of his recipes once. It turned me gay. I wouldn't do it again.

>> No.17901381

Max is the perfect gay. He doesn't flaunt or make it his entire personality.

The dude just likes dudes

>> No.17901392

He's a lot like Townsends in that none of the stuff he makes looks good enough to be worth making yourself, but at least he's cute.

>> No.17901423
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>He should be allowed to bring up his homosexuality as I have no problem with it

Weirdest take I've seen on 4chan for a good bit.

>> No.17901453

Everybody knows gay spawns come through the ass

>> No.17901461
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>> No.17901469
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>> No.17901474

Just throw them in a bog

>> No.17901766


"The babies he'll birth through his urethra" made me laugh.

>> No.17901780

the only one i considered were the super simple looking classical greek pancakes since otherwise most of these recipes look like way too much effort for someone like me who gets super impatient when cooking and prep time from the time i step into the kitchen passes 30 minutes

>> No.17901834
File: 281 KB, 1440x956, dragbrunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The company signed Oscar Quintero, who performs under the name Kay Sedia and lives in Los Angeles, as the tour’s drag hostess, and hired local drag artists to perform with her in each city. (Taco Bell declined to say how much the tour cost and how much the talent was paid.) The performers have taken care to keep their language and material fairly clean and nonpolitical.

Robert Fisher, a senior production designer at Taco Bell, said the drag brunch idea surfaced a year ago within Live Más Pride, Taco Bell’s L.G.B.T.Q. employee resource group, and made its way to the company’s chief executive, Mark King, who greenlit it.

Mr. Fisher, who founded Live Más Pride, said his managers understood that if a Taco Bell-hosted drag brunch was going to feel legitimate, the company had to act as if it had been invited to be part of the L.G.B.T. Q. community, “not as if Taco Bell was appropriating drag for the sake of tacos.”

“When it comes to working a corporate drag brunch, that is squarely in drag queens’ wheelhouse,” Mr. Hanson said. “They are those cultural ambassadors.”

Perhaps that’s what is happening at Taco Bell. After all, the company is introducing drag to audiences who might not otherwise go to a drag show if the invitation weren’t from Taco Bell.

Blake Hundley, a 25-year-old straight father, said he drove three hours from his home in Dubuque, Iowa, to be first in line for the second of two Chicago shows — no surprise, considering that he runs a Taco Bell fan site, LivingMas.com, and eats at Taco Bell three times a week “at a minimum.”

After the show, Mr. Hundley said that his first drag brunch was a blast, and that he’d return if the fast-food chain hosted another. “My life is about Taco Bell,” he said.

archive ph/IcDun

>> No.17901854

Can't wait until Taco Bell invites me to a red room. I trust Taco Bell, they can do no wrong, error, delete self...

>> No.17901938

>irrelevant to post replied to
Bots, on my /ck/?

>> No.17901992

The parthian chicken looks pretty neat, i would love to make it myself desu

>> No.17902028

Galangal sauce, hippocras, some duck recipe and then legionnaires and gladiator food/snack to try out with my dad.
Also made syllabub, but I didn't have heavy cream that was really high fat% so it didn't come out as fluffy as I would've wanted it to.