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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17857946 No.17857946 [Reply] [Original]

why is USA so obsessed with corn?

its not even a good grain

>> No.17857949 [DELETED] 

Why are 3rd worlders so obsessed with America?

it's not even a bad country

>> No.17857955

Corn can feed people pretty easily. It's a densely producing crop.

>> No.17857966

Who says that corn is an American only thing? I'm german and I love me some corn from time to time aswell.

>> No.17857967

because of big corn and gov subsidies

>> No.17857969

I love Iowa

>> No.17857971

Americans only eat phallic food

>> No.17857977

The rest of the world only eats phalli

>> No.17857981
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Clearly this crop doesn't grow all around the world. It isn't a staple in China. It isn't popular in Europe. It isn't a famous regional crop in Australia/NZ.

Nope. No sir. Only America.

>> No.17857989

America is actually possessed by mesoamerican corn demons.

>> No.17858013
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>America is actually possessed by mesoamerican corn demons.

>> No.17858026

There are some areas here in Germany where corn is grown but not on the scale America can grow it

>> No.17858048

Once you start cramming corn, your entire view of reality changes.

>> No.17858059

It grows everywhere. Sorry, I forgot about German humour being straightforward. The US just happens to be one of those plus-sized jumbo countries where individual regions are the size of normal countries.

>> No.17858068

Are your corn cobs also jumbo sized? If so than goddamn I want some of those!

>> No.17858074

You can find some actually
In cali i can find huge cobs from vendors
Corn cheese mayo butter chilli flakes

10/10, snack on the go with lemonade

>> No.17858083

sounds awsome, except for the california part

>> No.17858094

what's your favorite grain?

>> No.17858098

America consumes more corn compared to size and population than other countries and I don't know what you get out of acting in denial about that

>> No.17858099

what a stupid fucking junk toy

>> No.17858103
File: 81 KB, 1039x704, Screenshot_2022-05-17 Corn global consumption, 2020 2021 Statista.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not acting in denial, just pointing out that BIG countries have BIG stats.
God, I don't know where "Total" is but I wish I lived there.

>> No.17858113

And literally all of South America

>> No.17858183

most of it goes into gasoline as ethanol, the hegemony must be maintained

>> No.17858188

>America consumes more corn compared to size and population than other countries
No shit, it's endemic to the american continent.

>> No.17858280

China produces the second most corn in the world. In fact, it has been the fastest growing corn producer for a while and is catching up to the US

>> No.17858283
File: 122 KB, 1467x783, Corn-Refining-Diagram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The main reason is that corn is such a productive and versatile crop, responding to investments in research, breeding and promotion. It has incredibly high yields compared with most other U.S. crops, and it grows nearly anywhere in the country, especially thriving in the Midwest and Great Plains. Plus, it can be turned into a staggering array of products. Corn can be used for food as corn flour, cornmeal, hominy, grits or sweet corn. It can be used as animal feed to help fatten our hogs, chickens and cattle. And it can be turned into ethanol, high-fructose corn syrup or even bio-based plastics.

from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/time-to-rethink-corn/

I guess every country has their crop. In Finland it's oats. It feels like everything is made of oats.

>> No.17858293
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For our population size, it's outsized amount of oats.

>> No.17858300 [DELETED] 
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>implying it's not a bad country

>> No.17858313 [DELETED] 

>america is not a bad
>america is not 3rd world
excellent cope sir

>> No.17858322

it is a pretty good grain tho
how many other grains could you actually describe as tasting sweet?

>> No.17858336

It tastes good and is cheap.
What else do you need?

>> No.17858359
File: 190 KB, 1024x782, united-states-top-corn-producing-areas-map-1024x782[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

large parts of the country have land that is not fit to grow anything besides very low value row crops like corn and soybeans. because our electoral system heavily tilts towards low population areas, we throw more and more money at finding uses for the crap they can grow there. that's why they make us put ethanol in our fuel tanks.

>> No.17858427 [DELETED] 

I live here and please get me out of this godforsaken hellhole

>> No.17858709 [DELETED] 

Go back to Africa, then.

>> No.17858823 [DELETED] 

>Go to school
>Get shot
>Go to supermarket
>Get shot
>Go to mall
>Get shot
>Go to concert
>Get shot
>Go to the movies
>Get shot
>Go to nightclub
>Get shot
>Call the cops
>Get shot

>> No.17858895

Do Americans have maize? I come from a country where maize is a staple food and find corn even as a concept quite ridiculous.

>> No.17858908

Here's a real reason. As a last ditch effort before devolving back to apes, us switched from leaded gasoline to E10 from corn

>> No.17858913

we have an infinite supply of corn

>> No.17858921

That's the point he's making, bro.

>> No.17858935

>if you see him you become him

>> No.17858945

>land that is not fit to grow anything besides very low value row crops
You have that backwards. That area has such high crop production that it was decided to control production and pricing on a government level to prevent market collapse. Corn and soybeans are just the crops that were decided to have the most secondary benefits.

>> No.17858956
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> The spell is complete
> It is permanent
Am I gonna be okay, bros..?

>> No.17858961

No it's not.

>> No.17859060
File: 431 KB, 804x1504, Screenshot_20220518-081003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corn is the US (and several other countries) word for the plant that is commonly called maize in other countries.

>> No.17859066 [DELETED] 

>strongly suggest the truth or existence of (something not expressly stated)
>something not expressly stated

>> No.17859108

Based retard

>> No.17859121


>> No.17859243

thread made me look forward to summer grilled corn on the cob

>> No.17859277

Wait, so what you guys eat is actually maize? Why the fuck do you call it 'corn'? Is all corn sweet or does HFCS only come from one type of corn (sweet corn)? And why is your maize yellow? I have so many questions.
Based all-knowing genius.

>> No.17859279


>> No.17859305

in germany it's spelled Mais

>> No.17859325

you shut your filthy whore mouth

>> No.17859329

I have never eaten corn.

>> No.17859330

Americans are people of corn

>> No.17859335

Summer has arrived!

>> No.17859346

It's a new world vegetable, it grows natively (after some selective breeding over the past thousands of years) in the US. Same reason China and co love that rice.

Not sure why potatoes specifically caught on in Europe though versus corn, as far as new world veg go, guess was easiest to transport in the early days.

>> No.17859528

No hfcs in any corn

>> No.17859545

for breakfast I had a bowl of corn flakes sweetened with corn syrup
for lunch I had a can of carbonated corn syrup with a bag of corn chips
for dinner I had corn on the cob with corn chips(nachos) and a glass of corn alcohol(whiskey)

>> No.17859854

Fuck sweet corn

>> No.17859869

Native Americans are the shit out of corn. It's the potato of the western hemisphere.

>> No.17860172

the potato is the potato of the western hemisphere

>> No.17860182

I'm pretty sure I am older than you, but you can keep your grain esotericism to yourself. I hope you feel superior for knowing more about corn than some simple, puzzled 3rd worlder.

>> No.17860218

the fuck is EU27 did we start colonizing jupiters moons or some blade runner shit

>> No.17860234

sweet corn just refers to corn that people actually eat whole (the kind you buy at the store).

>> No.17860239

Genstlemen, Behold

>> No.17860355


>> No.17860717

>The European Union is a political and economic union of 27 member states that are(...)

>> No.17860724

sounds gay

>> No.17860729

why are euros so obsessed with americans

>> No.17860749

Well, if a bunch of American asshats didn't have Gadaffi murdered, we'd also have an African Union instead of turning Europe into one.

>> No.17860841

Why are you coping about eating corn?

>> No.17860889

I read somewhere that part of it was to avoid taxation. With grains you had to harvest it all, and then you paid tax on the harvest. You could leave potatoes in the ground for way longer and declare a much smaller harvest when taxation time came around.

>> No.17860900

you can just say jews we're all friends

>> No.17860917

potatoes are unironically a superfood if it's your main staple. Had pretty much all the vitamins and minerals you need and a ton of simple and complex carbs to boot. It mogs the fuck out of wheat, barley, beans, corn and oats.

>> No.17860924

refer to this handy list to see what we make from corn:
>sugar (dextrose)
>carbs (dextrin)
>vegetable oil
>corn syrup
>industrial cornstarch (thickening agent)
>industrial corn syrup

>> No.17860931

Bro Miyazaki needs to fucking get some therapy before his next game. I'm done with this shit

>> No.17860956

No harsh offence meant.

>> No.17861095

The wiki page is actually pretty gud:
>Sweet corn, also called sugar corn and pole corn, is a variety of maize grown for human consumption with a high sugar content. Sweet corn is the result of a naturally occurring recessive mutation in the genes which control conversion of sugar to starch inside the endosperm of the corn kernel. Unlike field corn varieties grown for animal fodder, which are harvested when the kernels are dry and mature (dent stage), sweet corn is picked when immature (milk stage) and prepared and eaten as a vegetable, rather than a grain. Since the process of maturation involves converting sugar to starch, sweet corn stores poorly and must be eaten fresh, canned, or frozen, before the kernels become tough and starchy.

>Why the fuck do you call it 'corn'?
Corn is Old English. The etymology goes older and wider, but essentially the sense of the Old English word was "grain with the seed still in" (as in barleycorn) rather than a particular plant. Maize was referred to as Indian corn and at some point they dropped the Indian adjective.
>Is all corn sweet or does HFCS only come from one type of corn (sweet corn)?
HFCS is made from corn starch so the higher the starch yield from milling the better. The process is mainly breaking down the complex carbs into simple sugars with enzymes. I don't believe sweet corn is the ideal.
>And why is your maize yellow?
There was much selective breeding and cross breeding over the centuries.
In 1893, "Reid's Yellow Dent" won first prize at the Chicago World's Fair. The variety was subsequently used as the generic base for many other yellow dent varieties.

>> No.17861618

How is he wrong?

>> No.17861624

none taken, my uncircumcised friend

>> No.17861665

It’s just so OP can make a thread crying about Americans. It’s compulsive; even if there are already 5 cope-and-seethe-about-America threads in the catalogue, he just has to do it.2whr4

>> No.17861673

A bushel of corn is 56 pounds and the USA has 330 million people, so this means Americans consume a little over 2000 pounds per year of corn on average. Of course, most of that is animal feed and ethanol, but that's still a lot of corn.

>> No.17861679

Americans are 2% corn by volume

>> No.17861687
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>> No.17861711

not obsessed but when they decided to move west from the colonies they planted dickloads of corn because free food forever

>> No.17861717

Actually, only a tiny fraction is consumed by humans, and feed isn't very much either. 40% is biofuel, 36% ethanol (with a small percent leftover for drinking alcohol), feed is after that, then people.

>> No.17861729

gov subsidizes the fuck out of it which made a lot of big companies get into corn who then lobby the government to subsidize corn even more
monsanto is literal actual evil and nobody cares

>> No.17861826

I’d believe it

>> No.17861849

Very true. The "Poor Irish" diet of literally nothing but cow's milk and potatoes contains every single nutrient the human body needs to survive. You've got to eat like 3500 calories total of them to get to your rda of some of those nutrients, but that's better than corn, wheat, etc, which are just outright missing some essential nutrients.

>> No.17862063


>> No.17862164
File: 18 KB, 783x484, Dati-produzione-mais.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>U.S. corn growers produced 15.1 billion bushels, up 7% from 2020 and the second highest on record. Corn yield in the United States is estimated at a record high 177.0 bushels per acre, 5.6 bushels above the 2020 yield of 171.4 bushels per acre. Area harvested for grain, at 85.4 million acres, is up 4% from 2020.

that is fucking insane

>> No.17862176
File: 90 KB, 681x1023, two girls one cob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17862567

they lived active farming lifestyles and had almost no heat/ usually insufficient clothing 3500 would probably be maintance calories/ slight deficit.

>> No.17862951

Yeah, I figured wikipedia would have some info on this. Thank you very much.
I am trying my best anon.

>> No.17862958
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It's an industrial crop and most corn grown gets turned into ethanol fuel with the mash recycled as fertilizer or feed. Compare Brazil's sugarcane crop.

>> No.17862967

Ever wondered what continent its native to

>> No.17862969

>Not sure why potatoes specifically caught on in Europe though versus corn
If you don’t nixtamalize corn you can’t live off of it. They tried using it as peasant food and it resulted in huge nutrient deficiency outbreaks.

>> No.17862973

That post was heavily sarcastic. Corn is pretty popular in NZ, and South Island corn is probably the best in the world. Crops don't just grow where they originate.

>> No.17862975

because it's easy as fuck to grow and it's great for food companies that want to hook people on food without adding any actual substance to it

>> No.17862977

Obviously but I just meant the blatant reason why it would be a popular crop in the Americas to this day

>> No.17863073
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I choose to identify as corn woman instead

>> No.17863088
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>> No.17863151

the right CAN meme

>> No.17863862

The potato & milk diet has adequate amounts of almost every nutrient, but one - molybdenum. Add a small amount of oatmeal, which has plenty of molybdenum, and you are good to go.

>> No.17863934


>> No.17863983

I stand corrected. Thank you.

>> No.17863993
File: 268 KB, 1000x1333, corn01_custom-296be741b08a110fe196344444c5953b84457919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't tell me you eat the corn mold in the year 2022

>> No.17863998

>nobody cares
Because we aren’t fucking schizos.

>> No.17864857

It's heavily subsidized so it's dirt cheap to produce, as far as actually eating it it can be pretty good but I agree there are much better grains

>> No.17864893

>sugar (dextrose)
>carbs (dextrin)
wall filler
>vegetable oil
>corn syrup
>industrial cornstarch (thickening agent)
>industrial corn syrup

Why do we grow corn again?

>> No.17864933

his post needs a couple commas but is otherwise fine. Not bad at all for esl standards

>> No.17864940

Hey, don't post smut on a blue board.

>> No.17865336

Most corn produced in the United States is not eaten by people: The largest amount of corn produced by U.S. farmers (46.4 percent) is used as feed for animals. Another 30.5 percent is converted to ethanol, and 12.9 is exported

>> No.17865359

Ethanol is biofuel.

>> No.17866275

he might mean corn oil vs alcohol

>> No.17866331
File: 327 KB, 1120x1120, corn hair woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll never be one of the children of the corn

>> No.17866372

you sound like a fag lol

>> No.17866375

or as the indians called it, maize. another famous indian was crazy horse

>> No.17866381

>sugar (dextrose)
>carbs (dextrin)
>Why do we grow corn again?
because is not poison, you fucking hippie motherfucker, go fuck yourself

>> No.17866845

ancient Mayans unironically did and some modern chefs still use that to make dishes.

>> No.17866918

>consume corn
More like turn it all into liquid sugar and add it to everything.

>> No.17866927
File: 31 KB, 400x304, 43-corn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corn is based and redpilled

>> No.17866945
File: 32 KB, 494x700, Khrushchev-and-Corn-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corn transcends borders and cultures

>> No.17867091

im suprised that we use it more than mexico but i think thats because we dont tax corn syrup like sugar cane.

>> No.17867178
File: 15 KB, 550x309, corncatshare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone likes corn. whatsa matter?

>> No.17867185

I don't like eating corn because it comes out undigested in my poop...

>> No.17867714
File: 184 KB, 484x650, D645528F-7A33-4D07-9734-EFBD35C3ABF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy oh boy did you stumble on a rabbit hole! Corn or Maize is a literal sacred food venerated by every group of people who ever lived here. Corn ruled before we arrived among the natives and we later dedicated entire states to corn. I eat corn every day to some extent and it must be eaten every 4th of july. There are literally hours of history of corn or Maize videos you can find. Just know that even when Americans are gone and replaced the corn shall rule and it shall be cultivated and eaten. It shall fuel this land until the end of time.

>> No.17869512

Who would have thought that the cattle would fall in love with feed

>> No.17869773

>USA [...] obsessed
0 self awareness

>> No.17870817

t. corn syrup addict

>> No.17871779 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17872015
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>all the butthurt eurocucks ITT too poor to afford a trip to the corn barn

>> No.17872034

why is wikipedia so autistic about the page title?
>corn syrup
>corn starch
>corn meal
>pop corn
>nooooooooooo you have to call it "maize" you can't just say corn

>> No.17872065

>ywn light the corn barn on fire
imagine the popcorn

>> No.17872092

>keep your head above the corn
best advice I've ever gotten!

>> No.17872095

pop corn and sweet corn are different, if it ain't pop corn it won't pop

>> No.17872129

Americans probably consume more of every kind of food simply because they are fat and greedy.