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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17856754 No.17856754[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>go to fine dining restaurant with gf
>make waitress describe all the wines
>waitress goes through everything and then tries super hard to sell us on their third most expensive bottle
>pretend like I am interested
>end up just having water
>tip 10%
Fuck servers

>> No.17856759
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>> No.17856764

>>tip 10%
wait that's illegal

>> No.17856777

Hello summer

>> No.17856866

this didn't happen, but it would be based if it did
op is a fag

>> No.17856885

>Be you
>Humiliate a minimum wage worker
>Worker gets fed up and vote far-left
>You come to whine on 4chins about it

>> No.17856893

I've been tipping lower percent and less frequently. Why the fuck is the standard on the god damn ipads 20%, 25%, 28% now.

Also, if I am standing up when Im ordering and I have to come pick up my food, why the fuck am I expected to tip

>> No.17856934

because they'll fuck with your food. it's wagie extortion

>> No.17856940
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>>Humiliate a minimum wage worker
>>Worker gets fed up and vote far-left
??? is this the zoomer democrat pipeline? getting dunked on by boomers while wageslaving?

>> No.17857129

No they won't

>> No.17857173

I like to haggle the tip with the server.

>> No.17857196

I tip like a dollar on takeout because often at restaurants its a waiter who has to do it and take time to answer the phone, take the order, pack it, and charge me for it. I've worked places like that so I get its a pain in the ass, but no never 20%.

>> No.17857199

found the minnie wagie

>> No.17857208

Nobody has any manners or respect for anyone else. That's why. Whoever owns the shop fucked around with the Point of Sale software and set the minimum tip % (which shows up on practically every screen) at something high. Its rude to put that shit on customers rather than paying someone the amount of money an adult needs to live.

>> No.17857222

>>Be you
>>Humiliate a minimum wage worker

>> No.17857224

>be me
>never tip
>if the waitress is attractive I offer $3,000 cash to raw-dog them in the bathroom
>have had sex twice in this fashion

>> No.17857233
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>fine dining

fucking lying piece of shit. you wish you had the balls you have in your imagination

>> No.17857235

doesn’t matter, BTFOing minimum wagies is way too funny to worry about the consequences

>> No.17857253

>it only worked twice

>> No.17857265

I went on a sugar daddy website and offered women money to be around me but none of them responded more than a couple times
I'm not fat. I must be creepy

>> No.17857277

Oh and a big fuck you to the take out places that try to extort the tip shit

>> No.17857280

Well, i don't actually pay them

>> No.17857281

>be at rooftop restaurant
>order pretty cheaply and only get a water
>the waiter comes by with our check with gratuity already added
>when he comes back I ask him about it, he said since no one at the table was drinking he knew his tip wouldn’t be as good as he wanted it to be
>tell him oh ok and pretend to dig in my pocket
>he goes back inside the building and I get up and follow him
>goes into stairwell that connects the rooftop to downstairs kitchen so no one
>kick him square in the back and he tumbles down the entire flight of stairs
>turn around and go grab my friend and leave
I’ve been back there multiple times and haven’t ever seen him since. Also I have been to therapy for my temper since childhood it doesn’t fucking work.

>> No.17857283


>> No.17857294

>gratuity already added
>he knew his tip wouldn’t be as good as he wanted it to be
>kick him square in the back and he tumbles down the entire flight of stairs
Good job, fuck that literal nigger.

>> No.17857309

>going back to a restaurant where you could’ve murdered one of the staff

>> No.17857327

if you're ever on a cruise and a crew member gets between you and the railing you can get away with the same thing. nobody will even notice

>> No.17857339

And yet instead of just not ordering out, you'll continue to support the business while not tipping, fucking only the staff not the owner

>> No.17857349

I've done that.
>at relatively decent restaurant
>go there all the time
>get sloppy drunk
>offer to be the bartender's sugar daddy in-between eating bites of whatever fish I was eating at the time
>vomit in the parking lot, drive home
>go back
>tip her like 33%
>get sloppy drunk another time, do it again, but don't vomit in the parking lot
I don't even give a fuck, I just like going there and have money to throw away.

>> No.17857354

>tipping at all

>> No.17857368


>> No.17857385

Yeah except for the security cameras you retarded psychopath

>> No.17857396

haha yeah

>> No.17857402

You’re a faggot and I would’ve punched you and quit on the spot.

>> No.17857411

wagie getting ragie

>> No.17857424

>wagie tries to punch me in the middle of his 9 hour weekend shift
>while I’ve been practicing with my nunchucks every day for six months while mommy and neetbux support me
lmao I’m shaking

>> No.17857426

while you were waging, I was studying the 'chuk

>> No.17857434
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>> No.17857435

>Also I have been to therapy for my temper since childhood it doesn't fucking work.
Didn't work for me either.
Always had anger issues after I watched my dad murder the family dog...also getting buttfucked as a kid made things worse.
I found that letting loose and freaking the fuck out and ranting about something once a month really does wonders.

>> No.17857454
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>also getting buttfucked as a kid made things worse.
Story Time!

>> No.17857458

no restaurants work like that. fake and gay.

either samefag or underage

>> No.17857464

jokes on you only two of those are me

>> No.17857471

The dog fucked him and the dad killed it but they were in love and he never got over it

>> No.17857483

I have a deep appreciation for the buttfucking taking a back seat to the dog getting killed.

>> No.17857555

yes they do retard. of anything that could be fake in the green text you choose literally the only thing verifiably true, congratulations

>> No.17857575
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>roleplay thread
now you're talking my language
I'll go:

>go to restaurant by myself
>waitress is a solid 9/10
>ask her what she would recommend
>"Shrimp Scampi"
>"Oh, I'd love to try it but it's so much better at this other place down the road"
>"Is thst right?"
>"Yeah you should go there withrbmr sometime and find out for yourself"
I ended up ordering the veal companara and got her number after, plan on going out.
Does /ck/ pay for their dates?

Good one I got, right?
I figure I post a picture of generic Italian food and I reap in the (You)s

>> No.17857630

So you're the author of the shitty fake story then? Just stop posting. Instead of making fake stories go outside and have a real life. Get off 4chan.

>waiter adds gratuity to a check for a person sitting alone
>then explains it to them
that's never happened anywhere at any restaurant.

>> No.17857673
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>verifiable true greentext
really anon? really?

>> No.17857676

Actually it could very well have happened and OP wouldn't be based, because every step of the way he waters down his "fuck servers" goal by paying mind to social graces and the bare minimum of tipping etiquette (over not tipping at all).
Like, there is no consequence to what OP did because he actually complies with desires of others enough to be a minor annoyance at worst.

People do this without even realizing it is in any sort of bad taste.

>> No.17857705

perhaps it's delusions of grandeur?

>> No.17857754

Petty display of agency, but more or less.
This is something that anyone can totally "get away" to the point that it might not even be perceived as getting away with anything. It's just throwing a spanner in the waiter-waited decorum because you can.

>> No.17858216

when i visited the US and Canada the customer service was absolutely dogshit
cant believe they make you retards pay extra for that shit
i only tipped a handful of times when they actually deserved it and never more than 10%.
one time the manager came out and asked why I didnt tip. straight up told him its cuz his wait staff were annoying.
i'm trying to enjoy a meal, i dont need some washed-up 40yo slut waving her boobs in my face every 2.32 minutes asking IS EVERYTHING OK HERE!? NEED ANY WATER?!?! IS THE FOOD OK!?!?! CAN I GETCHA A BEER!?

fuck off
I'LL CALL YOU when i want you, thats your job as a server

>> No.17858349

Servers make a shit ton of money compared to kitchen where I live through tips and it's completely unfair horseshit

>> No.17858379

Well I went to Germany recently and it was more like this:
>waitress sits us down
>immediately expects us to know what we want we want to order and gets pissy when we say we need a minute
>takes our order and absolutely fucking disappears afterward
>never cokes back to ask if we want more drinks or anything
Yeah fuck that what am I supposed to get up and wander through the whole restaurant to find her? I'd rather have an overbearing waitress than one who won't even let me order another goddamn beer.