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17857077 No.17857077 [Reply] [Original]

So what's good when it comes to bars and drinking? What do you people like / dislike about the whole experience? Anything big or small.

For me, it's paying an entitled narcissist to pop the cap off my beer. I do not like that.

>> No.17857090
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>going to a bar to drink

>> No.17857101

What's your beef with that proposal? Tons of bars exist and tons of those bars stay in business year over year. They are clearly doing SOMETHING right.

>> No.17857122

Loud talking
Loud people
Pretending to like people you don't like
The assumption that if you're talking to a person of the sex you're purportedly into for the venue (opposite at most bars, same for some), that you must be angling for a sexual encounter

But mostly, it's the loudness that I hate

>For me, it's paying an entitled narcissist to pop the cap off my beer. I do not like that.

Do you think it's a charity or something? Get a job NEET

>> No.17857130

why would you go to a bar if you dont want to pay for drinks

>> No.17857134

>The assumption that if you're talking to a person of the sex you're purportedly into for the venue (opposite at most bars, same for some), that you must be angling for a sexual encounter

Yep. Really tired of that shit.

>> No.17857143

I dont mind paying for drinks but tipping some pretty looking person 20% + to walk a few steps one direction, grab something, turn and walk a few steps back and place it on the table is approaching absurdity. Maybe people feel OK tipping if the bartender is at least interesting. Someone to chat with while you drink and listen to music. I could get down with that. But if its just some cunt who is listening to Pandora and playing on the phone then what's the actual justification for tipping them?

>> No.17857150

Likes: Drinking at places that aren't my house. Drinking things that I'm in the mood for without committing to entire bottles. Dimly lit atmospheres. Having a good time without having to clean anything or taking the time to make drinks.

Dislikes: Drinking is expensive. People can't hold their shit. There's always at least 1 asshole. It takes a lot of trial and error to find a good bar.

>> No.17857160

Can relate to all that.

>> No.17857164

idk personally ive never had an issue with tipping, even if a bartender isnt particularly good or w.e. often times bartenders have to tip out barbacks/bussers so i usually do it with them in mind if the bartender sucks.

>> No.17857179

Craft breweries are way better nowadays than bars. Not as loud, just as many hot women, charge you 5 dollars for a beer you can’t get anywhere else rather than a bud light or Heineken, and most of them now have full bars anyway

>> No.17857183

Good point. That's true. Frankly I tip out of custom. Dont always think about the entire back of house staff relying on bartender tips but I feel better now thinking about all those times I tipped generously like a robot.

>> No.17857188

You sold me on them. I'd like to live in a place like that.

>> No.17857191

I always tip then negative, money hasn’t ever been added back my account yet though.

>> No.17857197

Worth a try though.

>> No.17857213
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Any leafs in this thread?
Is this a good sip?

>> No.17857215

Keep me posted when you try one out.

>> No.17857217

Women make the worst bartenders.

>> No.17857223

If I had to guess I would assume constantly being hit on either stops mattering to them or it breaks them. Burnout vs. Going numb. Some of them are realllllly bitchy.

>> No.17857258

Probably. I've never gone to a bar an acted like I could fuck the bartender though, and still subject to their moods from time to time. It's a minor annoyance that's fixed with a $1 tip even for a $150 tab. Regardless, give me a dude behind the bar any day of the week because that nonsense is non existent

>> No.17857295

They're not fun to talk to but I've never had an issue with their work
Who goes to bars to talk to the bartender anyway? I've always thought that was weird

>> No.17857313

I have to agree that males tend to be less drama-inclined. Its happened too frequently where the female bartender is personally offended if you DONT show sexual interest in her, or is so tired of being hit-on she's a bitch right off the bat. That is no fun whatsoever to deal with.

Eh... talking to bartenders goes way back. People going to drink alone (for whatever reason -- not simply alcoholics) enjoy the chance to talk to someone. I suppose bartenders dont mind indulging them as it likely improves the tip prospects. That said I am like you. Dont have any interest in chatting up the bartender.

>> No.17857314

You're misinterpreting, or I didn't make myself clear enough,. I don't go to a bar to make conversation with the bartender. I'm talking about an attitude when ordering a drink. Don't, know them, they don't know me, and they are moody giving me the areyoufuckingserious.jpg look for a whiskey and a lager.

>> No.17857316

bars are naturally social environments so i dont see whats weird about it. its not like your chatting up a janitor or something.

>> No.17857347

mixologist dorks. having worked as a bartender in some pretty swanky cocktail bars myself, there's always some dork that bases their entire personality on """the art of mixology""" down to wearing vests and fedoras. those dudes are usually insufferable, always name dropping industry people, talking about the latest meme techniques some random ass bar half way around the world is pioneering, like clarified yogurt citrus extract or some shit. mother fuckers will take 5 mins to make a daiquiri because theyre flipping jiggers and bottles.

>> No.17857359

Hahaha. Man, now I know who to avoid.

>> No.17857379

>go to a bar
>if bartender looks like a dweeb, get him to make me the most labor intensive drink
>when he comes back tell him I saw bud light on the tap and want that instead
>keep doing it with new beers until he refuses

>> No.17857418

Like getting beers on draft and trying new mixed drinks
Dislike if theres nothing to do at the bar or if its too loud to hear anything

>> No.17857450

What are a few examples of things you'd like or do like doing at bars? Genuine question.

>> No.17857533

>what's good when it comes to bars and drinking?
safest place to meet with co-workers so they don't learn where you live.

>> No.17857561

live music
open dance floor

this is literally the most important rule, anon.
any bar that plays this stuff will attract a criminal and violent element while driving away good patrons.

>> No.17857566

Pool, arcade games, board games, even just a firepit or something

>> No.17857576

hard to find one I can be myself at without getting in a fight / banned / arrested / etc. Or you know, at least not banned for doing what I thought everyone did at bars. Honestly it's all a bunch of bullshit, the whole fucking charade is fake unless you can find a real hole in the wall tucked away out of sight that's kept alive by biker gangs. Fuck the rest of them

>> No.17857589

I forgot about pool tables. That's a nice way to pass the time with your buddies over a few drinks.

>> No.17857603
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>An excuse to meet up with friends
>Might talk to someone new
>Might try a cocktail you never had
>A less than zero but still extremely low chance you'll meet a girl
>Might see some weird people doing funny stuff

>Paying triple for drinks
>Potentially horriblle music
>Can get depressing seeing people your age in relationships
>Thinking this is the best you can do when it comes to socializing
>Having to drive home at 2am instead of crashing on the nearest couch

When it's really good it's REALLY good. But when it's bad, it's still less bad than being home alone doing nothing.

>> No.17857613

Just say that you're afraid of African Americans it's quicker

>> No.17857619
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>> No.17857639

don't put people in jeopardy because of memes, anon.
i've never seen a bar do a hip hop night without the cops being called.

>> No.17857649

>hat I thought everyone did at bars
elaborate, anon.
i wanna hear how autistic you really are.

>> No.17857674

Not him but never seen a bar do a "hip hop night" and most bars near me throw rap music in the mix and I've never seen any trouble
Where do you live where this is a problem

>> No.17857680

upstate new york.

>> No.17857690

That tracks desu, was going to guess western pa. Probably a somewhat localized problem

>> No.17857693

all of that is cool in my book

>> No.17857695

I go in sunglasses because I have little interest in socialising and the bartender literally always chats me up. Rather talk to them than other bar-goers anyway tbqh

>> No.17857698

it's not.
having a few hip hop songs in the mix is quite ok.
but an entire night of hip hop makes drunks want to fight for some reason.

>> No.17857700

eh, I guess I am a little autistic. Just kinda butthurt the good little bars where I could be myself shut down. I get loud but not necessarily aggressive but I go from like a complete recluse to socializing with everyone. Ever since I started going in bars I was the guy who the bartender would say "here's trouble" when I walked in cause I did troll a bit. I'm literally banned from the local bars now and my favorites closed up

here in bumfuck central FL there used to be a country bar with an area in the back where they played hiphop so it was all rednecks in the front and niggers in the back in their own little section. It was fucked. Had a couple shootings and people stopped going and now it's a post office

>> No.17857704

>loud but not necessarily aggressive
you're the guy that can't shut the fuck up and leave people alone.
you should be banned.

>> No.17857709

way to present yourself as an alcoholic

>> No.17857718

There is an ever-so-slight chance you may be out of line.
I hear ya. Observing the crowd at certain bars is definitely entertaining. So is walking around between bars in the "entertainment district" and seeing a bunch of weird/high/drunk/freakish people shambling around while you have a nice buzz

>> No.17857747

nah I can leave people alone but I may end up talking to someone's woman or saying something over the line etc. and only the real rough places can handle my vibe when my inhibitions go all the way away. I said not aggressive, ie, if someone wants me to fuck off from them I will but most places just freak out as soon as they see a beast like me letting loose. You wouldn't get it

>> No.17857788

yeah, you're just a dick bro.

>> No.17857795

same to you

>> No.17857831

>Who goes to bars to talk to the bartender anyway?
It's an especially good way to integrate into a local area if you move somewhere. When the bartender can vouch you're not an asshole and interesting, they'll help set you up with women, make friends, whatever. They might end up being your friend too.

I like heading up to my local bar because I know one of a few bartenders or regulars will be around to make conversation when I don't feel like making big plans with friends.

But that's the other reason bars are good - nice casual environments where my buddies and I can meet up after work at a centralized area, plus drink whatever we want instead of having to haul ass all over the city to meet in someone's place and have a choice of like, two beers and two cocktails.

>> No.17858651

I've never been to a bar though I always wanted to. But I don't have any friends to go with and I'm afraid of social interactions with strangers so I just drink at home

>> No.17859189

many bars have a big selection of spirits that I might want to try without committing to a full bottle, cocktails that I might want to try without having to buy all of the ingredients, beers on draft, which is the best way to get a fresh beer, bartenders that might recommend me something I wouldn't have thought of myself, and they have space where I can drink and be loud with friends, which I might otherwise not have at home
>paying an entitled narcissist
I worked in bars for years and my experience is that customers are typically a lot more entitled than bartenders, so that might be you
I believe anon is implying that it's a lot better to go to a bar to socialize or do other things instead of to drink

>> No.17860469

>walk a few steps one direction, grab something, turn and walk a few steps back and place it on the table
Why would you order a beer at a bar? You can buy them on your own. Order a cocktail with some fancy ingredients you'd never otherwise buy.
>playing on the phone
Try not living in a flyover state with dead bars and bored bartenders.
You're right that half of a bartender's job is to be interesting though. If they have nothing to do, they should at least be chatty. I will say I've never had a problem with this, all the bartenders I've ever met have either been good at holding an interesting conversation, or too busy to talk.

>> No.17860475

This, the bitchiest bartenders I've had were also accompanied by some token asshole literally saying "'scuse me toots" or "how much to take your shirt off?" so they get a pass.

>> No.17860521

is andrew dice clay at all the bars you got to wtf lol

>> No.17860632

I like drinking and smoking. When I'm drunk nothing really bothers me.

>> No.17860745

I used to drink this as a teenager. It's more of a party drink than drinking alone drink.

>> No.17860792

to play pool, shoot the shit with dirty old men, have some laughs, maybe get laid. to have somewhere to drink with your buddies where nobody can really judge you. not having to make food while shitfaced. pinball and sometimes skee ball. karaoke

there's a lot thats nice about it.

the main things I dislike are that everything is overpriced, you can't really be anti-social if you so choose, you can't drink as much as you might want without getting face mugged by some uptight cunt

>> No.17860799

>drinking alcohol in public

>> No.17860808

based post

>> No.17860831

Do americans really just get bottles of beers at pubs

>> No.17860838

bars will have a selection of draft beers and bottled beers desu my senpai

>> No.17860840

I like drink specials, light beer out of bottles, pool tables, juke boxes.

I don't like loud music, overcrowded bars, etc.

>> No.17860887

> Do you think it's a charity or something?
Every bar in town survived solely on governments handouts during COVID-19. So yes it’s a charity financed by my taxes.

>> No.17861099

This anon nailed it. While I do love mixing drinks, sometimes you just want one glass of something without the commitment of a whole bottle. Also, it lets me try out new flavor combinations that I might want to try to make myself.

>> No.17861133

>Why would you order a beer at a bar?
So I don't have to commit to a six pack or more of it. I might be somewhere with a regional brewery I won't have a chance to purchase if I'm at the store.

>> No.17861179

being surrounded by people you don't know is the worst setting for drinking imho

>> No.17862522

>I believe anon is implying that it's a lot better to go to a bar to socialize or do other things instead of to drink
No, you gormless retard, the anon is saying that people on /ck/ don't go out to bars, they drink where they live.

>> No.17863204

>flyover state.

that's true. i do live in one of those. The bars suck. its just sad alcoholics sitting alone, no vibe in the bar, no music, old alcoholic bartenders. this pervasive aura of admitted defeat and weakness to addiction

>> No.17863211

Bartenders in Austin in the "entertainment district" have become very strict about the drinks-per-hour rule. They monitor customers to make sure they arent drinking too much too fast. Last time it happened the bartender told me i have to wait 15 minutes before another drink. It's fucking stupid. NO point in going out anymore. I can pack a picnic and socialize with people on a sunny day at the park if all i wanted to do is talk.

>> No.17863243
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Just got back from a nearby bar myself, some pro's and con's I can share:

- Getting to know the bar staff pays off huge dividends. Wanna chat up some chicks or mingle with the regulars? Tipping and being courteous gets you way further than feigning interest in the bar staff's lives
- Not being a shithead. People get shitfaced all you want, just don't pick a fight with the people pouring your drinks. Real easy to do.
- Meeting new people is easy, especially if you become a regular. This becomes an avenue to meet new people and get invited to random shit, even if it's dumb shit.
- Never take shit personally at the bar, if you've got a beef with the staff you probably stepped over the line OR set off someone with random comments. Keep it on the downlow if you can't hold your spaghetti

- You will see the worst aspects of human nature in full view. Envy, rage, licentiousness, the works will be in full view. Try not to get too blackpilled
- People will pass away, some you might even like. Try not to get bummed out at the reality some of the older folks around won't be there forever
- If you get cozy at a good spot and the bartender takes a beef with you, you're fucked for at least a month before returning. Worst case you can't go back and miss out on all the connections you made. This is gay asf but just play ball with the staff, even if you hate it. Too many bars have even worse shiteheads than your favorite haunt, don't spoil it for pride.
- Don't fuck with regulars. You might be hanging somewhere for 5 years, but the guy who was there for 20+ is going to get one over you in any argument. Just be friendly and most people will mingle with you on a good basis. There are exceptions, but generally speaking don't go and ruin someone's anniversary and make out with a guy's wife in full view of the bar.

Generally speaking the whole venture is a lot of fun, and being able to retreat to your favorite hole in the wall is a huge pressure valve for IRL stress.

>> No.17863275

Found that post to be informative. However, let's return to your post about "Getting cozy at a good spot". I interpreted that to mean sitting on a stool right in front of the bartender, drinking one beer every 90 minutes, not spending money etc. is that what youre referring to? And have bartenders banned you for a month before? What's the story here.

>> No.17863320
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By getting cozy I mean being a known face at the bar, both by the staff and the usual clientele. I've memorized at least 50+ names at the bar I got to, and I'm not some social butterfly. In fact I'd say I started as an autist that gave off psycho vibes until I spent long enough speaking with people and drinking with them that the staff figured I was an alright guy. Prior to that I was in murky waters. It might take a few weeks or a few years depending on your charisma, I don't have much of it. I do have the fortune of people liking me right off the bat, and it's helped to reach out and try and initiate conversation with regulars when I'm not sure what else to do. I've been messy at the bar, shitfaced and making an ass of myself, but never to the extent that I've ticked off the staff. Outside of one guy who has a temper, everyone else sings my praises because of my "mature" temperament. It sounds cringe, but being 25 going 26, everyone thinks I'm 35 because of my raggedy beard (and skin), along with the fact that I don't get indignant at the slightest lack of service. I can camp out at the bar until 2:30AM and not get the stink eye because I don't act like an asshole.

As far as getting kicked out for a month, the worst I did was get pissed on the bench outside the bar and sit there mindlessly until one of the bartenders (the moodiest guy of the bunch, but he's a good lad despite his up the ass attitude about rules) told me I needed to get home instead of passing out on the bench. I didn't take it personal and made my way back home, but someone else might've told him to fuck off. That immediately lands you in hot waters, and the bartender will win the argument between staff and you every time because they know him/her. Just don't push your luck.

One weird exception is that they are kinda bi-polar with regulars. Sometimes they will beat your ass if you mess with their favorite people, other times they will shrug off your friend destroying a marriage.

>> No.17863332

Interesting. Your bar sounds like a place where actual humans with unique personalities go. I havent been to one of those. Its either been TGIFridays or Applebees type shitholes, or tourist-area bars in downtown areas where the crowd is different every night and the bartenders change out after a few months.

>> No.17863343
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It is definitely a unique place, but I don't glorify it too much either. A lot of complex personalities mingle there, for better or worse. The staff are top of the line, even if some of them are a little grouchy or jaded. The key to my continued free reign of the bar has been this: While my shit stinks, so does everyone else's shit stink. Stay around long enough and notice the vices people indulge in, and their collapses, and you'll be squeaky clean in their eyes. Be meek and humble to an extent, but don't eat shit either. I'm the nicest person, and I'm pretty permissive about alot of shit that goes, but I have solid rules too!

>steal my chair
I will tell you to give me my chair, dudebro or hot turbothot, and if you don't hand it over I will pull it from under your ass
>blabber about politics like a shithead
I will rip your ass to shreds if you try and eke out a pseudo-intellectual persona. I'm not a snob about much, but I was obsessed with politics long enough to know who is spewing shit and who has lived through history.

>> No.17863348

Are you an alcoholic. The only people I know that become regulars at bars besides ones with pool tables, or sports bars, are alcoholics.

>> No.17863354

I wouldn't say so. I go to my usual spot 2-3 times a week at most, and 1 time a month at worst. I don't drink at home, I reserve that for the bar. I'm not a fan of beer, and I've stuck with hard liquor when I head out. The "real" alcoholics I've met don't even go out, they just pound 30 beers at home every day until the obituary comes out, to nobody's surprise.

>> No.17863362

poor alcoholics do what you describe, I agree. For a stretch, I also just drank half a bottle of vodka every night for a few months, and that would cost a fortune at a bar

>> No.17863379
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That is true, but the place I got to is dirt cheap compared to the other joints (hence the consistent clientele). I spend 4 bucks for well whiskey + coke, and on certain days I get the happy hour price long after happy hour ended, which means that turns my mixed drinks into $3 per glass. On a day where I'm fishing for a little fun, I'll spend $32, on a day where I'm sad/angry/bored, I'll hit $40-$50. Every other day of the week I'm cold turkey with booze, and it works.

>> No.17863385

No such places like that exist here anymore. I used to go to a "hip" bar/club that was pretty quiet most nights unless there was a show, and I could get a beer and a shot of shit whiskey for $7.50, but all of that kind of thing has been priced out. If I want a pint of guinness anywhere, it's $7.50 minimum

>> No.17863391

And where is this? I'm in metro-Detroit (this is the outer suburbs, not inner city I'm talking about), but the story is generally the same here too. The average pint is like $8.00 minimum, fucking nuts.

>> No.17863393


>> No.17863397
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I visited Toronto in 2019 and the situation was pretty grim. I was paying out the ass for mediocre pours of Kilkenny Red and Strongbow. I heard Vancouver was worse. I guess when the Chinese turn it into a dystopian hive city you'll get the cheap rice wine to compensate.....

>> No.17863398

ugh I cant stand politics or religion conversations anywhere. drunk, high, sober, during sex. its always horse shit.

>> No.17863407

Vancouver is a better city than Toronto, but both are worse than Montreal. Vancouver has a lot of craft breweries and most bars carry at least a dozen rotating beers from them, so in reality it's not so bad unless you're poor. (I am poor)

>> No.17863410

Around alcohol and steady drinking those two topics are poison. Reminded of the time my father brother and I visited Ireland and took the train into N. Ireland. Stopped at "The Crown" pub and my father starts grilling this guy who was minding his own business, reading a newspaper, about the IRA. The dude got up and left the pub after about 30 seconds lol.

>> No.17863412

As am I ; _ ;
It really does ruin most convo's. When people know you better, you'll be fine to maybe chime in here and there. The closest I got to ruin was spilling my spaghetti to some jewish woman about being resentful of yids. She said she got turned on by that and I almost shat my pants.

>> No.17863414


>> No.17863464

I've always hated bars. Going out and putting on a facade when I can just get extremely shitfaced in the comfort of one of my friends places just seems like a pointless waste of money and a good night. I hate waiting in line for the pool table only to lose and never play again because you have to wait another half hour. Talking to random people can be nice, but at bars it's just tiresome for some reason. The worst is I always feel some sort of inexplicable unease, almost like I'm unwelcome. Maybe it's just the 'tism. And you can't just sit and enjoy your drink in most places or you look like the meme where the guy is standing in the corner at a party. House parties and hangouts to get shitfaced are 10x better. Bars are just annoying shite.

>> No.17863497

>biker bars
i live in a town with some biker gangs and also a large number of bars. so sometimes i'll stop in a random bar i've never been to before and get a beer on my way home from work or whatever.

last year over a few week period i stopped in at 3 different bars which had kind of a motorcycle/harley davidson/country confederate etc theme but didn't think that much of it. i guess at one spot there were some rough looking characters with goatees and leather vests etc and bikes in the parking lot but again, i was just there to drink 2 beers and a shot and stare at the TV before going home.

the third one i went to, one of these big guys with long hair and a beard came up to me and said "afternoon officer. are you based out of (name of bigger city about an hour away)?"

i said, yknow, no i live here, why do you ask? and he said, "well you're clearly a fed. we've seen you in our spots. figured i'd come introduce myself."

they thought i was an undercover who had been assigned to cover their gang!!! lol. and that's how i figured out that maybe you shouldn't go to biker bars all the time.

>> No.17863498

Agreed mostly. Neighborhood bars that are local owned are better than Applebee's and chilis, obviously. For many reasons. Tourist district bars suck too because it's 90% hustle. Get them in, serve a few drinks, get them out. Pub culture is distinct in that beer used to be very low alcohol and people would mostly be there to socialize. Catch up on local news and gossip, as well as possibly learn about world news. Friends of the family would be there, very local thing. Basically like an internet message board community. Anyway, the most miserable bar experience I've had had have always been tourist locale bars and chain restaurant bars. Both are worthless.

>> No.17863500

God damn that's a bit unnerving.

>> No.17863511


>> No.17863575

Your dad sounds like an asshole.

>> No.17863579

I like dive bars. Real dive bars where screwups, drunks, and degenerates hang out. Faux dive or upscale bars just fucking suck.

>> No.17863600

>a beast like me letting loose. You wouldn't get it
>You wouldn't get it

>> No.17863613

>beer used to be very low alcohol
now that's just a dumb lie, typical stupid American thinking that he knows about "pub culture" when he's just talking out of his arse

>> No.17863644

He's one of those Americans with Irish ancestry who really, really tries to identify with it. So it must have been super exciting to be in Belfast and talk to the locals about local Irish stuff. Very tactless and embarassing.

>> No.17863648

agreed. Those kinds of bars all got "gentrified" in Austin texas over the past 15 years. Just like the neighborhoods. Nobody can afford to live there, drink there, or hang out there anymore.

>> No.17863808

I can imagine. Hopefully he didn't order an Irish car bomb at the bar

>> No.17863819

I'm from Finland so I don't like anything about it. Insanely expensive. I sort of half-like the concept but that's about it.

>> No.17863822

>You will see the worst aspects of human nature in full view. Envy, rage, licentiousness, the works will be in full view. Try not to get too blackpilled

This is the worst part for me. I will go to the pub with my family from time to time but usually I prefer drinking alone. Seeing some people literally drinking themselves to death is super depressing.

>> No.17864095

>dealing with loud drunk people
bars are only good in earlier/dead hours

>> No.17864121

>I'm from Finland
I'm Jerry

>> No.17864216

Chatting with strangers. Making a new best friend every night.

>> No.17864415

I also hate the loudness. Do yourself a favour and get music earplugs. Something like Alpine musicsafe pro. They reduce the volume a lot but don't ruin the sound quality like cheap foam. So you can actually hear people clearly. If it's really loud, like live night or nightclub it's fucking easier to hear people with the plugs than without.

>> No.17864437

Earlier hours? When the smell of vomit is still fresh? You enjoy having cocktails in public before lunch?

>> No.17864440

That is fun when both people are enjoying a buzz. It feels good to socialize without inhibition. A real comradery about it. Even if its shallow (i think it is shallow. may not be for other people). Regardless its still a good time if things flow smoothly.

>> No.17864443

Most bars don't start filling up until around 9pm. You can have dinner, drink and talk shit comfortably until then

>> No.17864481

Ah ok.

>> No.17864490
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Holy autism lol

>> No.17864493

Why do they have stools at bars? Doesn't that raise the risk of people accidentally falling off their stools drunk?

>> No.17864597


>> No.17864637

Agreed. I have a provisional diagnosis and feel almost exactly the same.

>> No.17864792

hahaha. very appropriate.

>> No.17864812

I just drink at home alone.
Cheaper and doesn't involve other people which makes it perfect.

>> No.17865314
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Not an avid pub goer, but there's a place about 10 minutes walk from my place that I've been to for somewhat special occasions, it's slightly pretentious since its a brewery as well but the stout they make is pretty damn good, spent a birthday there once and had a good time with the boys
The ones in town are too rowdy for me
I just prefer drinking alone or just having drinks at a mate's