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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17883290 No.17883290 [Reply] [Original]

I am looking to buy a new fridge and I noticed that Loews had smart fridges. Anyone have one? Wondering they are worth it. They have touch screens on them and connect to your WiFi. This is one I was looking at specifically


Features included are:

>Family Hub™: Samsung’s Family Hub,™ now with Alexa built in, lets you control your compatible smart devices, stream music, and so much more, all right from your fridge
>Smart Home: See who’s at the front door, adjust your Nest thermostat, get notifications from your Samsung smart appliances – all on your Family Hub.™
>Entertainment: Enjoy streaming your favorite music apps or watching your favorite shows from your compatible Samsung TV or smartphone, and accessing your favorite sites – all on your Family Hub.™
>Family: Share pictures, videos or drawings, leave handwritten notes, and sync calendars – all on your Family Hub.™
>Cooking: See inside your fridge, search recipes, plan meals, shop for ingredients and send cooking instructions to your Samsung smart oven – all on your Family Hub.™
>Wi-Fi connection and Samsung account required

Sounds pretty cool. The fridge can suggest what to cook based on what is in the fridge. Sometimes when I cook I can play the Sopranos or something from the fridge's screen. What do you think?

>> No.17883297

Definitely worth it, it's only $10000

>> No.17883302

I wrote an android app for my smart fridge for recipes. I shared it with my family so anyone can upload and I can access them from my phone or have it up on my fridge.

>> No.17883303

I'm by no means a Luddite, but cooking is one of the few rituals I regularly partake in that's exactly the same as my great grandparents did. I like having that daily disconnect personally. Getting notifications while I'm trying to slice an onion doesn't sound like a "feature" to me.

>> No.17883305

>Alexa built in
Yeah enjoy Amazon making a shit ton of money off of you for selling data on your eating habits.

Just get a regular fridge, why would you even want a smart fridge?

>> No.17883307

Is it on github or gitlab?

>> No.17883315

Not taking this bait.

>> No.17883318

Nope, make your own, lazy man. Use a Google dog for the data, it's super easy.

>> No.17883322

It's not even good bait. It's almost bad enough to be funny, but it falls short.

>> No.17883337
File: 301 KB, 1431x1080, 1431px-Bodega_Cat,_NYC_(28993276713).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sell your eternal soul, it's super easy.

>> No.17883339

>spend $10,000 on a thing to keep your food cold while it's primary job is to listen in to you and your family and report everything you say to advertising agencies and the FBI

no, thanks

>> No.17883361

Get one without IoT

>> No.17883367

I got one it's pretty good but IMO it only works if you live in a big home and are a whore for using Alexa and ring a lot. Like I can buzz people into my house from the fridge while I cook that is pretty nice but ultimately you can achieve the same thing if you just have a tablet in the kitchen

>> No.17883384

This guy gets it.
>Oh sorry anon your speech violates our user agreement, your fridge will cease to function per the terms of the user agreement.

>> No.17883395

Imagine being this surly over wanting to check out someones code.

>> No.17883401

Imagine wanting people to share their work for free
I'm not a fucking commie, do it yourself

>> No.17883514

>what is open source
No, you're worse than a commie, your a self righteous retard who gets assblasted at small things. kys immediately. Thank you.

>> No.17883603

>when you don't want to spend money on a fridge but are still desperate to appear retarded anyway

>> No.17883620

>lazy cunt mad I won't give him my code to sell on the app store
you Chinese by chance?
It's a data call and a UI. if you can't figure it out in less than an hour you should quit trying

>> No.17883641

>Smart home
>Smart appliance
Never ever for me

>> No.17883699

When is "it" all going to happen? I've said so much shit over the years and done so much shit, when will big bro finally step in and take me away? What will be the straw that'll break the camels back?

>> No.17883796
File: 56 KB, 936x518, assange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you become a tangible threat to the establishment

>> No.17884137

1950 you would yell at your wife to adjust the thermostat, play some music or whatever.
today you yell at your fridge. that also gives the producer every single detail of what is spoken in your home. including some pervert indian tech supporter who listens to you fuck. and you pay for that privilige in your fridge, door, tv, heating system, etc etc etc
what a fucking progress

>> No.17884289

you’re a real piece of work man. and
im not the anon you are replying to. clutch your fridge code tightly

>> No.17884297

>>Wi-Fi connection and Samsung account required
If this is not a major red flag that I need a fucking samsung account and a stable wifi connection to use my fridge I don't know what is. It's bad enough we have always online games now we have always online fridges.

>> No.17884302

Why would you pay 10k for a gimmicky eature that is going to be outdated and laggy within two years? Do you plan on upgrading your fridge that soon?

>> No.17884340

>Cooking: See inside your fridge
I would hope so lmao
>all right from your fridge
How often are you parked in front of your fridge that any of this shit would be worth it to instead of just having your phone handy?

>> No.17884345

ngl a fridge that scans the contents and suggests what you could make would be pretty based. I don't think we have technology that does that yet and I bet you have to manually enter whats in there

>> No.17884353
File: 59 KB, 605x863, Bio-Gel-Fridge-Mockup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP should wait for this to come out before dropping mad bux

>> No.17884391

>storing your food in cooled gel
Real fucking cool until you realize pieces of food will constantly be breaking off in your cooler making it impossible to clean.

>> No.17884398


imagine using cell towers and microprocessors to what simple paper and pen can do. Or a simple email thread. Why the fuck do people go out of their way to use technology to solve a problem that already been solved. No one needs a fucking smart fridge.

>> No.17884412

>No one needs a fucking smart fridge.
cool it with the antisemitism, okay

>> No.17884421
File: 35 KB, 670x531, I HATE THE ANTICHRIST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hate the future.

>> No.17884659
File: 28 KB, 500x365, How humerus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Complain about technology
>In the form of a twitter post

>> No.17885650

Is that viral marketing thing I keep hearing about?

>> No.17885674

>all the smart features are fucking pointless and can be done via your phone you have on you anyway

They just haven't figured out what they're supposed to be yet and it shows painfully

>> No.17885715

If you are going to spend that much just get a subzero fridge. They will last you until you die then last until your kids die. Then get a wolf range and a cove dishwasher. The best kitchen appliances you can buy and still be under 10k.

>> No.17886594

personally when I need to decide what to cook based on what's in my fridge I:
open the fridge
look inside
decide what to cook

>> No.17886885

This. "Smart" tech is inane.

>> No.17887248

People are talking about how stupid smart tech is and how insane the "solution" is to a problem that doesnt exist but are missing the major point. Good luck spending $4000 to get a SAMSUNG QUALIFIED OFFICIAL ENGINEER to repair your door hinge 2 years in and if you try to repair it yourself it will stop working.

>> No.17887321

I share pictures of my asshole to unprotected refrigerators

>> No.17887333

this is why you have to mix it up to keep them guess. One week it's "White power!" Gas the kikes, race war now!" the next it's "lmaoooo white ppl smell like wet dogs! ALL WHITE PEOLE R RACIST!"

>> No.17887560
File: 1.90 MB, 500x288, DifficultIncomparableGrassspider-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17887686

>I wrote a shared folder
>The literal industry standard repo is for lazy people
Ha ha it sure is
>Imagine wanting people to share their work for free
Imagine thinking a shared folder “””application””” is worth more than ‘free’
>You just want to sell my shared folder as a commercial app
Can’t say I blame him; it would literally print money.

You don’t own a smart fridge, and you didn’t write shit. Entertaining read though.

>> No.17887712

>Good luck spending $4000 to get a SAMSUNG QUALIFIED OFFICIAL ENGINEER to repair your door hinge 2 years in and if you try to repair it yourself it will stop working.
Do you honestly think anyone who would drop 10 fucking grand on a fridge because it has a Galaxy Tab on the door would give a shit about repair costs?
I’m also pretty sure there’s zero chance that sort of person would ever attempt a self-repair on anything.

>> No.17887730

>Do you honestly think anyone who would drop 10 fucking grand on a fridge because it has a Galaxy Tab on the door would give a shit about repair costs?

t. richfag

Just cos I can afford it doesn't mean I enjoy or don't care about pissing money away for retarded reasons.

>> No.17887736

>It's not even good bait
2 days going strong. Why is it that 99% of the time people call bait bad it's actually good?

>> No.17887818

>I want a smart fridge
Pretty dumb

>> No.17887837

I have this exact fridge without the screen or wifi and it actually cost more.
The fridge itself is God teir but the fuck I lm gonna let jeff bezos tell me when I am out of milk.

>> No.17887839

>doesn't mean I enjoy or don't care about pissing money away for retarded reasons.
spending $10k on a $2.5k fridge just because it has an android tablet on the door is the very definition of pissing away money for retarded reasons.
Which is why you don’t see that shit in actual richfag houses, you see Sub Zero or similar.

t. parents are actual richfags

>> No.17887870

thank you, shill.

>> No.17887871

Where is this $10k number coming from?
You can get a Samsung french door smart refrigerator for under $3k

>> No.17887879

>still can't buy the bio gel fridge
fuck this gay earth. also it looks like this thing has been making its way around the internet since like 2010 but it feels like I've been seeing it since like 2003.

>> No.17887890

>internet-connected fridge has interior cameras so you can see inside of it without opening the door
>Requires Samsung Account
I am absolutely willing to admit that if I were a global network admin at Samsung, I would literally spend all day looking in people’s fridges.

>> No.17887901

My dad is the fridge manager at Samsung and he says they’re $10k so fuck you for calling him a liar.

>> No.17887908

How much are they paying you to accuse anons of being a shill?

>> No.17887928

Sometimes when I cook I can play the Sopranos or something from the fridge's screen. What do you think?
That's cool, but have you also considered a normal, cheaper fridge and a tablet you can move to different stations depending on what you're doing in the kitchen?

>> No.17887930

as of 2 weeks ago, 0$
how much do you get?

>> No.17887937

I love smart shit. I have over a dozen Google/Amazon/Eufy/Wemo smart thingies.
However, I never, ever, buy any product with smarts integrated.
All my appliances are dumb. Every single one. Washer, oven, fridge, treadmill, furnace, speakers, even/especially TVs and those are getting really hard to find.

Smart shit rots very quickly, accidentally or by design. For example, Samsung will 100% start shoving fullscreen ads to this fridge within a few years. At that time, I want the ability to throw out or replace the smarts, while keeping the fridge.

>> No.17888004
File: 46 KB, 900x500, actu-lg-refrigerateur-signature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need a table, you damn cuck, you need a LG SIGNATURE LSR100.

>> No.17888205

>it's actually good?
The only reason the thread is as old as it is, is because /ck/ is a slow board. OP can bump his shitposting thread, commence his daily 12 hour masturbation session and still have plenty of time to save the thread on page10.

>> No.17888356

You're right anon I lied on the internet just for you. Your parents are likely old money in which case they don't care about tech anyway. Newer money which is more tech savvy and impressed by dangly smart home bullshit is what this sorta thing is for, but still dont want to throw money away for no reason. While I agree that this bullshit is a waste of money, it probably has value to some people. I dunno who, but its a product for somebody or it wouldnt sell. Either way they don't want to piss money away. But I may be biased as I avoid Samshit and other brands who are gonna have their shit break after 2 years.

>> No.17890252

when you start to act instead of just talk