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17889484 No.17889484 [Reply] [Original]

Pho is disgusting and I'm tired of zoomers and millennials hyping this shit up

>> No.17889491

it's tripe soup

>> No.17889500

It’s as bad as authentic ramen

>> No.17889502

I don't think you dislike pho. I think you are just scared to enjoy something that you see as 'millennial' or 'zoomer' because you are incredibly insecure. Most likely you have never even had it.

>> No.17889513

No, fuck you. I've tried it several different times at different restaurants and disliked them all.

>> No.17889527

it’s disgusting because you’re not putting any mayonnaise in it

>> No.17889532

or maybe, in extreme cases, too much mayonnaise

>> No.17889533

i can't even tell if this is satire or not, nips/chinks/zips love mayo.

>> No.17889545

It's far better than ramen. It's unfortunate that you're just a faggot with shitty taste

>> No.17889549

I love the smell of wet dog soup! Yum yum~

>> No.17889571

I don't "get" pho. It's just noodles in broth. I feel like I need to order from a secret me u because I've ordered pho on many different occasions and never gotten anything satisfying. I could easily to go to a pub and buy some chicken soup and it's be 10x tastier and more filling than any pho. What exactly do I need to fucking order to get a decent meal??

>> No.17889574

You just don't like it then. You order pho because it has a complex broth and is served with herbs and lime and sprouts and shit. I guess you like chicken noodle better and that is fine. There is no secret.

>> No.17889577


>> No.17889584

Boiled tap water with cilantro in it is not complex.

>> No.17889587


>> No.17889588
File: 181 KB, 1024x680, Bun bo Hue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside. Bun bo hue or bun riue are the superior soups. South east asia is great at making soups and I have no idea why retards attached themselves to beef noodles with some herbs.

>> No.17889590

There's all sorts of stuff in it...can't you taste the anise and stuff

>> No.17889592

I really appreciate /ck, and everyone who posts here.. This is probably the best board on 4chan. Just want you all to know that you are loved.

>> No.17889593


>> No.17889601

See, I'm >>17889571 and every restaurant I've ordered pho from has only given me like 3 strips of dry flavorless chicken. What is this dish because it looks actually edible, the meat looks sauced and properly proportional to the noodles. I've straight up been handed mostly 5 pounds of noodles and a gram of meat with a weird amount of those flavorless crunchy vegetables (forget the name)

Like I don't hate the noodles, but pho is just not done right where I live.

>> No.17889606
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Ugh...cheers anon...just don't make this weird

>> No.17889612

Appreciate you pal

>> No.17889615
File: 56 KB, 550x413, bun-rieu-cua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is this dish because it looks actually edible
Filename. It has cubes of blood, just a warning.

They do seafood versions. You're expected to add and season the food with the sauce and herbs according to your own taste. Then use it with the broth to make a soup to drink after you've consumed the meat and vegetables. At least that's how it's traditionally consumed.

>> No.17889624

Not ordering it with brisket, fatty brisket, flank, and tendon with a side a sate chili oil. that shits dank.

>> No.17889634

Delicacy is not equivalent to no flavor, but pho truly has no delicacy and no flavor.

>> No.17889654
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>3 strips of dry flavorless chicken
real gooks order chicken pho with thigh and not breast. and if they aren't using freshly slaughtered chicken its a shit place

>> No.17889689

The pho place I go to sells me their broth on the side if I ask the manager. It's genuinely tasty. I can understand not liking bean sprouts or basil or the other mix-ins, but the broth is excellent. I use it as a base for homemade noodle dishes and soups. Maybe the restaurants you've been to just slack on the broth and use store bought or something.

>> No.17889893

Just had chicken pho at King and Prussia PA which has loads of Vietnamese. The broth was just about perfect, the chicken was boneless breast and a little under flavored. Still, $12 for a hug bowl of soup that filled me for the rest of the day is a good deal.

>> No.17889932

at least post pho made by a viet farmer, your picture is clearly made by some white woman for her cooking blog

>> No.17890121

Anyone listen to Cumtown? They always talk about pho (pronouncing it the weird but probably correct way like "fah") and comparing it to ramen; usually praising pho and saying ramen is overrated. Personally I agree with OP that I don't "get" pho. But I've had some amazing ramen. Thanks to this thread I will check out bun bo hue that a local place makes.

>> No.17890132

>bun bo
>not hu tieu
lmao @ you or you dont live near actual vietnamese people

>> No.17890133

ehehehehe look at how many restaurant owners thought they were being clever

>> No.17890184

Nothing wrong with marketing. I don't think Big Wang Buffet has a selection of big wangs, but I'd like to meat the owner. I wonder if his nickname is Big Wang.

>> No.17890189

Thank you for telling it like it is.
Pho sucks.
There is no good Pho.
Pho is so unimpressive it makes me dislike Vietnam.

>> No.17890342

>Pho is disgusting
Probably bland western pho
There is no way the perfection of french and deep vietnamese flavour in combination would be disgusting. Most of Vietnamese dish are awesome

>> No.17890379

Yeah, I don't get it, or ramen. I'm just not really into soup, in general, only when it's really cold and snowy out do I even think about eating soup. I eat top ramen packs all the time, but I boil the noodles, strain, toss in a bowl and then I add the seasoning packet and mix it around, so it's more like a pile of salty chicken flavored noodles than soup. I definitely don't understand paying $20 for a bowl of soup, or why this shit is everywhere, even in places that have never seen a Vietnamese or Japanese person. I don't hate pho, I don't think it's disgusting, I just don't get the hype. At least with ramen I can reason that most people eating it are weebs, but I have never heard of a Vietnamboo. Chinaboo, Koreaboo, hell I've met people who are absolutely obsessed with the Philippines even, but I've never heard of anyone but vietnamese people being stoked on Vietnamese things.

>> No.17890413
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Hey, I love you too, pal. I love all of you goofballs! I want to scream it from the rooftops! I love you!

>> No.17890420

i like the hanoi style pho thats flavored with anise. the broth is so fragrant it tastes like a beef tea. other than that i think the usual pho offerings are pretty mid

>> No.17890441

Soup and salt noodles are soul food.
Ramen and pho alike.
Even the day is cold and you were extremely hurt inside, a single bowl of warm steamy noodles soup will calm you down and makes your mind clearer.
On the days i do not wanna eat rice or bread, noodles are truly the saviour, it wakes you up instead of make you feel sluggish like most drier food.
The only downside is that noodles dishes will make you hungry really fast

>> No.17890458

Much more enjoyable than ramen

>> No.17890499
File: 48 KB, 550x413, 50-best-darn-pho-ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shitty pho is really bad, painfully bad. but if you can find a place with enough vietnamese people there will be an actual market and it won't be bullshit like >>17889571. the beef pho "special" has a couple beef meatballs, a couple bunches of tripe, a few pieces of beef tendon, and a few slices of eye of round. not to mention that the broth has so much beef flavor you can taste the collagen. it's a treat

and? the best pho has giant pieces of tripe all up in it
>green onion
that is some shitty whitewashed pho

>> No.17890549

oh and pho shouldn't have thick noodles. you want really thin rice noodles so it carries as much broth as possible

>> No.17890553
File: 125 KB, 607x455, 1653461004048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>instant ramen is the same as real ramen
Boy you are fucking retarded. That's like thinking TV dinner salisbury steak is the same as steak.

>> No.17890628

Pho has gotten so popular that there aew shitty phos everywhere, using instant pho noodles and powdered broth.
I know a place that serves absolutely great pho, old dude been doing it for 25 years now.
It’s honestly better than ramen. I think most noodles are better than ramen even.

>> No.17890636

>hot water with bits floating in it
>hot water with bits floating in it made by an asian

>> No.17890750 [DELETED] 

You're either a chink, negro, mudslime, or a vegan.

>> No.17891254

the soup makes all the difference. some shitty places just use fucking msg packets and campbells beef broth and call it a day but those places that actually bother making it good and right are places you come back to.

>> No.17891270

theres one place near my place that makes their soup from stratch or close enough to it. they arent skimpy with the meat either and their fried spring rolls are great. hell, their fried rice is good too.

>> No.17891273

I was born when nixon was president and I grew up eating pho, I think your real problem is the internet exposes you to things that scare and confuse your retarded flyover brain and makes you want to kys, so I ask you seriously, why don't you?

>> No.17891278

Pho rules, you're an absolute tastelet. It's also one of the best ways to get your daily serving of tripe.

>> No.17891335

Mo Hin Ga from a Burmese grandpa's hole-in-the-wall restaurant was the best southeast asian soup I've ever had.

>> No.17891364

Great thread. I'll help get the word out to everyone else to stop liking what you don't like.

>> No.17891368

No I dont like listening to wierd pajeets bullshitting.

>> No.17891369

/Thread asia has so many soups that are better than pho

i do like pho tho

>> No.17891407

too much msg not healthy

>> No.17891449

upset because we're being blamed for another mass shooting in the US? Its ok anon i don't blame you.