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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17872652 No.17872652 [Reply] [Original]

Gf made breakfast


>> No.17872658

severely undercooked bacon, raw tomatoes, what on earth is this? 0/10

>> No.17872662

is she hot?

>> No.17872670

Your girlfriend doesn't eat egg yolks, does she? Me too, can't fucking stand 'em. Anyway, looks pretty tasty. Are you two from Georgia?

>> No.17872678


>> No.17872679

>raw tomatoes

>> No.17872689
File: 287 KB, 1600x1289, aussie-australian-breakfast-brioche-toast-fried-eggs-crispy-bacon-sausage-salty-pancakes-mushrooms-organic-foods-145637890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but even if those matoes are warm they are certainly not really cooked, especially because for brekkie they should really be grilled or roasted

>> No.17872691

do you also grill cucumbers?

>> No.17872694

womp womp
at least you got to fuck and now leave my board, normalfaggot.

>> No.17872697
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for breakfast I would

>> No.17872699

Unless it's a salad yes

>> No.17872701


>> No.17872702

2/10 get better gf

>> No.17872713

cola for breakfast is based

>> No.17872715
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she better be hot because she cant cook for shit

>> No.17872723

the heat from the gf melts the heart

>> No.17872725


>> No.17872726


>> No.17872728
File: 278 KB, 2840x2130, IMG_20220521_144635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is wine

She is hot

>> No.17872737

nut uh!

>> No.17872773

why did you post yourself touching another man's dick?

>> No.17872778

i also just dump a few raw cherry/grape tomatoes on a plate. i love that pop of flavor when you bite into them. if you feel thats a bit too harsh, you can try making a tomato salad; slice all the small tomatoes in half and toss in some olive oil, salt, sugar, a bit of vinegar, and herbs of choice. you can make it a caprese salad by tossing in some small cubes of mozzarella too with fresh basil.

>> No.17872783


The heat from the egg white cooks the yolk

>> No.17872788
File: 20 KB, 493x402, hi_five_meh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the heat from the flat coca cola mildly warms the tomatoes so they can be considered "cooked"

>> No.17872792

>Georgian wine for breakfast

>> No.17872811

> Uses teabag garbage instead of real leaf tea
Do better.

>> No.17873311

Truly awful

>> No.17873393


>> No.17873429

>tfw no gf to make me breakfast

>> No.17873441

Tomatoes with artery clogging preservative filled bacon and saturated fatty eggs, shameful that women think THAT is cooking.

My girlfriend makes me oatmeal with brown sugar, blueberries, a little half cup of sweetened oatmilk. On the side a glass of orange juice all pulp with a piece of whole grain toast and some jelly on it

>> No.17873451


i too go for a quick genitals check, just in case

>> No.17873455

Second this, bacon looks almost fucking raw. Not hard to cut the tomatoes in half and sear them a little.

>> No.17873472

>fruit, sugar, sugar milk, fruit juice, bread and sugar jam on top
yeah you really showed him huh. you aren't better than anybody because you're a vegan.

>> No.17873479

theres nonsuch thing as a vegan
millions of critters were exterminated to produce all that grain fruit and sugar.

>> No.17873498

No, But i'm not eating carcinogenic processed meat and fat for 80% of my diet LOL. I think I'll be just find in the end since I understand how actual science and health works.

80% of mass grown corn and soy crops in the USA is used to feed pigs and cows. If you care about not killing animals by way of farming, you would go vegan.

>> No.17873502

>flabby bacon
bonk that bitch with a sheetpan until she wears it as a necklace

>> No.17873517

i dont care about killing animals i just want to make it clear that vegan food requires killing animals too.

>> No.17873530

Pig and cow farm runoffs cause cancer and flu to the populations surrounding. So not only do you hurt yourself by giving yourself cancer and heart disease, you are also hurting others in the community as well as the whole country. Going to be a glorious day when all the meat eaters in America die off from heart attacks

>> No.17873535

i notice you have made no effort to refute the fact that producing vegan food kills billions of animals every year.

>> No.17873536

Please post more of your girlfriend, or I am going to be forced to report you to the jannie squad for posting porn.

>> No.17873550

>vegan foods
No, animal foods do, millions of acres for your precious meat. Why do meat eaters always stay delusional and refuse the truth at every corner. They know meat is bad, but they are experiencing cognitive dissonance to justify their bad actions. It's really sad

>> No.17873566

again, i dont care about killing animals. i dont care all that much about peoples health either. my only goal is to ensure people know that billions of animals are killed every year to produce vegan foods.

>> No.17873569

goalposting, sad. Why do pseudoscience ketolards hate the truth so much. Strong cognitive dissonance. They will never change their bad habits that they know are bad!

>> No.17873584

i have consistently stated that my goal is to inform people of the fact that producing vegan food requires killing billion of animals every year.

>> No.17873591
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>> No.17873601

>tomatoes for breakfast
fuck off, Nigel

>> No.17873632

She tried because she loves you so you'd better fucking appreciate her or she'll leave you for someone who does

>> No.17873737

Jesus Christ. At least post tits.

>> No.17874998


>> No.17875243
File: 1.82 MB, 1940x2592, IMG_20200428_154028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's basic and boring as they get what do you want us to say.

>> No.17875254

please post her toes :3