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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17889917 No.17889917 [Reply] [Original]

You fags are so fucking gullible you'll believe anything! Have fun with your early-onset dementia, morons!

Saturated fats and animal protein promote dysfunction in the gastrointestinal barrier leading to a leaky gut that allows bacterial endotoxins into our bloodstream. These molecules promote inflammation throughout the body through actions on tlr4 which increases the activation of microglial cells and macrophages. Endotoxins promote the breakdown of the blood-brain barrier allowing kynurenic acid and quinolinic acid into the brain. Endotoxins promote inflammation and insulin resistance within the brain. Increased inflammation within the brain changes the neurotrophic activities of growth factors like bdnf to favor the production of microglial cells over that of neurons.
Endotoxins by reducing insulin sensitivity within the brain and promoting inflammation increase the tone of cortisol expression which increases endocannabinoid signaling to mitigate the effects of chronic mild stress.
Chronic mild stress promotes disinhibition of gaba/somatostatin release within the brain and the internalization of gaba receptors leading eventually to disinhibition of glutamatergic activity which chronically activates neurons and under the circumstances of increased neuroinflammation insulin resistance within the brain leads to reduced neurotrophic insulin signaling, and feeds forward to promote more neuroinflammation.

>> No.17889921

penis pot pie

>> No.17890038

what a load of crap

>> No.17890040

Every different kind of food will give you alzheimers super AIDS cancer according to you internet freaks

>> No.17890072

I read the first line of your bad post and realized that you're an idiot who isn't worth the time of day correcting. I hope you eat tons of PUFA's and die an early death as a result.

>> No.17890214

Based, poofalards needs the rope for practicing mommyblog Facebook faggotry on a taiwanese tonguetwisting forum

>> No.17890234
File: 1006 KB, 555x788, wizard power.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this wizard pic its smarter than anything you'll ever be and will matter more than anything you will accomplish in your life.

>> No.17890283

Then I'll die the way god intended

>> No.17890305


>> No.17890971

I've stopped eating avocado because of ray peat and I feel better

>> No.17890974

why have i thought of this combination of words before too

>> No.17890996

Pretty sure it's the people eating garbage that oxidizes into HNE who'll be enjoying the dementia.

>> No.17891014

Not my problem

>> No.17891020

A worm wrote this post

>> No.17891040
File: 839 KB, 1973x1120, Resized_20220522_124724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I know... but I'm just going to keep eating beef and cooking with butter and heavy cream.

>> No.17891045
File: 1.40 MB, 270x214, walloftext.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still gonna be eatin the saturated fats, faggot.

>> No.17891562
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>> No.17891838

>obsessively not eating tasty food just so you can reach the age where you're just going to end up shitting yourself anyway

>> No.17891852

Your rhr is above 70bpm

>> No.17891863

im morbidly obese so. and an alcoholic. my blood glucose and blood pressure stil good tho so cope, seethe, etc and enjoy being 80 in eternal pain and agony shitting yourself and wishing you were dead 20 years earlier.

>> No.17891923

Fatcope, your quality of life is currently worse than mine will be in my 60s.

>> No.17891947

citation needed

>> No.17892068

Fuck off vegan

>> No.17892071

I'm not reading your hateful post. Bad vibes from the title alone. I'll never stop eating mayonnaise

>> No.17892125

not reading your schizo meltdown.
What I've Learned is one of the best youtubers on that dogshit platform. he has pages of sources for every video. go and refute those first instead of sperging out

>> No.17892143

My dad is 80, and he only has prostate and back problems, but he gets pills for that.

>> No.17892183

what about your other elders when they were 80?

>> No.17892203

Grandmas lived to 87 and 90 pretty much w/o problems, but one had beetus. Everyone else died in war/commie interment camps

>> No.17892353
File: 251 KB, 1600x900, 983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17892359

>You fags are so fucking gullible you'll believe anything

>proceeds to write a wall of schizo gibberish

we were shooted into a work brothers

>> No.17892754

my nutritionist was fat and gave me hotdogs for breakfast, that's all you need to know about modern "nutritionists". she also kept me on a strict 1500kcal diet so of course I lost weight.

>> No.17893020

nobody has ever said this.