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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 33 KB, 373x358, the sando.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17863094 No.17863094 [Reply] [Original]

Finally tried Howlin' Ray's last week. I got the sando. I mean it was tasty. It was a really good sandwich so I get the hype. But as good as it was it wasn't THREE FUCKING HOURS IN LINE good

>> No.17863167

Ain't no fucking way! There ain't any food on the planet that will blow me away. Especially fast food or boogers.

>> No.17863537

im not poor faggot. pays someone else to do that shit.

>> No.17863583

Three hours? Hell no. I don't care how good it is, I have better things to do than stand around that long.

>> No.17864101
File: 41 KB, 720x693, 4m4tmd54nsx31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never ever.
I'm not a "food is fuel" dweeb, but im not going to spend 3 hours of my life specifically and exclusively for a fucking sandwich

>> No.17864119

In that time you could've bought the ingredients, went home, and made it yourself

>> No.17864124

anyone who says “sando” is a massive gay

>> No.17864130

No food is worth waiting more than an hour for. I mean sure if you go out to dinner with a large party that's different because you can drink and socialize and eat appetizers and shit but for a fucking chicken sandwich yea right.

>> No.17864131

Yes, when I was a conscript waiting for military slop during some exercise.

>> No.17864136

its FAST FOOD. its supposed to be FAST. you can make yourself a chicken burger that will taste 1000 times better than anything shat out by minimum wage workers without waiting 3 hours

>> No.17864168

No and if the place is that popular they need to learn how business works and expand. Forcing their customers to wait that long is dickish and is probably costing them lost revenue for the people not willing to wait.

>> No.17864206

I'll stand in line for up to 90mins for good 'cue. Some places that routinely have long lines will have free lite beer for their patrons. 3 hours is too much even for the best of cue. I would never do it for a meme sando, though.

>> No.17864210

>forcing customers to wait
Who is forcing you to wait 3 hours in a line for a sandwich?

>> No.17864215

>if you want to eat this food, you are forced to wait 3 hours, as there is no other option to eat the food
Fucking autistic, shut the fuck up next time you have a dumb ass thought like this.

>> No.17864227
File: 467 KB, 1080x1363, 1649376223556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When confronted with a basic logical refutation of his ill-conceived argument the tard spergs out, overcome by anger.

The other anon is right. If cattle are willing to wait in line for three hours to get a dumb sando, why not let them and milk the hype? It's the same reason Kanye makes people enter a raffle to get his $300 sneakers instead of selling them to everyone. Artificial scarcity builds the perceived value of your brand.

I am unfamiliar with OPs sandwich brand but presume they will expand eventually given the demand. Still, there are so many logistical factors to expansion while maintaining the integrity of the original product, not to mention the additional supply and labor crunches all service industry businesses are feeling right now. I bet you had fun playing CEO though?

Tldr you r dumb

>> No.17864235

good lord you're fucking retarded. I didn't say shit about expansion or ceos. I just called you an autist for your dumbass comment of "nobody is forcing them"
Never reply to me again retard. My day is worse because of you

>> No.17864242

a lot of good BBQ places you have to get in morning lines for.

>> No.17864288

I didn't comment that, I said the other anon is right. So you fail at reading comprehension. I'm glad your day is worse, please log off now.

>> No.17864289
File: 465 KB, 1536x1536, OGChickenSandwich-1536x1536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm an absolute fool for HQ chicken sandwiches like that. chic fil a had the right idea but their food is low quality
i know it will make me a fatass so i don't eat it often.

>> No.17864421

>The fun of arguing on an anonymous image board
This whole comment chain is different anons, isn't it?

>> No.17865690

nobody is forcing any of them to wait. they do it anyway. and everybody passing by takes a look and thinks - wow! all those people waiting! it MUST be good. let's stand in line too....

>> No.17866586

people who flock to new restaurants are retards in general

>> No.17866617

but most keep driving and if the dumbass would double the price hed make all the money for half the work.

>> No.17866620

1 hour? Easily especially if you're with good company (or alone). I mean, maybe not literally "standing in line" but waiting 1 hour, sure. Any longer, probably not

I'm a patient man and if the restaurant has any kind of decent mayonnaise 1 hour is nothing

>> No.17866629

you couldn't just have waited till the hype died down a little bit?

>> No.17866639

You didn't wait 3 hours in line faggot. They only take orders through postmates now.

>> No.17866649

This - not only do new places have stupid wait times, they will have new staff who are not used to the work flow yet and are more likely to fuck something up.

>> No.17866655

i dont stand in line for anything, that shit is for poor people and retards. people will literally just stand in a line because they see other people standing in line

>> No.17866657

>an hour for decent mayonnaise

>> No.17866666

anything but that Kraft shit

>> No.17866713

exactly, mobbing a new restaurant is literally shit for both parties:
>annoys the shit out of staff who are still learning the layout and workflow
>is annoying as a customer because you have to content with a huge line of "foody" retards lining up around the block
what also annoys me are fags who show up on the first day and get mad about typical new restaurant issues "hurrr durrr you should hire more people!!!!"

>> No.17866978

>what also annoys me are fags who show up on the first day and get mad about typical new restaurant issues
typical Yelper shit

>> No.17866999

how do you bread your chicken when you fry it?

im thinking like a double dip in seasoned flour and buttermilk might be the thing?

how do i get a thicc crispy coating?

>> No.17867022

>ritz crackers
>crushed doritos

>> No.17867029

dredge chicken in mayonnaise and then >>17867022 or bread crumbs or w/e

>> No.17867036

what about mayo + buttermilk powder or even a little actual buttermilk - i want tang

what about cornflakes mixed with some sort of flour?

do i need to bother to buy rice flour?

>> No.17867040

i just use regular flour and cornstach like a normal person

>> No.17867051

This was an effort mayopost

>> No.17867057

but i want it thicc like in the pictures

when i make it its disappointing

>> No.17867063

Use cornstarch too

>> No.17867068

If you waited hours in line for a Chicken sandwich you need to reevaluate your life.

>> No.17867363

have you came out to your f8JXPXamily yet?

>> No.17867390

I will wait 30 min for a table or 60 for food, if its good enough. Nowhere is worth a several hour wait.

>> No.17867418

The most I would stand in a line is 20-30 minutes, car or in person for personal need.

>im not poor faggot. pays someone else to do that shit.

as a food delivery driver, most drivers won't wait past 40 minutes for food. if they're told they're gonna have to wait 40 minutes, they'll either cancel your order, or they're going to do personal shit like shopping or eating before they pick up your order.

>> No.17867545
File: 113 KB, 816x816, 1627924694594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

homemade is better

>> No.17867554

I stood in line at a ramen shop for 1.5 hour with my girlfriend once, told her I wasn't doing that again and haven't.

>> No.17867576

People wait in line just as long to go on rides at theme parks and I doubt that's as good as a good meal so I don't see why not.

>> No.17867583

If you are a male living in NYC and you want to have any kind of dating prospects you will wait in a lot of lines.
The amount of time I've spent in lines waiting to eat overpriced eggs at brunch is unconscionable

>> No.17867631

Are you Asian ? Are you single? I'll be your cute white gf and we can never wait in shitty lines please this is my absolutely fantasy I can't find any good guys in NYC

>> No.17867637

do you have a penis?

>> No.17867638

I'm white

>> No.17867648

Are you willing to date other men? I wouldn't go to a restaurant with you. I'd make you a nice picnic.

Maybe if you ever get tired of women...

tits or gtfo roastie slut

>> No.17867663
File: 267 KB, 1440x1080, 240734718_4863047957057787_49112477658396494_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this shit, waiting in a line like this for a taco should be illegal

>> No.17867691

there's a ramen shop like that near me that is very popular. but at least they're with the times and you sign up with your phone number and you get a 5 minute warning when you're almost up so you don't have to stand around and wait right in front of the restaurant with 100 other folks for an hour.

>> No.17868213

>im not poor faggot. pays someone else to do that shit

I doubt a restraunt that has a 1+ hour standing line even allows door dash style apps collecting their food. I would assume they thrive on the exclusivity.

>> No.17868769

Someone post the wemb of the massive line for the little caesars

>> No.17869157

No. I'm a decently hot white girl with a vagina.
Gross I only like asian guys
you probably have a higher body count than I do

>> No.17869174

was dating some stupid vegan right around when impossible burgs started coming out. some food truck specializing in them came to town and parked at a brewery. i shit you not there was a 3 hour wait for a lame burger with mediocre fries.

i dumped her shortly after for unrelated stuff but my mouth tasted like copper that whole day.

>> No.17869304

I'd rather eat a sloppa I can throw together at home

>> No.17869556


>> No.17869577

I once stood in line at an Auntie Anne's Pretzels for 30 minutes. Stupidest decision of my life. Granted, I didn't know the wait was gonna be that long and that the employees were that incompetent. But if I know the wait is that long at a place, I go elsewhere. I cannot stand waiting in lines for anything, so I'm not about to do that shit for something I'm doing in my free time, like eating.

>> No.17869582

obvious exception for friends and family, but otherwise, fuck that shit

>> No.17869599

>everybody passing by takes a look and thinks - wow! all those people waiting! it MUST be good. let's stand in line too....
I take a look and say "Wow, they're mismanaging that restaurant. I don't want to go there ever."

>> No.17871205

>I take a look and say "Wow, they're mismanaging that restaurant
how would that be mismanaging the restaurant?
usually it means they have tasty food.
maybe they just don't have the resources to expand fast enough to meet the demand

>> No.17871605

glad to know satan enjoys the co/ck/ brand of humor

>> No.17871733

Only for a furburger, if you know what I mean.

>> No.17871924

Bullshit howlin rays is still postmates only unless something changed in the last week

>> No.17872067

you're supposed to hang out with your friends and shoot the shit in line while you wait. not like you incel chuds would know that anyways

>> No.17872110
File: 124 KB, 843x900, 189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the 10th anniversary of shake shack, they had michelin star chefs come in each day for a week at the Madison Park location and do their own burgers instead of the normal fare, but at normal shake shack prices. Daniel Humm (Eleven Madison Park, #1 restaurant in the world, 3 michelin stars, etc) did a truffle burger. And I mean legit big shavings of truffle. see picrel, it's the truffle fries they offered at one promo (didn't take a pic of the burger).

I waited six and a half fucking hours on my day off for two truffle cheeseburgers. They were delicious. One of the best burgers I've ever had. They were not worth the wait. They did give everyone a free chicago dog for waiting, which was nice as you were gonna be very hungry otherwise.

>> No.17872114

If I was standing behind pretty women, yes. Choose the right moment to join the wait.

>> No.17872123
File: 91 KB, 500x750, pw-mercantile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did for Pioneer Woman's restaurant out in Pawhuska, really worth it though.

>> No.17872147

Popeyes, the staff is fucking incompetent and their drivethrough is set up to trap you in